My 10 year old has been complaining of headaches...advice?

Any home remedies for headaches for kids “10” she been complaining for a few days now… yes I try to limit her screen time to help yes she does wear her glasses most of the day.


Have you had there eyes checked

My headaches at a young age like that were caused by my teeth overcrowding, ended up with braces and a lot less headaches.

My daughter gets frequent headaches in the warmer months, we figured out it was because she wasn’t taking the time to stop and drink when outside and she was getting dehydrated. It happens occasionally in the cooler months for her but mainly when she’s hot and playing outside. Definitely watch to make sure she’s drinking plenty, if she is and the headaches continue then take her to the doctor

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She could be getting migraines. That happened to me a lot starting at that age. Might not hurt to at least consult a dr

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Also any allergies, when I was 14 I had really bad headaches. Come to find out I was allergic to the shampoo I had switched to. It took over a year to figure it out. Sinus headaches do not always come with a runny/stuffy nose. My nasal passages were just always swollen/irritated.

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Make sure she’s hydrated. Most kids don’t drink enough water. Soda & flavour drinks…won’t do it…and are dehydrating with caffeine and sugars. They need water.
Dehydration will cause headaches.

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I just heard a Dr say most headaches are caused by dehydration , so drink water and add electrolytes with a pinch of salt.

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First see a doctor but also do a headache diary to find the trigger. Writing down when she gets them might help find the cause of them.

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My daughter used to get bad headaches and migraines she’s now 11 but when she was 9 we went to neurologist who told us cut out anything with caffeine, even tea cause she wasn’t allowed sodas anyways, and anything that says sugar free and it has helped tremendously

My late daughter had bad headaches, I kept taking her to the Dr. and telling them there was something wrong,they only gave her pain medication,when she was 13,she passed with an aneurysm, please have the dr. do a MRI.


What sort of head aches
Is she getting
Eg migraines or cluster head aches

Acupressure relief: press as hard as you can for ten seconds and release for ten seconds. Repeat three times at the temples, base of skull and wrist in the hollow of the bones at the base of each thumb. Massage in arcs from the eyebrows starting at the bridge of the nose and going to the hairline up the forehead.

Make sure she is drinking a lot of water. Also if she has thick long hair and she keeps it pulled up a lot, might be time for it to be thinned out and trimmed.

Make sure she is drinking lots of water!

She may need a new prescription.

Id see a dr. God forbid its something other than screen time etc.