My 10-year-old has been sneaking out: Advice?

Tell her to tell him to go home and ask and not let him in. I’m sure after one or two times he’ll stop.


He is 10 yrs old and ur the parent so parent why r u on fb asking for advice he would be in room with nothing for a month and go nowhere but school he didn’t find his act right I would ship him off to a “boot camp” bc if u don’t get under control now u r in a world of hurt in a few yrs and u will end getting calls to come get him from jail or u will early grandparents


Oh wow I would lose it if my kids did that. Well first of all you need to tell the neighbors to send him home and then every time after that that he goes without asking tell them to send him home everytime. Letting him stay after sneaking out because you said no is unacceptable. Keep reinforcing that he needs to ask first and when it’s not a good time he just needs to learn to accept that. Wooowee

I gave deadlines rather than demands. Homework has to be done before bed. So if you want to go outside immediately after school plan on doing it after dinner. If you know there is something after dinner you want to do, do your homework asap. Taking out the garbage was his job. Do it before bed or I will make you get up, get dressed and do it. If you cannot manage your own time, then I will choose the times you do things for you. They learn to manage quick.


Get one of those security systems that sets off an alarm if someone goes outside :joy:


You need to go over there and get him. Embarrassing him might work.


Personally, I’d probably be draggin him back by his nostrils or his ear. I’d also take away every single form of entertainment until he got that damn homework and chores completed. I’ve taken away power cords, put diary locks on plugs so they couldn’t be plugged in, thrown all toys, etc… into a garbage bag and hid them & made them earn their stuff back…
Only took a couple times before mine didn’t wanna F around and find out no more.

I’d tell the parents to not let him into their home and then set some form of punishment for breaking your rules.


Id be locking the doors turn them handles inside out

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put a bell on every door, lock every window, and if he keeps doing it i’d punish him in ways he wouldn’t forget anytime soon (holding uncomfortable positions for long periods of time, and physical exercise do wonders for discipline that hurts and sticks in their mind without spanking/hitting)


Come on He’s 10 he’s a kid, every one on here :roll_eyes: was a perfect 10 year old? No way, I have 14 grand kids and 7 great grandchildren. Youngest 24, grandchild, Youngest great grandchild 6. Just tell the child, Do your homework, and after that go to your friends house :house: for a while, then he knows sneaking out won’t be fun anymore, because you know that already. :wink: Have a blessed day :sparkles:


I wish my kid would sneak out at ten. I promise the first time I caught her she wouldn’t ever wanna do it again


I have a 9 and 10 year old. I just remind them constantly about possible dangers the world my bring. I would say to have a pleasant conversation with him.(no yelling, no arguing) and simply ask when he’s doing it? And maybe come to an agreement. It may also be a great start for open communication with your son.

He’s 10 not even a teen yet. You are letting him get away with it so need to apply more pressure as a parent.


This is so ridiculous. You call and/or text and/or email every single one of his friends’ parents that if your child shows up unannounced they are to please call you. You go over there and get him. Make him apologize to them. Ask the parent to call you any time he shows up. Once you are home, grounded for at least one week the first time, two weeks the second time and so on. Also remove every single thing from his room, TV, computer, cell phone, if you were foolish enough to get him one at his age, books,toys and games except his bed. Bare room just a bed. Take the doors off his room. Make him earn back each and every item one at a time one per day. Completed homework and chores without not delay or back talk earns back one item per day. No visitors, no phone, no TV, just school books and homework and chores. That’s it. Oh yeah, An over the knee spanking. Do your job, Mama…you are sorely lacking here.


When my parents said no…they meant it and there would be consequences for disobeying. There should always be consequences for actions. Your job as a mother is to teach respect, obedience, and responsibility for actions.


Tell the girl’s parents that he isn’t allowed to come over before dinner/homework. You need allies to help make sure he obeys your rules.


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He’s 10. Ground him.


My son and his cousin who was in my care did the same thing!!! No matter what you do soon as your not paying attention they take off, you can still round them up and bring them home but it’s so hard to deal with! When they just won’t stay home, Also told his mates parents they weren’t aloud there but didn’t help. I just didn’t want them hanging in the wrong crowd (kids in the street)(bullies) I don’t Condon dosapline only makes them want to leave more, I find if your strict parent and constantly say no to everything they are just gonna do what they want, if you say yes to things that they like other then going out it helps. I think it’s pre teen stage . Put your foot down but also be a cool trusting mum.

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Trip to the wood shed


You better nip it in the bud now , because as he grows it’s going to get worse.


I did the same thing. Be patient and take the time to talk to him more. Right now you are the futhers friend he wants. Let him spend more time next door. The main thing is you know where he is and as long as he is behaves i would let him

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Tell the neighbors not to let him hang out there until…


Oh no. That a big no! :flushed: You need to get control of him now. Apparently he’s not scared of you nor respects your rules. I’d nail his window shut and take his door off. He can earn it back.


You go to the neighbours and order him home! Dish out consequences for disregarding what you’ve told/asked him. Not okay to just be walking out of the house regardless of where he’s going. And if you don’t deal with it now you’ll be in for a fight when he’s a teen.


If you told him no and they text he’s there have them send him home


Tell him NO. And give consequences if he dont listen… Period…

Bust his butt he is the child you are the adult and mother. Take everything like everything except his clothes and bed. He wants to act grown treat him like is

I’ve read a lot of good advice in these comments, so take it all :smiley: when they text you that he’s there have them send him home. Maybe it’ll embarrass him enough to stop.


Consequences. No electronics is the go to these days. This will only get worse


Lockdown til he proves himself. He’s TEN, ffs! What happens when he’s 15?!


Lock the door… he wants to sneak out so bad see how he likes not being able to get back in.


If u said no and he goes over there you need to make him come home immediately. No means no


Stop reacting negatively to him being there. He thinks it’s not ok to be there bc of how you respond to him going there when you’re actually upset at how he goes there. You need to stop reacting to him being there and explain to him that you don’t care he is there but to ask before leaving bc you need to know where he is always.


He’s 10 ??? He’s in for a lot of trouble & so are you. Nip that shit in the bud NOW. He’s just TEN for Christ sake. He obviously doesn’t mind you at all. Bless your heart.

Let him know that for safety reasons you need to know where he is. If some drastic accident were to happen at home such as an appliance fire you would think he’s still in his room when he’s not even home and it could cause you to get injured or emergency services people to get injured trying to rescue him because you’re unaware that he’s not there. Schedule times that he is allowed to hang out with the neighbor’s child that works for both families. Also explain how it could be considered rude for him to just show up at their house uninvited and if it continues they may not welcome him at their home anymore.

Definitely have the neighbors send him home. Then ground him for disobeying you and don’t allow him to go to the neighbors until you release him from punishment. If he disobeys again, repeat. Until he starts respecting you.


You go straight over there and get him and tell the next ghbors he’s not allowed over there unless they talk to you first…period!!! Grounded…no phone…no tv…have a heart to heart and ask him why? Then if he listens to you…tell him with permission he can go visit once a week


My daughter was a little older when she did this, she climbed out the windows once we were asleep. For us we were able to explain that she left us vulnerable to being burgled and possibly even hurt. We told her it was very selfish behaviour that we would not stand for. She was punished via removal of her phone and other tech for a few days. We agreed, for everytime she did it, we would have the same consequence. Luckily for us she didn’t don’t again as she was big on keeping her stuff. We did get a lot of emotional outburst about how we can’t control then but they forget we are there guiding what behaviours need to be taken forward. They think we are mean but we aren’t. My daughters now 16 and all that behaviour is a thing of the past. She passed all her exams and is now in College. Chin up, it doesn’t stay hard forever. Just nip it in the bud now. X


Let the parents know they have to send him back home when he shows up? Or you go and get him straight away.

You can put sensors on the top of your doors so you get a notification that someone is leaving or entering the house too so perhaps you will be able to catch him before he’s fully off the property?


Try having the neighbor send him home

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Do you want to be a grandparent / bring up your 10 year olds child. Ffs. Get the neighbour to send him home and then boundaries and lock down. As if the parents aren’t asking you if you allowed it. Wtf lol

Lack of discipline…if children don’t respect your authority you haven’t been strict enough . The balance between loving a parent and fearing a parent is very important sounds like they know you aren’t gonna do anything ….


Get security alarms so if he opens doors or windows it goes off lol the noise might scare him

He sneaks out because you said it yourself, you don’t care that he’s over there and the only way you are going to get it to stop is act like you do care that he’s there after you told him no. Every household has different rules and every parent enforces those rules differently. For example; if I told my son he wasn’t leaving until X, Y, Z was done, and he decided that he was going to just sneak out and his friends mother texted me saying, “your son is here” I’d respond with, “Thanks for the heads up. He’s wasn’t allowed to leave until he completed X, Y, Z-I’ll be over to get him. Can you tell him that he is only welcome at your home when he follows the rules of his home?” I’d go get him we’d discuss why he feels he’s above the rules of our home, what can I do to help him? Explain why we have the rules that we have as well as the consequences of sneaking out I’d ask him what he thinks should be a consequence for his behavior and go from there. I’d repeat the process until desired results were achieved.

Take away his electronics