My 12 month old keeps chewing his nipples...advice?

We are transitioning from bottles to something else. He has so many teeth! He has bitten all of his nipples and the holes are HUGE and hes just spilling the milk all over himself. The hard sippy we got he doesnt like it for milk, only for water. Any suggestions?? We got straw cups too but we need something that will work for him and still soothe for milk. 12 months old


Can get soft beakers. Nuk ones I believe

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Time to get rid of the bottle asap. He will getvuse to a sippy cup if he wants it bad enough.


12 months is time to wean from the bottle


My suggestion is take him off the bottle.


Give him a regular cup! Sippy cups just encourage them to not be able to judge how to tilt a cup. If he’s chewing his bottle teats, I’d suggest something to chew on such as an old muzzy or a teething toy.

Time for a sippy cup no more bottles


Don’t even offer him a bottle at all.


Get rid of them . I am a first responder and I can tell you that as soon as the baby grows teeth it becomes a choking hazard. Please don’t put another one in your babies mouth. Sippy cups are appropriate for that age. Absolutely don’t give a pacifier either.


My doctor told me to throw the bottles away and use a cup of some sort. That was at 10 months old. He’s 44 and fine. :laughing:

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Throw out the bottles and binky if he has one. He will drink out of a sippy cup if he wants it bad enough.


Do away with the bottles. Offer a sippy cup… hard nipple. He’ll get use to it and it’ll be fine

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Buy new nipples throw them away . Get sift tipped sippy cups or if he chews them get the hard spouted sippy cups . Too old for a bottle anyway

Time to wean him. 1 year old ?

I’m sorry, no advice. I just came to say I read this too fast and thought I read your 12 year old keeps chewing his nipples. I’m thinking how the heck can he do that?! :woman_facepalming:t2:

No bottles at all. A regular cup, straw cup, or sippy doesn’t need a bottle at this age.

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Oh my!:joy: I was confused about him “eating his nipples”! But I got it now!
I breast fed, so no idea how to help with this. As for a pacifier, when the time has come to say bye bye…first we asked her if she would donate them to babies who need one, she was all over that! So we thought they were all gone, until she walked in the room with one in her mouth and one in her hand. When she went to bed, I cut the tips off. She never had one again.:joy:

Tommee Tippee Sportee bottle sippy cup you can order on Amazon I think Walmart might have them also. They are bite proof and have a nipple like spout but they are good for transitioning to a sippy cup. 1 step at a time he’s only 1 this is the best cup it doesn’t leak either.

Time for sippy cups.
His 1yr old molars are probably still coming in.

When I switched I went and got 5 different types to see which one he liked best (he also had a high pallet so we needed long ones) but he was chewing them apart. We did well with the sippy that is not fully hard plastic but very thick rubber material that he could chew but not threw

Take anything rubber nuppled away and don’t give it back. He’s old enough for the hard rubber. Biting the rubber so much that it tears, can lead to a choking hazard

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