My 13-Month-Old Recently Stopped Talking, and I'm Concerned: Advice?

Get her evaluated with Early Intervention, they have great services!


dont panic! get her some baby books those with pictures show her the names and sounds keep her interest if you see no progress ask your pediatrician maybe a evaluation may be required

Please watch the movie Vaxxed. Please stop vaccinating this little girl. It is NOT normal. All of my children were speaking in sentences by age 1. I’ve seen so many comments on here kids talking finally at 2 or 3 or 4. This is not normal!!!

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I did. Mine stopped for a long time, then one day it started and never stopped. I was told that most kids start with words, then build the concept of those words. Mine waited until she learned the contexts, then the words came perfectly out.

Both my kids did the same. I’m not saying there’s something wrong with your baby but it’s better to be safe than sorry. My oldest was dignosed with autism and the youngest with ADHD. It’s hasn’t been easy bit despite their diagnosis they are happy children and very intelligent! :grinning:

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my son done the same thing. he was 3 when we decided to get him into speech therapy. it worked wonders. my son has a normal brain and is very smart he just didn’t want to talk. they told us that some kids just do that but now he is 4 and talks non stop. all kids learn at different speeds its ok.

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My son did the same thing when he was one he said a few words and sentences and then he stopped. When he turned two we started feeling concerned we put him in speech therapy. He is now 3 and talking great. Just give her some time and be patient with her.


Yes. Ended up being autism. I’d just look into early intervention or child psychologist to look into it. There could be many reasons.

If she is learning a new skill she may temporarily stop other things until she has it mastered


Ohh heavens what if she is an observer … and is listening and watching … and a strong willed child who will talk when she is ready … you got this momma … prayers … .y first son talked l I ke crazy my second watched and one day out came the words and now oh dear lord u wish he would slow down lol


My son did the same. Inspite of every one saying it’s ok I took him to a paediatric neurologist and she suggested occupational therapy. He’s been going since 2 years now and is doing good. I think u should take ur baby to a paediatrician first. Language regression is one of the earliest signs of autism, don’t panic and be strong. The earlier u start the earlier ull see the change. Don’t worry, this too shall pass , all the best :heart:

Our daughter would say a new word perfectly then would not say it again for ANYTHING. This went on until she was almost three when we able to put her in a preschool right next to where I worked within a week she was talking a lot more and has never stopped!!:slightly_smiling_face:

Every child is different. You just need to keep talking to them. My great granddaughter is 2 almost 3 and she just started talking a few months ago. They do things at their own pace

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My son did this too. He is now 15 and he was diagnosed with asperger’s and apraxia. He did start talking again but his apraxia is something that even after 12 years of speech therapy there are certain sounds he cannot pronounce unless he really makes an effort. It doesn’t slow him down though. When he was about a year he could say mama and dada and it sounded fine and then he just quit talking. We started with baby sign language and kept going with speech therapy. Now even though some sounds aren’t pronounced correctly you can still understand what he’s saying and he talks A LOT. Lol. But every kid is different. There were 2 kids his age in his group that when they started speech therapy they didn’t talk at all and now their speech is perfect. If in doubt talk to your pediatrician and good luck

Yes get her evaluated. Early intervention is key to success. She may qualify for speech therapy. My son did the same thing.

I was told I did this, never spoke till after 2 years and then one fine day, I blurted a full sentence with few words😊 and that my younger sister started speaking before me.

My son did the same thing and he’s just starting to talk now (3yrs old) no matter how much I pushed him to talk now he’s trying every chance he gets… he’s learning at a quick pace as if he didn’t have any issues…

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My 1st (9 y/o now) walked at 6 months and talked by 12 months. Very advanced. My 2and who is 15 months old, just started walking and really only says mamma. He said dada for a while but stopped. Sometimes he will say bye. His doctor said he is fine. Nothing to worry about yet.
Talk to their doctor about your concerns. Every child is different and does things on their own time.

Is she walking yet? Sometimes language regresses when they’re working on obtaining other skills. I’d wait a few more months and then possibly look into early intervention.

My Daughter was like this,turned out she had glue ear so every thing sounded muffled to her.She had grommets fitted & within weeks started saying words & now never stops talking! Lol Wishing you all the best with your little one❤️

I would not worry until 2 . mine either talked all the time or just when they want something. The young really only talked to dad …the little stinker .

My son was the same exact way and ended up in speech therapy by 18 months. Hes now almost 3 and it has been super helpful!

My youngest son did this. He refused to talk to anyone. We got him enrolled in an early childhood development program and he does speech once a week. He just turned 4 and i now talking like any other 4 year old

My middle child was thought to be delayed because he was super selective with who he spoke in front of… it lasted until he was about 17 months and hasn’t stopped since (jokingly)

Don’t worry give her more time my elder son is now start talking he is 3 years old now

My 20 month old started doing this around 18 months. We are now in yhe process of getting him tested for autism. He also rocks a lot and doesnt do a lot of communication…(talking pointing answering when called) and he stays to himself alot also.

My baby is 15 month old and he also doesn’t talk or even say mama baba

Vaccines at 12 months? If so that’s why at 13 months you’re seeing regressions


My son is 18 months and is going thru the same , could be normal

My daughter didnt talk much till 15 months…ans as much mom said…hasn’t stopped talking yet…she’s almost 31…lol

Have her tongue checked. My son eas tongue tied and didn’t talk till he was 3. He made noises and laughed but then stopped.

When my nephew did this his ears were plugged

could be related to vaccines too, note when it began in relation to dr visits// could be auditory processing, dyspraxia etc not ok to wait and see keep modeling and interacting lovingly, moms know!!

My youngest didn’t really start picking up many words til about 18-20 months…

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get him in to see a doctor. he could be showing signs of autism or something but please get this checked

I would definitely speak to her pediatrician about it!


Intervention at the earliest age is the best. March of dimes will evaluate your daughter for free. Where do you live?

My son didn’t say a word until 18 months we did all the tests and everything was normal. They couldn’t find anything wrong said some kids while rare don’t talk until 3. About 20 months old he started talking. And I’m not talking like mama and dada his first words were I want a cook. He wanted a cookie. Then it was just anything and everything. But still even at 10 years old I’ve seen him go a couple of days not talking unless spoken to. Again I’ve had him checked out both physically and mentally and nothing is wrong. He got mad in the doctors office and said I dont see why I must constantly make noise. I speak when I have something to say. Everyone else needs to learn how to stop talking. He said I think people waste so much energy talking about nothing. Small talk is a waste of time and effort to him. The doctor called it selective muting. Like he’s totally fine has no issues with hearing or speech. No mental conditions. He just doesn’t care to speak about nothing. Now get him talking about something he likes or hypotheticals and he won’t shut up. But even at 3 he would tell any adult. I don’t like what you did. Can you stop.

Probably occurred after vaccines for the majority of people commenting here.

What does your pediatrician think about this


Early Childhood Intervention.
Talk to your pediatrician


Talk to her pediatrician or have her get evaluated.

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I would say it’s either a stage or autism.

If worried talk to her doctor

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My little boy was like this as well. We saw an ent doctor and had a bunch of fluid around his ears. After two week of antibiotics fluid was still on his ears so they put tubes in and now he is talking a lot more.

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Read to hear. Sing kids song

My young hardly ever aid anything… he wasn’t hearing

Contact your state’s early intervention program.

I would have a talk with her doc. By that age she should know quite a few words and be starting to put a couple of words together. I would be concerned. Definitely ask the doc about speech therapy.

May need tubes but best to talk to a pedi EnT

Everyone told me not to worry about my daughter but it turned out to be a hearing loss. Mild at first but has progressed to severe and has had hearing aids since age 3.

Ask her pediatrician. Not FB


Eh. My son barely talked until two, now… not a moments silence.

Also- give her a reason to to talk. With my littles I narrated my day to encourage speaking. It worked well, lol, but my son was a “doer” not a talker- he was running at one and jumping and climbing well before two so it took a little time for talking to catch up.

All kids are different, momma.

My youngest son was in therapy at 4 yrs. old but he was about 6 years old when he decided to start talking. My oldest was 18 months old when he was talking. Now in their twenties they’re always talking. Every child develops differently. Just be patient.

My daughter responded to her name and everything and still needed a hearing aid there are many levels best thing to do is express your concerns to the Pediatrician and they can refer you to early intervention if needed and ent /audiology if needed

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Yeah ok ask people on Facebook for advice on your child🥺 if you’re that much of a fool you shouldn’t be allowed to have children most parents would actually go to their doctor so use your phone and call your doctor and stop looking for attention on Facebook and give your child attention maybe that’s why it stopped talking because it realized momma is a fool


I know facebook isnt a doctor and not where to get a child diagnosed, and she may know this as well. I am a mother who has a son that has adhd and I ask questions for other parents advice even if I know I will be talking to a doctor. Also not all kids learn the same. My oldest now 13 years old talked as soon as he could, my 7 year old not so much til a little after 2 and a half but knew what everything was.

She might be here just to get a feel of things and still have an appointment with the dr as well.

For the post.
Yes it is best to always talk to the doctor with anything you need to know, but to ask here in a group to get other stories to also fine but only if you do go to the doctor as well.:green_heart::purple_heart:


If there is a revert that happens, baby may have a speech delay. Speak with your pediatrician. They can connect you with resources. Early intervention and speech therapy may be needed.


I’ve been having the same difficulty with my son. He is 15 months. Thank you for posting on here because I was also wondering if other parents had this happen with their children around this age (and yes for all you rude people I HAVE talked with my kids doctor and we are starting speech therapy in two months if it doesn’t improve by then). Also let me say ignore everyone who is being rude to this question. I mean it is always best to run these serious questions by the doctor, but it also helps give you peace of mind when you know your not the only parent experiencing this. What I’m doing right now is everything my son wants has a word. He only grunts now to communicate so if he wants up i say up when i pick him up. When he wants a sippy, i say cup when I hand it to him. We work on eyes, ears, nose, mouth (with pointing) and he can now say eyes and cover his eyes. Could be he just doesn’t want to say anything. If he is getting his needs met, either thru you understanding what he wants with just gestures and grunts or a slightly older sibling communicating in his behalf like my 2yr likes to do for her bubby, he could just not be talking because he doesn’t have to.

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My son did this, he hit all the milestones. Was saying our names then stopped by 15 months our regular doctor suspected he had autism. So I went on a waiting list and we finally were seen at 2 years 10 months and he was officially diagnosed that day with autism. I found early intervention was key after the diagnosis, speech, occupational therapy and he was enrolled in preschool. Today he is a thriving almost 9 year old. Wishing you and your daughter all the best.


Kids talk on their own time. If you’re concerned,speak with her pediatrician. My daughter ended up in speech therapy for a couple of years and you’d never know she was speech delayed.

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Ask her Dr for a speech evaluation, could be a number of things such as Childhood Apraxia or autism. OR it could be nothing at all. My daughter (13 now) didn’t really talk until she was 2, my older son was around 18 months, and my oldest son (who has apraxia and Autism) only started talking after here started therapy at 36 months

I had this issue with my youngest. He just didn’t want to talk. He talked when he was ready. We brought him to our doctor and they said they don’t worry about it until the get to 2 or 3 and should have a large vocabulary. He is 12 now and is fine no issues at all straight A student but when he did decide to talk he hasn’t stopped!

It’s always best to talk to your child’s doctor about this stuff. My baby brother struggled with speech when he was young and had speech therapy. I highly recommend using ASL and teaching your child simple words and commands like “milk”, “juice”, “more”, “please”, etc. Sign the words and say the words together to your child. It’s what the therapist had my brother do, and it was amazing how quickly he caught on! Plus, it’s something the whole family can be included on, especially older siblings and grandparents!

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Have her ears checked

My son is 19 months and doesn’t really say anything but teta (bottle) in Spanish and that’s it

Doctor. Nobody on here is an expert!

Maybe she doesn’t have anything to say

My son was 3in July and only started to talk 3 words together in March, I honestly wouldn’t worry about it, they all go at there own pace, i personally worry if he was 3 not talking x

Every kid is different, she will come out of her shell and then it will be crazy for you. Just relax

My oldest had this issue. A few speech therapy sessions and she was talking up a storm.

Hold off on all shots.

In the past 6 months or less a high fever?

my son has Apraxia, its less severe now at the age of 8 but when he was almost a yr and a half thats when i knew something was wrong because words kept disappearing. It could definitely NOT be that but they told me one of the prime signs of it is words disappearing. Theres lots of early childhood resources that ypur pediatrician can refer you to if youre too worried and want to get a jump start on but just keep practicing :slight_smile: and read read read…it helps so much .Some kids are just tricky or stubborn too :slight_smile:

My daughter is 18 months old and not saying anything! She said mama when she was like 10 months but now nothing. I recently enrolled her in the infant and toddler program in my area

My 8 yr old didn’t really talk till she was about 2 and half 3 yrs old said few words younger but as got older and started talking she pointed at wss that wanted I asked her tell me color of something if didn’t know what was

My second sons didn’t alk till almost 3 his first word was hippopotamus. Found out he had a hearing problem, but was not a hearing loss. Not sure how to explain it he was hearing sounds but not hearing words. Why the word hippopotamus was the word he finally caught ill never know he’s 38 now and finished school with little to np problems.

My daughter didn’t start talking until she was almost 4 years old. I think it was a control thing for her. There was very little she could control, but when she wanted to talk was going to be in her control. Why do I say that? Because when she wasn’t even a year old yet I told her to say Devin(her brothers name) she flat out said I don’t want to. This from a girl who hasn’t said a word yet. Then a few months later all she would do is babble and make funny noises and we were at my dying mother in laws bedside for days and there were donuts there and she all of a sudden hollered clear as day I want a donut!!! Then she didn’t speak any real words until she was almost 4. Now she knows words that no 6 year old should have to know, like the names of all her medicine, the name of every kind of bandage known to man, the names of all of her doctors and their names are long and hard to say, knows the name of medical equipment that I’m just learning the names of.
They go at their own pace, but once they start talking daily you won’t be able to shut them up.

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My daughter did this. I brought her to the pediatrician and they said don’t worry some kids take longer. My nephew who is a month older was talking circles around her but then at almost 2 she started talking and her vocabulary was amazing way above a 2 year old. Apparently she won’t do anything until she s sure its perfect. She just turned 13 and is still the same.

Just a thought…were there immunizations recently? My son lost all language after his 18 month/2 year shots…

My son was able to say mom but not much else. Come to find out he was so toung tied that it was just to hard so he would refuse. He would not even let the doctor look at his mouth. He finally had it clipped a few months after he turned 2. A week after surgery his first words were a sentence! “Mom, I love you.” It was the best thing i have ever heard. He was listening for the last two years and had learned the words he just could not say them. He is still in speech therapy but he also had some other developmental problems that caused him to have 3 surgeries in his mouth. But just the one improved his speech so much.

Sometimes one skill will slow down while their brain is trying to focus on something else. Is she starting to walk? Getting rid of bottle? Things like this can cause other devl to slow, then will pick right back up again. I wouldnt be surprised if she starts again in a month or less. If not, consult with her dr… Best of luck!

She might just be listening. My son wouldnt really talk much but all of a sudden he exploded into sentences. He was a little late at almost everything, but he was just taking his time.

I wouldn’t leave it , talk to your health visitor and ask for a referral to see someone . There can be many issues why this has happened . It’s better to know about it and sort it out , than leave it and hope it gets better on its own . It can be as simple as needing gromits , which happened to my nephew and now he’s in university .

did she have vaccines prior to her speech slow down?

Take her to a pediatrician, you will rest easier.

Research the Vaccines she had at 12 months…research all vaccines!

my son is 2 n half but say few words like mama baba n pointout thibgs understands do scream when angry… active mashallah… but nt talking fluentlty

A visit to pediatrician would be good. Non verbal or losing words can be due to something easy like wax build up in ears, ear infection to bad things like autism spectrum. Better to be looked into now vs later. Just a nurse x 30 years.


My son stopped when his grandparents moved in with us and began speaking another language to him. He was processing and eventually learned both languages. I have noticed though that my boys took longer to really talk. They were like 2/3 when they really began talking in sentences unlike my daughter who talked as soon as she could and never stopped since lol.

My son is gonna be 3 January 1 and still
Not taking,understand anything I tell him
But he just use to say a lot of words and not he says nothing …

This is what happened with my son. It was like as soon as he turned two, he just stopped talking, and I was really puzzled about it. I took him to his doctor, only to find out that he had a hearing problem - fluid in his ears - and he had to have tubes put in. I thought that would be it…they’d put the tubes in, and he’d start talking again. That wasn’t the case in my situation. For one, the tubes fell out early, so he had to have a second surgery to have two more put in place, which stayed. But he still wouldn’t speak anymore. After numerous visits with doctors and specialists, by the time he was 3 they diagnosed him with Autism. I’m not saying that’s what’s happening to this child, but it could be a possibility, and your best bet would be to see the pediatrician…at least to rule things out, if not figure out what the issue is. Good luck to this person and their child.