My 13-Month-Old Recently Stopped Talking, and I'm Concerned: Advice?


"My daughter is 13 months old and not talking anymore. She learned ‘mama’ first and said it all the time, then she learned ‘dada’ and said both all the time; for about a month, she stopped saying dada altogether, and then when she started saying dada again, she stopped saying mama.

Now she won’t say either except for the rare occasion. She responds to her name and sounds, so hearing is not an issue.

I heard at 13 months they know about 3 to 4 words, and for her not to say the two words she does know concerns me a little bit. Has any other parent experienced this?"

RELATED QUESTION: Should I Be Concerned About How Little My Toddler Talks?


“If you are stressing it, I would talk to your doctor just to be on the safe side. All kids are different. A doctor once told me kids are like popcorn, they pop when ready.”

“The biggest lesson to learn is to not try to compare your child to another. It will only give you unnecessary stress and worry. Every child is so unique and learns in their own special way and on their own time. Her brain is learning so much at that age. If the doctor isn’t worried I wouldn’t stress too much about it. If your gut says differently than push for whatever tests you think she needs.”

“My daughter said several words but not near as many as she should at 18 months. We got her hearing tested and turns out she had mild hearing loss. Don’t write off her hearing as fine or normal just because she was saying a few words. Take her to get it tested just to be sure.”

“I have five biokids, 8 children total. Every single one of them slowed down talking, some of them to no talking, between 12 months and 18 months. It’s not unusual for verbal infants to get quiet as they transition into toddlerhood. Their brains are growing gross and fine motor skills, as well as learning concepts like cause and effect and object permanence. Since autism has been brought up, a speech regression at such a young age is not typically a marker for autism. Generally, speech regression around year three or four is a concern. All that being said, never feel silly about addressing any and all concerns with your pediatrician. Your instincts are important.”

“Every child is different. She may just be taking her time to learn words. If you’re concerned about it then talk to her pediatrician.”

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Ask her pediatrician

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They stop doing certain things when learning a new skill…she wouldn’t of forgotten how to say those words. Itl all come back


Mine will say a bunch of stuff one day and can’t get anything out of her the next , she talks when she wants. Some days words I didn’t know she could say.


Speak to her Dr. Eveey child is different so dont think the worst but early intervention is always helpful. Dont baby talk. Both my kids started speaking early my 1 year old says about 20 things but we speak with her and to her as a little person. So repeat words and be patient.

My daughter has severe speech delay. Only said a few words at that age. She couldn’t even say her Ms. Did not say mamma until she was 3 and already enrolled in early education.
Not much they can do really just monitor her and then testing is usually around 3.
Just let the Dr. Know. Have patience and keep practicing.

My son said some words then none he’s 18 months and says everything now! He can form two words together as well! They will when they are ready.

Don’t stress it. She’s only 13 months old. All of my kids progressed at different times, I have 4 of them, aged 17 - 3
My 3 year old was advanced in walking and other things whereas he didn’t speak until he was 2. Now he never shuts up. You’ve heard her say those words so you know she’s capable of doing so, and she will continue to speak when she feels like it. I wouldn’t run to the doctor and stress about it.

Please go see your doctor. Any loss of words is cause for concern.


Go to the doctor now. My cousin’s middle child started regressing when she had her youngest so that’s what they thought caused. Unfortunately that was not the case. What do you have to lose by checking with her doctor?

All babies learn at their own pace don’t compare them to statistics got grandsughters year apart n they never done the same things at same months never!! 5,6 now still learning at their pace;”)

I wouldn’t be concerned until after 18 months. She is learning so much right now, especially gross motor wise. I don’t think a delay would be aknowledged until 2, and I know some kids that really didn’t start talking much until 2.5. Try to give her two options multiple times a day. Her hearing sounds fine… I wouldn’t worry. They pick up on your stress.


I find that when little ones are told over and over “say mumma” and “say dada” they just get sick of it and refuse to say anything. Maybe this is the case? If not, its really nothing to worry about or race off to the doctor about. Relax. Interact as per usual and she will pick up new words when she is ready.

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My lil girl was like this said loads of words and 1 day stopped and started calling everyone teddy… Cudnt understand it so went doctors and she said she needed some speech therapy and have to say it worked. Also my daughter had a soother…

Is she Autistic … I’d be taken her to a specialist

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I did that because my brother was born. I had to go through speech therapy from pre k until 3rd grade.

If you are stressing it I would Talk to your Dr. Just to be on the safe side. All kids are different. A Dr once told me kids are like popcorn, they pop when ready.


Are you in the United States? If so, call your school district and ask about the infant and toddler speech program. They do testing and provide free therapy.

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My son is 13 months as well and doesn’t say anything but dada but has been walking since he was 8 and 1/2 months. Every child develop at different paces

If she’s had vaccines recently she may be regressing


I wouldnt worry. Toddlers have a mind of their own.

My daughter did the same! She is a chatter box now, give it some time or talk with you’re doctor if you are super concerned :slightly_smiling_face:

My son stop talking at about 15 months in New York they have a early intervention program that got him a speech therapist who came to our house and worked with him 3 times a week

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My son is 15 months, and currently only says mama and dada. He used to say about 10 words, and now no longer says them. He babbles nonstop and is very vocal, just no words. I brought it up with his new Ped and his ped has him going for a hearing test and for an evaluation for speech therapy. If you’re concerned, id bring it up with them. She may respond to her name and stuff, but maybe she isn’t hearing herself and its causing her to be confused. My son had a hard time hearing before he got his tubes, and now will sometimes, respond to his name. But its rare.

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My son will be 3 this month and he is just starting to talk :roll_eyes:, I was so worried but they do develop at different stages, if you are concerned I would discuss with her pediatrician

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My daughter did that at 15 months, I panicked but she started talking again before she turned 2. Was there a change in her daily activity that may have prompted it? Or the people she’s around with? Are there other odd behaviors she’s displaying other than not talking? Checking with an expert might help but observing other things that’s going around her is also important but I would agree with others saying it’s normal & every child is different.

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get her in speech therapy

My baby girl is 13 months and only says three words and that includes mama, dada and caca which is poop in Spanish. Lol :joy: she tries other words at times but then some days she won’t say anything but still does her baby babble. Her next check up I’m definitely bringing it up just to be safe you should too girl. But honestly they say to not worry until after 18 months closer to 2 years.

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I would think it is normal. My daughter just turned 1 and she would say no all the time and then stopped and then picked it back up again. She also says momma and dadda all the time so I’m not that worried. My son had to do speech therapy as he wouldn’t speak a word by the time he was 2. 1 year with the therapist and we are looking for the mute button

Take her to the dr and tell him or her your concerns

Did she just recently start walking? I was told by both of my son’s therapists (Occupational and developmental) that when they start start walking that they regress on their speech. It will catch back up, once they get used to walking. It’s similar to being able to walk and chew gum. They can only concentrate on one task at a time. Once they are better at it they will pick back up on their speech.


My daughter said several words but not near as many as she should at 18 months. We got her hearing tested and turns out she had mild hearing loss. Dont write off her hearing as fine or normal just because she was saying a few words. Take her to get it tested just to be sure.


My daughter is 15 months and still says very few words. Dada, mama, nana… shes learning. Give it some time mama. And in a few months or even now if you are concerned definitely talk to your pediatrician. :heart::heart:

Is she excelling in other areas? It’s very common for them to take a step back in other areas while they are learning something new

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Every child is different. She may just be taking her time to learn words. If you’re concerned about it then talk to her pediatrician

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Mine did this a lot. Learned a word, used it a lot and stopped completely. Kept going thru cycles of the same

I didn’t talk till I was five I quit talking I little after a year

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My son was like that. Now his 2 and he won’t be quiet. Read books with them its always great to start early.

Have her Dr check her out. Better to be safe than sorry

My son did the same and it was due to hearing loss from chronic ear infections and fluid in the ears. Ent placed tubes and he’s done great


My daughter had no emotion for her first 2 years. I tried to tickle her even, not even a laugh or word. As soon as she turned 2 1/2 she has not been quiet. She has full conversations and says everything. She actually is super sassy and has the biggest personality I have ever seen. With that being said and reading other posts, I think every child is different. Don’t be worried yet. She is still young.

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Does your child get lots of ear infections? My son used to from the time he was a baby until 2, they finally put tubes in and his speech improved 85%.

The reason I ask, is because the dr explained to me that with all the fluid on his ears from the infections, he was hearing sounds/words like he was underwater. He had the tubes in for almost 2 years, got them taken out and he won’t stop talking now :joy:

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My dr had me fill out milestone paperwork at every appointment until the age of two after my son was diagnosed with autism (not saying your child will be diagnosed with anything) but it provides the opportunity to reach out to Early Intervention services if they’re needed :heart: ask about the milestone packet if you are worried


The biggest lesson to learn is to not try to compare your child to another. It will only give you unnecessary stress and worry. Every child is so unique and learns in their own special way and on their own time. Her brain is learning so much at that age. If the doctor isn’t worried I wouldn’t stress too much about it. If your gut says differently than push for whatever tests you think she needs.


If you feel your child has an issue get her evaluated by a professional. It could be anything and I’d rather check it out and it be nothing than to miss the opportunity to get any services

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My nephew 2 years doesn’t say a word, not even mama or dada, he does listen I don’t know maybe he’s just lazy :woman_shrugging:t2:

Our pediatrician told us she was slightly worried than bam after the appt he started saying words here and there. Communication with a good pediatrician is important.

Did you vaccinate her? It’s common when you vaccinate your child it’s called autism!!


13 months is still quite young! My 15 month old only says dad, mum and nan and I’m not worried

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My daughter…and third child…was a “late talker” by developmental standards. She had no problems with her ears, throat, or tongue. She simply had nothing to say. He brothers spoke for her most the time. She just turned 3years in july and is finally making 2 and 3 word sentences. No intervention needed. We read every night and shes doing fine.

Mine did this it’s normal

Every child grows differently. My toddler barely starting talking A LOT . Before I’d get criticized and mom shamed even tho I tried and tried to extend his vocabulary

What I would personally do is give her until her 15 month appointment and then bring it up. I wouldn’t make a special appointment for it with her being 13 months, but that’s me.

I know kids do tend to put other skills on the back burner when they are learning new ones. Has she recently learned to walk? Etc.

Loss of words she once had/babbling can be an issue for sure, but since she’s still pretty young I wouldn’t rush into it, but if it will make you feel better and you are going to spend the next two months concerned, do it.

Every kid is different just try to enforcer saying it over. Any concerns consult with your doctor. My son didn’t start til 2 talking fully his was because ear full of fluid so he couldn’t hear properly and make sense of the words once he got his tubes it was instant. It could just be something simple as that but every kid has their own learning stage

First time mom so you can take this very lightly. My son (13 months)had stopped saying some words as well and i have grown concerned but for the past month i have been talking to him nonstop, and he has begun using those words and new ones.

I came here for the “VaCcInEs CaUsE aUtIsM” comments.


If you are ever concerned about your child contact your family doctor. I’ve worked with children for over 20 years in many capacities and have two of my own. Follow your gut. If you are ever worried or questioning something that doesn’t feel right talk to your family doctor about your concerns

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At my daughter’s 18 month appointment, her pediatrician said their goal at that age (18 months) is 7-10 words. My daughter was like that at 13 months and was saying 10 words by 18 months. Every kid is different and each will do things when they’re ready. Sometimes regression just happens because kids get lazy. Keep in contact with your child’s pediatrician. They know your situation more than moms on Facebook lol. No question is a silly question and the doctor will listen. If it’s super concerning for you, just give them a call.

Yes! My boy did this same thing! We went through all the steps of evaluation, starting with hearing tests. They eventually at about 18 months started weekly in home visits with parent infant programs. He had become to reliant on sign language. But a couple months later I kid you not he woke up and said "good morning mommy"and hasn’t shut up since lol. We canceled his visits. They chalked it up to lazy regression. Hes almost 4 and a great talker. I will always advocate for checking into anything out or the ordinary but try not to jump to conclusions

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maybe she doesn’t want to

Ok…just so you can settle your mind a bit…each kid really IS different.
My son said NOTHING for years, really only started really " talking" at 4. You would think MAJOR developmental delays right?
NOPE. At 8, a genuine projected genius, currently working on a 30 page paper on Biomedical Engineering, oh and he talks TOO MUCH!:rofl:
NOT being Suzie show off, just saying I wouldn’t sweat it.


My daughter did the same she is super smart her Dr. said some kids start lagging behind on vocab and have excellent moter skills and comprehension while others have excellent vocab and less moter skills and comprehension as long as she’s engaging and making eye contact I wouldn’t worry.

My sister in law had a late bloomer. He didn’t start talking till almost 2 and now hes almost 3 and is right on track. So dont worry too much. If possible have them hang out with kids the same age. Kids are good at teaching each other without trying. My son speaks more now that hes been hanging out with kids who are a bit older than him. I dont think it’s a coincidence. And as soon as my son learned dada he called everyone dada and stopped saying mama for like 6 months lol

This is normal. I have a family support worker. Both of my kids have done this. My daughter did more than my son does currently. My daughter just stopped talking but she is 6 now and has a massive vocabulary and does not stop talking that it drives us crazy. My son is almost 13 months old and I did tell my family support worker and his doctor that sometimes he’ll say a word but then you never hear it again. They both assured me it is normal and as long as he still finds a way to communicate with us what he wants, he is fine.

I didn’t talk until I was two.

My daughter did the same and is 19 months now and back on track

I would keep a eye on it till she’s 2 if nothing changes go see a doctor

My daughter did this and was diagnosed a year later with autism. I would speak to her pediatrician and let them steer you in the right direction.

My son was evaluated at 2 1/2 and his speech was at a 9 month range. I let people convince me it was just because he was a 3rd child & had brothers to speak for him. Literally he would just grunt & point. No words. A year later after getting speech therapy he’s talking up a storm but has aged out. I’d say get the doctor referral for evaluation sooner rather than later so you can get the most out of it.

My daughter did this right around 13/14 months she stopped talking until about 2 then she got speech therapy and shes 8 now and talks non stop but is definitely behind in school.

My kiddo did this. At 13 mos he said mama, dada, doggie and a few other words. Then he stopped altogether. Now he’s 4 and talks all the time.

I took a class for my son and he’s almost 2 and talks a lot. I read to him constantly and use directions and when I talk to him. He almost knows the whole alphabet already.

I said 0 words in 2 yrs, after that it was non stop. Parents fear too much which is understandable but I strongly feel children react to the fear their parents give off.

Melanie Shaban is blocking people? All I asked was if vaccines caused autism then why am I not autistic nor my son?

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One of mine did this. He just stopped talking one day. After about a year, he was blurting out full on sentences in 2 languages (Multilingual household). The doctor said he had probably just been absorbing his vocabulary. He’s never had issues since.

I have five biokids, 8 children total. Every single one of them slowed down talking, some of them to no talking, between 12 months and 18 months. It’s not unusual for verbal infants to get quiet as the transition into toddlerhood. Their brains are growing gross and fine motor skills, as well as learning concepts like cause and effect and object permanence. Since autism has been brought up, a speech regression at such a young age is not typically a marker for autism. Generally speach regression around year three or four is a concern. All that being said, never feel silly about addressing any and all concerns with your pediatrician. Your instincts are important.


This was our experience also. My son said Mama first at 10 months, then Dada, then daddy… but after his First bday stopped saying those words all together. He did start babbling a ton more though and even started conversational babbling with inflections. Finally around 15 months he exploded with some new “words,” and even says Mama again (but not often). He does say dada a LOT even though there isn’t a dada in our house! It’s just a sound.

He’s 16 months now and it’s very sporadic! I wouldn’t be concerned at all!!! I bet, if you look back at this period of time later on, you’ll recognize some of her “babbles” are actually words she uses for certain things. It took me awhile to figure out my son was saying “va va” for cars!! “VA-VA-VROOOM!” I think kids get stuck on new sounds, then move on to new ones and eventually go back and use them all again.

Yes i did…and I was told by some old lady to give her coconut water everyday in the morning and she speaks nun stop till today

Sometimes they focus on a new skill and stop the ones they have mastered

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I would have it addressed now. I see so many kids not talking like they used to. Spend one on one time, which I’m sure you do but really encourage the words. My daughter at 18 months said only 10 words. Yes, 18 months. Got her early intervention & 6 months later was saying 200 words but I put the effort in. All the speech therapist did was give me the tools to better teach her & encourage her. I did as they told me as much as I could and it paid off as she spoke 200 words and 2-3 word sentences at 2yrs old.

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Yup! My LO went back and forth a lot. He didn’t talk very well until 3! He’s about to turn 5 now and will not stop talking :joy: and is perfect. She’s still super little! Give her time, she’ll get there.

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Teach her simple sign language, I did this with my daughter because i couldn’t stand the “point and whine”. I started it before she could ever talk. Good luck

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My son refused to even try to say anything, by 1.5 until close to 3 his vocabulary existed of ‘this, that, and thank’ because it worked, it got him everything he wanted, he woke up one morning talking and never looked back, as his personality unfolded, I’ve discovered he likes to get his head around something new he’s learning first before asking questions and he was the same with talking. It’s always worth trusting your gut Mama bear and checking any concerns out but, I saw a lot of autism comments and thought I’d share my experience. My son is now 19 and got 543 in his leaving cert, and very social :heart_eyes: best of luck with your little one. Word books with lots of textures and silly voices are fun too :slightly_smiling_face:

My kids all started talking at 6 months and about 12 months 3 word sentences, but then around 18months I felt like they forgot how to talk :rofl::rofl::rofl: mine picked back up around 2 1/4, 2 1/2 :person_shrugging: they actually we’re listening and not talking and I regretted stressing about their speech regression because it comes back with a bang!!!

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Be patient. Don’t pressure them and just give it time. Before you know it your child will talk again (on their own time) and not know when to stop lol
Be patient Mamas❤️

She could be teething? I have read that they might stop talking while there teething. X

My son does this hes 13 months old all im doing is keep encouraging him to say it when he does i praise him as much as possible zz

Whisper in her ear,::" say.daddy say, mom…at least ten times, tell her also, at least 10 times Daddy and Mommy loves to hear you talk…like Dad and Mom…she will start to talk all words you repeat in your whispers…and do not “FORGET”“to tell her!!!”“I” love you!!! Both Mom and Dad to take their turns,!!!,just a late night thought…John

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Our son was similar and was later diagnosed with dyspraxia. Give it more time but if it doesn’t get better look into dyspraxia


My oldest didn’t start talking until age 3, the second was 18 months, and now the 3rd is really talking and he is almost 2. I would take him in to his doctor just in case but don’t panic. Some kids just take a little longer than others


If you’re concerned discuss it with the pediatrician. Definitely keep reading to her and when she indicates something she wants, repeat the word for it and model the way to ask for it. Always keep a running dialogue going so she hears lots of language.

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My son was the same. Said a handful of words and quit. He was diagnosed with autism at 3 and completely non verbal until almost 4 and a half

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my son did this. he said mama, dada, bubba, and baby jibberish then stopped suddenly. everyone told us it was normal since his older sister did everything for him. fast forward to 3. he still didnt say anything as much as we would of liked. was uncooperative during hearing screenings. was referred to get an ARB done. he had hearing loss in one ear due to bone not vibrating and fluid. got tubes in his ears. he was 4ish before he talked. to intense speech therapy. hes now 10 still has trouble with certain sounds but can talk. talk to your dr. I wish I would have sooner as with waiting to see if he would talk really put him behind in certain areas.


You don’t even need to worry. All kids talk at different ages. I raised 4. My first was talking in 3-4 word complete sentences by the time he was 1. My others not until around 2. When she has something to say she will say it.


Talk to her pediatrician.
That being said, both my second and third kids did this from around a year until a little before 18 months. Then they had a word explosion where they went from saying pretty much nothing to 20+ words within a week. My second is now 2.5 and talks well above average for her age.


Probably listening.Them kids are smart.They listen.They learn inside their head…Then one day they got a whole sentence.


Don’t be overly concerned about her not talking She will talk when she is ready. I think you are maybe trying too hard to get her to talk so she is resisting.

I am told I did this and didn’t start speaking again until close to 2 and then never shut up haha. The spanish neighbor lady said, “She talk all day. She don’t say nothing” lol


Remember that she is listening…
When she starts talking you will be surprise…
She is in listening mode…


My youngest did this. Her issue was her older siblings never made her talk. They handed her everything she pointed at