My 14-month-old does not like to eat...advice?

My 14month old doesn’t eat food! She eats maybe one purée a day and then is glued to my breast all day. She never liked bottles when she was little. She likes zippy cups now and will drink maybe only a couple oz a day from it. It may sound like she should be  malnourished but she is still gaining wait and has chunk to her. Doctor isn’t concerned about her growth. She’s actually pretty big. Any tips on getting her off my breast and eating more finger foods! She just turns her head away from food.

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Include her in the cooking process. Let her try each ingredient as you add it. Then have her “taste” as ingredients cook. We call it “quality assurance”.

Put lemon juice or something yucky on your nipples so she doesn’t like the taste and eventually she won’t want it anymore?? Does she drink cows milk yet?

Offer it. Keep offering it throughout the day. She will eat when she gets hungry.
If you want her off the breast offer her milk or whatever age appropriate drinks you give her from her sippy cup. You need to remain consistent.

Also keep notice of if she turns away from certain tastes, or textures of food.


I heard putting cabbage on your boobies will dry you up

I would get rid of the puree garbage and offer her little bits of real food. Keep offering. Kids won’t starve themselves. When hungry, they will eat.

There is some nipple cream stuff that is safe for kids, it is not tasty. Rub some on each nip and it will deter her from the breast…