My 15-month-old is refusing to eat: Advice?

It’s a stage. Every kid goes through it. So as long as he isn’t losing weight constantly you’re fine.

My kids pediatrician once told me they eat when they’re hungry now the picky eater 16 years old son eats everything but the refrigerator and my 10 years old is still a picky eater but is just matter of time

Just dont push him to eat. Trust me in my case whenever she refused to eat i never pushed her and i was shocked to see her weight was also normal

I have 7 kids … we’ve gone thru phases like this and some where they would eat nothing but fruit snacks and refused everything else for nearly a week or so . I hated it but eventually they wanted food . Lol

My daughter did that and then would eat like crazy and bam! growth spurt. She does it every time she goes through a growth spurt

My daughter did this. I tried to introduce foods she could help me prepare. She did a little better. Like if I gave her a simple task to help her put together her own lunch she was most likely to eat some of it.

Also if you are giving milk all throughout the day that will cause them to not want to eat because milk will fill them up. My son will drink chocolate milk and white milk all day and eat my e one lunchable if I let him drink nothing but milk.

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Try giving a kids multi vitamin gummies. That helped my son.

Try giving him finger foods see if he will feed himself. If still hit eating well, try gummie vitamins. Don’t stress mom this too shall pass.

Maybe try a fruit and veggie smoothie? Also when mine was around teething age i would wet and freeze a wash cloth and let them chew on it. Idk if yours is teething but wouldn’t hurt to try :pray::blue_heart:

My kid did the same thing. Docs said he was still healthy.
I gave him those protien drinks…
He also goes the exact opposite way when he hits a growth spurt and eats everything in sight.
Just dont try to bribe him with snacks and stuff just to try to get him to eat something cuz that will lead to other problems :sweat_smile:

How about letting him help make his food. Like Mickey Mouse pancakes With chocolate chips. Get creative

They do it for attention. My first child did it and I almost lost my mind. I ignored when the other 3 did it. They only did it once and since I didn’t care they ate when they were hungry.

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I hope you see this every single child goes about a yr hardly eating anything. Don’t worry he will eat when hungry. Good luck

Make him a couple chicken nuggets , give him a bowel of cut up grapes/strawberries, put some cheerios in a bowel and leave it on the table show him it and tell him when he’s hungry that is his food. See if that works??

Going through it with my 18 month old… nothing you can do… but it sure is scary and frustrating. Especially when his sister has always ate like a linebacker

My boys went thru this too. We gave the drink supplements and both of them eventually got back on track. Don’t freak out, just keep an eye on it :heart::heart::heart:

All kids go through this at some point. He won’t starve. Be patient and keep offering him solids but that is why they have the nutrient drinks for kids. My 8 boys all went through it and are doing great today. They are 30 down to 7.

Is it sensory integration dysfunction ? My son started at 15 months with spitting out chunks in stage 3 baby food. Do you have Early Intervention in your area? That’s how my son got the dianoses.

Make sure he has options and as long as he is drinking and his health isn’t effected let him do his thing. You will do more damage trying to force the issue. He will eat when he’s hungry

My 3 yr old will go a couple of days without eating. She eats when she’s hungry. Ask him if he wants anything to eat. If he says no, then don’t make him eat. I promise he won’t starve himself.

Dont force it. Kids go through growth spurts, in between them they will barely eat. All 4 of my girls did the same thing. Theyd go days where they didnt want to eat anything. I managed to get smoothies into them because it was a “treat”, or homemade fruit popsicles, I just blended fruit with coconut milk and a bit of spinach or carrots etc then froze it. They loved them and thought they were regular popsicles and I managed to get some nutrients into them

My son still does this at 4 when he’s hungry he will eat and for me my son won’t eat because he’s about to hit a growth spurt and then can’t get him to stop eating and he’s doing that now. He ate 20 mins later I’m hungry I had to tell him no u can wait at least an hour

Forcing food like that will cause an oral aversion. Stop it now. I understand you want him to eat but are you kidding? That is so unsafe. I’m not trying to be a santimommy but damn… Would you want someone to shove food in your throat…

They go through that residual in the summer just get drinks in and try for dinner and little snacks throughout the Am but very common also in guessing that that molars are coming through def keep eye out.

That’s because clearly he wants to eat would you wanna eat so my best advice is to go straight and start his regular diet like adult food

From being a force fed child myself, I can tell you it causes trauma. Never force feed a child. Also- some kids are slow to transition to solid foods or to stay on them. Try offering some of their favorite baby foods again- purée their meals. It might help- especially if teething. I would still follow up with a competent doctor just to be safe and make sure you do weekly weights to make sure they’re not losing weight.

My daughter would drink but not eat. Try healthy shakes. Yes Ice cream, yogurt, fruit whatever works. He’ll change. Hang in there!

You can get nutritional drinks, but don’t give empty calorie drinks-juice, pop, etc. I would only give milk or water to drink and be sure to give a daily vitamin for his age and/or drinks w vitamins- ask a doctor and/or pharmacist. Good luck.

My son did the same thing and his doctor told me the same thing. He will eat when he’s hungry as long as he’s getting fluids he will be ok. Try the nutritional drinks such as carnation, boost, things like that.

Pick your battles., and this one you can’t win. Have finger food available toI self food. Raisins, goldfish crackers, blueberries. He obviously wants to exert his autonomy. Let him

First Plz don’t ever force a child to eat …Secondly does he like Ice cream, maybe yogurt, pudding ,chips of some kind ? Have you tried peanut butter crackers? Bananas. I know it’s unhealthy food but maybe if you can get him to eat something like that then he will get hungry and then start giving foods…My Grandson is a very picky eater all he will drink is milk and picks like a bird to the point his iron levels are so low we now go to St.Judes but we know it’s from milk and no food …so we give him what he wants just so he eats .

Both of mine went through this around the same age. My son, it didn’t last long. We had to buy pediasure for my daughter though.

Is he cutting teeth? Like his molars?? It may just hurt.

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My granddaughter is similar…sometimes it can be a texture issue or might try a gastro Dr.
If all he eats is a protein drink for children, so be it.

Toddlers are grazers, pediatricians will tell you that. My grandson is doing the same thing, 2 of my friends are having the same issues. My daughter usually gets him to eat some breakfast, usually pancakes or waffles. He fights food, only gets a bottle for nap and bed. She gives him a cup of snacks like goldfish, cheerios and littles banana cookies. He nibble throughout the day. Sometimes we get a few bites into him at dinner. The pediatrician said toddlers don’t want to slow down to eat, just keep offering them different things. She just bought dry formula for toddlers, instead of mixing it with water, she just adds 1 scoop to his bottle. Makes is feel better that he’s got the extra vitamins and calories.

Get a second opinion… he could have swallowing issues, Gastrointestinal issues, constipated… so many things to consider

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Also maybe he is teething so tender gums? Give him foods that soften easy like Cheerios get soggy or crumble easy. Soft cooked carrot sticks are always good as ok cold for him to reach for when ready but I’d suggest just leaving something out for him to make his way to

It happens just make sure they are getting nutrients with supplements like pediasure.

Don’t give him breakfast essentials. Only gummy vitamin or something, and maybe popsicles and water to keep him hydrated. Do this for 2 or 3 days and record everything ge eats. Keep weighing him. Then u have a log of exact info for the dr. Eat super enticing food like pizza fries etc in front of him. See if he’ll want it.

We have a solution to all kids dietary factors contact 8879391351 my kid had the same issue but now it at top of his health

My uncle went through a faze where he ate only crackers. Nothing else. When he was 2. According to my grandma. Just keep trying

All children do this, if it’s there for him and he just doesn’t want it, that’s fine. It’ll be times when he eats like you haven’t fed him in 3 days. They all go through this.

Stop giving him sweet drinks… give him water and when he is hungry he will eat. Dont give him anything in the morning if you are concerned get a vitamin supplement. My daughter tried this i waited her out she is now 5. I also have a older son that tried this and i was told not to give in. Since i did not they both eat what they are given.

Maybe he is backed up and needs to have a BM. I know for myself I don’t want to look at food if my stomach is already too full.

Regression . Its normal just try to give him pediasure, vitamins, and maybe look into more healthy snacking. I have five kids and every single one of them did this…

All 4 of my kids did this. They would eat nonstop them just stop. After a week or so of a very low intake they would grow.

Let him eat when he wants to. The Dr said don’t worry. He will eat when he’s hungry. It will allow for him to be a healthy child later one. Eating when you are hungry versus a time schedule

He’s probably not going through a growth spurt. He might also be teething something soft will help.

Best thing you can do is offer him food at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Just don’t put a lot on his plate that way your not wasting a lot.

Could he be teething? Very painful for some little ones. Could have put him off eating.

Listen to your doctor!It’s normal. Kids around this age go through this. Put food out but leave him alone. No child ever starved to death on his own.

Its normal we stopped putting our guy in his high chair we put his food in a cup he really only eats chicken nuggets and fries crackers and milk!

My second son went through this and it worried me too, but he eventually started eating everything I put in front of him.

Don’t ever force feed a child! Put out a plate with small amounts of healthy food . Make no mention of it he will eat off of it if and when he wants . Don’t overdue milk but do have a cup of water for him . Your stress transfers to him .

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I am not a dr but pedisure has all he needs as far as vitiums go and daily nutrition. Gave it in a tube for my daughter who didnt eat solid foods till she was 5 years old. She is 15 years old now and doing just fine

If he is not eating just give him at least a multivitamin or juices with the vitamins he needs and do whole milk for vitamin D an fat

My kid went their that. He just wasn’t hungry. But when he would go thru a growth spurt he’d eat.

He could be teething. Pressure on gums could be sore. Trying soft food or cold items. Spread out his liquids like mention by others.

Kids do this. I have six from th ages of 22 down to 2. My 2 year old is currently going through this phase. At 18 months they may be teething, their taste buds changing, any number of things. My first one I panicked when he went through this stage but after 6… Girl…they all do this. Kids will eat when they are ready. As long as they are acting normal, playing and drinking liquids everything is fine. Once it passes tho make sure you are stocked cause they make up for lost time.

She will eat when she needs to. This is very common for children as they progress from baby to toddler.

I wouldn’t force feed. My youngest would get that way occasionally when he was younger. Honestly the times he would eat the most at that time was when I sat him down on the couch, put a bowl of some kind of snack in his lap and turn on his favorite show🤷‍♀️ he kinda just robotically ate without even noticing, but I was just happy to be getting food in him. He grew out of it eventually.

He could be teething, try the squeeze applesauce etc… and or I’d say talk to your pediatrician about essential substitutes.

Maybe he needs to poop, not making fun, my youngest son did that when he was little as well. That was the answer

What I use to do was keep gogurt in the freezer for my daughter. And put fruit in a baggie and kept it on her table for at all for her so she could grab it and eat when she wanted to, I also did that with cheerio

If he drinks alot of milk it can be a factor as to why he’s not eating. Milk coats the stomach making them feel full.

If you’re really getting concerned try pediasure but check with your dr it’s been a while since mine were babies.

Completely normal! Mine did the same and got the same response from my doctor! She’s now 12 and just fine…

His teeth or gums really might be hurting cold stuff might help popsicles with real juice. Cold grapes cut in half. Strawberries

Don’t fight it ,I had 7 children, some would not eat at time,but when get hungry he will ,have some snacks, dry cereal, fruit, hell eat dont force it you’ll lose

Get ready for a growth spurt… Next week he will probably be ravenous

Try giving me him Pediasure and talk to his doctor and see if he has anything majorly wrong with him.

I remember when I had my first child (44 yrs ago) and he wouldn’t eat much either, doctor said , don’t worry , he’ll eat when he’s hungry.

My son is same ASD. Only eats a few things. I dissolve a Flintstone vitamin in his juice.

Sounds to me like hes teething. That causes lack of appetite. Itll go back to normal.

Let him do his thing. Your doctor is right. He will eat when he’s ready. They all go throughout their phases.

Force feeding a child is abuse. It’s not okay. You need to take a few parenting classes immediately. You offer a plate of food to your child and if they are hungry, they will eat. You NEVER force food into their mouth!! That is a choking hazard and could kill your baby!!! Do not ever do that again!

Kids eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full.

Don’t let him snack on junk and just allow him water. When he is hungry he will eat. Always provide whatever you are eating for breakfast lunch and dinner if he wants to eat he will. But the worst thing to do is allow him to snack because then he will just try to live on snacks. My niece and nephew are like that

Could he be teething, sometimes those big one in the back are ugly coming in. If he will drink give him Ovaltine, it could be a texture thing, try freezing some fruits. He will eat when he gets hungry.

My daughter would stop eating before a growth spurt. Then she would eat a ton. Have healthy food available, when your child is hungry enough, he’ll eat.

1.See a dentist if they dont see anything wrong i wouldnt worry. My daughter went through stages of not eating anything… as long as hes going to the bathroom and acting normal i wouldnt worry. His body might be getting ready for a growth spurt dont be surprised if next week hes eating up all the food lol

ice cream ewe gooey with whipped cream. chocolate shakes. I bet he will eat that. How about reverse psychology. He kid this is all mine you can not have it. don’t eat it. Dont touch it. Leave the room say I will be back soon. Maybe that will work. There was a time at age 3-4 all me and my sister wanted was potato chips and cheese. So mom gave it to us. Maybe a change of venue-pizza parlor?

If he is teething they sometimes dont want to eat. Its natural. If they get hungry they will tell you.

I find it repulsive to see all the scolding on here. I have 4 boys and y’all can’t act like you never made your kids try a spoonful food. She’s trying to get advice. :woman_facepalming:

Its normal… doctor is right he will eat when hungry

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If he drinks milk, don’t worry the child will eat when he gets hungry. I have 2 sons 29 and 30 and they were the same way. Don’t worry :pray::pray:

All or most kids go through stages of not wanting to eat. Don’t force them as it could be traumatizing for them. They will eat when hungry.

Try letting him feed himself? My son won’t eat if I try to feed him. He is almost 2. He also hates eating meat, he’ll chew it and spit it out. Loves veggies and fruit and cheesy things.

Try letting him drink chocolate protein shakes they have 30grams of protein in a carton of it. I use the Equate brand from Walmart

Totally normal. He’ll eat when he’s hungry. If he’s drinking shakes/smoothied and going to the bathroom, he’ll be fine.

trust me there are things they can do if he starts to get malnourished. Don’t force him. The dr is right

Try not to force but maybe try variety …how about a smoothie? With whipped cream? Maybe make your own cookies and add something healthy in there…oatmeal with something else like raisins etc? Or add fruits into stuff he likes? Veggies? Pancakes kids like anything at this point…freeze healthy yogurt pretend its ice cream? Would he eat that? I feel for you i would be worried if not panicking too…just try stuff he likes sometimes a home made whole cookie is healthier than cheerios …but whatever he likes …how is he with poop? If he is constipated could be impacting his appetite… All the best and good luck momma?

He will definitely eat when he is hungry. How much is he drinking? The more liquid in his itty bitty tummy, the less room he has for food

Had one daughter that eat very little besides the bun off hamburgers for a weeks at a time … then she went to only wanting French fries not eating any meat cheese eggs veggies for months had me worried so after the first week or so of being so picky I got gummy vitamins & she had one first thing in the morning then ate only what she felt like eating by the time she was 4 she would eat many different foods … we feed her on a large plate she wouldn’t eat anything that had touched another food

My question is will he eat baby food? If he does just continue to feed it to him and he will transfer to food when ready

Mine was like that for a phase. Got him some slimfast shakes to drink. They are full of nutrients

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Three days sounds like a long time. Is he drinking enough water?

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They eat when they are hungry… is he drinking liquid… milk… ? Just offer and don’t force or it becomes a battle of wills!

It is very normal.You have made an issue out of feeding.He will eat.let it had 4 daughters did this.

He will eat . Don’t force him. If he drinks the essentials that’s good , he is getting something .