My 15-month-old is refusing to eat: Advice?

If you live in a hot area the heat might have made him not want to eat. Offer him plenty of water. He will eat when he is ready and hungry. Make sure to offer healthy food at all times. Also is he having regular bowel movements? He could be full of poop. Please don’t force feed him for many reasons beginning with him choking and could result in eating disorders in the future. He will eat when he is hungry. Don’t worry momma.

My 2yos don’t eat anything other than milk (pediasure banana flavored) their GI docs have told me that they will get all the nutrition they need from 3 8oz bottles daily. So if you’re really concerned, maybe try pediasure. 🤷 Won’t hurt and they have good flavors.

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When my son was little some days he would eat everything in site others he made me feel like I was starving him
Don’t worry momma it should be fine as long as he’s not losing weight and still playing and acting normal done seem to be in pain or anything else he could also be cutting teeth if that’s what it is his gums could hurt when he eats try cold fruit my son loved watermelon would even eat it on his days he did not want anything else and it felt good on his gums

My daughter is 15 months and she eats when she wanna eat.


Don’t sweat it. There are a lot of kids out there that are like that. My son never ate till he was 5. Doctors told me they never seen a kid starve to death if there was food present. They will grow out of it. My son drank protein shakes for 5 yrs and hardly ever ate solid food. He only ate solid food when other kids present was eating it. My son is 8 yrs old and only weighs 38 pounds. He eats well now . The kid never stops moving long enough to gain weight. He looks good and healthy. Just doesn’t have any fat stuck to his bones yet. Don’t see it happening till he hits 30.

I wouldn’t force it that’s the worst thing you can do. He I promise PROMISE will eat when he’s hungry. Offer food make a big deal about you eating food, encourage but don’t force it like someone else said all your gonna do is traumatize him. Breathe. Your child will be fine. He will not starve to death. He will be fine. Been there done that. Relax I know it’s stressful.

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If he is gaining weight normally, then he isn’t malnourished. And I hate to admit it, but he IS consuming something. You have to be giving him sonething if he is gaining weight and it isn’t water and a couple cheerios. If YOU aren’t giving him something, then he is getting it somewhere.

When my oldest did this I let him pick his own random food combinations. Apple sauce and a quesadilla? Sure! My youngest just poured ranch on everything and would mostly eat chicken. Offer him food, but let him have some control.

Try and try again. He’ll eat. Try to offer things that you can save if he doesn’t eat it, then you won’t feel completely defeated with him not eating and wasting food. Best of luck momma.

Did you try the kids breakfast drinks or the kids Ensure. Does he like milkshakes? Both of them are realy good for them and they taste realy good. We had to do this for my grandson

Our son did the same thing, my advice is to follow what the doctor said. Give your little one time and before you know it, they will be eating again and another round of anxiety will pass :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

My 3 y.o. has some sensory processing issues (still does) and can’t seem to handle solid fruits and veggies and is super picky. Kids with this issue often don’t like too much flavor either. Textures are the biggest challenge for mine. At 18 months, he really hasn’t had much time yet to adjust to new foods, or solids in general, so be patient. She won’t drink them now, but the fruit and veggie squeeze packs were a lifesaver for a while, just to make sure she’d get vitamins. But there are days now that all I can get her to eat is shredded cheese. Don’t stress too much, but consider making trying new foods a game. Let him explore his food at his own pace. And try to have a regular meal routine so that he learns when it’s time to eat.

Mine is also going through it. Some days are better than others. For the days he refuses to eat , I have bought the orgain childrens protein shake which has multivitamins and protein… he seems to love it but still I do offer him his favorite snacks and fruit after it . Even if it’s a nibble or two, I’ll take it.

My youngest is 17 months and when he starts to get a tooth specially a molar he won’t eat til its all the way through hes went 5 days before. Dr recommended I put him on toddler formula and that has kept his weight on. Check his mouth maybe he’s getting some teeth and is very uncomfortable

My daughter ate soup for a year the same soup and not all the time whenever she felt like it she’s now 24 and super smart doing great

If you try to force him to eat you are going to cause more problems. If he will drink let him drink formula or Pediasure or the breakfast essential. As long as he is getting his nutrition from the drinks don’t sweat it

My daughter was like that also. A nurse told me one time “i don’t care if you feed her sticks of butter, get anything in her.” She was joking of course but my daughter is now 13 years old and it’s STILL a battle. What she likes to eat can be counted on one hand. Someone suggested it could be sensory issues​:woman_shrugging: continue giving him the breakfast essentials and keep trying different things. Cooked oatmeal, put in blender and add it to the breakfast essentials. Blend a banana and add it. Liquid enough that he won’t notice…:gift_heart:

It could be just a growth spurt. Or perhaps an ear infection. My kids wouldnt eat very well when they had them. As long as they are staying hydrated I dont think you need to worry much

I have the same issue…he stop drinking milk and don’t eat solid food or any when he was 18 months…it stresses me out …even took him to the doctor but doctor said he’s good he’s growing and etc… i got tired of worrying , now he’s 3 y/0 and he’s eating a lot. Though sometimes he don’t like what i cook for him but then he will have fruits or any other food.

My middle son was like this and especially with meat. Doctor said the same thing. I would cut up apples and a little bowl of peanut butter and sit it on a coffee table or somewhere he could reach. I would eat some but would not pressure him to eat it. Just let it sit there and i would occasionally take a bite. He would eventually take a piece and dip in the peanut butter. I would try that with other fruits with a chocolate dip or yogurt as a dip and vegetables with a ranch dressing. I would make meals as well and tell him he has to take a bite of dinner and if he doesn’t like it then he doesn’t have to finish. Then i would put out the fruits and vegetables also cheese with crackers to eat if he got hungry. I think when i stopped forcing or nagging my son to eat he did in his own. I also did limit sugary drinks and candy.

Truly. As long as your baby is drinking and producing wet diapers, he’s fine. Almost all kids go through this to some degree. He will eat when he’s hungry and the more attention to draw to it, the longer he might hold out.

Try this, feed him when he’s playing. Sit on the floor, follow him around with the plate and spoon. Pretend you are playing with him, make silly noises, faces, your voice, ask him questions, etc…as you’re distracting him, give him a spoonful, keep it going. That helped my kids a lot when they went through that stage. Don’t worry too much about table manners just now, as they grow, you teach. Mine learned how to eat proper at the table later.

My son was like this,he stopped eating completely for 2 weeks. Turns out he was cutting all his back 4 teeth at the same time. As long as he is drinking plenty try not to worry. Xx

Is he able to feed himself? When my daughter was just about to eat solids she had no muscle tone and wouldn’t bring food to her mouth I had to feed it to her but then she would gag and not want to eat. Her Dr had a Food Specialist come out it took awhile but she started to eat. I mean maybe talk to his Dr about seeing a Food specialist from Early intervention. Just a thought.

Add malt to his milk and get some Pedialyte. Also. If he likes juice get the carrot/apple juice. .Some kids go through that . my granddaughter some times at 3 yrs old goes days without eating and I will give her malted milk , pediasure, and carrot apple juice that provides all vitamins and nutrients. Also the fruits in the pouches are good too.

Try making him smoothies too to drink. Filled with veggies and fruit. My son is 12 so I don’t remember much about their food restrictions but if he’s not eating days at a time then I say give the boy anything you can

Supplement with carnation instant breakfast or pediasure, that way hes getting protein and vitamins still. But it is also VERY normal. He may be going through a growth spurt (some eat less during them, some eat more, some don’t eat for a few days and then pig out).

Breakfast essentials are great! My son was around 2-3 yrs old and wasn’t gaining weight even though he was eating ok…he was a lil finicky but not horrible. His doctor told me to either make him a shake with breakfast essentials or add 2 tbsp. To pudding and have him eat it for a snack at night. After a couple months he was gaining weight and growing good, the dr was happy and a few months later I didn’t have to do that anymore. It’s a if he’s not wanting to eat…breakfast essentials are a great alternative.If he will atleast take that then don’t sweat it too much.maybe add a multivitamin and uve got nothing to worry about.its a phase, it shall pass. :slightly_smiling_face:

When my son was 18 months old all he would eat was tinned sausage and tinned carrots. A year later he was diagnosed with Autism. I just kept putting different foods with the sausage and carrots . It took me about a year to get him to eat anything different.

My grandsons pediatrician said the same thing about him. He wasn’t eating and the dr said…do not force him. He will eat when he gets hungry. My daughter got some pedicsure vanilla protien drinks. Taste like milkshake. He took vitiams and drank the shakes. Finally he started eating again. It’s probably a phase…as long as his teeth are ok and he has no thrush. He is drinking…he’s ok. If he gets liquids that’s good. Just so he doesn’t get dehydrated.

Get pediasure drinks…will.give him all the nutrients and vitamins hes going to.need…SHORT TERM…he will.come around…just keep him hydrated

So this happened with my youngest… she’s 5 and she will still go long periods of time without eating properly so this is what I do… she likes the pedisure shakes so I let her have those… butttttt I also take things like frozen bananas, blueberries and strawberries and mix them with some whole milk and yogurt in the blender and put it in her cup like a smoothie and she drinks it like crazy… in my book it counts as eating because it’s real foods just blended up

My grandson will be 8 next month and I don’t know how we would make it through without Breakfast Essentials. He goes through a gallon of milk in two days. When he started kindergarten, he was non-verbal except for two made up words: goon goon (his pillow) and chawowow (chocolate milk.) Now he says “Can I have some chocolate milk?” I guess I’m trying to say don’t stress on it too much. Your son will find things that he likes to eat. Maybe not a whole bunch of things, but things. Supplement and fill in the gaps and everything will turn out better than you are thinking right now. :heart:

My son is 7 yrs old and he been like this for a couple years now and some days he eats and some days he doesn’t…I can get him to drink the pedisures so when he isn’t eating he has 2 a day

Is he pooping and peeing still ? Could also get baby vitamins to make sure he’s getting everything he needs. I would maybe try doing just liquid see if he likes chicken broth or milk or apple sauce. If he does there’s a start ! I hope this helps try to be patient with him i bet it’s stressful.

My 3yr old daughter didn’t eat for a week when her baby brother came.home. that was 32 yrs ago. They are fine. But I would worry after 5 or 6 days.

One don’t force him to eat you can end up hurting him that way. Second it is normal all five of my kids went through this stage. Just leave fresh fruit and veggies cut up for him and he will be fine. And if you notice he is not eating any of those try giving him pediasure which has all the vitamins and proteins he needs.

Is he able to eat finger foods?? My little one refused to eat purées and we adjusted but feeding her things she could feed herself! She loved green beans, carrots, and chicken. She wasn’t ever picky just nothing puréed!

My daughter is really difficult at times to but you know give him what he likes my daughter is 3 she will eat about 5 different things and I give them to her because she’s eats them I feel bad at time for feeding her the same things over and over but hey do what works . He will get there. Maybe it’s the textures he doesn’t like try bread or crackers my little girls loves crackers . I know it’s hard I feel bad for eating and getting dull sometimes because I know my kiddo hasn’t ate a whole a lot so I don’t either don’t worry it will happen just keep trying to offer offer different things till you find something he likes! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My son has always been a snacker/grazer. He is 7 now and is still the exact same way. He will snack and snack and snack all day, but come time to eat a meal, he barely eats. I just make sure that he’s got plenty of healthy snack options and leave them out for him to take as he pleases. My grandma always told me growing up that she didn’t care what I ate (within reason of course), as long as I ate. At 1 your baby is still pretty young and technically does not “need” to be eating solids yet. Don’t force it. You will find a good flow for the both of you. Stressing out is only going to stress baby out also. Pediasure is always a very good option also. When my son goes on his hunger strikes, I’ll let him have 3-4 of those a day because at least I know he is getting what he needs. He’s not going to starve himself.

Don’t force feed. That can cause mental issue later if not choking hazard . Long as he’s getting some nutrition even if it’s a drink and staying dehydrated don’t force feed. Offer snacks and much as possible. Put a plate out to graze on. All else fails. Go back to the doctor. If you fear the doctor isn’t listening to you. Your in every right and position to get another one.

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My daughter was that way. They doc said she only needed a tbls if food a day to stay alive as long as she is drinking. Took care of itself.

My son has a feeding tube for refusal to eat. While it could be a phase, you have to stay on top of that without forcing him. Toddlers do eat like birds… but If he starts dropping weight, get firm with your doctor.

Growth spurts, my daughger is almost 11 ,since birth she would binge eat for 2 weeks , then eat not a thing or hardly a bite of food a day for 2 weeks just have drinks.
It scared us at first cause well ya know babies need milk :woman_shrugging: but its the way her body is , and man oh man does she grow everytime during those 2 weeks she doesn’t want food!! She skips sizes in clothes because of this , nkw earing adult clothes and is going to be so tall if this keeps up at this pace haha

My kids did the same thing … They also went through a phase where they would only eat certain foods … I do know how worrisome it is

My nephew was doing this and they got a second opinion and it turned out he had something serious wrong with his stomach I don’t think a second opinion would hurt at least then you would know for sure if it’s behavioral

Either see an ent make sure thats all good or wait it out. My oldest went thru a phase of not eating just picking here and there. He had no issues we checked. 1 day he just started eating again. My youngest however has always been a good eater. But stopped eating a lot and was snoring. Same thing we checked everything and wound up being sent to an ENT. He had his tonsils and adenoids removed and tubes in December and within a few weeks he was eating me out of the house again🤣. However DO NOT force ur child to eat. Pediatrician even said this. It was cause an even bigger issue with food. When my sons hit the end of a growth spurt they go a few days off very little as they adjust. I try letting them pick what they want with my options. (U want sandwiches or corndogs). Like that. It helps them eat some when they just arent that hungry

My pediatrician told me to be sure my toddler was getting his vitamins, and ride it out. He’d eat when he was ready.

My daughter is 4 and barely eats lol. She’s been this way her whole life. Legit hardly eats anything. It doesn’t bother me anymore lol, I offer it. It’s there if she wants it if not, not my problem. She’s healthy. Not underweight, still growing just fine. :woman_shrugging:t2: I even make her exactly what she asks for and majority of the time she doesn’t eat it. Sometimes she does. But a lot of the time no. It’s not a phase for her at this point. She’s literally been like this always. She wouldn’t even eat baby food as a baby. My son who’s now 7 went thru phases but was not like this at all. :joy: I feel your pain. Hopefully your child outgrows it unlike my daughter lol

My son lived off smoothies for like a year :sweat_smile:
Try that, sneak in ground oats to make it filling and spinach to get some greens. Banana and fruit tastes like sugary goodness to kids.
Or bananas and chocolate almond milk to do milk shakes!
The doc is right, he’ll eat when he really needs to.

Add in pediasure if ur worried about weight and please don’t always listen to the they will eat when they are hungry. I heard that crap from so many of my daughters doctors. Come to find out she had an oral motor delay and really couldn’t properly feel and chew the food.

I worried about my son’s appetite for a long time. If your doctor can’t find a medical issue, and he is gaining weight,let it go. He WILL eat when he is hungry. As long as he is producing stool and urine and your doctor isn’t concerned for malnourishment or a medical issue, it is not going to harm him to let him eat on his own time. Try leaving snacks he usually likes just laying around. This could be a control issue for him.

My kids went days when they didn’t want to eat. Their Dr told me not to fight it & make sure they drink more. The more you fight with a child to eat, it will give them an eating disorder. My sister hasn’t broke her eating disorder & at 52 she’s still hiring food.

Stop with the breakfast essentials… regular milk is all he needs. Keeps snacks out in his sight. That breakfast essentials is filling up. A friend of mine went through the same thing. After she stopped the breakfast essentials and went with straight milk he ate better.

Is he snacking on things throughout the day and also how much milk is he drinking? My daughter did this when she was about 18 months but she would eat a bunch of little things throughout the day and drink her milk and just not be hungry for mealtimes. Some people are just more snackers than meal eaters

Just put a few raisins, a couple strips of buttered toast, and little bit of something he really likes on his tray. Keep him in his chair for a reasonable amount of time.

Use Carnation instant breakfast when my daughter needed to gain weight that’s what the doctor suggested. It has everything they need in it. We mixed with ice cream and milk.

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Do not force your child to eat. Most children go through a phase of not wanting to eat. Take your doctor’s advice…when he’s hungry, he will eat. If you continue to force him to eat…he might interpret that as punishment. Just give him his drink in the morning and set some snacks out. Make them cute and interesting.

As long as your baby is drinking plenty of fluids and is peeing normally then he will bw fine. Most likely from teething. My sonis 17 months and is cutting several teeth at once. Sometimes he will he sometimes he won’t instead just snack on cereal and puffs. Teething can be a real pain in the ass cause it will effect children differently

If it is getting warmer than normal where you are that could be a factor. Heat decreases appetite. Make sure the fluids they are consuming are good. Water, pediasure/breakfast essentials, pedialyte popsicles. If they have wet diapers they are good. If they start getting fatigued or sick looking than I would really worry. Don’t force them. If they are hungry they will eat.

Its a power struggle. He’s learning he has a choice. Put food on a low table, a variety and walk away. Don’t say anything don’t mention its there. Just let him decide. He will eat when he’s hungry

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Just keep an eye on his poop. As long as there’s no blockage. Could also be acid reflux. By 8 yr old was like that. Still is. It’s okay mommy all kids are different. If he looks healthy 9/10 hes fine

I would put him in his seat that you feed him in and give him his own plate of food that’s what I did with my 17 month old grandson he wouldn’t eat when I tried to give it to him so I put his food on a plate and gave him a fork or spoon and he ate with his fingers LOL

The more of a deal you make of it the more he’s going to do this. You need to ignore it if he’s hungry enough he will eat at least that’s what the doctor told me when my kids went through it very normal they have nothing they have control of that’s the one thing they can control.chill. The human body would not allow someone to starve themselves.

My son would not eat when we went camping, my Dr. told me as long as he was drinking his bottle of milk don’t worry about it, I didn’t and now he is 6foot 2 inches and eats like crazy. :blush:

NORMAL. Keep offering him the best veggies, fruits, juices, or whatever he likes that is raw and fresh. As long as he is nourished and loved he will eat. They go thru stages when sometimes they dont eat, sometimes they eat very little,sometimes they scarf it, its normal

My daughter did the same thing. The doctor had me give her pediasure to make sure she was getting her nutrients while the phase lasted

This is very normal & age appropriate behavior. All my kids went through this faze. When my 18yr Old was this age I’d be lucky if he ate a snack pack of cheez-it’s. Just keep offering and giving he breakfast essential. I give my guy who’s 6 yo a daily vitamin he’s such a picky eater and the vitamins don’t hurt none. I don’t suggest you force feeding him. You want him to have a healthy relationship with meals.

If he’s meeting milestones and gaining weight and has no other issues, just merely offer food but ONLY at breakfast time, lunch time and dinner, no snacks in between or before bed. Track his weight weekly and make sure he isnt loosing, check his mouth for sores, like a canker sore, monitor his bm and urinations. Any change ring your pcp immediately. My youngest, now 17 and jist graduated was similar and she has always been tiny, she BARELY weighs 85 pounds soaking wet, but we realized long time ago she litetally grazes all day long. Few bites here. Few bites there, no health issues whatsoever other than being extremely tiny weight wise.
Don’t force, the ramifications there are far worse than him simply not being hungry. Provide things he likes at the appropriate meal time and once you have concluded that there are no other issues have things available like fruit, raw veggies, NO fruit juices, simply water. Fruit juices fill a person right up leading them to not feel hungry at all.

I know junk food isn’t the best, but maybe peanut butter and apples… milk will give him most of what he needs, especially at this age.

… I see ya got a lot of feedback on this one already … but if ya got room for more heres my two cents …
Allowing our children to learn how to feed them selves gets so rushed by some people in our culture … offering only pureed "smoothies " was a godsend for me … now that I powder the sunfloweer and pumpkin seeds and whatever nuts I have on hand and a few bits of whatever fresh fruit is left over …
The power struggle starts young ya gotta let’em think they’re a *step ahead of ya …
In a cupboard or pantry shelf or drawer that only “they” are “allowed” to have , I put My healthy choices of cereal , crackers , wowbutter or peeanutbutter and jam for picnic blanket on the livingroom floor lunches, fruit cups, yogurt are all “junk’food” choices they can pick one to ‘go with’ …

This is normal. They will eat when they’re hungry. Ask him to help you make the food he likes or let him pick something for now. As long as hes getting fluids and picks at any kind of food is good. If you start to get seriously worried call your pediatrician for advice.

My son who’s now almost 2.5 is the same way. Has been since about a year. He just doesn’t eat sometimes. Somedays he’ll go with only having a few bites and will only drink. Once every 2ish weeks he’ll eat everything is site and the next morning back to the same routine. His dr has us giving him pedia sure shakes as needed to make sure he gets something in his belly. I don’t typically give him then until he gone about 2 days without really eating. I don’t want him thinking he can just fill up on those.

Yes my kids all went threw that.Just leave snacks like cookies,breakfast essentials also like your doing helps cereal at his reach dry,he will break from it in due time

My grandsons doctor says they will eat when they are hungry. Also give her what she wants I don’t care if it’s chicken nuggets or cheezits or ice cream as long as she’s eating it that’s what my grandsons doctor says and so did my kids doctor years ago I had one daughter that only ate cereal for 6 years breakfast lunch and dinner my 2nd daughter for about 3 years only would eat chicken noodle soup as long as there eating something

You know that Cheerios isn’t real food?
So don’t feed it to him until real food is eaten.
You know that milk is a food, not just a drink.
If you fill them with milk then they won’t want to eat.
He could be going through a texture thing.
My daughter refused soft foods, just raw veges and textured foods while my son hated met ask utensils in his mouth and preferred smooth textured food.
Both of my kids (adults now) were very healthy and grew to eat most foods later on.
Lose all the foods with sugar because no child will intentionally starve themselves if they are only given real foods and drink water.

Happened with my daughter when she was three. She went three months with very little solid foods to none at all. She mostly drank milk and water. She’s twenty years old now. It happens. The doctor told me the same and she started eating again when she was ready. It’s a stage they go through, I guess.

Be careful with that. Take him to a new dr ASAP. My son didn’t want to eat for like two days that little was told the same. Come to find out he had rsv after he almost died suddenly than they called social services and blamed me for medical neglect

My daughter is same age n showing signs of that spitting food not liking what I put on her tray
but I try to provide as many snacks as I can( cheese sticks, favourite fruits, organic puffs, juice, almond milk) and of course I put vitamins in her juice everyday so she gets what she needs.
I let her be like that n when she doesn’t feel like eating its fine
They re still figuring out their preferences and that when it comes to food

The fact that he is gaining weight says he is getting what he needs. If he drinks the “milk shake” he’s getting what he needs. Forcing him will stress him out & that is not good!

Mine does that too… they say don’t force until they have to stick a tube in cause of malnutrition. Momma, try giving him some breastmilk so that if he does get a bite or two in, it’s super nutritious! There are tons of BM groups!

Don’t drive yourself nuts and run after your son with a spoon. I tried that and drove myself insane. I didn’t sleep. I was a mad-woman. Took my son to the doctor and they said my son was fine and to not worry. When he’s hungry, he will eat. They won’t let themselves starve. It’s a phase. And sure enough when he was hungry he made it known. I learned with my first. As long as he’s healthy, don’t stress. My son is pushing 14 soon and I have to stop him from eating now. :rofl:


As long as he is not losing weight and he is getting his cup of breakfast essential he will be fine. He will eat when he wants to. Just keep offering the food he will eat sooner or later.

My 4th one did this,one week ate everything next week nothing. Thought I would lose my mind! It was just her. Don’t worry unless he is losing weight then bring him back.

Don’t force a child to eat. Maybe give him food he can feed himself during the day. Even if it’s snacks. Some kids don’t like to be feed. My son was on formula till 18 months.

Supplement drinks for kids!! Ask the dr which one he or she recommends then buy them. But please DO NOT hold down a child and shove food in their mouth it is a good way to cause them to choke and it can make things worse in the long run. My 5 year old hardly ever ate food and still to this day only eats certain things and I’m slowly getting him to try new things he is 5 and 47 pounds and healthy. Fori ce a child to eat doess nothing. My sons dr said feed him pediasure or any supplements of my choosing for kids and offer food throughout the day and that’s what I did. Children eat when they are ready.

Um please don’t force feed your child :woman_facepalming:t3: make sure his bowels are moving regularly, give him calories and nutrition in liquid form. He’ll eat when he’s hungry…my son is 7 and still does this, some days he can’t eat enough, others he won’t eat all day…he does have some bowel trouble, we are on a regimen at this time, so consider all your options. We always have a place full of snacks that he’ll eat…it is normal for babies and children and even adults to experience food regressions and even aversions that create the lack of appetite without it being immediately known. So, liquid nutrition, keep and eye on his bowels and make sure they are moving, leave snacks out…if he eats something more than others, IDC what it is…get that for him. This is absolutely a normal part of growing.

My son did this at about the same age … I would give him pedia sure the chocolate drink all vitimans an nutrients they need for now … He did finally start eating

My daughter went through this last mnth . She would only eat fruits ,yogurt and milk lots and lots of milk . It past thank god

Could be a texture thing. At that age don’t over force it
Try new foods in diff ways diff texture. As long as he gets nutrition he’s fine. And there are alot of ways at that age to get it
Asks pediatrician for advice they can refer you to someone if to continues
My oldest is now 13* untill he was way older he didn’t eat half what he should. Not meat bread. Cheese. He ate very random stuff. But we figured it out and he took supplimemts also for a while. He grew out of it.

My 6 year old was exactly the same way, nothing we made seemed appetizing to him but then we started to exercise with him and it got him to start eating more and more

His stomach is super tiny…no bigger than his fist. Just offer food…meaning, sit a plate with a few spoonfuls on a surface he can reach, and let him graze or not eat all he wants. Eventually, he’ll eat.

This is my son and hes almost 6🤣 hes tinnyyy but healthy for some crazy reason! I never put him in therapy or anything hes just picky and a brat haha!! I used to cry cuz i just felt so bad and didn’t know what to do but its just him haha he eats like a bird I tell him lol.

It is normal, especially if you are trying to make him eat baby food. Try a piece of dry crustless wheat toast for breakfast and some dry Cheerios or Fruitloops and maybe a piece of turkey bacon ( my great grandson likes the Butterball best). Some times sliced skinless apples or chopped up frozen strawberries. Lunch some cheeseballs or cheese puffs and a half of a peanut butter sandwich. Supper could be skinless beef or turkey weiners cut small bite size or cheese pizza or a breaded chicken patty. These are things I give my great grandson. I give him his formula when he needs comfort or is going to sleep so he gets his vitamins otherwise he drinks nonfat milk and tangy sunny d and water. Oh yeah he really likes french fries, either the crinkle kind or the McDonald’s fries. Motts Gummies are fruits and vegetables all natural but I do make each one in half because he chokes easy sometimes.
As long as your son is not losing a bunch of weight he should be ok

Maybe teething? Or sore throats? Have you try to give him fruits? Or healthy biscuits? At least he eats something. Don’t worry too much tho, am sure he will eat one day soon just keep trying to give something.

All 3 of my kids have and still go through periods of time where they don’t eat and my oldest is 16 180 lbs and 6 foot something and he was the worst about not eating but eventually they do and will eat non stop for a bit. Everything is fine.

My son did the same thing. He’d go days without eating then eat everything in sight, then do it all over again. It’s a weird phase lots of kids go through. Keep providing, don’t force it

I’m in the minority here but go with ur gut and take him back to the doctor and have him thoroughly check him out from head to toe. Make a log of everything he eats and when he goes to the bathroom and everything else in between that’s normal or not. Better to be safe then sorry. :hugs:

I used to make my kids a variety snack plate when they were learning to eat and just left it on a table so that they could sample some foods as they wanted it. They eventually learned to try new foods and looked forward to eating whatever new foods I put out for them

Very normal, my now 20 months old would eat two whole brats and other days nothing…0! Kept spitting food out.
I guess that’s how they eat, :laughing:
He’s a very active little guy!