My 2-year-old still takes a bottle at night: Advice?

Put water in it at night so she doesn’t ruin her teeth.??.


Melatonin is produced naturally IN THE BRAIN!! When you give melatonin supplements the brain believes it doesn’t need to produce it anymore and then the person becomes dependent and can’t sleep without it.


Does she use a bottle throughout the day? Switch to a soft tipped sippy and then only offer that at night as well. Then switch to hard tipped during the day, and night. And then start cutting back on sippy time

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My 3rd child was the same I threw all the bottles out and it was a week of nearly no sleep for us all but we got through it and after that first week he slept soundly

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My son was the same way until about 3.5 years old. I just kind of dealt with it and changing to water or really diluted pedialyte

She’s only 2?? I’d rather she sleep and not cry and make herself throw up! Chill out mom… it will happen in good time.


You can try putting water in the bottle with ice my daughters liked it.

Let her scream. She will get over it.Be a parent…:


Shes only 2. My favourite parenting phrase is "they arent going to go to college (insert habit here). In your case, she wont be going to college still drinking a bottle. Relax, she is only 2. My son was close to 3 before he gave up bedtime bottle and took it in a sippy cup. He is no worse for wear.


Time for some tough love. Get rid of the bottle cold turkey and don’t give in. Good luck :heart:

Nubby sippy from Walmart is how I broke mine from the bottle and my best friends kids from bottle too

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I really needed to read these comments. My daughter is 13 months and drinks out of sippy cups during the day only for water and uses a bottle at night. I need that reassurance that it’s ok to give her a bottle just so I can get some sleep.


My youngest is nearly 3, I stopped her having bottles in bed a few months ago and as soon as she disassociated bed and bottle she’s been sleeping a lot better through the night. We have the same bedtime routine except she’ll have her bottle in the sofa after her bath then go up to bed.
Before anyone jumps on me, she’s giving her bottles to the birthday bunny for the new babies the evening before her 3rd birthday!

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My grandson had a hard time converting from bottle to sippy cup but after the week struggle he took to it . Stay on the cup even during day .

Switch to a sippy cup with warm water. Shes old enough to be explained that bedtime is getting a new special big girl cup! Let her pick it out, make it a big deal, move forward with life.

Also, make sure she’s getting a protein based snack at bedtime and lots of fluids during the day since she’s used to getting it at night.

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If your giving her milk at night, diluted it. That way it won’t hurt her teeth as much in the future I had to learn the hard way when I was a first time parent n no one told me. But easy into it, give her some water before bed and kinda replace the cup with another favorite thing like a teddy bear or a blanket and in time she will get used to it just gotta stick to ur guns, she needs to learn to self sooth so letting her cry it out won’t hurt her. Just be patient she’ll get it

Throw the bottle in the trash.


Omg this literally sounded like me typing this question wow!!! To a T everything except mines a boy an turned two in January but my pediatrician Recommended that I take the 2nd bottle into
Nighttime an switch one ounce for water so 7oz milk 1oz water(8oz bottle) then continue that for one week adding an ounce of water every night so then go to 6oz milk 2oz water so on an do it with every bottle


My daughter was having the same problem. During the day she would drink out of a big girl cup at night I would offer up a big girl cup with less than half full of milk to drink right before bed. At first she didn’t want it but once she realized that was the only way she was going to get milk she finally gave in. once in awhile she wakes up thirsty but it’s rare now. Good luck.

We took the bottle from our son at 14 months old and he cried for it for a few days but he got over it. We went through about 7 different sippy cups and eventually found one he likes. It’s a straw cup and he drinks like a champ. :ok_hand:

Don’t sweat it. She’s only 2. Let her have the bedtime bottle, its not doing any damage. Give it time and try again in 6 months, maybe she’ll be ready then and if not that’s ok too! :baby_bottle::baby::baby_bottle:


I went thru 3 days and 4 nights of my youngest screaming and crying at night for her bottle It was hell!! But we did it

I took a bottle at bed time til I was 6 🤷🤷🤷 my son takes a sippy every night all night long and he’s almost 3. It’s like a comfort thing.

I’m 33 and it takes me a bottle at night to sometimes


Tell her it’s time to say bye bye to the babas … Let her watch you throw them away and repeat say bye bye nooo more babas then go get some transition cups and when bedtime comes around let her take that to bed. Express she’s a big girl an that means no babas. Then it’s all up to you… she’ll probably scream an cry but you need to be persistentttttt with kids. Don’t go back to bottles!

When my daughter was two, she was being naughty and throwing things and crying to get her way. She made the mistake of throwing her bottle at me because she wanted it filled. I tossed it in the dumpster. She cried for her loss, she knew that hitting me with things was naughty though. Not having a lot of liquids before bed will help with potty training too

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Let her and you decide when she doesn’t need a bottle. It sounds like a comfort thing for her… Taking it away will cause stress. You might be able to replace it with something, but you don’t have to.

But don’t stress… There is no right time. You know your child best, do what’s best for her and you. Don’t feel pressure to hit a marker or date things need to be done by.


don’t rush her she will give up when she’s ready . try Milo at night it worked for my son . he was almost 3.5 wen he gave up bottle at night

My youngest is almost 2. I threw his bottles in the garbage and bought him sippy cups with straws and he didn’t even fuss. He didn’t care for the regular ones, just the ones with “big boy” straws. He’s drinking from the the spoutless ones now.

Check for a medical cause before proceeding.

Make sure she is completely full before she goes to bed

Throw it away and say no… 🤷 seriously just throw them all away and tell your child NO. Sure she may cry and she may wake up to still try and get it but the more you say no the less she’s going to try. I know people are about to mad face me on this but honestly sounds like parents will keep giving in to the child because it’s easier for the parent not the child. The only reason your toddler is still doing it is because you as the adult have kept giving in. Just say NO 🤷

A bottle to bed? Don’t all Dentist’s say not to do that? Time to throw them out, with her watching so she knows they are gone.

Um. I don’t see the bottle as a problem as long as it’s only for sleeping and not all day long. The bottle is just a comfort. She’s only 2 years old, what’s the hurry? Every kid in my family drank from the bottle (for sleep) way past 2, and we all have ok teeth. Those teeth are coming out in a few years anyway :woman_shrugging:. My daughter is now three, drinks from the bottle to sleep at home (not in the daycare). Her teeth are fine and she wakes up to pee in the potty when necessary. :woman_shrugging:

My son did this till he was 3 yrs old. Except we gave him the milk in a sippy cup and not a bottle. He would wake up multiple times at night.

Let me know, lol. My 2 year old granddaughter does the exact same thing.

Please remove the bottle from her, it’s long overdue. My parents gave me the bottle until I was 5 and out of all my siblings my teeth are the only ones who came out crooked. It really sabotaged my confidence.

My son is 3 and still has one bottle of milk in bed at bed time. I have always used orthopaedic teets so his teeth don’t get messed up. He used to have around 2/3 bottles in the night when he was two years old. I just watered the milk down bit by bit and then put my foot down and said one bottle only before bed and that’s it. He wakes up the odd time and asks for more milk but I just say no and he gets over it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a bottle at the age of two. Just try limit the amount of bottles and let them give it up fully when they are ready.

All children are different .hate the stereotype that says u have to wean at certain age .potty at certain age .give up the Dodie certain age .no different to us adults really its when ur ready.

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