My 2-year-old will not eat meat: Advice?

Definitely need to be transitioning him to other foods. Fruits and veggies are great but not the only thing required for z growing child.

Cut out the pouches,he’ll cry for them,ignore him.He’ll eat when he gets hungry enough.You can make him some,and he’ll eat that.Have hi try new foods,you can blend,chicken,ham,etc into fruits and veggies.There are reusable pouches you can use.Don’t keep giving in to him.If he cries put him in his crib,and walk away.

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That’s probably why hes bigger than average. Hes eating all that sugar.


My son survived on no meat but I do have a question…what are pouches

Try protein rich veggies

I think you need to go back and talk to your doctor specifically about nutrition and development. I just looked up the nutrition facts on several random pouches and they are nothing but carbs with a tiny bit of fiber. No fats, no proteins. His brain is developing and he NEEDS fats and proteins. I would wonder if he has some developmental issues, is on the spectrum with his fixation on the pouches- or if he is just addicted to the sugars. He may also be at risk for dental decay if he’s spending all day sucking on pouches


This sounds like a parenting problem, in all honesty. STOP giving the pouches and only offer real food. Time to adult up and stop letting your 2 year old run things.


It sound like he is using them more for soothing then hunger… You have to suck on thoes like a bottle/paci… 🤷

There can be a few causes…

  1. He’s 2. He wants what he wants. And 2 year olds aren’t stupid…they may not think things through the way an older child does but they know if they throw a big enough of a fit then they’ll get their way. In this case he will NOT starve himself. He will eat when he gets hungry enough. I wouldn’t worry too much about the meat right now (just make sure you’re giving a multivitamin to make sure he’s getting enough b vitamins and choosing veggies/fruits with high protein content) to this end, it sounds like he his addicted to the store bought pouches…probably because of the sugars, dyes, and preservatives that are put in them…and if that’s the case you’re better off just cutting him off.
  2. Some type of sensory processing disorder (less likely if you made the pouches he refused to the same texture and consistency of store bought) but in extreme cases…yes he will let himself go Hungry.
  3. This is in addition to other two options (like combined with) you’ve let the pouches become his comfort item. He uses them to self-soothe. This not a healthy habit to have and will be hard to break.
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Note I gave a tottler one in a store because of fussing and hungry. Sucked it down and wanted more before I could get out of aisle. Nope 4 oz in under 60 seconds his belly didn’t have time to tell its brain it was full.

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seriously just get him tested for sensory issues and if nothing than just wean him off the pouches one step at a time and if he chooses not to eat so be it as long as he keeps his fluids up thats fine

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Does the pediatrician know he eats 15 pouches a day? I would start by fixing him what yall eat. Make him try everything. Tell him if he eats half of each item on the plate (2-3 bites of each item) he can have the pouch. Tell him hes npt getting pouch if not. Another option would be open the pouch and put it in a bowl with him watching. If he still refuses talk to his pediatrician he might have a sensory problem.

It is great to have a natural non meat eater. He can get protein in so many other ways. Start limiting the pouches. He will eat fresh veggies or fruit if hungry


He doesn’t need meat. I don’t eat it and my baby doesn’t either. If he likes veggies and fruit keep at that diet. Broccoli has a lot of protein, Lentils, peas, lots of dark greens. You don’t have to eat meat to get protein. Most animals you would get protein from get their source of protein from the plants they eat anyway so skipping meat is okay.

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Try eggs and try tofu. My daughter wouldnt do meat for a long time. But she loves eggs and tofu. But i also buy eggs from the health food store organic cage free no antibiotic brown eggs. (All other eggs dont aggree with are bellys) try giving him nuts or buy a smoothie machine and put fruit in it along with nut butter and kale and things. Sometimes you just have to take them away and only give him other food. Kids are picky and when you start to take them away hes gonna be mad but you have to push through it.

Stop buying the punches and cut it off like youd do a sippy or paci. Once hes over the hump you buy them again. My son loved them to but when he was doing them a box a day I did the same. Now I can keep a box and he will have two in a day max but can also go without for a few days with zero complaints. I also give him veggies with meals so that’s not his only option for getting that nutrients.

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How much sugar is in those? They are not fresh fruits and veggies so he is not really getting all the benefits. He is addicted to sugar in them


Pouches are not the answer, kid needs some real whole foods.

My almost 3 year old daughter is the same way. But she’s that way because of sensory/texture issues. (Shes autistic) She’s never ate meat. She also wont eat some stuff based on the texture. Just fruits and veggies. She gets on kicks of stuff for months on end. We just give her carnation instant breakfast drinks like 2 a day. The doctor said as long as she drinks that she is fine because it has all the vitamins she needs plus the protein. We also give her extra vitamins.

1, MAYbe 2 pouches a day is plenty for a 2-year-old. You’re going to have to deal with whatever reaction you get by saying no. You’ve let this go on far too long. Once he realizes you are not giving in, he will be willing to try other foods.


You need to get a new doctor for starters. No normal healthy 2 year old looks like a five year old. And only fruit and vegetables pouches seriously? He’s 2 your the mother now be one. I see type 2 diabetes and obesity in your child’s future if you dont end this soon.

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Cut down on the pouches. If he doesnt want meat that’s fine. That can be tried again in a few months. There are plenty of other ways to get him his protein. Some people are just born not liking meat…and that’s fine.


Have you tried starving him? I’ve heard people say “my kid won’t eat if I dont give them xyz”, but their kids are huge and overweight, so clearly they never actually tried starving their children. Is it a hassle? Yes. But it’s the only way to find out if it’s really a texture issue/eating disorder or just a stubborn kid with easy parents who don’t want to pick ANOTHER fight, which could last for a couple days. As long as he has water he will be fine. Just water. Milk and juice have calories. If you’ve offered him everything but what he wants and he eats none of it over the course of an entire weekend (friday dinner to sunday bed) then he may have an eating disorder. It won’t be fun, but neither is withholding my baby’s nighttime bottle, when he screams for 2 hours straight. Still, I’d rather break the habit now, than get up in the middle of the night to feed him until he’s… well, you’re still doing that and yours is 2, so… 2. :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

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Cut them right out. They have so much sugar in. I think it will be really hard but don’t back down and cook home cooked food every meal even if he doesn’t touch it. At some point he will start to eat because he will be hungry. Keep water and milk there all the time. Sorry if it sounds harsh but I don’t think any other way to do it

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If he was getting fruit and veggies and no meat I wouldn’t worry but pouches have so much sugar in them there counteracting the goodness he basically addicted to sugar in them. I would stop the pouches and start with basic fruit and veg and breadsticks etc when he gets hungry he will start eating what you give him. Also the pouches aren’t good for there teeth either, there basically to be used when your out and about for convenience that’s it

Peanut butter is a supplement for meat??

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No more of the baby food pouches. Stop buying them. Duh


He probably eating all the time because those pouches get digested so fast. He needs solid food. Stop buying them if he does like meat try peanut butter, beans, cheese :woman_shrugging:t4:


Stop giving him pouches. Be the mom!!. My son is 15 months. But I what I cook is what he eats or he doesn’t eat (other than still being breastfed). Its that simple.


I agree with Mariah!! You’re the adult; if he gets hungry enough, he’ll eat real food!!!

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Chick peas are protein

You can buy reusable pouches. My littlest loves using them because she can eat on the go and I make my own blends (meat, veggies and beans) just an idea for you :blush:

Hope you don’t find one like this. We quit buying fruit pouches for our grands for this very reason

It’s ok to give a pouch sometimes as like a little treat or snack, but at 2 he really needs to be eating more solids and healthier because those have lots of sugar. Honestly just dont give him any and offer table foods. He will eat when hungry enough. My 9mo rarely eats baby food and pouches now and eats table foods now.

There’s NOTHING WRONG WITH HIM. I’m a pescatarian and didn’t eat meat like your son when I was little. I also was a nanny and my baby was just like your son and she’s just fine now, just doesn’t eat beef by choice. Some of us lucky people are just born not liking meat, there’s nothing wrong with us, just make sure your son is getting all the vegetables and fruits and nutrients he needs.

I would not be allowing my child to eat that many of those things. Especially fruit. Fruit is sweet. He is now used to eating so much sweets he won’t want other foods. I would just straight up stop him from eating them and offer other options. Real foods not in a pouch. If he is hungry he will try them. If you give in they think they can always win with you.


My daughter Tru ate no meat until after the age of three…She also loved the fruits and veggies, but I made sure to feed her ones rich in iron for protein, soybeans are fabulously rich in it too, and she loved them raw, boiled, or bought toasted with salt. As long as the pediatrician is ok with his diet I wouldn’t worry too much.
Good luck and Blessings❤️

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My oldest is a picky eater I always tell my kids to atleast take a bite of food to know if you really dont like it or not

Maybe if u try to make your own. Let him pic out some reusable pouches that he likes. Then you can make them. Maybe sneak some protein in (amazon has lots to
Choose from). Just an idea. My son is a very picky eater. I find if I let him look for things he’s interested in at the store he is more willing to try different things then what his go to picks are

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My oldest was like that. To break her of eating nothing but fruit and veggies she ate what I cooked. If she didn’t she would go in time out and wouldn’t get anything else til she ate what I cooked. It sounds mean but hunger is the best fix. Three meals and she learned


What if you recycled the pouch and put your own fruits/veggies in, to trick him into eating other things? Like cut out the bottom, wash it, fill it and tape it? :woman_shrugging:t3:


I wouldn’t be concerned at all about lack of meat everything he can get from meat can be found in a plant based diet. I’d be more concerned about only eating from pouches as they are pretty processed. Is there any chance you could get him on reusable pouches and just buy fruit and vege and make them yourself?


Based on this info and my own experience with my 2 1/2 yo boy who is also big n tall for his age, I can relate a lot. What I think is that he is in a normal picky eating phase of life (as my 2 yo is also). He is frankly too old for pouches. They can be great for occasional snacks, but they are not filling and are not meant to serve as whole meals. The main problem is that his palet has gotten used to only the taste and feel of pouches. You will need to stop giving him pouches cold turkey so his palet can adjust to eating real food. Also, 15 pouches contain waaay too many calories for a toddler, even a big guy.
Itll be really hard (mostly for you) as he goes through that transition, but you need to treat this like drug withdrawal.


Maybe try tofu, maybe it’s a textural thing

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Will he drink smoothies? That’s a great way to add in whatever you want. Maybe let him pick out a new cup for smoothies. I would honestly stop buying the pouches cold turkey. Mine is a picky eater too but not that extreme. She really like kielbasa sausage, meatballs, deli meat, etc. try something other than just chicken nuggets.


You definitely need to “cry it out” on this one. A truly hungry child will eat anything. Stop giving in and make him eat what he needs. Hes probably not getting the carbs he needs either which is why hes always so hungry.
It means a couple long nights for yall but he needs to eat properly


Children know it’s gross cuz well it kinda is. It’s a dead animal corpse


Maybe it’s a texture issue

Sounds like he wants to be vegan.

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My sister wouldn’t eat it as a child and now I’m a vegan

Tough love will fix it. Eat what you’re given or starve… My daughter figured it out rather quickly lol


Not eating meat is fine I would encourage as many other protein sources as possible. Since he is a hood healthy weight and height I would only have pouches say at breakfast and introduce him to freshly made mot processed foods.

Get a blender and make home made ones, less cost and he still gets what he wants. If hes so picky he wont eat it unless its in said pouch, maybe try and wash the used ones and refill them?

Switch him fresh fruits and veggies only. Far better for him with better fiber.

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Meat doesn’t matter… at his age he can wat what you eat. Very few processed foods. Hell eat. Or get hungry, he will eat.

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They sell refillable pouches, just make your own food and fill them yourself.

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Dont give in either Get tough. Those pouches aren’t great…

Amazon lrobably has pouches, in bulk that u can buy n fill urself…

Ahhh- no meat isn’t a problem!!!


Try pizza! Everyone likes pizza…

BTW, what are pouches?

Eggs, peanut butter, I make protein drinks (low in carbs) add fruit.

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Those packets do not teach children to eat normally. They are not building the proper muscles to chew and swallow so I would remove them from his diet all together. Begin feeding him regular softer foods to get him used to chewing and swallowing and then gradually introduce tougher foods. Start with preferred foods to make it more enticing.

Children learn through watching others. Let him see you eating the same foods and just keep practicing and sticking with the plan.

Stay away from preparing meals just for him. He will not starve and it will take patience but you can do it!


Had same issue and finally decided to battle it out and I was set to win the battle. There were a lot of tantrums kicking screaming crying etc but I stayed strong and didn’t negotiate. You eat what I fix or a pbj sandwich (always option 2 available) or you dont eat at all. My son sat at the table with us every meal and refused to eat and I refused to give him any snacks and only gave him water. By dinner time which I encouraged him to help make, he gave up the fight and was hungry so he ate dinner with us and loved it. This battle went on for a week but everyone in the family held strong with the no snacks until you eat your food and only offer water no milk or juice. We won this battle and turned our picky eater into a try everything once eater and we no longer buy pouches.


There is protein in plants, so protein isn’t really an issue. Maybe you can find reusable pouches on Amazon and make your own purees. Get him involved in making them too and that might help.

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Picky eaters are hard. I think it’s going to be really hard to break him of the packet habit. I see it as a comfort thing for him, like a binky or bottle with the sucking effect, especially since he is crying for it in the middle of the night. I still put my 4 year old to bed with a sippy cup of water. She gets comfort from clutching and sucking on it, and it’s just water so it doesn’t hurt anything. I would set a limit on how many packets he gets per day and stick to it. I know it will be hard, because we want them to eat and give them what they want but something needs to happen. When my daughter went through her picky phase, my dad always said she’ll eat when she’s hungry and eventually she did. There are lots of other sources he can get protein from. Try edamame. It could be something fun for him to eat. If he insists on fruits and veggies, do apples, bananas or celery with peanut butter. Maybe he would like being able to dip them. Also, check out nutritional yeast. You can sprinkle it on foods, and it has a cheesy flavor and lots of protein. There’s also chickpeas, peas, tofu, oats and quinoa. Give him three protein options you approve of and let him choose which one he wants. Putting it in their hands helps. He doesn’t need to eat meat. There are lots of options if he doesn’t like it. Just look up vegan protein options, and you’ll find plenty. I’m not vegan; I just had a picky eater that didn’t eat meat for awhile too:)

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My boys didnt eat any protein until age 3 or 4.

My 18 month old doesn’t eat a lot of meat either. And she’s weird with food… One day she likes something and the next day she’ll spit it out. We found “toddler formula” to help replace any nutrients she’s not getting. We get ours from Target. Up&up brand. $12 a can and we give her 6 oz twice a day.

My 8 yr old as a toddler would eat brownies in the middle of the night! Those little snacks ones I’d give him a half one…drove me up a wall!! He’d throw tantrums even in the night if i didn’t give or have any mind you the boy was healthy as an ox ate fruits veggies healthy food all day but needed that damn 2 in tye morning brownie…come 3 yrs old i stopped i said no enough is enough no snack at night anymore…took a good week of fits for him to stop asking! So don’t give in!

Also the food…eat what you get or nothing…i have 4 kids total now and I give them food and you either eat it or don’t but you dont get to be picky…and guess what everyone eats anything…it’s hard to break some habits and those bags are pricey…switch to the real fruit and start offering other choices whether they like it or eat it or not …keep offering and it’ll happen eventually…slowly give less and less pouches… those pouches will be a thing of the past once realizing all off the food that they have been missing

My 2 year old does not eat meat, that is not the issue… you need to stop giving in to him and giving him pouches… he needs to know how to eat something other than puréed fruits and veggies. Be persistent in offering small amounts of what you cook to your child to eat eventually they will begin to eat it… maybe even back pedal a little bit and feed him the food you prepare to make it more comfortable? It’s all about being consistent with the transitions. I have been doing this with my son and this week he actually ate some pieces of chicken and ham. The first week off of pouches is going to be tough but should be much better after the withdrawal phase ends.


A whole apple will be more filling than a pouch. Switch to the whole fruit/veggie.

Eggs, refried beans, peanutbutter are good for protein


This legit sounds like my boy. He is still super fussy but stopped asking for his “meat smoothies” when he was about 3. I know how hard it is, he was exactly the same, would only eat watties beef bolognese. Maybe try only having 6 where he can see? Hide the rest in the laundry? Only whip out an extra until he crys out for one?

Old school “ super nanny “ has some good tips on fussy eaters .
I suggest you book in for a Dieticsn !
My own thought are try reusable pouches - don’t buy the store brought ones anymore . If he’s hungry he will eat ! At least that way you know what’s going in them

My son was obsessed with pouches…he’d have 3 before bed we were spending maybe $50 every 10 days on them. He’s finally started eating the Dino chicken nuggets and grilled cheese. He hasn’t had pouches as much lately - he’s moved on to yogurt pouch - strawberry banana by stoneyfield
He didn’t like chicken nuggets at first he would only eat grilled or baked chicken and he liked to dip it - maybe try that?
He also loves rice and American chop suey or meatballs
But he doesn’t venture far from those items

We went straight to our table food with son hes 1 next month becuase we were afraid of this.

I was a super picky eater and refused to eat meat u less I was forced to because of the texture until I was pregnant in my 3rd trimester. Specifically beef I couldn’t stand it and would gag on it. You can find whatever is in meat in a plant based diet definitely. He might just grow out of it. Also at 2 he really should be eating solids. I loved the poches for convenience when my daughter started eating but she gets applesauce in one for breakfast with other foods and then she gets a lunch whatever it looks like for me that day and dinner. Shes only 14 months old. If your doctor isnt worried though then dont be. You can try to wean him off the pouches slowly. My daughter loves feeding herself so I put the food whatever it may be directly on her tray and she feeds herself. You could try that! But if you decide that you dont want him to have a pouch you cant give in because he will know that of he cries enough he gets what he wants. And sometimes it feels easier to give in but in the long run it’s harder because they learn that and its hard to move past it.

Some kids actually are referred to food therapy. He may actually need that. To introduce him to different things and textures. But he has to start learning to chew. And eat normal things.


2yr olds do this get hooked one one type of food give him time and keep trying other foods

What about ensure or some kind of shake to fill him up because those have a lot of sugar and aren’t filling

Cut back on pouches significantly, save them as an after lunch snack or a desert for finishing his dinner. At his age he can eat cut up veggies and fruits, introduce those. Consider the pouches are basically the equivalent of jarred baby food, so you can guess why he is going through so many. Pediasure has a good amount of protein in it if he doesnt want meat. Peanut butter and beans do as well, introduce peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Do Not Give In On The Pouches. Make them a reward if he loves them so much but do not allow a 2 year old to determine his only food source.

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This is what happens when you choose the easy way. You lose control. Now you have a 2 year old who decides what to eat and not the parent. It only gets worse.


Maybe it would help to try squeezing out the pouch into a bowl and give him a spoon to eat it with. Once he’s “off the pouch” and is eating them without issue from a bowl (which would also allow you to start making homemade puree), try adding some cut up fruits/veggies on the side or in the bowl with it (bananas, strawberries, steamed broccoli, canned green beans - mushy foods). Give less and less puree and more and more fresh fruits and veggies on the side, until you don’t even need to add the pouch. No meat right now is fine. Maybe add some kid-friendly protein powder to the puree?

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I gave puréed for a small amount and regretted it stuck to table food he is a picky eater too but loves his fruits and will eat what he enjoys and we take advantage when he wants to eat and will snack healthy all day since he is a very active little boy

My 2yo is in size 5clothing to he isn’t a big eater but loves his bottles

The main issue here is not the lack of meat but the fact that a 2yr old sole nourishment is coming from I’m assuming puree pouches for infants. At 2yrs little should be basically eating what you and I eat for choices. Texture should have been introduced a year ago and that’s your job as mom. I agree with other comments that it’s time to cry it out with this one and do right by your child’s health. I also have large boys but they get alot of protien and veggies so all pure muscle. Talk to a dietitian asap!! Dont waste another dime on pouches, homemade or bought. Texture flavor and more texture, your little is missing out and could have long term damage living off of a processed pouch.


Quinoa is a great source of protein and a good filler … you need to cut way down on the pouches , they may be convenient , but you need to start adding real food !! Start with like breakfast and after a few weeks replace lunch with real food … etc etc… best of luck !

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My dr always said not to force her to eat something, offer one alternate and if hr
Hef hungry he will eat. My dr ou also said looky at whaty67

6for and

Jackie Lien I didn’t read this but I saw your post in the mom group. Might be some ideas here for you :blush::heart:

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My 3 year old use to eat any and everything once he could eat solids. Now we found out he is autistic and has food sensory issues so he literally only eats goldfish, ritz, taquitos, and fish sticks. He gags at the smell of what I cook and will throw up if I give him a plate of food I cook. No it’s not because he is wanting his way. I have tried the whole he will eat when he is hungry and he didn’t eat for 2 days.

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You know… reading these comments baffles me. A lot of you are being asses. You shouldn’t make this mom feel like crap when she is just reaching out for advice.

Her child might have a sensory issue.

I suggest getting him into food sensory therapy. Like I said above my son has food sensory issues as well (texture, smell, etc).


Those things and smoothies have lots of sugar in them. Give him real fruit and veggies and let him chew them.


I wonder if you could use the pouches as a reward rather than going cold turkey, which would be stressful for both of you. Say, give him a choice if a few different fruits, since you know he likes fruit or a smoothie, things similar to the pouch without the pouch. Maybe start with if he tries it he can have the pouch and increase the amount he needs to try to get the pouch.

Sounds like this maybe sensory issues, have you tried pureeing home cooked food instead

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Maybe stop giving pouches and try sliced fruit? Good sweet fruit with nothing added and I dont think te needs any meat if you replace it with a vegetable protein source


Plants have protein :blush:


15 pouches a day… wow… stop giving them to him and give him food. He will eat when hes hungry…


Don’t stress. He’s 2. He’ll eat more things eventually. Stressing and pushing him will get you nowhere.
I’m a mom of 3 teens and a 10 yo. Went through this with all of them and they all eat like adults now…


For protein see if he will eat Quorn pieces (chicken nugget, minces, etc), a lot of toddler don’t like meat as it’s more chewing then there use to, as for pouches you mite just gave to go cold turkey in order to try and find something else he will like as if he’s full he has no other reason to try new things

Maybe suggest seeing a nutritionist or a feeding team.