My 2-year-old will not eat meat: Advice?

My kid is 3 and she doesn’t eat meat either. My daughter has a sensory issue. It’s not a big deal if they don’t eat meat. Protein is in lots of things.

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I had a lot of success with looking on Pinterest and finding ways to make food look like animals. My daughter would eat anything if it was shaped like an animal.

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Pouches sometimes have a lot of sugar. Try getting him to eat real fruit and veggies.


Just stop buying them. Make the switch to soups if it makes the transition easier. ( tomate bisque, chicken soup, beef stew, gnocchi etc) anything soft or brothy like that.

I would definitely cut down on the pouches just because of the sugar. Try some fruits and veggies he likes and use pouches as a reward? Start with even just a tiny piece of meat with dinner or whatever but protein he can also get from eggs or peanut butter or stuff

Could you wash the pouch containers he likes and put you own mixture that’s maybe watered down some in the pouches?

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Prader-Willi Syndrome?

15 a day? They arent meant for your kid to feel full on. Id start by stopping buying those pouches and buy real fruit. Also start by he needs to eat whats placed in front of him, if he doesnt eat it, wrap it up for when hes hungry next, nothing else til he eats it, end of story. He will eventually learn to eat what hes given


Look into non meat proteins, there are way more than most people realize.


Just cut it out honestly. Cut him down he will get hungry enough to try something new. I know that sounds cruel but he won’t let himself starve to death.


My son is the same… No meats… Not chicken nugets… Nothing… But does like potatoes, fries, BOILED eggs… Pizza :roll_eyes: but its mostly fruits an veggies for him also… He’ll b 3 in march

My daughter was not a big meat eater, but she loooved eggs and yogurt. Just keep trying to get him to eat meat, use the pouch as incentive for him to eat one bite of protein. His taste buds will gradually adapt.

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They make a device to make your own food and put it into pouches. Check Amazon!

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Tough love will cut the habit if there isn’t any underlying issues. Don’t give them to him. He will eat when he’s hungry.


Have you had him evaluated by an Occupational Therapist? It could be food aversion.


Those aren’t meant to be real food. Find something similar to what’s in the pouch even if it’s applesauce or something to start with and ease him into real food. Even if it’s not meat he needs real food

Does your kid go to day care? My son is very picky and only eats chicken nuggets at home and a particular type of sausage but when I take him to daycare , they say he eats everything :sweat_smile::rofl::rofl: he will not eat eggs at home but at daycare he cleans his plate. Maybe your son just needs to be around other kids so he can gain that interest in other foods.


Any protein you would get from an animal, comes from a plant to begin with. There’s plenty of protein and other nutrients in fruits, veggies, and whole foods such as wheat, rice, pasta. There’s no need to force him into eating meat when there’s options with plant based foods.


I mean… if he is getting water as well, I would be happy he doesn’t like that nugget and Mac and cheese shit. That’s why so many kids are obese.

I would start maybe dumping the pouches in a sippy cup to make him used to it… then making your own pouches with fruit and veggies and a blender.


Have u tried different brands of nuggets? I buy strictly encor. My son has texture and sensory issues. He looooves mashed potatoes but plain. No visible anything added. I went through 5 types of nuggets before finding out it was because they were all gross textured

My bosses got custody of their two grand kids and they were very picky eaters and they were neglected so getting them to eat was a chore. Their doctor said to make them a plate of the food they (the adults) eat and put it in front of them. If they don’t eat it then put them to bed hungry as hard as it is but they will eventually get hungry enough to eat it. My bosses said it was the hardest thing to do and it took almost two days of not eating what they want then they started trying what was put in front of them and it worked. Just have to stay strong and let them cry it out and the doc was right. They came around and 5 years later these kids eat tons of stuff.


My son wasn’t keen on meat either but he didn’t mind ham. We would buy this pack of “irregularly cut ham” and hand him pieces of that and I would give him protein shakes in his sippy cup and protein bars as ‘candy bars’ / snacks. He sounds like he’s getting rather dependent on the pouch’s so I would just cut those out and switch to solid fruits and veggies.

My toddler is the exact opposite. She would hardly eat anything but when she did it was mainly fruit and some veggies. She hated the pouches that WIC suggested us to try her on and would spit them out. She was on liquid vitamins and the doctors told us to switch her to kids gummies and add a pedia sure shake daily. She started to thrive. Went from eating almost nothing to seconds at dinner tonight she even ate the meat I gave her.

My son is in feeding therapy. He is a very very picky eater. He eats yogurt like crazy. He is also 3.

Stop giving them to him and he will eat when he gets hungry enough


I wouldn’t make him eat meat if he doesnt like it. He’s clearly not under nourished noting his size. I think kids are smarter than us when it comes to intuitive eating. Now if you told me all he would eat is chicken nuggets, then I’d be concerned.


He’s 2 and your the parent.
Stop the pouches and he will eat when he’s hungry enough.


mine doesn’t either, her doctor said it’s completely normal

u could try to make ur own pouches instead of buying them. it could save u money and u can add things like protein powder or different proteins to it. i would also talk to ur doctor about therapy if he wont eat any regular solids. if hell just eat the liquid pouches and to find a way to move from the pouches to solids

Meat proteins are the best option though, as they are a complete protein with all the essential amino acids in it, whereas plant protein lacks in typically one or multiple. And would require supplementing which is not always a great option for kids, especially when they’re picky to begin with. You could get the pouches that have the meat in them with vegetables to get him used to the taste of meat. It also could be a texture thing for him as well, so possibly some therapy to help overcome that! Good luck momma, these kids are tough nuts to crack!

I have always used the two bite rule. Two bites every good every meal. My daughter is 19 now still does it and eats everything. That being said. I wouldn’t worry a ton about the meat he can get protein from other sources. The addiction to the pouches though, I would cut those out and switch to actual fruit and veg. He will eat when he is hungry, he wont starve himself


He only eats the pouches? Just keep offering a variety of foods. Protein is in everything, you dont need to eat meat to get it :heartpulse:

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Take away the pouches and put real food in front of him. When he is hungry he will eat.


He is a big two year old that loves to eat. I would keep him on a regular feeding schedule. I done this with my kiddos at that age. Introduce beans into his diet. Maybe even shred the meat up and add to oatmeal. I made my own baby food. Blender was awesome. Since he loves fruit and veggies already doubt he notice the meat.

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Chili…peanut butter…scrambled eggs…

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It’s a stage… he’ll get over it soon enough. As long as the dr isn’t concerned, I’m sure he’s fine. Try smoothies? Add protein. Protein powder can be added to just about anything… and tastes great. Try putting them in cups…in front of him at first. Then add proteins… he’s happy and heathy.

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My daugter is 10…almost 11 yrs old and has never eaten meat. She has refused it since the day she could say so. I give her breakfast shakes every morning…and feed her whatever she will eat. A lot of peanut butter on toast, crackers, bread…whatever. Whatever she will eat so she dont have a complex with food and what she eats.

Recycle the pouch. As he gets accustomed to actual homemade items, let him dump the pouch into his own special dish. Make it an event of going to the store and spending time looking for the perfect dish he selects all by himself. Let him dump his recycled pouch into dish until he tires of doing it himself. Now, you can prep his things and toss them in his dish and phase out the pouches. This isn’t a battle. It’s a hurdle. Give him pretzel sticks and peanut butter and let him dip. Protein without the fuss. Again, let him pick out a little divided dish with space for pretzels, peanut butter, fruit, yogurt. Work with him, not for him. It’s okay if he doesn’t eat meat, but he needs protein. Just make sure everything is yummy. Give him options. This or that, but it doesn’t need to include HIS go to once he is weaned off. Snacks need to ALWAYS be available, but only fresh fruits and veggies. Anything else needs to be served at your discretion.


omg I could NEVER put my child to bed hungry…


My 3 year old isn’t a fan of meat except ham.

No chicken, fish, pork chops ground beef, steak… couldn’t care less. Will eat veggies, rice, pastas. No meat (except ham). I make sure I buy other orotund foods like eggs, and nuts, and make sure she has extra rice, and such.

I’ll always give her a bit of meat, I’ll ask her to have 1-2 pieces, but after that if she doesn’t eat more, I expect her to finish the other things.

Most of her foods/snacks are fruits and veggies. She’s just not a fan of meat. I won’t force her to eat it, but I always ask her to have some.

Ummm. I hope you get the ones that are see through so there is no mold


Kids are kids. Let him be. He will come in to his own.

He’s too young to starve himself, take them away and leave real food as the only option. He will eat eventually


Buy some snack/sandwich bags …and, fruit/ vegetables, let him help you make his pouches.

My daughter is like that too. She is 2 yrs old and wears a 4t. She does not seem to like eating much meat. Like what kid doesn’t like cheeseburgers or nuggets from a fast food rest? Her that’s who!! We tease her and say she is the vegan baby. Lol *nothing wrong with being vegan, vegan people. I’ve tried it for awhile and noticed many health benefits might go back.

My son went through a phase where he refused to eat meats. He never liked the pouches but he for a while would ONLY eat go gurts and drink milk. We ended up halving his milk and putting in pediasure to get him through. For now, I would dump out some of the pouches and add in pediasure with a medicine syringe and mix. Also, when they ouches are empty, clean them out the best you can and re use it a time or two with your own mix. Puree meat! We have done that a couple of time as well


When my son was little he was like that too and our doctor told me don’t fight it, you’ll lose the battle. He was underweight to me which again the doctor said was fine, that it’s easier to get them to gain it’s much harder when they’re overweight to help them lose. And if he likes ice cream, let him have ice cream. Eventually he’ll eat better. He’s now 16, and still a picky eater, but much better and eats chicken and steak that he wouldn’t touch when he was little. He literally ate yogurt and drank sunny D when he was little. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t worry when he was little especially if he got sick he wouldn’t be able to fight it. But the doctor was right. It wasn’t a fight I’d win and he grew out of it. Best of luck to you for the same.:heart_eyes:

My oldest is this way. 3 years old, wearing size 7 clothes and in a 12/13 shoe.
My husband and I agreed to stop feeding her ‘what she wants’ and making her branch out and try new things. She would do nothing but eat pouches and chips if we allowed it.
However, being as I’m her parent, she’s not getting pouches or chips except on special occasions. She now eats what we eat, and when she’s hungry she’ll ask for more. If she’s done she’s done. You aren’t being mean for offering food that isn’t in your kids “top 10”.
Don’t Make the poor kid eat whatever is on his plate tho, be content if he tried something and says he’s done. But don’t offer anything else, other than maybe a PB sandwich & fresh fruit or something similar.
Worked like a charm for her. She only eats when she’s hungry and we make sure to portion control what she does eat (sorry but 15 pouches IN A DAY is ridiculous, seriously)

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A lot of people are being harsh on here but sometimes that’s how you have to be to solve a problem. Your kid knows you’ll give in and give him a pouch. You don’t have to give him meat to have protein try eggs, peanut butter, beans. You need to stop giving the pouches so much and only offer real food because he will not let himself starve.


I wouldn’t be to concerned on him not eating meat we dont need to eat meat every day. Eggs, rice, and peanut butter will give him protein. My 2 year old loves spaghetti squash with alfredo sauce and salmon. She hates most meat but will eat fish and shrimp and tofu. You can also see a dietitian. But the best thing to do is give yourself a break dont give up and keep rocking being a mom .

One spoilt child gets what he wants. You doing what he wants. Take the pouches away n he won’t starve.


My son went thru that. We were worried and mentioned it to professionals. It ended up being a stage for us. He eventually out grew it and wanted nothing to do with pouches. He could be eating much worse. We always tried to find deals on them. I would try cutting back gradually and encouraging him to try new foods. Have him help you prep his new foods. Just a suggestion;)

Don’t feed him meat. Find other healthy options


Hes gunna throw a fit but its best to do it now rather than later. Take them away, only offer one after he finishes a meal if anything. Human instinct is not to starve it wont take long for him to figure it out. Just gotta hold your ground through the temper tantrums and not given in, not even in the middle of the night. Offer a variety of foods so he can figure out what he actually likes and start requesting that instead of the pouches


Could you try eco friendly pouches, the reusable kind and make your own fruit and veg puree using a stick blender? Then you could sneak in a bit of meat with the veggies. Also just try getting him to taste new foods, the things you eat and if he does, give lots of praise and tell him how great it is. Kids usually respond well to that.

I think you should be less concerned over him eating meat and more concerned over him eating that many of those pouches. Should introduce him to some simple foods like plain pasta or eggs. He hasn’t gotten a taste for textured foods because he’s eating mush. Which isn’t horrible! Not saying any of this to be a bitch. It’s just true cause we kinda went through the same thing!


could it be a sensory issue? a two year old eating only purées would be a red flag, or does he eat other “regular” foods just not meat? if he’s getting protein another way i wouldn’t worry too much - it could be a (expensive!) phase :slightly_smiling_face:

15 a day? No wonder he’s huge. Nothing is good for you in excess. Jfc just stop buying them. He won’t die.


He doesn’t need meat. He can get plenty of protein in vegetables, cheese, etc. He won’t starve I promise just offer vegetables and milk


You need to get him evaluated for sensory processing disorders. Was he breastfed? Does he have problems chewing and swallowing? Those pouches also have a ton of sugar and are wreaking havoc on his teeth. This is not normal and he may need to work with a nutritionist and feeding therapist. Peanut butter is a great source of protein and be mixed into anything. Stop buying the pouches if it turns out that he doesn’t have any of the above mentioned issues.


Stop buying pouches.


I didn’t eat meat until I was 7. I had texture issues. And I still do with some foods.

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I’m a bit confused What’s “pouches”

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Yogurts cheese milk green veggies fruits peanut butter nuts protein pastas eggs
My daughter isnt big on meat most days. Dr said supplement with the other protein/ iron rich foods. Maybe initiate a reward system for trying new things. See a dietitian for child friendly ideas.


What do the pouches look like? Packaged foods are always usually filled high in sugar or high in salt. So thats why his weight is so high.


This is hard. Id have a talk with his dr for sure. An toddlers are ruthless its their way or no way. Theres days my son whos 2 wont eat supper but will turn around wanting chips.
Hes very communicative so he know what we say. If he doesnt eat supper he doesnt get whatever he wants.
An this is an ongoing battle. Its hard.
But as much as i want to say as long as hes getting his fruits and veggies cool. Im not sure a pouch treat is a good ammount of nutrition. Peanut buttee. Eggs. I mean he literally dont eat anything but pouches? Like no solid food at all?
It is a bit odd because usually when their this young they like to try new things especially what taste good.
I really dont have any advice on what would really helo but if he has good communication i would try to explain that he needs to eat a good supper and or breakfast and have his pouch after. It probably wont go down well but its certainly worth a try. I think its normal to refuse meats but i would try to get him to seeing the pouch as a snack or treat rather than a meal.

You don’t need to eat meat to get protein.


What are pouches? I have never heard of them but my kids are 51 and 47.

Happy Tot makes fiber & protein pouches. And yogurt pouches would have protein too. I have a hard time with meat with my 18 month old too. He used to love it. Now it’s more of a battle.


Maybe get him checked out. My son has SPD and only eats certain foods, no meats as well. Thank god it isn’t to the extent your little guy is going through though. And SPD or not I won’t give him food in the middle of the night, it’s not good to eat at night in the first place. So my advice would be to get him tested for anything and everything, also food therapy and occupational therapy are a great help.

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Having cut open a “pouch” and seen what was inside (specks of mold) I’d stop giving him those immediately. The problem isn’t his, it’s your’s. It’s time to start doing what’s best for your child and not what’s just the easiest for you :heart:


My son is the complete opposite I cant for the life of me get him to eat veggies but he loves fruit and will eat any meat except beef that i put in front of him.

Message the companies for coupons or freebies

Ehh… All i can advise is beans for protein


My daughter refuses to eat meat shes 7 been like that her whole life. Her Dr put her on vitamins so she’ll get the nutrients that she needs from not eating meat. Talk to ur childs Dr about vitamin suppliments since ur kiddo wont eat meat

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My 2 year old was over 10lbs at birth she’s in 6t clothing now it’s ridiculous and she is picky also. The good thing is you don’t need to worry about all that. You can buy toddler drinks and buy multivitamins to make up for the loss. He will get better and open his mind just keep trying. You know eventually he’ll eat if you stop buying the pouches.

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All my 11 yr old eats is peanut butter on whatever…that and KD. All my efforts have been futile. Shes growing, is healthy and smart…so I dont worry. Oh and cheese pizza.

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Other ways of getting protein. Can u give him a protein shake? Yogurt, frozen yogurt, eggs, cheese, beans, peanutbutter.
My son refused any meat till he was 3🤷‍♀️ now he is 4 going on 5 and eats everything.


I’m not trying to be a dick or anything, but that’s on you. I know it’s easier, but stop giving them to him. He’ll eat something else if you stop giving them to him. Also those pouches are known to be all full of mold :grimacing: I can’t imagine letting a kid live off them.


I know alot of parents dont do this and I hope know one offend but if my kids or toddlers didnt eat what I made they didn’t get dinner. it only takes a week maybe and do make sure they get fruits and veggies but my kids weren’t picky at all. my son loved salad. He’s just going to big boy I think and that’s ok


Peanut butter beans some greens have lots of vitamins. Talk to the doctor about starting little kids vitamins. But those pouches are probably full of sugar. And fruit and veggies is good but not all that good if you just eat tons of fruits. It’s natural sugar. Talk to his doctor. Food portions is important for kids. Maybe he can learn a fun way to try new foods.

Wow that doesn’t sound healthy at all. When my daughter was little shed only eat chinese food

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My son also don’t like meat alot. Try cooking veg with a meat on bones in it. Then wen cooked take out the bones etc and mash. Or try fruit and veg in small pieces. Some ideas. Lol kids are so strong minded . Try chicken meat off thigh or drumsticks . Thats How i got my son to eat some meat. His almost five and still dont like much meat.

Entire cultures have been or are vegetarian, with healthy kids. Rice and beans is filling and lasts, just as one example. Mine lived on cold raw tofu (with ketchup, gawd) and fruit and veggies. He’ll be fine if you eliminate the junk food.


My 2 year old is the size of a 5 year old he was born almost 11lbs and has been big his whole life he also wont eat meat and is very picky. My son gets his protein from eggs and beans maybe try that. My doctor recommended vitamins I get gummies because my son loves gummies otherwise you can get the hard ones and crush them and put them in yogurt my son barely notices. Hope that helps a little.

My daughter didn’t touch meat til she was 5. If you’re concerned speak to your doctor, not really good advice here. They will prolly tell you to starve your kid if they don’t eat what you make. As long as the baby is eating it does not matter what or what not.


Does he not drink milk either? Milk is a source of protein. Yogurt, cheese, nut butters, peas all have protein. Start limiting the number of pouches he’s allowed to have and start making him try real food. Maybe make him take x amount of bites before he can have a pouch. Make him eat before bedtime and stop letting him have the pouches in the middle of the night. If my kid wakes up in the middle of the night, he’s allowed water and only water. I tell him we can’t have food after we’ve already brushed our teeth for the night.

My son is picky and he doesn’t have to eat something he doesn’t like but he has to at least try everything on his plate. He’s starting to find that he likes things he thought he didn’t and was resistant to try. Be consistent, I know it’s hard but it’s in his best interest in the long run. Take it from someone who was a very picky child. It makes life surprisingly hard not liking food. Adults get annoyed with picky kids, but it’s ever harder on the kid. Especially when he gets to the age of going to friends houses or on friend trips that include lunch or having pizza parties at school.


I have a 5 yr old who I not a big fan of meat but we do multivitamins. She gets her protein from yogurt and milk. I would def eliminate the pouches as they are full of sugar. Maybe it’s a texture thing and try to blend his food up

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Hes 2. He is not the boss of you. Be a parent now and you decide what he eats. Otherwise you will have a toddler who tells what to do turn into a child then a teenager who rules the roost.


When I was little I was the same way I was not interested in anything that was not a fruit or vegetable for the longest time. In all honesty I still and not really interested in meat at all I rather have a fruit or vegetable. Try making your own version of the pouches and filling the pouch up with your own version because sometimes it’s just because the packaging on the outside is why they claim they don’t like it or refuse to try it. Either way if you still thinks it’s gross he will eventually realize though the pouch isn’t that good anymore I need to try something new that I well possibly like. I used to do that to my nephew because he was the same way he refused to eat anything that wasn’t a fruit or a vegetable or McDonald’s sometimes you have to lie a little and deceive to get them to try something new

I guess this a stupid question…what is a pouch?

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I don’t make separate food for my daughter. If she doesn’t eat what is provided she waits till the next meal. If they are hungry they will eat! Also when it comes to dinner if she doesn’t eat a decent portion like half then it’s her lunch the next day. It has made dinner time much more pleasant. Also if you have your child assist you in meal prep/cooking they may be more apt to eat it…


They go through that. My kid wouldn’t eat cheese for a week, or ham for a week. Eventually they forget they’re protesting it…

Consider why your child may be picky. They may need an evaluation by a specialist, like for autism


I have a two year old grandaughter that won’t eat much at all. If anything she will eat some veggies , no meat at all. We get toddler protein shakes in the isle with the formula. She drinks one chocolate shake every morning. Its 9dollors for 6 shakes.

That sounds like a lot of sugar mama


nothing wrong with him not eating meat, he will eventually, my son always ate a lot of vegetables dipped in dressing but wouldn’t eat any meat, he loved ketchup sandwiches, he would pick all the spaghetti out of his bowl and leave the meat, I would order happy meal hamburger from McDonald’s and tell them to leave off the meat, if he ever had a piece of meat in his mouth he would chew and chew and finally spit it out , his eating habits will change by the time he starts school, nothing to worry about at all

I give my 2 year old “chocolate milk,” which is really the chocolate flavor Orgain Kids protein drinks I get at Costco. She doesn’t eat meat either- but I have noticed she seems to stay more full longer when she drinks those- or has a PBJ.

Try nut butters, beans, legumes. Puree them and add different flavors. Cheeses, even fruit purees. Eggs. Some kids don’t like the texture of meats. I didn’t until I was in my 20s. The pouches, just my opinion, I wouldn’t even give them to him. If u allow him to be picky now, he will always be picky and never eat properly. I know it sounds harsh, but give him fresh fruits. He will probably not eat them at first but he will eventually get hungry and eat them. And like them. Also, my opinion, do not feed him in the middle of the night. Warm milk or some flavored water will suffice.


This is totally normal and he will start eating everything like normal again before long.

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