My 4 year old is having accidents at school: Advice?

Ok I’m really struggling with my 4 year old right now. She keeps having accidents at school . Today she had 3. She was COMPLETELY potty trained for almost 2 years now . She had a UTI so we got her on antibiotics and she has been off of them for over a week now. They tested her urine and she’s not diabetic. I’m just confused and frustrated. We obviously don’t discipline her over it because she can’t control it but part of me wonders if it’s behavioral. She has another appointment on Tuesday

Have a talk with her and her teacher, it might be to get out of class, when my son started school he had accidents we found it was because he wanted attention and he didn’t want to be in class, after having talks with him and making it to where he didn’t go to the office to change, (he changed in the bathroom in the classroom) he stopped, my oldest had issues with asking, she was scared to ask so once we got her to understand it was ok she was fine

She might be afraid to go at school/or too preoccupied with having fun to stop for potty breaks. Get her a little watch and set a timer to remind her to go every so often

Has rhe UTI completely cleared. Sometimes a round of antibiotics isn’t enough