My 4-year-old struggles to fall asleep...advice?

Hey guys I need some help with my 4 year old… she’s always been a bad sleeper but she was finally getting on the schedule the last few months going straight to sleep but she got covid a few weeks ago and now it’s just terrible. We sleep together and it takes her over an hour to fall asleep, she won’t stop moving around the bed than she tosses and turns all night so she’s tired during the day. I’ve used melatonin in the past and it didn’t really help and I’ve used tart cherry juice too.


Melatonin gummies for kids. Works wonders with my son.

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Following, going through the same, melatonin doesn’t work

There are vitamins u can get, some kids don’t eat right, ( well most) :joy: so they are lacking vitamins and it actually messes with moods and sleeping, look some up on Amazon, see if that helps. Also more activities during the day if they are lacking in that area… same routine every night helps. Like snack, bath, brush teeth, read, bed…etc hope something helps :heartbeat:

We’re actually seeing a sleep psychologist right now because we’re having issues getting our 4 year old to sleep as well. Please don’t use melatonin on kids, it’s really not good for them. The thing that has helped our daughter the most is a sleep story at bedtime. They have a bunch on YouTube and there are several apps you could download too. It gives something to focus on so it quiets her little body down. Most nights she falls asleep within 10 min now.