Help! My four year old busted through my washrooms door even though it was closed while I was changing my pad … and he saw all the blood and now he is traumatized and thinks something is wrong with mommy and won’t go use the bathroom …ladies how do I explain this to him at four years old?
just tell him the truth and that is is normal and your not hurt
All of my boys have done that and I just explained that it is a natural thing mommy goes through every month
Been here! My daughter is nearly four, but she saw me change to. So I kind of just said when your a big girl you bleed a little bit but it’s normal lol! She hasn’t asked since x
The simplest way ever, girls have periods and boys don’t
I had the same thing happen with my 2 year old!!! She was crying saying mama got a boo boo lol just explain it to him like you would anyone else! You get something once a month that makes you bleed but you don’t hurt and it’s your body’s way of taking care of it’s self! My daughter now every time I go to use the bathroom likes the try and offer tampons to me:rofl:
I just had to explain this to my 6 yr old son. I told him that once girls become teenagers they bleed from their vaginia for 5-7 days every month. That is doesn’t hurt. But I wear the pads to catch the blood. He seemed ok with that answer.
Just let him know you are ok and it is something all women deal with. He will be ok. I just want tips on how you have been able to keep this from him for 4 years. My kids don’t know privacy
I’m glad when my 3 yr old did this, he didn’t know it was blood and said, “Mama gots poop in her diaper? You gots poop, Mama?”. Yep. Mama pooped in her diaper…lol
That’s a hard one to explain…
My son thinks my daughter has a butt on the front too.
And I dont know how to explain it.
Be factual and not over dramatic. I said the blood just is something that happens every month and I’m not hurt.
When my oldest was two she went to the bathroom with me and thought mommy pooped herself . I explained to her it wasn’t poop, it was blood. A couple years later she we stopped at speedway to get snacks and use the restroom. She said mom you’re bleeding again. I said yes baby, you’ll bleed to when you get older. Nothing else was ever said about it. She’s 9 now
I always just explained that it was normal
Tell him the truth. My son is 5 and knows about periods. He even says mommy you need chocolate when I’m irritable lol
Girls have a vagina, boys have a penis.
My son does it all the time. I can shut the door and he’ll open it and walk in. His response is " mom you got a boo boo"!! And now when i say i got a boo boo he will get me a pad from the cabinet when i really need a regular band aid cause I’ve cut my finger or something!!
Just be honest and explain it
My 2 yr old after I had her sister went to the bathroom with me each time I left the room to go and I had to change my pad and she said oww and I said no baby girl it’s what’s happens when you have a baby. And she said okay
Just tell the truth. Its a normal body function and imo there is no need to lie about it. Kids understand more than we give them credit for
Tell him it’s a bodies way to prepare for a baby in tbe tummy and when no baby tbe body cleans it out . Tell him the truth .
After reading all the answers I realize I’ve done it all wrong I’ve been telling my boys they’re diapers for mommy they’re out here thinking I shit myself
My kids are always in and out of the bathroom when I’m in there. Both have asked about my tampons. I just explained that when girls get older they bleed for a few days a month and it’s called a period. They didn’t quite grasp the actual concept but both know it’s normal and that I’m okay. I explain to my daughter that when she’s older she will go through it too.
It’s nothing to panic about. The more you explain it and they witness things like that the more normal it will be for them.
At least he’s not like my 4 year old son… “Mom, you got bleed in your butt!?”
Just explain it to him!
I’ve been explaining it to my daughter since she was 4, she’s now 7. She knows what a vagina is, she understands that all cis females will have a period, and that yes it’s blood, but that it’s more complicated than it just being blood. Now every time I’m angsty she asks me if I’m having my period, and I cant help but laugh.
It happens just tell them the truth
Tell him the truth. I am honest with all my kids. Nothing wrong with them being knowledgeable but also encourage him to knock first
Great time to teach him about it.
My 4 yr old saw me change mine, he plugged his nose and said ewww
My 3 year old told my husband that mommy threw her body in the trash can and proceeded to drag him to the bathroom and show him. He had a good laugh about that.
Great excuse to take the time to teach him, tell him this is what happens to women (mommy) monthly. It’s completely normal!
My son asked me why I was putting a trashbag on my butt
Just explain- the unknown is always scarier than the truth.
My son is almost 3, hes always in the bathroom with me. Hes never really cared until recently. He saw the blood and asked if I had an owie. It’s hard to explain to a child so young. They dont know the different functions of the body let alone really understand it. So I just let him call it an owie. When hes old enough then I’ll explain it better. But for now, it’s just fine.
My daughter is three and knows what it is. We don’t hide natural bodily functions. She know penis and vagina too. No “cutie pet names” for privates. Don’t care if people think it’s crude for a 3 year old to use those terms.
Just explaim it in the simplist form so he knows ur not sore. Its something that happens to girls and mummies every so often and its not sore. My eldest was 10 this yr when i had his youngest brother and was a wonderful help to me when i got home but i had to explain to him.gow it was natural for me to have some blood etc and the wee soul was brilliant bringing me pads to the bathroom if i needed help xxx
Tell him the truth it’s normal for women and you’re not hurt.
My son hollered “stop wearing my diapers”.
My daughter thinks it’s poop
My 2 year old knows why WOMEN have a period every month. It’s to prepare our bodies to make babies. Do NOT tell him you have an owie, he’ll worry about you.
He’s 4 and you’ve been going to the bathroom alone? It was standard practice for all the kids to go when I went. Nothing upset them because they knew what was going on from the start. My son even tried a pad on. He’s going to have a friend/ girlfriend/ wife some day. He might as well learn
You just tell him. When ladies grow up, they get blood for a few days every month. My sons have known about periods since… Forever. I never got away from them, so I just explained it to them.
My 5yo son thought I was dying he doesnt like the sight of blood at all…he comes in and sees my pants at my ankles
D: Momma you’re bleeding??!!
Me: Drave please get out while I’m using the bathroom…
D: Are you gonna be okay mommy??! I dont want you to die!!
Me: Son, I’m not dying you need to calm down…its gonna be ok son…Mommys just going through…me thinking how to explain a period to a child Womanhood…its what happens when you’re a woman…now get out…
D: Will “wubenhood” happen to me to mommy? I dont want to bleed…blood is scary!!
D: No son…it doesnt work that way …
Also when I was a teen I started at my aunts house when my cousins were little…I did a huge no no which is you dont flush your tampons…I was just learning about those…I flushed one that didnt flush my cousin goes in there and sees my tampon and screams…Mom!!! Theres a dead mouse in the toliet!!!
My daughter told me I needed a band aid and began climbing up the shelf to get me one:joy:
It’s something that happens to ladies when the lady egg goes off and a new one is made. It’s not being poorly I’m ok.
My kids have seen it many times as when we go out and it’s just me and the kids they come into the bathroom with me and we have two boys and a girl
I told them the truth and they were fine
My kids also asked me about babies a year ago and they were 4,7 and 9 and we sat them down and explained it and they said gross at the end when we asked if they had any questions at all but we want them to ask us anything as we want them to learn about it the right way
The truth…
My daughter busted in on my changing a tampon when she was younger (the lock occassionally didn’t go into position on the handle). I told her the truth but not in excruciating detail…
I learned about sex when I was 7 bc my mother HAD to explain it after kids on the school bus told me the wrong thing. But I cant remember a time where I didnt understand that mommy bled for a little while sometimes. I think that must have just been the fact that I was a girl and we didnt really have bathroom boundaries? I would just explain that it is something mommy’s body does every month and means she’s a grown up girl. But that Boys don’t do it and he doesnt have to be afraid.
I say that I’m still bleeding from when he came out of my butt. Lol I was on the spot didnt know what to say
Be truthful and explain it as best you can for a 4 year old. Reassure you are Okay and let him know it happens every month
Tell him exactly what it is
My son is 4 and sometimes he sees when I’m on my period. He thinks my tampon is coming out of my booty and the blood is poop.
Same as I explained it to my kid when they saw and announced it to the whole public bathroom…that its normal, it doesnt hurt me and its just flushing out old yucky stuff. Neither are traumatized and both have accepted it with no issues.
My kid is almost 4 and I just tell him mommy bleeds a few days a month that it’s ok and it doesn’t hurt.
You just tell him that mommy has her period and it makes her bleed but it doesn’t hurt and she’s ok.
My son ask if I’m okay, I tell him "yes,I’m okay when you’re older you’ll understand " he also thinks I’m wearing a diaper
I just told my kids and acted like it wasn’t anything to worry about. If you act like something’s normal they usually don’t worry about it any more. I also explained that it’s only a little blood and not enough to harm me even though it looks like a lot.
Tell him it’s something that happens to “girls” or “females” cuz I was 10 when I started mine no where near being a woman! U don’t have to explain in in full detail.
Tell him what it is and why then start locking the door
You don’t. You redirect to the fact he should respect privacy and explain it when he’s older.
All my kids saw this young. Simple answer for a young child, Mommies bleed sometimes. No it doesnt hurt. That’s how we know for sure we dont have another baby growing inside. Thats why they make these special big band aids for our undies. Done.
I’m just honest with my boys. That way when they grow up they will understand that it’s natural and not something nasty.
Tell him the truth in 4 year old language.
My oldest (then 3) had to use the bathroom well we were at Walmart. I had to go to. So she went first, and then me. Well doing my business she noticed that It was that time of the month and in a loud voice with a bathroom full of women she says " mommy, your bleeding REALLY bad." Almost died. All but one old lady got a great kick out of it. Little old lady just gave me a disapproving look. It was her that I got a laugh out of the most Hubby on the other hand almost died of laughter.
But ya we had that talk when we got home. We still laugh at this story.
Edit: I new I wasn’t the only one this happened to, and I feel so much better after reading some of them
My daughter just calls it mommy’s diaper and that’s that.
I always just told my kids it’s a period, it happens to all girls and it doesn’t hurt me. I told both the daughters and son. They all gotta know! Lol but I’m not sure how to handle him being afraid. Maybe just let him know it doesn’t hurt you and it is normal? But it won’t ever happen to him to help the fear.
I never hid stuff like that from my 3 kids. Just be up front and explain it as best that a 4 year old would understand.
This is from planned parenthood, obviously you wouldn’t give it to a kid that young raw as is but it lays out all the info clearly and accessibly so you can translate it into 4-year-old. Also if you want someone at planned parenthood to talk to your kid they totally would and they’d do it well because planned parenthood is awesome and totally does education. I thought maybe there’d be something appropriate for a 4-year-old boy on Sesame Street or something similar but I looked it up and there totally isn’t, which is a travesty. It’s ridiculous that female bodies are considered so taboo. Anyway good luck!
At 4 years old my kids were getting my pads out of they spot for me. When my daughter asked she was 2 or 3 I just told her I have my period it will go away in a couple days no boo-boos she shrugged her shoulders and walked out.
Tell him it’s a a girl thing and doesn’t effect boys. And it’s ok.
My daughter walked in around the same age. I explained that it’s normal for mommies and that it doesn’t hurt. She promptly forgot all about it.
I answered my son’s questions as he had them. I never lied just gave as little information as answered the question. Or whatever I thought he could handle. First it was very matter of fact “this happens to ladies every month when they grow up. It’s normal and mommy is fine.” When he asked about tampons “so I don’t get blood on my clothes.” When he finally asked why I get periods “my body wants me to have a baby and tries to get ready for it. When I don’t have a baby, it has to clean out everything it was getting ready.” I’m just extremely honest. Kids are ok with the truth. And my now 9 year old is extremely comfortable discussing periods and grabbing tampons.
Even though he may not understand it fully just be completely honest with them and explain what it is and use medical terms and just go with it I mean he probably won’t understand it but at least do your best
Just tell him that you have your period and that it doesn’t hurt. He doesn’t need details, all he needs to know is mommy isn’t hurt
Explain it to him simply… mommy’s bleed sometimes ALL mommy’s it is normal and reassure him that you are fine. Then lock the door
I told my kid I was hurt and this is my bandaid
My son calls it “red butt” he’s now five but when four busted in bathroom as I was on toilet. So I explained mommy’s get this from having babies and my husband said red butt and since then he thinks I have like a rash lol
As honest as you can.
For a 4 year old…just explain that its something that naturally happens to girls/women. That it goes away in a few days and NOTHING is wrong.
Explain just like you would anything else, with age appropriate words and that there is nothing wrong with you and that its something that girls/ women go through. Mine has done the same thing and he was fine after I explained that i wasnt dying and that i wasnt hurt. He’ll be okay momma
Explain to him in a way he can understand but don’t make a big deal out of it as he sees your the same he will forget about it
My daughter is always in the bathroom with me lol. Why were you hiding your period in the first place? He should know just as well as any woman what a period is and that it’s not disgusting or something that women should be ashamed of or hiding. Tell him the truth, he’s four but just let him know in terms that he’ll understand that every woman has it eventually and that your not bleeding because your hurt and that only girls have it.
Tell him once a month mommy gets a period and it’s normal and doesnt hurt me. Tell him it is something boys dont have to go through and not to.worry because your ok
You tell the truth in simple words. This is what makes you a mommy and not a daddy.
I told my son mommies body is cleaning itself out so i can be healthy and that since hes a boy his body doesnt need to be.
Mine comes in. Always has. No locked doors here. He see it at 3 and I told him that I get something called a Mummies Tummy sometimes and it makes me bleed. He’s not asked anything besides can I get you some water do you need anything/a cuddle or “do you want my hot water bottle mumma” … I have my own but he insists I have his x
He’s 7 now x
My 3 year old seen me once changing and goes “mommy you’re bleeding!” I didn’t know what to say except “yes I know. But I’m fine.” So now he thinks pads are bandaids for my vagina.
My son loved playing with and unwrapping all my tampax!
I just told my kids what happens when girls get to a certain age periods not hurt ( when the girls get older I go into more detail) I also explain sex and how babies are made at a young age. I just answer all their questions honestly. When my oldest was 16 she wanted birth control so I went with her
That exact thing happened to me with my 5 years old boy it was so cute and funny and I have to explain it to him so he stop worrying about his mama bear so now he knows that we girls have our own thing going on every month
Just explain that once a month a mommy either gets pregnant or has a period. A period is just where old parts of inside her body get washed out and that the pad catches the stuff so you don’t mess up your panties.
Not a boy because my son isn’t old enough to really ask questions yet but my girls who are 4 and 6 fully understand that every so often I bleed from my “butt” because that’s what happens when you get big and boys dont bleed and i use pads/“coupons” to catch the blood. They aren’t freaked out by it and they understand that it is normal and will happen to them as they grow older. As will my son as he gets older. Growing up it was like a sin in my house to talk about a period and I got my first period before ANYONE ever explained it I thought I was dying and then when I realized I wasnt I was terrified I would be in trouble. A period is as natural as pooping and should be normalized by EVERYONE. It is nothing to be ashamed of and I have chosen to teach all my children this boy and girl. And as my son gets older and the girls around him (at school, etc) start their periods I plan to send him equipped with feminine products to school and such in case they “start” and don’t have anything to keep clean with. My girls will be 100% prepared for their period and in my house I will make sure it is seen exactly as it is, normal.
So, why didn’t you lock the door?, I told my kids at a very young age that locked door means mommy needs alone time to do her business and sometime just to relax in tub, read a book/magazine, alone time never had problems with them, even my cats, they understand.
Explain to him into his level of understanding. Don’t lie but you don’t have to explain the science of it just yet. Just let him know once a month all mommy’s bleed and it doesn’t hurt mommy. Mommy just needs to wear a pad to help keep mommy clean. Explain only mommy’s get this. So he doesn’t become afraid it’ll happen to him.
Definitely dont tell him it’s because you cut your penis off
Just be honest. Tell him not to worry, it’s a big bandaid & the bleeding will stop soon. lol
Tell him it is natural and ask him if he has any questions. Any questions he has answer as ‘kid friendly’ as possible. Let him lead in asking the questions, that way you arent overwhelming him or over explaining
Explain what? My 4 yr old son is always in the bathroom with me. No boundaries as a single mom. But he doesnt even ask.
I told my son almost 3, that sometimes mommies and girls need these. Its “lady time” and only happens for girls.
My son has on occasion called pads a diaper and has played with unused pads
Don’t, he’s four. Lock the door or put a doorstop in the toilet so if they try to open the door, it hits the door stop and doesn’t open. That is nothing a four year old needs to see or needs explained to him.
Tell the truth in an age appropriate way.
Just wait til he busts thru the door while you’re having sex. I had to invest in a lock for the door lol … he probably wont even remember that. But simple anatomy that’s age appropriate… explain boys and girls and girls get periods. He wont understand but … I mean if you’re that worried, just age appropriate words.
My son came in around 3 and I kept telling him to get out because he kept asking me if I had a boo boo on my penis. I then explained to him that girls do not have a penis only boys.