My 4-year-old walked into the bathroom while I was changing my pad: How can I explain this to him?

My daughter is 2… and all she says is “ewh” lol. And “look”. But I just tell her mommy is okay, and it’s not a big deal. It happens when you get older. And leave it at that. Lol my 5 year old now… asks me a thousand questions. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: I literally just told her last night it meant mommy isnt pregnant (I know, isnt always true lol but I didnt know what else to say) and that when she gets older she will more then likely get one too.

My friend tells her kids that pads are her big girl diapers and that this is something that happens to older girls and it’s no biggie.

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I’ve never had to go through that but my son used my tampons fir cars win he was little my little girl when she was2 (they are all grown now with their own kids) but she was in bathroom with me alot anyway one day i told her come here her underwear was a little bulky remember she was out of diapers an lolol i checked she had put a pad in her underwear the correct way lol an i just hugged her


Um tell him the truth? What’s the big deal? My boys are 9 and 4 and know all about cycles and such


I just said I’m fine mummy has a cut and has to wear a nappy (and now everyone knows :rofl:)


I think this happens to quite a few parents I just told mine it was mommy’s grumpy time and that I’m ok

Lord kids are resilient. It just say something women go through he’ll be happy with that and then direct him to somewhere else.

Just explain in words he can comprehend. Sheesh. Don’t have to go all ballistic.


My son saw, I said I’m on my period, I bleed. He was like “ok”.


same, 2 kids no privacy. But they are so smart. I did my best to explain without too much detail of course. And now every month when its that time they are a big reasurrance. My kids do everything they can to help mommy feel better during it. Better informed people better the world. Imagine if all men understood what women have to go through bc of growing up better informed. Itd change the world

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I’ll make it quick… women bleed every month I’m not hurt it’s natural. Knock next time because this is a private area you might see something gross or scary if you don’t…lol

Mine told everyone I got shot :woman_facepalming:


I have a 4 year old as well… you can be honest, but they wont understand. So just say, “mommy got a cut (or boo boo) and now I have to wear a big bandaid! But I’ll be ok🙂”


Just be honest about it.

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All my kids seen me at some point like this. I just tell them I’m on my period. Now that my daughters 3 I tell her I’m in my period and I’m changing my tampon/pad. Used it as a time to be honest with her cause shes going to be doing the same when her babies are small lmao

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“every month mommy’s body tries to have a baby, and the blood is because mommy didn’t have a baby, so mommy wears these pads to deal with the blood”
Not a big deal, I don’t understand the people here saying to tell your kid you got hurt. That’s more scary than ‘hey this is normal, it’s okay’


“Mommy, and most girls when they’re grown up, have periods. It’s how we can have babies. Mommy isn’t hurt. It’s just what my body does. It’ll be better in a couple days. It happens every month. Has for years and years. It’s cool.”
My son replied “oh. Ok.” And that was it.:person_shrugging:
If he notices now, he just asks if it’s my period again. I say yes and that’s it. He’s cool again.
Just give facts. It’s nothing to hide ,be embarrassed, or make a big deal about.
We have periods…it’s life🤷


I didnt know how to tell my son he was 4 so he went around telling ppl my butt wad bleeding sooo embarrassing…so i told him its my lady time and im not hurt and to knock haha

I dont even have a period anymore and my boys know what it is lol. Just explain it to him the same way you explain any other question.

Try locking the door😉


I’m kinda laughing at this dramatic image of you sneaking away to change a pad like it’s something illegal and him busting through the door and screaming in horror :joy:
I’m also disappointed there are still people hiding something as normal as a period like it’s something to be ashamed of.
I’m surprised it’s taking till 4 but I guess I’ve always showered with my kids when they are little and they follow me to the toilet so it was always just normal.


:joy::joy: I just told mine it’s cuz I don’t have any babies

Kids are smarter than you think. I was exposed to it early and my mom just said it was her period and that it happens once a month when you get older and its totally normal and then told me how to open and use one. I dont remember how old i was. 5 maybe. And when I had my period i knew what to do and i wasnt scared. Some girls were so terrified it broke my heart. Just tell them the truth. Theyre smart as heck.

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We told our son, who was 4 at the time, the truth. Mom has a period. It’s okay. It is not all “blood”. You’ll be excited when your future gf gets her period. Then we told him about cramps and how they hurt women and then explained tampons. We explained to him the issue just like we would to our daughter. He’s not stupid and we refuse to raise a male who doesn’t know that a woman’s urethra is a different hole than her vagina.


Easy. All big girls bleed once a month. It’s normal and safe. Mommy’s ok.


I haven’t told my daughter yet (5) but after reading this I will be. I wasn’t told about it growing up and I was mortified when mine first came I struggled mentally and hid it for months. Thanks lady’s :heart:


It’s a normal thing that a woman’s body does. I would just be honest so it becomes ok in his mind. He will eventually grow up and have a girlfriend, fiance, wife, female friends so he’ll experience it again, but much later. Honesty is the best policy so he’s not traumatized next month when it happens again.

I didn’t know mom’s were supposed to keep this a secret…my girls (5&6) have known and witnessed all there is to shark week since they were born LOL

Lol be honest. My daughter did the same thing just dont overreact and let him know. Most kids will see this sooner or later and likely sooner. Just let him know its not a big deal mamas fine.

My son is almost 2. I change my stuff in front of him all the time and always plan to if he follows me. And I also discuss it as normal. So he’s just going to be conditioned to it. I think honesty is the best policy. Just explain you bleed once a month. Because you don’t have a baby in your tummy.

Have a son, literally just tell him mommy has a period once a month. He will be fine as long as you dont make a huge deal about it. My son walked in while I was changing my tampon and my stupid husband said the tampon was a bomb when our son asked. He literally ran aepund saying its a bomb for hours

Missed your moment , at that age you matter of fact just say your on your period and that’s what mommies do . He would of shrugged and that would of been that . It’s a natural process so treat it as such

Can you tell him that once a month, your teetee turns red? He doesn’t need to know much more than that at his age. Just tell him that is how your body washes itself and leave it at that. Explain to him that not all blood is bad, etc

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He will forget about it in no time

I would teach him privacy

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