My 5 year old is a mamas boy...advice?

My 5 year old son is a mommas boy. He wants to be in my space all the time. However, I am struggling with him to stay out of the bathroom or bedroom when I’m changing or taking a bath. Any tips ?


This must be your 1st.


Set boundaries and enforce them. Have discussions about personal space.
He’ll out grow it but you do him a disservice by not explaining boundaries. :purple_heart:

Set boundaries and enforce them.It’s that simple. Your not his friend your his parent.

Set boundaries and enforce them. Lock the door if he doesn’t listen time out and no technology or tv

Tell him this is the time you need to talk to Santa Claus and he better be good

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Enjoy it while it lasts.It doesn’t last long. From a mama who knows :heart::heart:

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Next you’ll be bitching cause he doesn’t want anything to do with you!

My 12 year old just walks in whenever. Lock the door or get use to it.


I got three kids that do this :joy: I’ll let you know when it ends.

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Boy mom have 3 they get more modest with u as they age. I personally think at that age it’s normal a mom is a child’s first love he doesn’t see anything wrong with it. Not saying u don’t deserve to go to bathroom alone

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Lock the door behind u tell him u need a few minutes of privacy to change

I have 4 kids one girl and 3 boys. All of them come in the bathroom. Even they are an adult or teenagers they know I’m their momma. When I go quietly bathroom or bedroom I locked the door I tell them hey mommy need a few minutes alone to refresh her face I will be out in little bit. Mommy come out pretty and nicely ok. They all wait for me to come out and they get happy so now they leave me alone when it is locked

Maybe I’m horrible but uh… this is why my bathroom door has a lock; I don’t mind if I’m taking a bath but time to go to the bathroom is ME time :weary::joy:

Just lock the door or put some toys next to the toilet door so he can play till you get out

He will be a mamas boy for ever , you just need to set boundaries

I honestly think they do it because they have a captive audience. It’s like they have radar.