My 5-year-old is still wetting the bed...advice?

My son just turned 6 last week and he still occasionally wets the bed if he falls asleep with out using the bathroom first or if he’s had a busy day and not many bathroom trips, he wets the bed and is a heavy sleeper. I use doggy pads and a waterproof mattress and call it a day :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:

You can’t night train. It’s a developmental thing. My 6.5yo has only just started not seeing during the night. We’re on week 3 so far :crossed_fingers:t2:
She’ll get there. Don’t worry. Some kids aren’t dry at night until 8.

The first thing you need to do is take her to the pediatrician and talk to them.

That’s normal at her age. My four year old is potty-trained, but she’s not able to make it through the night without accidents yet. I just put a pull up on her at night.

It happens…some kids are really hard sleepers and some are scared to get out of bed/scared of the dark so they try and hold it. Get pull-ups in the meantime.

We got an alarm that connects to the underwear and when it senses liquid it goes off and that worked really well still took a few months but it was the best way we found :ok_hand:

I recommend seeing urology

Could be something medical have you taken her in to the pediatrician yet? Is there a family history of this? Also it may not be a problem. Some kiddos just pee the bed until they’re older.

She needs to see a doc.I did the same thing after meds and everything else in the world my parents did they took me to the right doc and I hD a membrane growing over my bladder and it wasn’t allowing me to completely empty my bladder .It was a very quick and easy surgery and after that I never wet the bed again.

It’s a hormonal thing she will grow out of it x

My daughter is 7 and the only time she has any kind of accidents is when she has a uti or something… might wanna get her checked. It cause cause lasting damage.

It’s no one’s fault :woman_facepalming:

My 5 year old still wets the bed no matter what we tried. We just accepted that his body isn’t ready yet… he just doesn’t wake up :woman_shrugging:.

We got him “bedtime underwear” (nijamas bedtime pull ups)

Problem solved

It’s okay. Some kids don’t outgrow this for a few more years. If you’re concerned talk to her dr, but at this age, it’s pretty developmentally normal. Some kids develop the ability to wake up and go a little younger than others, and some take a little longer for their body to mature. Please do everything in your power not to shame her, or make her feel embarrassed. It is NORMAL and she will outgrow it.

Ok now I feel like a. Grinch. Pull ups are a good idea ! And you know to make a big deal of it when she’s dry ! You are obviously a good mom!

It’s normal. My son took a few months of us cutting him off 2 hours before bed and is waking him at midnight to pee before he got it. Layer her bed it will make it easier when she does pee and you need to change her.

One of my twins had to still wear a pull-up at that age. Made for more relaxing nights for sure. When we started realizing she had a dry pull-up in the AM for a few nights in a row, we’d try without pull-ups and so on. Her twin was already fully-trained close to age 4. Every kid is different.

My 7 yo still does… dr says they will grow out of it, not really anything you can do other than what you are already doing.

I would just put a night time pull up on her she will outgrow it…u could try setting your alarm in night taking her to washroom

I went thru the same w my 5 year old , when she started kinder last year she only had maybe in total 3 accidents , but still had accidents at home , and at night , stopping liquids helped , but still some accidents and then idk now she is turning 6 this month and she has had way less accidents , my 1st child was the very same way … its drives me crazy

I always woke my son up and had him go to the bathroom before I went to be at 11pm. That always seemed to help.

My daughter,who was potty trained at 2, wet the bed until she was 8 or 9. She slept so soundly she could not wake herself up to go to the bathroom. When her bladder got large enough to hold it all night, she quit wetting the bed. In the meantime, she wore pull-ups.

Get her night time pull-ups and cut her some slack. It can take the body a while to get the hormonal messages to wake up at night to pee. Oddly mine was dry at night way before being potty trained. I wouldn’t worry until she’s about seven. Get her checked for infections and diabetes and then just relax about it. The Dr can give meds to help. If it’s only the odd occasion, just buy a decent mattress protector and absorbent bed pads. They are great for all spills at that age anyway.

Take her to MD, then go from there.

I would wake my son up right before I went to bed and took him to go pee. I went to bed around 10 pm - 11 pm. He was barely awake. This helped and he didn’t wet the bed anymore.

I have heard of this and a chiropractor helped the little ones I know of. Might be worth a try.

My son was 7when he got dry. I had success with the bed wetting alarm. Took about 2-3wks. I had to go get my son up when the alarm went off for about a week. Then he was waking up when alarm went off, then another few days and he was waking up to pee before peeing the bed.

Set her alarm and walk her to the bathroom every night. She could be a hard sleeper. Also how cold do you keep it in your house?

Some kids just have weak bladder muscles and are deep sleepers so they don’t wake up to pee. She should eventually grow out of it.

You know all kids are different , I had kids that did this and not at all unusual. Just get pull ups for now , have her go potty before bed , then wake her up before you go to bed to take her again , her little brain has not got to point where she wakes up yet that’s all , nobodies fault , bladder still maybe sma

My daughter wore pull ups to bed until about 6. She had a very small bladder, no one’s fault just a tiny bladder.

Wake her up in the middle of the night to go pee. I wet the bed until I was 10 unless someone woke me up to go pee around 2 or 3am.

Enuresis is common in children up until about 6 years old. It takes time for their brain to be able to send signals to wake up to go to the bathroom as well as their bladder is still developing. What’s your experiencing is perfectly normal. You can get mattress covers that soak up the urine like a giant pad, you can find her period underwear (avoid pullups because that is taking 4 steps back) and then you can wake her up in the middle of the night to potty and just be sure to use a blue light or soft light so not to wake her up fully and she should go right back to sleep. No need to panic or beat yourself up. Neither of you are doing anything wrong.

my brother did that until he was about 6 yrs old, I sucked my thumb until I was about 6 yrs old, & our younger sister, just did whatever, We all hav eour thing, I would talk to her Dr, it could be a bladder or kidney issue, But most likely she will stopped wetting the bed in a in a yr or two

My 5yo still wets the bed. He wears pull ups. He very rarely wakes to pee. My 11yo still occasionally wets the bed. She will stop eventually.

My daughter is 8 and she wets the bed if she has Benadryl, like if she has super bad allergies I can not give her Benadryl because she wets the bed. So like someone else said above certain medications can do it.

Have the doctor check her glucose level.

Some kids just sleep hard.

Diaper at night ! She won’t like that.

She may be constipated … have a word with your doctor x

5 is pretty normal yet. Put pull ups on at night. Take her to the dr.

It takes kids longer for night time accidents. My brother slept so hard my mom for years had to get up and physically walk him to the bathroom. My fiancé had to set an alarm and get up to go get his son up to get him to the bathroom. Developmentally kids will wet the bed at night till about 7 on average and then it may become a concern to their doctor and at 12 is when it is a real concern.

Study’s also show a decrease in bed wetting from age three to age 5 and so on.

I wouldn’t be too worried about it. My daughter wet the bed in the middle of the night for awhile and still does occasionally. She is turning 5 and starting kindergarten. She would wake up but cry because she had to go but wouldn’t physically get up. Honestly I think she just didn’t understand and was sleeping so hard it didn’t register. Now she will get up and hobble sleepy run to a bathroom and go. Sometimes she doesn’t make it but it happens.

Take her to her pediatrician. May be a UTI.

wake her up a couple hours after she goes to bed too make her pee again. sounds like her bladder hasn’t brown enough yet and her brain isn’t sending the right signals to wake her up when she needs to go.

Speak to a doctor, we are not doctors and only have (educated) opinions.

5 year olds do not have fully matured/developed brains. Bed wetting can be “normal” until age 8-9.
Liquid intake doesn’t change anything when the brain hasn’t begun to put that specific signal out yet, to not pee while sleeping. Pull-ups at night will help with the mess.

Has her dr checked her sugar? My son wet the bed every night and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.