My 5-year-old is still wetting the bed...advice?

I have a 5yo daughter starting kindergarten this year. She is still peeing the bed we’ve cut liquids at 6 make her pee from dinner to bed the last two hours. She is still peeing. We don’t give melatonin so it’s not that and she’s emptying her blatter the best we can. Anyone else having this problem? I feel so bad like it’s my fault I have no idea what else to do. She’s been day potty trained since 2 so I don’t know the problem


Agree with some people as well! My little guy was peeing the bed at night at that age too, so I got up every 3 hrs to take him to restroom. within a few months he wasn’t peeing the bed anymore! I started going longer stretches like 4-5 hours before waking him to Pee. I think he was just a hard sleeper ! It was probably a year before I started not waking him and now he doesn’t Pee bed at all! He even wakes to go potty all by himself!

My daughter went through that phase at 5 she is now 6 and it hardly ever happens now. Get some good mattress protectors. It will work itself out. I wouldn’t put pull ups on and get her accustomed to that.

It can be normal past 10. 5 is still young. Talk to your pediatrician if you are concerned.

I am in the same boat as my 5 year old… she goes to school next year. Is toilet trained during the day but cant seem to get the night time trained

My daughter’s father suffered from having a small bladder at an older age and the pediatrician said they eventually grow out of it. He was much older with this issue, though and I think something else could’ve been done.

Certain meds can do this also. Not sure if you have her on any prescription meds. Or seizures in her sleep can also do this. It’s worth evaluating all possibilities .

I wake my almost 4 year old up once in the middle of the night every night & make her go pee. I did my son the same way until he started waking his own self up every night & going.

It can be totally normal until about 11. My 5 year old still does as well

I always my and grandkids during the night. They don’t remember going

My son’s 7 and he just finally quit having accidents it’s normal for some kids has somthing to do with their body and bladder not growing at the same pace, but I’d get her checked at Dr. Urine sample and check up just to make sure…also sometimes if there’s been any major changes that could also trigger it, but as for my son it was his little body he’s smaller than most kids his age. I bought a waterproof mat for him to sleep on it helps in not having to change the whole bed so much just throw it in the washer when I did away with pull ups as he wasn’t having as many accidents anymore.

My daughter is 11 and still occasionally pees at night. She has been tested by a kidney and bladder specialist and is fine. They told us that when her brain is able to tell her bladder to hold it til morning, she will. Until then, NOTHING will stop it completely. Hang in there mama.


For my kids they needed their tonsils out. As soon as they were taken out they stopped wetting the bed


Constipation can cause this as well and you may not realize she’s constipated. She may not be getting the full amount out. My daughter had this issue at 8. She saw a gi but things only improved bc we realized she was backed up. She drinks apple juice regularly now and as long as she does that (she also eats a lot of fruit) she usually has no problems. She’s 10 now. Talk to her pediatrician. It could very well just be developmental.

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I peed the bed and ended up needing surgery on my kidneys. Please take her to a urologist. The sooner the better!

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Stress or anxiety can cause also

Do the same potty treating you did during the day but do it during the night and it should work. Her body just doesn’t notice the cues before she wets the bed and I bet it’s when she sleeping. When you get her potty trained at night like during the day then her body will notice the cues.

My son is 6 and just stopped wetting the bed after starting behavioral therapy he has severe adhd I really don’t know if there’s a connection or not but it seems to have made alot of difference for us

I think at 5 it’s normal. If I was up really late for any reason I’d go get her and carry her to the bathroom and help her use the potty. Better than having a wet bed. At 7 now, and every now and again I still get her to go before I go to bed

I have boys but they were the same way. I tried it all, but they are super heavy sleepers and I think they just sleep so hard that it just happens. They must dream of it and do it in their sleep. I took away drinks, I made them pee several times, and they would still pee, they were heavy drinkers in the day, and hardly hate much, so it’s like it was catching up with them at night but they wouldn’t wake up to go .

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It’s normal, wake her up at a certain point during the night and eventually she will start doing it on her own.


Get her up at night when you get up

Mine does too. Every child is different. It’s all in when their body is ready, not us.

Honestly I wouldn’t feel any fault! 5 and still wetting the bed can be absolutely normal! Just use the night time pants! X


I would talk to her pediatrician and see about some medication.


My brother’s issue was pop. When pop got cut, he didn’t do it anymore.

Drinking liquids after 6-7

Some kids are just heavy sleepers when my daughter was young she was a heavy sleeper and we had a bed-wetting problem between the age of five and six it stopped around 6 completely. because I started getting up at midnight every night and walking my daughter to the bathroom and then walking her back to her room and putting her back to bed. Within a few months she was getting up half awake on her own in the middle of the night and walking down the hallway and going to the bathroom herself. She’s 28 now and she tells me she still gets up in the middle of the night and uses the bathroom at least once it just happens she just wakes up enough to realize she needs to go to the bathroom and goes then right back to bed. But if you worried something medical talk to her doctor.


Not your fault they are deep sleepers imagine how she feels

Nighttime dryness takes time. It’s hormonal and happens when the body is ready. Can’t train it.

A hormone called antidiuretic hormone, or ADH, causes the body to make less pee at night. But some people’s bodies don’t make enough ADH, which means their bodies may make too much urine while they’re sleeping.

Do not withhold liquid or wake your child during the night to urinate. Use a pull-up at night until they have been waking up dry for a few weeks.


Is there a potty chair in her room. Tell her it’s there for her to be a big girl at night.

My three year old is like this some days he’s dry and some days he wets the bed at night so I just put pull-ups on him he doesn’t get water after 7:30

I peed til I was about 8. My kids peed til they was about 6 or 7. My grandaughter did the same. Some kids just do, it’s perfectly normal. They out grow it. Get her up a couple hours into her sleep, or if you wake up nightly to go. I always folded a towel up under mine, til I got them up and took to bathroom in the later years. If it is often then get a nitetime pull up. But definitely not a fault thing

My mom used to wake me up at that age in the middle of the night to go pee. My mom never completly took away liquids but would only give water in sips. You can wrap a plastic shower curtain aerounf the bed under the sheet to make clean ups in the middle of the night easier.The dr gave me medicine and it helped. My son had accidents at school in kinder too. I have to send him with extra clothes just incase because he’s such a small size they didn’t have anything that fit him.


Its not a “fault” issue. Stop looking for a person to blame & start looking for the issue to blame. Its most likely her bladder has not grown enough to hold the amount of waste created & her mind has not yet figured out how to wake up when its time to go.

Put some pull ups on her & dont make it a big deal. It will happen when it happens.


My daughter is 10 and just stopped “all the time” but its still happens sometimes… My son is 9 and still has to wear pullups. But ive always had bladder issues… I actively peed the bed until i was probably 12… I had to wear adult pullups until i was almost a teen


Take her to the doctor. She could have a kidney issue or bladder. Could be from fear also. A Doctor should be able to help you out.


Sometimes it’s simply genetics
Our 13 year old peed up until she was 11! No matter what we tried
Although…. We reduced her to a shot glass of water if absolutely needed to keep track of water before bed
He dad also peed the bed up until the same age. Then it just stopped

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Wear nighttime pull ups. In time she will stop. She needs liquids.


My son is 4 and he wears pull ups to bed he’s fully potty trained but some times he wets the bed that’s why I use pull-ups just for bunt time

I’m 77, and still remember the horror of wetting the bed. I was 10, believe me, no kid of this age wants to do this!!! It stoped on its own


They are 5 that’s petty normal.

Stop liquids a hour before bed, have them go pee before bed, wake them up before you go to bed and have them pee. (Give them a small water bottle for bedtime)

Water proof matress liner to protect it. Slowly teach them when they have accidents they don’t have to wake you. Teach them to pull off the wet blankets, lay a towel or something down, grab dry blankets and go back to sleep. No need to worry that you will deal with it I the morning, make sure they shower.

That’s how our family handles it. Atleast one kid on every generation has had the issue. Most hated and where embarrassed by pull-ups so we didn’t use them. Although I do recall having thicker training panties at that age. But not pull ups.

Just don’t make them feel.ashamed

Small bladders run in our family. Takes time to learn control especially with one. So keep a open conversation with your Dr there are other issues adding into her struggle


It’s developmental momma. It’s normal to not be nighttime trained until age 8


My twins are 4.5 yrs old and are not overnight pee trained. Rarely if ever they have to poop during the night but for that they will wake up. But they don’t wake up at all to pee right now. It’s physical development. The pediatrician is not the least bit concerned at this point. They wear Good Nites to bed and I have a Good Nites pee pad over their sheet in case of leaks. My kids aren’t the only ones in their class either. I just wouldn’t stress about it and give it more time.

My son will be 6 this week and still pees at night. His Dr said it’s pretty normal. Some kids do it till 10-12.

Please please please ask your pediatrician to refer her to a child urologist, this coming from someone who was potty trained by 3 and wet the bed for a long time, come to find out I had bladder issues and because it wasn’t caught before the age of 8 (I was 9 before my mom stopped believing “she’s a late bloomer” “she probably gets up and gets drinks after even is sleeping”) the surgeries they could do to help fix it didn’t work as well and I still as a 27 year old have issues with wetting the bed

Two of my children wet the bed until they were around 10/11. Their father, uncle, and at least one cousin were older before they stopped wetting the bed also. My older child’s doctor said it was due to a weak/immature bladder sphinter.


She could just be a really deep sleeper. Its really not that unusual.

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My son is 7 and still has night accidents. Every child is different. She will grow out of it :heart:

My daughter is the same way, she is 6 been day time potty trained since 2. I took her to children’s and they said she has a small bladder, and it’s just going to take more time and work.

My son is 7 1/2 years old and autistic and still has to wear ninjamas for bedtime otherwise he will wet the bed.

My son wet the bed until 10 They ran all kids of test we also stopped all fluids at dinner time. The doctor said it is just an immature bladder and it will get better on its own. We started using goodnights pants and just let it work itself out.


I have two five year olds and a six year old they all have accidents …They wear pull ups just to bed… I have 8 kids they stop when their bodies are ready… until then I’m not buying a mattress a year

Get her tested for sleep apnea. She may need her tonsils removed.

Don’t worry and put her in pull ups


My daughter is 7 and still wets the bed we had to take her to a specialist it actually was a bowel problem and she may need surgery talk to your pediatrician.

Some kids don’t outgrow it until the age of 9-11 and it’s normal. Let her doctor know and if they have concerns they will look into it

Omg!! Why does everyone result to “consult the doctor?” This has been a thing for years, meaning it’s not new and probably a lot of us have had this problem and maybe didn’t know. At least I did… I slept so soundly that nothing would wake me up, even my own bladder. It’s totally normal and I am/have gone thru it with my youngest and by age 11 he had stopped completely without any intervention. Just don’t make the child feel ashamed.


Have you consulted her physician to assess if there is an underlying medical reason for the bed wetting?

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Most Dr’s won’t start to worry until about age 11. Sometimes it just takes longer for bladder control.

Constipation can be part also maybe she sleeps too hard and her bladder isn’t waking her up. Maybe set an alarm at midnight for her to go potty.

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We had this issue after already potty trained and it was untreated strep throat.

When my 5 year old eats, I don’t give her nothing to drink with her meal. She eats her meal first then she gets drink. Once she hands me her cup and says I’m done, she gets nothing else to drink until in the morning. Unless she wakes up in the middle of the night thirsty, then we give her a small cup of water and make her use the bathroom. We run the sink and it helps 99 percent of the time.

My son is just turned 6 and he wears pull-ups still. I’ve tried everything you tried and more and nothing works. From what I’ve seen it’s not always a problem they just can wake up one day and do it. For my son he sleeps so soundly I think his brain doesn’t trigger him to get up and go at night. Just waiting patiently.

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It’s normal. I personally went through an issue far longer than I should have growing up. As embarrassing as it still is. Nothing happened to me, I wasn’t on meds, I just grew too fast for my bladder according to the doctors. Please don’t make her feel bad about this. Get nighttime kids pull ups, and make sure she has a plastic coated bed cover. It’s easier to do that then to make her stress about it. Wake her up at night to go potty too.

Could be allergies, thetemperature in your house, is her room super cold…bladder infection…UTI…so many reasons, ask her…

Perhaps you should try getting her up and taking her to the bathroom just before you go to bed.
I am a heavy sleeper and as a child I use to dream that I got up and went to the bathroom and then would wake up to a wet bed. Not uncommon. Eventually, I learned to wake myself up by questioning if it was a dream.

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Take her to a child’s urologist. My now 29 year old daughter had to have two surgeries when she was 7. The opening to her bladder was smaller than normal and she wasn’t ever fully emptying her bladder. This would cause bedwetting and chronic UTI’s. They determined this with an ultra sound of her bladder being full and being empty.

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You’ll lose sleep but it worked for my 6 year old to wake her up to go pee once during the night. After about 2 weeks she started peeing the bed much less and now it’s very rare.

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My urologist told me it takes 4 hours for liquid to get from the stomach to the bladder.

My daughters pediatrician has told me that it’s actually a hormone in the brain that some kids don’t develop till later on. My daughter was the same Then around 8ish it just clicked! I have 3 girls all potty trained by 2! Without being pressured. Fully through the night by 3.5 besides my middle!!! Give it time :two_hearts: no one’s fault. It’s all growing up.

Before you go to bed wake her up to go potty, if you wake up in the night wake her up to potty. Also get her checked for diabetes and a UTI bed wetting is the number 1 sign of diabetes in children.

There is no issue here. It’s actually normal and nothing to even investigate at this point. She’s 5 and doesn’t make the hormone that wakes her up when her bladder is full yet. She may not have that hormone until she 10. If she reaches that age and is still wetting the bed, then investigate.


Use pull ups!!
Some children take longer and are very deep sleepers

ENT doctor. Kids can have medical issues that causes this that you would never know!!

Have her evaluated and take her to the pediatrician as well

Some time it can’t be helped some person did till they were 10

My daughter at the bed until she was 13.5! We tried everything including meds when she was about 8. Then we tried the same meds again at 13.5 it worked the second time. I would physically pull her out of bed undress her suit her on potty pull clothes back on. She’d sleep through it all we did alarms on panties nothing to drink after 5. So many other things. My dad and his aunt were the same age! Dr’s all ran tests nothing was wrong it was hereditary.

It’s the nerve in their bladder if it’s not strong enough yet they will pee the bed. My daughter is going to be 7 and her pediatrician isn’t concerned with it. She did tell me though if she wants to stay over night somewhere and is embarrassed by a pull up there’s a medication she can take for that day. She also told me to cut out dairy at night

Have her bladder/kidneys looked at also could be an underlying problem usually if it is that won’t matter cutting off liquids at no certain time…Good luck to you

No where did I see that she was taken to the doctor so try that.

My 8 yo boy still wets the bed he’s just not ready so he’s been wearing pull ups to bed

It’s not your fault so you can stop thinking that ! As parents we bring our selves down because it’s a natural reaction! It happens and I know I did when I was young ! Thunder did for me and being scared of getting out of bed as I thought monsters were there . Every body is different! There is no right or wrong way . Is her room decorated in a happy decorative environment? Maybe switching her room may help ! Sorry momma no right or wrong answers . Just don’t blame yourself as you need to save for energy because after this Stage there is hundreds more that you will blame yourself for lol

What does the pediatrician say?

My nephew is 6 and he still wets the bed at night and it’s so weird as he hardly drinks at all my sister gives him his last drink around 5.30pm and he still wets the bed x

It’s not your fault, we as parents sometimes tend to compare ourselves and even worse our kids to others. I also don’t believe in “normal” I am going to say what has been said, you need to take her to a pediatrician. It could be “normal” she could “just outgrow it” but, she also could have an entire long list of underlying medical issues that could be causing it, more than likely it is “normal and something she will outgrow” however on the slight chance it isn’t, I’d rather be the over concerned mom that made certain, instead of the comforted mom that believed it is “normal” because so many others do and have. Regardless of it it’s she is simply not ready, or anything else, she doesn’t need to feel ashamed or like she is any less. I know it can be exhausting constantly changing clothes and bedding, but on the brighter side, it may very well be something a pediatrician can help. I personally would have a waterproof mattress cover and buy reusable bed pads (Amazon sells packs of 4 for $22) it is easier clean up… but first and foremost just be certain she “just isn’t ready” remember regardless of the cause, it isn’t your fault nor is it hers.

Jesus. Stop creating shame around the issue.
Buy her some nighttime underwear, let her drink up to bedtime. She simply doesn’t wake up when she has to pee and she’ll grow out of it.

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Put her in pull ups at night. Bedwetting at this age is not uncommon. You can bring it up to her pediatrician if your super concerned


Someone I know did this for years. Turns out they had bladder disfunction. Maybe talk to her pediatrician?

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Nighttime dryness is all down to hormones. If they have ADHD that can also make them later as they don’t get the same signals to the brain. My 7½ year old has only just become dry at night. We tried cutting out drinks an hour before bed, cutting out blackcurrant caffeine and fizzy drinks completely on recommendation of her doctor. She’s had tablets to slow her bladder down and an alarm that wakes her when she wets. None of them really did anything but in the last two weeks it has suddenly just clicked and she’s able to hold it now till morning. My son is 4 he’s been dry for over a year since just after he was dry during the day, followed the same routine as my eldest except he doesn’t need to cut drinks out before bed. He will take a bottle of juice to bed with him and wake up for a drink a couple times a night and he’s still dry. Every kid is different.

Nocturnal enuresis is more common than people realize. Please don’t let some of these responses scare you! My daughter wet the bed until she was almost 11. No seizure or other psychological issues- please stop the blame game- end result she just slept very hard. She may also have vivid dreams and thinks she is getting up and using the toilet. We used night time diapers for her and let her know she is not doing anything wrong.
She’s fine a nurse now and served in the military.
We have 7 grandchildren one of our grandkids is 10 and still has accidents- their parents do the same thing we did.
It’s not an issue unless they are bed wetting past their 12 birthday.
Here’s what we did to help- before bed I would drink a couple glasses of water- when I got up, I got her up. We peed I put her back in bed and I drank more water. I did this for a few months- at first she didn’t even remember me talking to her or sitting on the toilet. After a couple months she started being able to interact and remember. Again she was just a super deep sleeper- she outgrew it- your little girl will to. If you’re worried talk to her pediatrician. Getting feedback on social media may not be as helpful as you think- it may just add to your anxiety and concerns. Remember your a good mom who loves her baby - worrying is hard not to do. But please be kind to yourself and her on this journey…. One day you will be offering advice to a young mom yourself! :gift_heart:

My daughter is 9 and still dealing with bed wetting. Her doctor just prescribed Desmopresssin Acetate. One pill at bedtime. So far, in one month, she went from an accident one or two times per night to an accident once a week. I also bought a cheap night time alarm that attaches to her that goes off when she pees. So far, both together are working better than just waiting for her to grow out of it. She is a very deep sleeper.
Good luck! I know how frustrating this is :pray:t2:

DryEasy 2 Bedwetting Alarm (Enhanced Version) with Rechargeable Battery and Water Resistant

She’s still young enough that any Dr will tell you that this is normal. It usually doesn’t become a medical issue until the age of 8. I went through this with my own daughter. My daughter wet the bed up until she was 10 years old. We tried medication and it worked half of the time. She saw a pediatric urologist and he put her on miralax. She wasn’t emptying her bowels completely. This website is from the urologist that she saw.

It happens. My son is 7 and still has a few accidents.

My sister wet the bed for a long time. At 8 years old she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and it was bc the sugars were high and it was causing it to come out in her urine, therefore making her wet the bed. Not saying that is the issue but something to look into.

I have 4 kids and 3/4 kids wet the bed. One was 11, one was 6 when they stopped and my 5 year old still does. The one who stopped at 11 has an overactive bladder but the one who stopped at 6 and the one who is currently wetting the bed have nothing wrong with them. No matter what I did/do they still wet the bed so I just put pull ups on them til they stopped. Please don’t scold her. Stopping liquids isn’t going to help. So just put a pull up on her at nighttime. It’s normal and she should outgrow it eventually.

My mom had a bin right under my bed and she would wake up at 2-3 am to have me and my sister twinkle. This is how we learned to not wet the bed. It’s many hours and liquids need to be released. We then learned to walk to the restroom by 6-7, years old - also, we were responsible for emptying the bin in the morning.

I wet the bed for alot longer than I care to admit as a child. It’s nobody’s fault, her muscles just haven’t developed enough. Best thing you can do is what my mom did, just help them change themselves and sheets, bathe them real quick and get everybody back to bed. They’re called accidents for a reason. Don’t be so hard on yourselves💖

I was a bed wetter for years, but there were issues of abuse in the house hold.

This is not an uncommon issue. Use pull-ups or other disposable underwear for night time use. Do not make it into a blame issue for you and do not make it embarrassing for her. Time will fix this issue and please do not limit her water, this could lead to a urinary infection because of highly concentrated urine.