My 6-month-old is refusing naps: Advice?

Rub Vicks on the bottom of her feet

My daughter is doing the same thing

Super dark room and a loud sound machine.

My daughter never takes a nap and hasn’t

Take her a bath … And she will take a nap .

Let her cry it out or put her on her tummy

Just lay down with her…

Don’t just put her down fir a nap. Take a while to cuddle and havr some quiet time to help her adjust to napping. I did this when mine were young, would say," Time to get ready for bed" and 1 woukd say “I din’t want to go to bed now.” And I would remind them that I said time to get ready. Out routi e was baths or wash-up if no bath needed. Getting OJs on and sekecting a bedtime book. Sittlin together on the sifa and talki g then reading each book and after 3books I said than my voice needed a rest so they had to read next book to me. They lo ed to do that. Noe for your baby time to settle and get sleepy at nap times, maby ro ck to sleep and hold her a bit but soon in her bed or nap place. Cuddle if ahe wakes again but insist it is rest time. Avoid saying nap. My kids loved to rest but refused to nsp. Taki g a favorite soft, dafe toy to bed sayi g the bunny. Dolly or teddy needs to sleep with you may help.

I would definitely let her cry, she needs to learn how to self soothe herself.


I agree that she needs to learn to self-sooth but she may also not be tired enough to nap. Waking hours stretch as a baby gets older. One of the purposes of sleep is to process new information. Around 6 to 8 months babies tend to take a short break from needing to learn how to learn things, they’ve pretty much mastered how to learn things, and start needing to practice what they’re learning. This is a time when they start nonverbal communication and the ideal time to start sign language. In the next few months she will start walking. This is an ideal time to get an activity table or start her on toys that encourage standing, walking and general mobility. This will help to reinforce the skills she’s learned, build strength and it will physically and mentally tire her out. Leave her a little nap area ready in her play space and she will konk out for a nap when she’s ready. Or you can try to schedule the exercise at scheduled intervals to tire her out at specific times if you are still sleep training and don’t want to disturb her schedule.

Take a nap with

Do not do the cry it out. Babies cry because they seek comfort and you’re the only person that can give them that. So when you leave them to cry, you’re basically telling them fuck your feelings I’m not going to be your safe space. I HATE that method. It’s cruel. It’s not “training” them. You’re showing them that they can’t count on you when they really need you.
Anyways, I would try to get a routine down. It’ll take a month or so to adjust.

Zarbeea melatonin for babies

Run the vacuum my kids always went right to sleep with it on

My baby didn’t want to lay down… took him to gp, found out he had reflux and a milk protein allergy. He had other symptoms too but take ur little one to get checked over, it may be something it could be nothing. Laying him on my chest helped. Good luck!! X

She might be cutting some teeth that’s uncomfortable for her.

My advice would be take her to your pediatrician it could be teething or she is just a fussy baby but get some advice from the doctor tell him or her what you’ve been doing and get advice from the doc. Until then give the baby a blanket cuddle rock maybe sing to him until he goes to sleep settle him down good luck

Have you tried a bouncer? You can get one that vibrates, my daughter did the same thing and I would rotate between her swing and bouncer. There’s also these Hylands Soothing tablets that I had to give my son a few times, one would do the trick. Those would soothe him even during his worst tantrums. They’re natural, and I wish I had them when my daughter was young lol.

Definitely sounds like a growth spurt and sleep regression. Maybe this will help.

Sleep Regression