I don’t know what to do! My 6 month old is very rarely content. He is always screaming. And his scream is like nothing I’ve ever heard before. He had a tongue tie, we fixed that, he had a dairy intolerance, we changed his formula, he hated where he slept, we made him his own room in our closet so it’s nice and dark and cozy. He was sleeping 3hrs at a time and that was a total win for us but now he’s barely napping and doesn’t sleep more than 2 hrs at a time. My older son was such an easy baby. I honestly feel like I’m failing as a mom. I love him so much but i am so unhappy. Any tips for him to sleep better? I am feeling like I’m drowning
Colic my son had it I took him to a chiropractor and he did a couple things and that night and onward he slept perfectly.
I switched to Kabrita literally a new baby in hours.
My 6 month old twins are like this too right now. It sucks for now, it’s hard for now, but it’ll pass and soon enough you’ll get your happy baby back. Hang in there mama
My youngest daughter was like this for 6 weeks, we changed formula, made a homemade rattle with a small formula bottle and shotgun pellets, it helped for awhile. Got her ears checked they told me she was colic, then one visit one of the nurses did a urine test and she had a UTI she had it for weeks and she was only 7 weeks old when they finally figured out what was wrong hardest 6 weeks of life for her and I I felt like I was failing my baby bc I couldn’t console her even tho I tried absolutely everything I could, even had my in-laws come over and take turns walking and rocking her so I could rest for a bit.
I was going to mention cows milk protein allergy, I see you mentioned dairy intolerance. My boys were both cmpa and lactose intolerance and with a hypo allergenic formula for paediatrician made a world of difference for their comfort and ours. Good luck.
You got this my son cried for six months straight if I wasn’t holding him it was exhausting but we get through your gonna make it deep breaths
It may be as simple as needing a chiropractor to adjust her. I know a couple with a 6 month old with the exact symptoms. The husband is a chiropractor and said the second he adjusted his baby, she was fine.
He said that they can get out of wack during birth.
Best of luck
Sound machine, like white noise and magnesium rub on bottom of his feet.
My older daughter couldn’t have dairy at all either and she wouldn’t stay asleep if I tried to get her down right after eating, I’d have to walk around with her and let her slowly digest and then she’d sleep through the night. Maybe try that?
I’d be checking ears. And is he just waking up? Or waking up hungry? How much is he eating between solids and formula
My daughter was the same way til we switched to elecare formula her Gi doctor put her on it after we done a stool sample! It’s for babies with a serve milk allergy
Get him to a functional medicine doctor! He has an issue on a cellular level.
Colic? Teething? I’m sorry, my second was like this and it felt like forever! He’s 42 now! You’re gonna make it, but it stinks right now. Rule out colic and teeth and maybe consider bundling tight so he feels secure?
Mine is the same way at 5 months old, following
I would talk to his doctor babies cry for a reason…
Do you keep noise on? Might need constant noise
I was excatly where u r at my 1st super easy absolutely no problems always slept at night my youngest just now at 2 1/2 will sometimes sleep all night my youngest was colic but she absolutely loves ocean sounds always has it would calm her try to bicycle the legs it helps push the gas out white noise always helps and no one come at me for saying this but if u try and stay calm through it it helps them get it under control bc they feel ur emotions and feed off it its hard I know I have called my mother in law crying with my youngest when she already had my oldest bc Maddie wouldn’t stop crying longer than 10 mins and I hadn’t slept or showered in 2 days and I was fixing to have a nervous breakdown hang in there I swear it gets easier u got this momma
a warm bath rubbed down with Vaseline and or baby oil or lotion
A warm bottle and swaddled doesn’t help or putting the baby on your chest and moving side to side doesn’t help
Go to you tube they have these helpful baby relaxing sounds or just going to his dr to get everything checked out internally
Hey Māmā, have you tried getting his spine aligned.
You are not failing as a mom! Some babies are just colicky and there’s not much you can do sadly. There’s nothing you did wrong, it sounds like you have made a huge effort to try and help your baby, even converting a new room for the baby and that shows you are a good mom! A big part of colic is the baby gets upset, cries and then they give themself more gas and tummy upset. It’s a vicious cycle. But this will pass, it’s going to be hell for awhile but you will get through it!
first off I would be taking him to his Dr yo find out if there is something seriously wrong with the poor tyke. He could have colic, my second one did. I gave her gripe water in everything she drank and it helped her. But you still should have taken him to the Dr.
Could be teething. Ear infection
Hey mama you are NOT alone. My first was like this. Colic. There’s lots of things you can try but I have one that was a lifesaver and it’s going to sound weird. Hear me out. VACUUM SOUNDS. there’s a 12 hour loop on YouTube, there are sound machines that have that sound specifically or if you get really desperate in a crying fit turn the actual vacuum on. Idk what it is but it worked for us.
Possible acid reflex? At his age if his ears hurt he would be pulling at them.
If it’s more recent I’d be getting his ears checked. My boys suffered from ear infections, constant screaming and team no sleep was my life for a long time prayers mama! My boys were both milk intolerant, soy intolerant and one of them couldn’t have powered formula bc of the corn he had to be on the ready to feed liquid! Praying for ya mama!!! You got this!
At 6 months it can be teething or growing pains, if you are worried about him, schedule a doctor’s appointment, when it comes to babies it is not good to just guess.
Emily Hughes Willers maybe something that would help S.
The formula switch may not be working for him. Have you had a GI consult?
My Daughter was like That, Day & Nite Crying! Naps were very Short. Changed Formula till wasn’t any more to Change to. Tried Everything, Warm bath , Nothing worked. My Grandma told me to go to Drugstore & get some Cat Nip . I did & Put a Tiny bit in Water with Tiny bit of Sugar & She started Sleeping. I didn’t ask my Dr nothing, I was At The end of my Rope. My other 2 Were Really Good Babies. I don’t know what it was, Neither did Dr. You do what you have to as Long as it doesn’t hurt them! My Grandma Believed Old Fashion Way. ALL 4 Of her kids had it & I knew she wouldn’t tell me IF It hurt her. Prayers, God Bless.
Definitely worth a try to take him to a chiropractor!
Baby probiotic or this infant tummy tincture for colic, by Earthley:
My now 3-year-old was like this. Also born with a tongue tie. Also got revised. Also had to order special formula for him. I love him so much, but it for sure was frustrating feeling like you can’t give your baby what he needs to be comfortable. Keep trying different things. Check with your doctor too! If you got his tie revised, did you also do craniosacral therapy? That might have helped. Can still help. Find a local tongue tie support group where you can get more info!
Sounds a lot like colic may need to see his doctor for some help. Poor guy.
Has he been checked for reflux? It’s worse when they are laying down. Very uncomfortable to pain for them just like it is with us.
could still be an issue with the formula. what did you switch to? try adding probiotics.
Try researching purple crying
Is he getting teeth? Has gas? Tummy troubles. Hungry? I’d take him in Incase it’s something else? An ear infection maybe
What does your pediatrician say? That sounds miserable for your whole family
You need to find someone or hire someone to deal with your screaming child once in a while so you can sleep. Kids were meant to be raised in supportive communities, not with all the care put on one person.
How is your little one with other people in other environments? Have you tried my lion gas reducer? Or giving little sips of milk substitute and burping after each vs. letting her/him gulp it down?
I’m sure you’re at your wit’s end but if you haven’t killed your child yet, you’re doing good.
Have you tried the chiropractor? Worked WONDERS for my son!!
My daughter needed to have her tonsils removed. They didn’t do the surgery until she was 6. She cried ALL the time, just like that.
Use baby probiotics. Colic isn’t normal. Liek people always say babies get fussy, but there’s almost ALWAYS a reason, and usually caused bc of digestive issues. Seriously try baby probiotics.
My third born was like this his first month. He was colicky and we got gripe water and switched to the enfamil gentlease formula. About 24 hours after switching him, he released so much gas and started sleeping for 4-6 hours at a time rather than 1-2.
Sounds like colic … My second son had this and I was up all night with him screaming, hardly slept at all . It absolutely exhausted me … He grew out of it at 7 months
My son is 28 and still is not content. Colic, allergy to milk, severe GERD. Puked all of the time. Cried all of the time. Only slept in my bed. Would take 10 minute cat naps, all day! Didn’t get him out of my bed until he was 5. Then his sister came and I was blessed with an easy baby. You are doing a great job Mom. You just have a grumpy baby. My son is still not a good sleeper.
100% go with your mama instinct. Your tired baby is unsettled so ur doubting yourself. You can ask every professional in the world but no one will know baby more than you. My oldest went thru a stage were I couldn’t console her and there was this one song that she would stop crying and listen too. When the song stopped she’d start screaming again strangest thing. Hubby and I had that song on repeat for a straight week so we narrowed it down to her being lonely
Being a mother is not an easy job study what works with the baby.Babies are different schedules (have one) and most of all Patience.I always have a saying”If you’re not ready to be Tortured Don’t Have Kids”
Did his tongue tie grow back? Sometimes it re ties
My granddaughter screamed all the time up every 2 hours, she had acid reflex. Go to your dr, there is medicine that helps. Maybe it is something else to. Go to dr
Co-sleep. Breastfeed. Chiro. Teething? Improper healing of tie? Prayers!!
Lots of babies and older are intolerant of Diary, after all, it is meant for calves not humans. As someone elsevadvises visit your Doctor. He can do tests and find out the problem. Also if its back is out it could be causing pain. A visit to a chiropractor would soon inform you. Nothing worse than worrying about your baby and lacking sleep yourself! Good luck!
That is not normal… I had one of my 8 kids that screamed all the time as a baby. He was my 2nd. Everyone said oh he’s just colicky. I wish I hadn’t listened because now I realize there’s nothing normal about that, get him checked out by a different pediatrician and also try a chiropractor for an adjustment
My son has similar issues, he was an Pur Amino hypochondriac formula.
It took months to get the doctors to actually listen to me, but once he started that formula he was a different baby, and he started sleeping thru the night. I also did probiotic drops and gas drops myclan is the brand I believe it’s sold at Walmart.
Don’t rule out ear infections either.
My son has had a few and I know that caused him a lot of pain.
But I also gave him a bottle of water everyday, about 4-6 ozs.
It took a few months to find things that worked for him, but I did. Don’t give up, or be so hard on yourself… my grandma always told me your trying that’s what matters.
I hope your able to find something that’s works for your baby.
Send me a pm if you ever need someone to talk too. Good luck