My 6-year-old is having trouble making friends: Advice?

Does anyone have the same problem? My daughter is six and is having trouble making friends. She has speech issues; she’s been un therapy since preschool. Kids are just mean to her because they don’t understand her. We try our hardest to help people/kids understand what she says. It’s just heartbreaking to see your child try to make friends but is shunned away. I don’t know what to do anymore. All she wants is a friend.


Where do u live? Maybe post that. My daughters a great friend

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see if your therapy offers group get togethers with kids that have the same issues. also check out your local moms groups many are stay at home moms that want a friend for their child as well.


My son has a speech impediment and excess saliva from it he was teased in class at first but he hasn’t let it affect him and made friends with another child that was being teased. All they need is one friend to make them not feel alone. Now both kids are very confident and no longer get teased

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My oldest he has autism so he’s just different and kids in his class pick up on that and bully him I tell him they ain’t worth your time I was also bullied all throughout my school years but maybe find like a reading group check your local library’s also see if she can get into a group therapy with kids her age like her and also teach her to turn the other cheek even as an adult I have like 3 friends iv had since middle school they were kids like me and understood what I was going throu

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I am so sorry to hear this as I have no advice for you but I have a 5 year old Granddaughter that is so shy she also has this problem so I will be following this post

She needs to meet my 6 yr old daughter. She makes friends with everyone.

This breaks my heart children / kids today are so rude and mean to others prayers :heart:

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Meet parents with the same background as you in dealing with what you’re dealing with. You will truthfully get yourself great friends, but your child will gain many friends :slight_smile:

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Girl scouts, church programs for kids her age, sports… it is good for ALL kids to have friends and “safe places” outside of school too…

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My son had a special friend in our old neighborhood. My kiddo was literally the only one out of about 30 kids that didnt make fun of him, it was so sad. I hope your little one finds their best friend soon! There are good kiddos out there!

Are you friendly with any of the parents in her class… maybe you could set up play dates or events with these kids. Also, speak with the school counselor, maybe she has other kids that are having a hard time making friends and they can meet. One last idea, get her involved in after school activities- a sport, scouts, craft group, etc where she can meet other kids that have the same likes as her.


My son is the same doesn’t have any friends he’s nearly 8, it’s so heart breaking when he says he doesn’t have any one to play with every single day at school, he’s just so shy and won’t talk to anyone, I don’t know what to do but I can understand how u feel :confounded: xx


My boyfriend’s son is Autistic and has the same problem. Its heart breaking. They finally got him in a school that’s designed for kids with developmental problems and he is thriving. See if you can find groups with kids with the same types of issues and try play dates and such. I bet it will help.


Where r u located i got a daughter that will be her friend

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My son is 2 and a half years old and has suspected Apraxia. Kids can be super mean and rude. I’m sorry you and your baby are going through this. :purple_heart:

Girl Scouts is a great way to get her integrated with friends

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I would be having a tlak with the teacher about this…when kids have knowledge about a situation the teasing stops

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Awe :broken_heart:
My son has issues with making friends as well .

Can you or her speech therapist offer to talk to her class about her condition as a learning experience? Education often helps. Like Greta Thunberg, who sees her autism spectrum difference as her “superpower.”

idk wtf is wrong with parents lately but KIDS ARE ASSHOLES!! my daughter just turned 3 and is the youngest in her class and literally bullied so hard that I had to take her out of class last week for her mental health. No child should ever feel like that. and parents need to stop allowing their children to be assholes and feel invincible. say hi, say thank you, say good morning.

I grew up undiagnosed autism and adhd and I had the same struggles. I would not wish that on anyone. I recommend speech therapy (unless she’s already in it).

If friends are a struggle, try getting her video games to play. Not only is it a distraction for the time being, but video games teach you strategy and build your problem solving and critical thinking skills. I took a psychoeducational evaluation that says my fluid reasoning is in the 99th percentile, meaning I have better fluid reasoning than 98% of other people and I dare say video games are part of the reason why.

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My son is the absolute same way. He is 6 and has been in speech since pre k. He struggles making friends due to speech and his shy personality. The first half of the school year and at all concerts, ect he will sit alone. He is so scared! We even had to pull him out of daycare. He was bullied due to speech. He has finally made a friend in school but is now behind in reading. He wont ask questions (being shy) and he is afraid to try (for fear of being made fun of for his speech). Its now to the point he is going to be held back and is going to loose the 1 friend he has been able to make. My heart breaks so bad for him but im at a loss of what to do!

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My son has speech issues but hasnt had trouble making friends.
Is your daughter progressing? I know my now 13 yr old had his tonsils and adnoids removed at 7 and his speech improved soooo well

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Try giving the child more one on one time and speak to them and take an interest in them. This should build character and a personality.

My daughter repeated year 1 bc of the same issue. Repeating made all the difference in her world. She also decided to repeat. X

A friend just told me her daughter with speech issues was buddied up with a girl and it helped a lot and they are now great friends. Maybe the teacher can do that

Also it helps to sign them up in town activists that other kids in her class or same age are in.

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Same with my 6 yr old ASD son. It just breaks my heart seeing him left out😪

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Gosh I worry about this our daughter has a speech delay also she starts kindergarten next year.

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I dont know where you are located here we have a place called bridges for children with any type of special need there she would many friends

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Just an idea. I have a 9 year old little girl. We’d love a pen pal or a few! I know it’s not a physical friendship, but it’s a friendship that can grow!


I wish you lived near my grandson, he has lots of friends that have speech problems. He helps them to make friends also. He also helps kids with their homework, he is only 6.

My son just turned 7 and he also has a very hard time making friends he’s has tubes in his ears and speech problems since birth. The school first came to me and notice some symptoms that he might suggest he is on the Spectrum so they’re referried him for testing my daughter’s a social light so it breaks my heart seeing my son struggle to connect with others. Most times he’s very content not wanting friends but for the times he tries absolutely it’s heartbreaking. most of his friends lose interest because he acts younger than a 7 year old. I joined my son into sports and made me feel like part of a team and he started to socialize more and they started to accept him maybe try to get him in some kind of sport or Club to feel like a team

A lot of us are dealing with similar issues. It really sucks! Have you tried enrolling her in programs after school? Build her self esteem up. Maybe talk to the teacher? They always have great tactics working with children. Example let her bring in her favorite toy or book in. Show and tell. Make her the class help her so she can interact more with the other children. I really hope it works out for your princess.

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Have you tried putting her in Girl scouts. They’re very big on accepting as is and being a Girl Scout to all. Maybe you could be a volunteer or a troop leader so you could be there to assist if need be


My 6 year old daughter and 8 year old son have trouble making friends. They have speech problems also. My 8 year old is mainly because he always gets in trouble and has an attitude problem. I’ve tried everything to get him out of it but nothing works. My daughter is kinda shy she had a best friend but something happened and now she’s afraid to be around him.

Kids are mean. My son is 7 and was just diagnosed with being on the autism spectrum. You wouldn’t know unless you spent significant time with him. But he has difficulty interacting with kids in a way they interact with one another. So he too has trouble making friends. Most kids think he wierd and just don’t want to be around him. I’m sorry your daughter has to go through this. It’s no easy way to explain to them either that some parents just don’t know how to teach their kids that not everyone is like them.


Girls scouts/Brownies…
Try a local church for Mothers day out… Youth groups…etc… Maybe try something like karate…gymnastics…etc…

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Put her with equal peers that are special like her and she won’t even notice it!!

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My daughter is 19 now. Was born with hearing issues which caused her speech issues. We did 4 days of speech therapy a week for 6 years to help her. Nothing we did would help others NOT BE MEAN. Until I sent her to a deaf school. Turns out they have their own standards of bullying. Deaf and Hard of Hearing often have their issues. :tipping_hand_woman:t4: Now with the hearing aids and lip reading none can tell she has hearing issues. Her speech is much better even tho she can’t hear some of the sounds she is making. Try looking for deaf community to help you with ASL American Sign Language. To help communication. If need be. If her speech is off due to other reasons doesn’t mean ASL cannot help. If she can’t say she can sign it. Look up your local deaf church or community and they can help. We seemed out help when my daughter was in 4th grade. That summer we started learning ASL to prepare for her first year in deaf school. Inserting her in the community was the best choice for her. She met her now best friend day 1 of school. I’ve met the most wonderful Pastor via the deaf community and we all found life long relationships in just trying to do what is best for her. I hope our story can help shed light on your situation.


My son has a speech delay. It’s gotten a lot better, but sometimes it’s still hard to understand him. I would try something like Girl Scouts! You could even help out with the troop.

Maybe reach out to other parents to see if you can schedule a playdate? I did that this year and my daughter made a friend. She has speech delays as well. Girl Scouts is also a great idea.

Do they have a boys and girls club where you live? Apply to get her a big bro or sis to hang out with her maybe too?

A friend of mine went to school and read a book to her daughter’s class about her daughter’s condition she has autism. She then answered any questions the kids had and talk to them about how they can approach her daughter and how they can be friends. Listen to help a lot with the class understanding how to be her daughter’s friend

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I would try girl scouts, YMCA kids, maybe dance class or a team of some sort

my daughter had speech issues as well and she was very shy. I have a friend who’s daughter was a little over a year older than mine and we would always get them together so they could play and it really helped my daughter out for when she started school. I was told the more she socialized with other kids and can hear the way they pronounce words will help her speech and it has helped her tremendously!

Poor girl :two_hearts: kids can be little shits but they won’t change. Build that beautiful little lady up and make sure she knows just how amazing and special she is. Tell her every day!! Maybe try getting the school involved in learning sign language? They should be supportive of her speech issues and be helping her to mix with the children in her class! I have a 10 month old girl and it’s my absolute worst nightmare because I was bullied all through school. Good luck mama xxx

Put the kid in sports that will change

We do alot is sports or story time at the library try to socialize more outside of school. Older kids were making fun of my daughter for wearing sweatpants to school she is in the 2nd grade. Kids are mean its sad to see you hope your kid is the one that tries and befriend the different or lonely kid.

Join soccer or dance etc :slightly_smiling_face: school of rock :+1:

Try Girl scouts, after school clubs, sports … After moving my daughter just struggled to make friends, I enrolled her in the indoor soccer at the YMCA and it helped so much, now she is making friends no problem even at school. She is much happier now. And she loved girl scouts also… Sometimes they just need a smaller group that promotes teams, and friendships

Its sooooo hard!!!
I have a 7 year old girl. 8 on Monday! Severe speech delay. We had her placed in school at age 3.
You can PM me if you’d like.

I have huge problems with my son because he has problems no one likes him at school his aid decided not to work with him anymore! The school is not helpful at all I’ve tried several times to get them to send him to a school that will work for him and they won’t so he has to suffer the whole time and get treated like crap! :sob:

My daughter is almost 7 and has a speech delay. Shes been in school, physical therapy, and occupational therapy since she was 3 1/2. Shes in 1st grade and still have slight problems understanding her. Shes in a small class of only 9 that all have the same issue and shes friends with all of them.

Our six year old struggled with making friends. His mom started putting him on sports and what really helped was a sport that last most of not all summer so on summer vacation he was still being socialized. He also had speech problems. Our 3 year old now struggles with making friends because hes into older stuff that most kids his age dont understand and hes extremely intelligent so the big kids dont want to play with a “baby” and the kids his age run away. He cries and its heartbreaking. Were hoping when he starts school it’ll get better.

You can’t force anyone to be your kids friend.

Kids are brutally honest, and a lot of times cruel. You can’t make them understand because they are 6 and all they see is “that kid isn’t like me and I’m scared/uncomfortable”


People should be teaching their kids that people are different and to respect and accept it. I’m sorry kids are rude cause their parents arent raising them right.


Life is hard. She will find her niche soon enough.

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You could always try a playdate with a few of the kids. See how they interact sometimes it takes time.


Have her join a local class or search/start a local mommy play group with girls her age :slight_smile:


Talk to her counselors or teacher. Schools usually have groups or children that make them feel welcomed and they schedule lunch dates so they can get to meet kids.

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Is she aloud to bring toys to school for recess or playtime during lunch. Teach her to share a toy but also make sure it comes home. Pack an extra snack she can offer someone that doesnt have one.

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the school should also offer speech

I’m sure it is hard breaking to see your daughter struggling to make friends. I’m sorry kids can be so cruel.

Maybe you could try finding a mom group in your area to arrange play dates. Or you could explain your daughter’s situation to her speech therapist and get some suggestions. The therapist might know of play groups with kids dealing with similar situations.


Get her involved in sports… They play together and not allot of time for “small talk”… I’ve watched my kids have the times of their lives on ball courts and fields and hardly “talk” at all. She’s in therapy, so that will help soon enough…


Are there any programs/groups her speech therapist could recommend? He/she may know of other children going through the same thing.

She needs a bestfreind !!! :disappointed:

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Plan a slumber party with three other kiddos, give her some invites and advise her to invite the ones nicest to her.

Tell the teacher to have a talk with the class about bulling and that everyone is different and feelings


I’m so sorry for your poor baby :disappointed: I was in speech therapy and a super sensitive kid, it’s a tough road. Maybe you could seek some activities outside of school (group speech therapy? Is that a thing? Sports, you don’t have to talk much for sports) where she can build friendships outside of the classroom and also build confidence that may translate to the kids in school.

In all else fails honestly I’d look into changing her school if you can because children have long memories and can be very cruel.

I get this! My daughter has a tbi & is just a bit different. She struggles so hard to just be a part of the people around her. Kids would tolerate her during school hours, but when adults & especially teachers were not around; They would tell her no and just ignore her.( This caused a lot of confusion for her because they were friendly one minute & nasty the next); Being so close to her story & watching that unfold was devastating. We both cried and I told her that she didnt need people like that in her life and unfortunately we don’t always get to have our good friends around.

Have her join cheer or gymnastics if that’s something she’s into, or a sport of some kind. They form their own little groups but everyone is included.

My daughter is 7, her first year of school was terrible. She has a lisp and is delayed in speech. Kids were so so mean to her because they simply couldn’t understand her. Fast forward two years later and it’s gotten a little better but kids still pick on her, i would like to say it gets better but really all you can do is continue with the speech therapy as it does help immensely. Luckily my son who is only 11 months older than my daughter has some of the sweetest friends and they always include my daughter in everything. You could maybe look and see if there are play date groups in your area or even start your own VIA Facebook and explain your situation. You never know how many other parents are dealing with similar issues as you. Sending good vibes that she meets kids that are going to be good friends to her for a very long time :heart:

My sister is 12 and has speech issues as well. I don’t know if she’s getting bullied for it but I’m sorry to hear your 6 year old is having troubles. I wish I knew how to help but she’s not alone.

Get her into sports …music or karate anything for her to be with others her age that she does not have to talk as much. . When they get to know her better some will probably be able to understand her more and more .

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no disrespectful but friends are under rated and I say that because my only bestfriends is my cousins and I only have two bestfriends so,if my kids has similar difficulties I’ll just tell them friends are under rated and alot of times it’s better to not have any friends than to have some.

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Ask the therapist about other patients close in age with similar problems, maybe they are struggling to find friends too? Switch numbers with their moms! It’s a shame that kids can be so mean, they mostly learn it from example.


keep in mind, this won’t last. My child’s father had a peach issues… for lots of help, and now you wouldn’t know. As time goes one and when she advances in learning the language she will make friends when they start to understand her. Or when she finally meets that one kid that is willing to work and “look” past.

Patients is all that can be done atm. And hard work on everyone’s part. Good luck!

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If she was close to south Dakota, my daughter loves making friends. She’s deaf and is a little behind in speech as well.

Maybe take a day an speak to the children in class about children who are a little different from them an how important it is to be a kind friend there young I’m sure they haven’t been taught about anything related to this

Are there other children that see the therapist? Maybe try to set up play dates with them? Is she also in speech class at school? Try playdates with those kids