I’m at a complete loss here. My daughter is 6. She STILL wets the bed. We had a point in time where she wouldn’t wet the bed for about 2 weeks and after that she is still doing it. She doesn’t get cups at night anymore and if she does it is bare minimum just to give her a drink when her throat is dry. Last night she wet the bed 4 times between 11pm and 4am. I didn’t get much sleep between then with having to clean it up and find her new bed covers and stuff. My sister said I need to call the doctor and tell him that she is having this issue but idk how he would be able to help. She hardly ever has accidents during the day and if she does, it’s because she’s outside playing and doesn’t make it to the bathroom in time. She never has an accident at school and when she sleeps at my sisters house, she never has an accident there. I’ve bought pull ups and tried those but she will just pee in them and then eventually pee through them because she doesn’t wake up when she pees in the pull up. I wake up for work at like 4 am at the latest and that’s technically oversleeping. I don’t get to go to bed until after 9pm. With her waking up every hour crying for a drink or bc she wet the bed, I get about 3-5 hours of sleep a night. I make her go to the bathroom before bedtime and when she has an accident I make her try to go again. Idk what else to do.
I was born with a under developed bladder. The walls of my bladder weren’t strong enough to hold in pee like anyone else my age. I had to do certain things to build the muscle back up. (Like holding in the urge to pee for about ten to fifteen seconds while on the toilet before letting myself go) it took years. I was in pull ups at night until I was about 12. It was just something that happened. I couldn’t control it. Now I’m perfectly fine even after having a kid. I do pee more frequently I feel but I’ve also had a kid lol. Consulting the doctor can do more than you might think.
I’d have her sugar tested. Type 1 diabetes also known as juvenile diabetes…… symptoms include extreme thirst and frequent urination. It’s not uncommon for me to pee 4-5 times a night if I’m having a high day. On the other hand my sister peed in the bed until she was 13 and doesn’t have diabetes. Good luck!
She doesn’t pee at school, and she doesn’t pee when she stays the night with your sister correct? Ask your sister what time she cut off her drinks. Don’t give drinks in the middle of night. I know a child who did this, and their mom made them start cleaning their mess up. From changing their sheets, to putting clothes in washer and dryer.(obviously, with supervision). After a few times their kiddo got sick of cleaning it up and stopped peeing to bed. Also make sure she’s not afraid to go to the bathroom. She might need a few more night lights. Obviously, none of this matters if it’s medical reason.
I’ve taken my kid to the doctors and everything over it. Shes 9 almost 10 and I think shes on the verge of growing out if it. All the doctors have said it happens and she will grow out if it. And that apparently its “hereditary”.
So who knows, theres not always an explanation for it.
I didn’t read all of this but 4 times in one night? That’s alot I wet the bad for a long time actually probably because of my not so good childhood but never more than once a night.
Anyone else wonder why this child only wets the bed at night and at home? She sleeps over her aunts house and doesn’t have accidents at all. What is the aunt doing that’s so different? Is it just the house? The kind of bed? I’d really be looking into that more than anything. And yeah a doctor might be able to check if it’s a bladder issue or diabetes but sounds odd it only happens at home…
So I believe there’s a chemical the brain produces to wake up at night to potty, she may not be making and I do believe they have medicine to help with that.
Wrap her bed in a shower curtain, place a towel under where she is mainly laying and then her sheet. Makes clean up much easier and it won’t ruin her mattress.
I mean ur sister is right what’s it gunna hurt to atleast get her check out and talk to her pediatrician about ur concerns…
Sister is correct. Take her to the doctor. The most concerning part to me is that she does it at home, but not your sisters house over night. I personally would have a waterproof mattress, and have her sleep in a pull up and on a bed pad, and have several blankets clean. Would make clean up easier for you until the doctor figured it out. Good luck
Every pediatrician we’ve spoken to has told us that they don’t get concerned until they’re at least 7 but even then it can be normal for some children!
She definitely needs to be taken to the Dr. Because something is definitely going on I do not know what it would be but I think they would want to do some testing . I myself ended up having a very lazy kidney that didn’t work so it could be anything but yes contact the Dr and please get her into one.
My son who is 9 started to pee the bed again after years of not doing so. I first got him tested for Uti then We have had sleep study done which I knew his sleep apnea was back and I had the dr check his blood work and came back he is pre diabetic. So we are now changing his diet and hoping to get on top of it all. Instead of always changing his sheets I bought the washable bed pads on Amazon so most of the time I only have to wash them instead of all his bed stuff.
Bed wetting in older children is a common symptom of Juvenile Epilepsy. My son was diagnosed much later in life and I wish I had known the symptoms when he was younger to get him help. Another symptom is “spaciness.” He was home, but the light was off so to speak. I thought at the time he was just day dreaming. Wish I could go back in time.
My son did the same thing I would make sure he went before bed wake him up in the middle of the night to go pee and he would still soak his bed 3/4 times a night… his doc did a sleep apnea test and turns out he would stop breathing 15 times a minute and it would cause his bladder to release they took out his adenoids and widened his nasal passages and he hasnt wet the bed since! Hope this helps!
Sometimes if the kiddo is vitamin deficient, it can cause the pH to be off in the urine causing bladder spasms. UTIs can also cause urinary incontinence. The doctor absolutely can help if that’s the issue
I put a flannel lined plastic table cloth, flannel up, under my son until he out grew ut at 12. Much easier to change
I have twins, the younger one has no issue waking up, but the oldest one is an extremely deep sleeper and doesn’t wake up for any unless she gets sick. We use the goodnights pull ups for her and occasionally she’ll pee through them, but not often. No more accidents during the day, she did for the first few months at school, but that resolved thankfully.
Her pediatrician says that it’s “normal” for some to not get the night waking until later. We just have extra sheets and have waterproof mattress protector on.
My son wet the bed at night until he was around 8. He just outgrew it on his own. Having her checked by your doctor isn’t going to hurt anything, and they may have a suggestion. Until then try layering her bedding. Waterproof mattress cover, bottom sheet, cheap plastic cover, bottom sheet, cheap plastic cover, bottom sheet. This trick let me just strip the wet layer and had another layer for him to sleep on. Still a pain, but i didn’t have to remake the entire bed and could deal with dirty sheets the next day.
Some kids take longer. If she’s a deep sleeper she may not sense she needs to go. Take her to the doctor to rule out any medical things and be calm. That’s why we have night time diapers. It happens to some kids and they eventually outgrow it.
Consult with your doctor…my son wet the bed till he was 9…doctor put him on a nose spray and it stopped.
Some children do still do it and doctors will help. It could mean a number of things. Just don’t start punishing your daughter because maybe it’s something that can’t be helped.
I know a few people that did it till they was in their teenage years…
Cut her off drinks an hour before bed stop giving her drinks throughout the night use the bathroom right before bed set an alarm to have her go once a night start putting her in pull up briefs at night and talk to the doctor if it’s a medical issue she needs medication or pt
It could be a multitude of medical reasons. A dr could rule out and give advice. If it’s only happening at home though it could be mental. Is their a stressor at home? Can also be a sign of sexual abuse if a child randomly starts wetting the bed after being fully potty trained. Keep your eyes open, be patient with her and don’t embarrass her or punish.
Its completely normal especially under 8. Its a brain development thing. There are meds for older kids … i have an almost 6 yr old here she wets a few times a week we just use good-night for older kids. And don’t make a big deal. My 21 year old wet till 8 as did her dad
Sometimes it’s hereditary, and they need to grow out of it… make sure to check for infections and kidney problems first.
My daughter peed her bed till she was 9 she grew out of it.
My son is 7 and still does I just wake him in the middle of the night when I have to go pee
4 times in one night a lot. I would talk to the doctor about it.
Buy her pull-ups for bed time and stop making a big deal about it. Give her those and ignore it until it stops on its own. It doesn’t matter. Stop acting like it does.
I’m confused why you havent taken her to the dr. Its likely it’s a medical or mental condition. Shame on you. My brother was almost 10 with the bladder the size of a 1 year old. A year of pills and he was fine. Stop being neglectful and get to the root of the problem. Common sense apparently isnt very common.
Consulting with the Dr. doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
No drinks after like ,1 hour before bed time , bathroom before bed , it’s not uncommon , some kids just need to out grow it
You NEED to take her to the doctor!!
Sometimes it’s a psychological problem. Talk to a doctor. My son wet the bed until he was 14
11pm-4am ?! I’d get her bladder/kidney checked that sounds like a lot of pee in 6 hours! Definitely try pull-ups again possibly with a waterproof bed liner
Please get the child to a urologist. It could be as simple answer of her sleeping too soundly to wake herself up.
My daughter used to wet the bed nearly every night. Then she just grew out of it when she was 6
I’d run all labs for mineral and vitamin Deficiencies, test for diabetes, UTIs, and check the bladder.
Don’t shame her for it. Chat with her doc. Stop making her go thirsty, clearly it’s not working.
Get her some nighttime underwear. Be kind until she grows out of it.
My two youngest wet the bed till 7. Been thro Drs but they said it’s normal until 7. We just used pull ups and positive encouraging when they were dry
Sometimes it is a quick fix for the doctors. My daughter tried different meds and hormones and unfortunately still wets at
night. She is 15 years old. She has relatives oh her dads side that did it, most grew out of it, but some still haven’t. It is a medical condition. I agree talk with your child’s dr and if all else fails, I put her in depends and use waterproof sheets.
Definitely take her to the doctor. This is a common age where kids are diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes
Something that might help with less bedding changes until you can figure out the issue, is putting a puppy pad underneath her, like those square blue ones they also use after you give birth
Sometimes they play so hard all day that when they fall asleep they’re in such a deep sleep that their little bodies don’t wake when they feel the urge to go to the bathroom. I’ve seen this many times before… you should always check with your pediatrician though!!
My daughter had small bladder and stress in house also so idk but i did sticker chart worked
So put her in a pull up at night time. I mean duh. And yes the Dr could help at least rule out more serious issues and tell you to just wait it out. Some kids just wet the bed at night longer than other kids. My son wore a pull up to bed until he was 10. Now he’s fine. My daughter wore a pull up to bed until she was 4. My oldest son stopped wetting the bed at night at 5. My other daughter wore a pull up to bed until she was 6. My neice and nephew are 12 and 9 and they still wet the bed at night. But they have diabetes which doesn’t help. My other neice is almost 7 still using a night time pull up. So I mean kids are all different. Theres no shame in wearing nighttime protection. But there’s no way I would ever keep changing bedding all night long while my kid peed every single night. That’s just crazy. They obviously need a pull up or overnight pad on the bed. Your just running yourself ragged doing all this. Put the kid in a pull up at night. In the morning get her up, take it off, and clean her up. Then when she’s ready she will stay dry through the night. When she’s consistently dry for a few weeks take it off and try again.
Take her to the Dr. Just to make sure it’s nothing serious. My daughter wet the bed almost every single night until she was almost 9. Then it just stopped one day. Like literally. I always had pull ups on her and one day she was like nope I don’t need. I told her that was fine, she just had to sleep in her bed and not the coach because we had a mattress protector and she didn’t wet that night and never did again. I also will add that there was a point when she was first potty trained that she wasn’t having accidents at night for maybe even a year or so. But from like 3-4 until 9 she did
It’s considered normal thru around 8 to still have accidents. Kids with ADHD are more likely to wet the bed longer. I got a bed wetting alarm from amazon and it helped my son stop bed wetting. (He was 8)
Aside from making sure everything medically is checked, they make medical grade diapers for disabilities that may be stronger. Also, the very simple washable bed pads that you can buy on Amazon so you don’t need to wash the sheets.
Buy the Target brand disposable bed pads. My almost 7 yr old has same issues. We were referred to a pelvic floor PT. It helped a little, mostly focused on strenthening and using/turning off those muscles. We were told to “sleep train”. Basically we set our alarms twice a night to wake her and take her pee and work it to one time a night. We’ve been doing it for 6 months+.
Weird that she does it just at your house and no one else’s. Maybe this is wrong but anytime I hear of a child over 3 peeing the bed I automatically think sexually abuse. Not the best to think but hopefully rule that out. The doctor will rule out more serious problems if she has them and get all lab work done.
Definitely take to the doctor, they may not be able to help but they can refer you on to a OT or a specialist that can help in that area.
Get her checked for diabetes if she’s thirsty all the time and needing to wee of a night all the time ?
They make bed mats. The Goodnights brand has a nice adhesive. At least then you wouldn’t have to change sheets.
Talk to doc.
Layer the bedding… waterproof sheet, fitted sheet, water proof sheet, fitted sheet. Multiple layers so in the middle of the night you just pop off that top layer and done. Wash and reapply.
This is a medical issue… Go to the Dr…
Kids have small bladders, if they’re drinking anytime after 6-6:30pm… they’re bound to pee at some point in the night. My kids get something to drink with dinner and then they have an hour to get all of it out before bed time and I haven’t had a problem with either of my children that are out of diapers unless there was a uti going on. I’d check with doctor and if that’s good, I’d take away drinks about an hour before bed time.
Could be internal so I’d call the Dr
Have her to be checked by her pediatrician.
If she is scare of the dark ?
In the mean time, I will have her to clean up the mess , maybe she will stop doing it if she has to clean it herself ( of course if nothing medical is going on)
Take your sisters advise. There’s many medical explanations for her wetting the bed. It could be a physical or phycological issue.
Get her tested for diabetes
Take her to the dr!! Why listen to us