My daughter is in 6th grade and struggling in school. It’s like she doesn’t comprehend what’s being taught and doesn’t retain information. She also doesn’t understand what she’s reading until it read to her. What does this sound like and what should I do?
You may talk to them about an IEP.
For starters I’d ask her teacher(s) for a conference and ask if they offer tutoring. If you communicate with them they will help her to better understand.
I have an 8th grader who struggles with retaining information, she is adhd so we just take time after school to go over what they did today.
Sounds like you need a meeting with her teachers. She probably needs a little extra help with reading comprehension. Talk to the school, they will help her! You are her biggest advocate!
Sounds like a reading comprehension problem- I also had it about that same age . I am fine now but I was able to get in a special class each day with a teacher who specialized in this . It truly helped me ! This was many years ago but please do get your child some help
It sounds like you need to speak to her teachers and school administrators. They know what to do, they deal with this everyday.
She needs to be tested - SLD (specific learning disability) - I know “Special Education “ can be a label - but realize special education is just that “specialized education “ some kids like your have a processing problem like - others have to do the task (repetitive) to comprehend it - others have reread it a few times to comprehend it. Each is considered a” specific learning disability “ if instructed in her way of learning- she won’t fall behind. In this program teachers are suppose to teach the child techniques of/in learning. If done proper, the child can/will be “exited” from program with tools to succeed in H.S. And beyond
Sounds like dyslexia .get her diagnosed so she can get the help she needs.
I struggled with reading comprehension until I was 19 nd diagnosed with adhd
Following as my kindergartner is having the same troubles
ADD often goes undiagnosed in girls because they usually don’t have the hyperactive part of ADHD. I’m going through this right now with my child. Proper nutrition is a must. If you have a picky eater then they need supplements. A good multivitamin, Omega-3, a probiotic and some extra vitamin D. talk to the school/teacher and find out if there is extra help available. Do some research on ADD in girls. Take notes, make a list of signs/symptoms that you notice in your daughter and go to see your doctor.
Sounds like possibly adhd or maybe dyslexia. Set up a meeting with her teachers to set up an iep or even set her up with a peer tutor,also have her tested for learning disabilities
Best of luck!
Email the school and have her put on an IEP. My daughter is in the 5th grade and has ADHD and she was having trouble in school. So I emailed the school and had her put on an IEP but first they set up meeting with her teachers and test her in all subjects. When my daughter got test they saw that she was having trouble in math and reading so now she’s on an IEP and she has a special ed class for math and reading
I had the exact same issues when I was her age. Back then I don’t know if they even had any of the testing for this. I would read one paragraph at a time. Ask myself what it is was about and what the key points were. Sometimes I would have to read the paragraphs multiple times, but I eventually read the entire story. Yes, it took time, but it was so worth it. I went from having poor grades to passing grades by doing this. If there are questions about the story, have her read the questions first before reading the story. It helped me a lot. I was so frustrated with myself because I had so much trouble in reading until I figured out ways to remember what I read.
Speak to the school see what services they can provide . See her Dr and see about adhd etc.
My daughter is in the 5th grade and has these exact same issues. Having a meeting with the teacher(s) would be the first step, not sure how your school/district works, but with mine a meeting was done with teachers, aids, speech therapist, principle amongst others to hear my concerns and offer what they can/could do to help my daughter. My daughter also has speech/language with IEP that meets with her every week and will continue next year in 6th. What I found with my daughter is that speech to text works best with her, in which the school has implemented that into her school day and I read to her at home and she tends to pick up and retain the information better and quicker. Hope this helps!
Sounds like she doesn’t have the ability to Focus.If I were you I will have her Tested for ADD
Charter schools have a different curriculum. And may keep the attention longer
My brother had these issues and back then they tested him said he just had a learning disability and he was put in special smaller classes and he wound up graduating on time with his class they told us in 6th grade he would be in his mid 20’s if he ever actually graduated at all well he did with his intended class the only 1 out of 3 of us that did graduate so please don’t get discouraged sweetie my mother never was a mother and I stepped up at only 8 years old to take care of my brother and sister and I still do to this day my sister tells everyone im her mother but her biological sister I spent many hours working with him and many weekends at our dads trying to show my dad and stepmother hiw to help him with his work when I wasn’t there finally I left home at 13 my dad finally won custody of my brother and sister I wasn’t his biological child so they wouldn’t give me to him he tried so hard so I left Florida came to Indiana at 14 and never looked back was on my own since and they still rely on me so she can succeed and with all your love and support he will succeed it’s hard and trying at most but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel mama hang in there
She may have a processing disorder. Talk to her pediatrician and see what they recommend. They may be able to help.
Sounds like she has a learning disability which would be reading comprehension. Have a meeting with her teacher and talk about getting extra help and an IEP.
Reach out to the school for testing, and a child in an older grade for tutoring!
Add/ADHD symptoms in girls are different than in boys. I’d talk to her teachers, talk to pcp & request for her to be tested.