My baby is 7 months old and has been on solids for about two months but lately she is refusing the bottle and idk if she’s teething or just having days where she doesn’t want it is this normal? Am I giving to much for solids? I always do bottle first then solids but then she refuses so two hours later I try a new bottle still refuses so then I give her food. Is she playing me just to get the food? I feel like this has a big impact on her terrible sleep habits lately too…she always refused naps but now every hour at night shuffles around in the crib and wakes up screaming like bloody murder and I pick her up and her eyes are still closed…I’m so confused
Go invest in good sippy cups,sounds like he is done with bottle,my girls started sippy cups at 6 mths they hated their bottle
My oldest daughter absolutely refused a bottle by 10 months of age. Didn’t realize how lucky I was that she weaned herself. Sippy cups and everything was fine. She will be 50 this year.
Try putting the formula in a sippy cup, some babies prefer sippy cups