My 7 year old wants to pack lunch for school but we cannot afford it...advice?

My 7yo is adamant about bringing home lunch to school. Problem is, we can’t afford that. I thought about letting him take lunch once a week but if I give him an inch, he’ll make it a mile and expect it every day. I don’t know what to do about that or how to help him understand that he will be getting school lunch…I’ve tried explaining to him that home lunch just isn’t possible but he doesn’t seem to understand it. “All my friends bring lunch, so I should be able to” is his mindset.


Let him only pack on Fridays and you two agree on what it is, let him have choices and it could be a treat each week to pack. Hope that helps. Dwindles it down to 4× a month and he still gets his wish.


Can u do it just in fridays ?

We look at the lunch menu and decide which days we would like home lunch based off what is for lunch on the days. 5 home lunches a month !!!

Make Tues and Thursday pack lunch days…set a routine

We make to much to get free lunches for us it’s cheaper to take a lunch than get a hot one. Hmm interesting


Most schools send home a calendar of what’s being served for the month. My daughter is a very picky eater so we would sit down with the upcoming lunch calendar and mark out which days would be school lunch and which days she would need to bring a lunch. Worked really well for her father and I when it came to lunches at school.

I let them look at the lunch menu and pick 2 days they would rather have cold lunch. Works like a charm! They love to pack their own! So win win!


This is crazy to me, I live WA, Australia and we haveto pack lunch and school lunch is a Friday treat! Which is hot food made from the school canteen which alot of parents don’t do, or can’t afford! :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I see both sides. As “that kid” in school I totally understand how he feels. As a parent now, I totally understand your situation. Be easy on him, but I think you gave a fair compromise! Once a week is a special treat!


Try to make “ Friday a special day”

On the days the meal plan at school isnt what my dauther likes we allow a take to school lunch but 9/10 she dontneat that either. It can be frustrating but tell the little human the truth. We had to tell ours!

Time to explain to him that we don’t get what we want just because someone else has it. You are in charge! Charge him with love, guidance and discipline. Tell him School lunch is done under dietician and he has all the nutrients that he needs. Teach him to overcome tough times. Some kids has no school…. U do the best

Just say no. Pick one day a week to let him take it and don’t budge. You are the parent and no is a no. I think letting him once a week is a good compromise but girlfriend, you’re the mama. You can’t afford it and you don’t even have to tell him that. Just say “on Sunday night we can pack your lunch and you can have a home lunch on Mondays only”.

Can you guys get a menu of what the school is serving for the week? Most schools have like monthly calenders. Then he can pick which day he wants to bring lunch. Have it decided each week which day he’s packing a lunch that day.

Send 1 snack to go along with the school lunch. A granola bar or something.

I don’t understand parents needing roundabout ways to explain their “No.” While I think giving explanations is great and healthy, sometimes it’s above what kids are capable of understanding and using the, “I’m the parent and I have to make tough decisions. I’m sorry it doesn’t make sense right now” card is acceptable. Trying some of these compromises suggested is a great idea, but it’s also okay to be firm and not overextend if you truly can’t. It’s okay!


I would compromise with him for sure… kids are brutal in school… maybe he can have leftover from dinner and like a sandwich another day… but maybe explain to him that there won’t be like extravagant meals ( lunchables etc)

I pack and make my babe eat sat school because it’s free but she doesn’t like everything they have so some days I would rather figure it out then let her go hungry at school.


It’s time for your 7 year old to start learning to compromise. Give them the one day a week home lunch and if he/she argues or throws a fit take it away. Then they will appreciate that one day when they earn it back. 7 is a good age to start learning compromise/consequences.

Maybe do a set day he can bring his lunch like Mondays or somthing

Be honest. “Your friends parents aren’t buying food for our house. I can compromise on once a week, but that’s all I can do.”


Bean burritos , bologna sandwiches peanut butter


As a mom- my heart breaks for you. I get it! I made to much as a single mom to get free lunch but barely enough to keep us afloat. Praying for you


Maybe let him take something from home everyday like you can get a big box of goldfish and let him take that for a snack to have at lunch.


If you can’t do it, then that’s that. Whether he understands it or not


Can you save a little from dinner to use as a lunch.

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How do you manage in the school holidays?


My granddaughter is the same way​:heart: she will be in the 3rd grade this year. I had her pick a day. After looking at the lunch menu last year she picked Mondays. Friday had Pizza and Thursday had breakfast for lunch somtimes and she liked that lol so after some thought and going back and forth that is how we picked a day. Maybe you guys could try something like that :slightly_smiling_face:

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Maybe leftovers from the night before if there is any? If he knows his packed lunch is leftovers & he’s not a fan it could also encourage him to want to eat at school instead


these comments are kinda ruthless lol. Explain it to him, and maybe pack once or twice a week if you can. 7 year olds are smart, he does deserve to know why he can’t bring it daily- but obviously he wants to fit in like his buddies!


Maybe just let him bring snacks

Your mom you make the rules … if you say once a week then it’s once a week … he can expect it all he wants but you said what you would do … if you say no it’s no … growing up I always wanted to being my lunch as well but never was aloud to and i turned out just fine …

I had this for ages, eventually let her have lunch from home twice a week but I bought yellow sticker bread, we always have fruit anyway so did her a fruit pot, own brand yogurts and crisps and she was really happy with that.

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I would say peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, get a water bottle, and get some kind of fruit.


Could you try getting him to pick it out if a hat for the day of week he brings it. My son asks all the time and I say I just can’t do it everyday so he picks sometimes

I keep the school lunch menu on the fridge so on the days they make something we both know she doesn’t like, I pack her a lunch. This has worked out great for us


I’m not sure how letting a 7 year old take a lunch once a week is giving an inch. I mean… it’s never too early to teach your kids compromise. Because as adults we have to learn to compromise with other adults and it’s a good trait to learn to make life a little easier in the long run. Tell him you’ll let him take lunch once or twice a week, decide and agree on the days ahead of time and stick to it. Don’t change it up and don’t give in if he asks for more. Remind him that’s what you two agreed to and it’s important that you guys stick with the compromise you made. It’ll only teach him good things for his future.


Same issue so dollar tree has been the nest place for me. Very affordable and great food

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Can you maybe have him pack a snack instead of lunch and tell him he will be getting his lunches from the school. I’d explain there is no reason for him to bring his lunch cause the school provides it. And it’s ok if his friends bring lunch but he doesn’t have to always do everything his friends do. That’s also a good lesson to learn, that you don’t always have to copy others.


Buy a huge snack thing and ziploc bags. We pack lunch but it’s never anything eztravegebt. Sometimes it’s a refillable water bottle, pb&j, and a cutie, or a bag of gold fish. It might just take some creativity.

If you’re unable to do that, a few other people had some amazing ideas that I might use. I hope you find something that works for you and your family!

I only let my kids pack a lunch when it’s something on the menu they truly don’t like and of course for field trips.

Look at the lunch menu for the month. Let him pick one choice that he doesn’t like (it’s usually on there 2-3 times a month). Then pack his lunch those days only.


I understand him wanting home lunch. My kids are the same way. I would make to a treat like every Friday he can have home lunch or something. Like a lunchable maybe? They love that. And again. If he tries to get upset about only one day. Then he gets no days of home lunch.


Peanut butter and jelly. Celery and carrots. A yogurt and crackers.


I made a huge pot of chicken soup with rice for my son’s lunch at school. It’s not expensive to make, I freeze for more than a week and send it hot in a thermos. Things are right by us but he won’t eat the school lunch, shredded chicken breast, lots of carrots, celery potatoes salt pepper dill and bulk it up with white rice. Not sure if this will help you but hope it does, and sometimes we eat or for dinner or I take to work for lunch also.

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You are the mom. He is the child. You already made the compromise for a day out of the week so stick to that. What he gonna do? Throw a fit? Oh well, kids do that sometimes but they need to know that the world won’t always bend to what they want. He has what he needs so you’re doing your job. You’re not a bad mom, he’s still fed either way. This is an important lesson in many ways for him (not always getting what he wants, budgeting, compromise etc)


I would sacrifice something else to let my kid take his lunch if the other kids do. Does he get the free lunch or what does he eat for lunch?


Is he getting free lunch at school ? Either way, you can tell him no. If you can’t do it, you can’t do it. And that’s ok.


If he’s having a hot meal at school, make him a packed lunch for his dinner :woman_shrugging:


Not me questioning what they mean by “free” or “school” lunch when I’ve got to pack my kids entire lunch box for the entire school day myself with strict rules on what’s allowed and not allowed :thinking: I feel ripped off :rofl:


Let him bring lunch every Friday as a fun way to start the weekend. Then tell him the truth. “I wish you could bring lunch every day son, but we can’t afford it.” He’ll only take a mile if you allow it.

Make it a reward based treat. If he goes all week without pulling card/moving tag/getting a bad report(what ever your school does for tracking behaviors), then he can take home lunch on Friday or the following Monday.


Maybe offer an option that you can afford… it doesn’t have to be a pinterest lunch. My kiddos favorite lunches are PB&J and fresh fruit with some veggies straws or pretzels. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: They will see that you tried Mama

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Maybe can do leftovers from supper? I would go with packing lunch once or twice a week or whatever you can do. Just explain that that’s all you can do. He may be upset but he’ll understand one day.


I so wish I had this problem! My son’s school lunches are so pricey and he’s so hard to pack for… I would loooove if he would just eat a dang pbj every day and save me the effort/$ :joy: kids are hard man. Could be his friends have lots of snacks or fun things coming from home. You could try packing his lunch with the lamest leftovers, he might change his mind quick lol

I would just say, we will do a special home lunch every Friday. And if that’s not enough for him then he can’t do it at all. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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School lunch!? You’re telling me I’ve been packing lunches for my kids everyday for like 13 years and there’s places that the schools provide the food. I need to move immediately


Have you had school lunches recently? Where we live, some of it has been expired or spoiled. Kids are only kids once…I can’t imagine thinking my child is ‘taking a yard,’ bc they’d like to pack their lunch


Get 5 lunchable and a box bag drinks and small bag chips send with that a cheap easy fix. I do with my two grandkids.

My 7 year old is the same, she’s always asking for a packed lunch but I just cannot afford it. I was simply honest with her. I told her I can’t afford to pay for a pack up and while shes entitled to free school meals that’s what she’ll be getting. If I was to pay for pack ups that would be less money I had towards days out and fun activities at weekends/school holidays no swimming lessons or other after school hobbies etc. She soon decided she would rather do the fun stuff than a packed lunch.


We made a compromise of not packing a full on lunch but helping her to pack a couple of snacks each day, to supplement for the trash they call food and make sure she had a good veggie option every day, a good fruit option each day, then maybe a real “snack” like a fruit roll up or granola bar, once in a while, maybe a piece of candy. This worked for us

I would make it a reward. Tell him if he does all of his chores and also did well in school all week he can then take a home lunch to school on Friday.


Back when I was in school it was looked down on to bring a lunch from home. Cool kids weren’t seen carrying a lunchbox.

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For me my son wanted to I said the same thing we can’t afford it and plus with hot lunch it gives you more chance to try new foods and better foods. I asked him either we compromise and meet me in the middle cold lunch once a week or no go and you will have hot lunch all week. You’re the parent and just walk away it worked for my aon

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The school food these days is worse than prison food :nauseated_face::face_vomiting: I’ve went without so my son could pack his lunch when we were financially struggling there were days I didn’t pack a lunch for work so my son didn’t go hungry at school


I get the monthly school lunch menu. I let my daughter take lunch the days I know she will not eat at school. Pband j chips and a snack or fruit is not that bad.


It costs £3 a day for a school meal at my school in the UK and if you have more than one child it soon mounts up daily. My grandson will only eat bread and butter with cold pop corn chicken and cucumber. He will not entertain school dinners

Can you get food from a local church?

Let him do it once a week and just stick to it

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My kids are doing the same. My plan is to just give them left overs from dinner for lunch the next day (typically rice veggies and meat or noodles veggies and meat) and then do a fruit side and a cracker and cheese or chip snack maybe a yogurt if we have it. Idk if it’s going to work out yet but we’ll see. It’ll definitely be cheaper than buying lunch at $3 per kid everyday.


My son is 7 but he is autistic so if they serve something he doesn’t like he just flat out won’t eat lunch for daysssss. His principal is actually the one that told me about him not eating lunch and suggested I start sending one in. It’s actually less that $15 in food per week for us (usually about $11) because most stuff I put in his lunch we already buy for home anyway.


I think there’s some context missing. Is he already being provided lunch at his school?

If he’s already receiving lunch for whatever reason, I would try to compromise with him and tell him that he could bring a dessert. There are plenty of affordable desserts that you can make together, and maybe that will help him get the best of both worlds!

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Home made lunch is what’s in the refrigerator. Let him make his own out of what’s in there.


I went through this with my 7 y/o too! The mom guilt is real :weary:
So what happened was, after a week of me packing a sandwich, banana and chips, he was totally over it lol

everyone saying “the free lunches aren’t even free, we pay for them.” WELL YES! I’d rather my tax money go to HUNGRY CHILDREN then literally anything else you could think of.

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What about taking a snack?


If he wants a homemade lunch. Make him pack it and you just buy what you can afford. Once he sees what he gets I bet he’ll want school lunch again. My daughter gets Dollar store snacks, veggies and a peanut butter and jelly everyday. With the price of daycare I can’t afford to go all out but she has to have some kind of lunch for daycare.

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Does he not like the school lunches??? Depending on what he likes, packing could be super cheap. My youngest is autistic and doesn’t like many foods. He prefers fruit over anything. I can get his lunch stuff for around $10 a week. We aren’t privileged either. I know if my son doesn’t pack, he won’t eat


Have you ever had school lunches. Most the time they are gross so I can understand why he wants to bring a lunch.

Aussie here…could someone please (genuinely) explain this to me? We send our kids to school with a packed lunch plus morning/afternoon tea? We have no cafeterias here. However we can order and pay for food from the “canteen”

How did you feed him all summer ?


I feel your pain. My son who is 4 has anxiety and sensory issues and won’t eat food outside of my house unless he brings it from home. I was sending in a lunch with him to daycare everyday. He will eat fast food if I hand it to him but won’t take it from the people working. He has to be completely comfortable with the person in order to take food from them. He has now switched programs and isn’t allowed to bring a lunch from home so he doesn’t eat all day long and eats when he gets home. They don’t bend the rules for him even knowing the way he is. Maybe compromise with your child and let him take a small snack/treat from home to have with his school lunch. He will either compromise with you or he just won’t eat. Harsh I know but if you can’t afford it then you can’t afford it. It gets expensive fast. My kids (I have 4) are always starving after school because they don’t get enough from the school lunches. I have to tell myself if he gets hungry enough he will eat because I feel horrible about the whole situation. Same thing could go for you and your child. Stay strong and good luck.


My kids get free breakfast and lunch at school but it’s not like it used to be and they all hate it. From what I’ve seen and heard it’s kinda gross. But we have 6 kids in school and sending lunch every day would add up quick! Some of my kids have to take their own lunch due to their diet/they take medicine and have to eat. So with the others if we have it they can bring lunch if not they wait and take it on a day we have it. My kindergartner last yr didn’t mind the food bc she’s young so I packed her lunches on Fridays. Does he want to bring lunch just because everyone else does or is there more to it? Another complaint my kids make-they don’t have enough time to eat after waiting in line for their food so they end up being hungry. (They do all bring snacks and drinks) find out if there is more to his reason. If it’s just simply bc he wants to and you have a hard time providing pick one or two days or whatever works for you and stick to it. Remind him two days are better than eating school lunch for all 5. (I’ll also add they do eat breakfast before they go to school wether they eat there again or not)

Sorry my head was absolutely spinning

I didn’t realise in different countries some schools provide lunch!!

That is amazing :star_struck:

Here in Australia
Our kids take their own food every day. Unless they buy something from the canteen


My daughter started this last year, come to find out they separated the kids into groups at lunch based on whether they brought their or if they were getting school lunch, so she wasn’t able to sit with her friends at lunch unless she brought her lunch.

So he doesn’t take a lunch ? Or doesn’t eat at school? Or he comes home to eat ? Not being rude I just don’t understand what he does ?

Mine hates the pizza also and that’s the day we let him take lunch

I would definitely see where in my budget can I cut so I could send my child lunch to school.
If you have a 99c store, they have many great options, for cheap. (They have definitely stepped up their game for fresh produce as well)

Apart from his friends taking lunch to school, does he enjoy it?
School lunches are nasty, it’s no longer fresh ( where the lunch lady actually serves you with a salad bar option).
In my child’s school everything is prepackaged and heated. She hates it and the few times she’s had to have it, she never eats anything and is starving by the time she is home (6yr old). I dont blame the kiddo for wanting to take lunch to school.

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My daughter is 6 and last year would want to take lunch so I let her cuz they do have snack time. We’ll come to find out not only did she take her lunch pail to lunch but would also get hot lunch and not eat her cold lunch so the lunch in her pail would get wasted. It made me so mad


We explained to our daughter that lunch is free at school and not if we pack it. Everytime she asks. Be honest. Not paying for food that is already provided. All lunch free in nyc bc we pay for it in taxes. When they have fields trips we let her pack a lunch. So that’s around 3 or 4 times a year.


I’m confused honestly, for me and where we live school lunches would be significantly more expensive than packing the lunch

Not meaning this in a mean way, but how do you feed him lunch over long breaks? Maybe he can take leftovers from the night before, or you can get bread and pb at a food bank?

It’s hard, our school provides free lunch and breakfast for all children but my kids will not eat it. I tried not sending lunch for the first week and my kids just weren’t eating according to their teachers. Food is outrageously priced but having my kids starve isn’t acceptable either. You just can’t win. If at all possible I would try to send lunch once a week, let him look at school lunch menu and pick which day each week. Is there a discount food store nearby? Food banks? Bulk stores? Best of luck to you.

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A loaf of bread and pb&j can last a week :wink: get that, chips, fruit whatever makes your kid happy a pack of bologna and cheese you can make sandwiches and even homemade lunchable… better then them being hungry or upset (have you seen some of the food they serve…I don’t blame the kid :frowning: ) its not about not wanting to tell your kid no like some people said above it’s about helping them have a good day and a full belly in an easy way!!! Sometimes it’s not about proving your the boss or whatever it’s about making your kid happy

Have you tried applying for food stamps? That would help with buying food to make school lunches. Doesn’t have to be expensive just a homemade sandwich, drink (even if it’s water), and a fruit and veggie. Sometimes I pack my girls lunches, but most of the time they get lunch at school cuz they get free lunch. If you honestly just can’t do it then just tell him he has no choice. Tell him if you could you would, but unfortunately you just can’t.

I mean as a parent it’s kind of your responsibility to provide that kind of thing? A diet your child actually wants to eat? I don’t believe in ‘eat it or starve’ I don’t eat anything I don’t like eating so I don’t expect my child to either.

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So many cheap options for school lunches…

Be stern. That’s just kids. That’s why society is the way it is!


Can they not take leftovers from the supper the night before or even a cheese sandwich I understand the financial part.

Dont over complicate it.
A sarnie
Maybe a cereal bar

Jobs a gooden