It’s likely that he doesn’t like the school lunches and doesn’t eat a lot of days. I would definitely suggest you find out what he would be satisfied with. Many fruits are reasonable in price. Maybe a large bag of Doritos which is enough for 5 lunches or more. peanut butter crackers and a Capri Sun . Try to fit into food budget; maybe cut something out you can do without.
Peanut butter and jelly are cheap
What does he eat at school then? I didn’t know there was an option to just send out kids to school without food?
I had to pack 4 lunches( now 3 as one has graduated) for school… but. I dunno what to say here.
I tell my lad that so long as the school feeds him for free he can carry on eating there
I have a hard time understanding not prioritizing a packed lunch for a 7 year old. Chances are if he’s telling you he doesn’t like it he’s not going to eat it. Now you have a hungry child who is supposed to be focused on school. I know times are hard. I’m struggling so very much but somethings you have to make sure happen. Your kid eating is one of them
So what do you feed him for lunch in the summertime? I don’t understand not being able to feed your child lunch. I am a single Mom with disabilities making the absolute bare minimum and yet my child has everything she could want or ask for. Does this mean I go without meals? Yes, your damn right it does! I eat once a day. I couldn’t have my child go hungry. Yet our schools where we live don’t offer lunches at all so I don’t have options but honestly I would still send her with a lunch
School lunches are the worst. They are terrible. Poor kid.
It’s ok to say no to kids . Disappomenent is somthing we have to learn to deal with all the way to adulthood
Pack him leftovers from dinner for his lunch .
Or a very cheap option like a
Peanut butter sandwich( you can buy the bread , peanut butter and the jelly in the dollar store ,they also have the six juices pack and a box of fruits snacks)
Bananas are very cheap, you will spend just like 10 dollars for two weeks
( assuming you live in EU )
What I did was I got fresh fruits and veggies get snacks at the doller store freeze a loaf of bread each time you grocery shop so say you get three bags each trip put one in the freezer and do that each time than your not running out or it’s not going bad the lunch meat get the cheap 5$ or 6 doller ones that come with two packages or baloni works it’s pretty cheaper than the fancy stuff not sure your budget I am on disability and have a fixed income and that’s how I did it and break fast oatmal or cereal which you can also get at the doller store and beverages idk if this will help
You can’t afford to feed your child?
Kids Don’t like waiting in line for lunch, let him take lunch.Don’t cost alot all you need is bread,meat,slice of cheese & chips & a drink , with a snack
If u could do snacks. ThT might help
I don’t understand how you cannot make this work though? At least a few times a week. You could go to the dollar store and get lunch foods and juice boxes if you had to. It is doable if you put your mind to it.
Don’t you have to pay for school lunches? How is it more expensive to pack it yourself?
Do you have a dollar store? Food Stumps? I have worked for schools, kids do not need a huge lunch. Carrots ( the king you peel your self) maybe something you would bye for dinners anyway. Saltine crackers are inexpensive, shop in the Hispanic section. There are tons of options. By generic brands, store bands. If fruit is to expensive, get the cans. Divide it up in small plastic containers. For 2 or 3 days. Cook chicken, save a little for
What your child is asking for is definitely not unreasonable,Start with with home made lunch once a week make it affordable research healthy and affordable . Time after you figure out how your child can get home made lunch everyday. Cut all these unessary cost like tv whatever . Home made lunches don’t have to be expensive.
Have you asked why he is so Adamant about packing a lunch, maybe he doesn’t like the school lunches, maybe he eats his school lunch while he sees another child not able to receive one (some students who owe to much in lunch money aren’t allowed to keep buying) I work at a middle school cafeteria and they do have credit limits. Or maybe he would just like to feel special, if you get free or reduced I understand you not wanting to spend money you don’t have, but at the same time (the give an inch take a mile) doesn’t apply here let him pack twice a week and then tell him NO the rest of time.
You should say “No” and flat out tell them you can’t afford it.
My daughter was the same way for a little while. It was a struggle financially. I wholeheartedly didn’t think it would be affordable, but we made it work. I bought a package of small reusable containers for jello. I’d make a box of jello every Sunday and fill all of the containers (it was less than $1 a week), I either made pasta salad or a PB&J sandwich, snack sized baggie of chips, crackers, or goldfish (whichever was on sale that week), a granola bar and fruit that was in season (again, whatever was on sale). If there weren’t any good sales on fruit, than she either got a banana or sliced cucumber with ranch. The vast majority of what I packed was generic brands or even from the dollar tree. I eventually invested in a thermos, so she could have spaghettios, ramen noodles, soup, etc.
I now work as a lunch lady and can honestly see why kids want to pack. Some of the meals we serve are very filling while others leave you wanting more. Some sound good, but because we are limited on how they can be prepared, they just aren’t good. Maybe compromise and send lunch twice a week, or when there is something on the menu thar they really don’t like.
I don’t know where you live but holy crap that’s a DREAM for me. Here in Ontario we don’t have school provided lunches that would be a fairy tale. I spend every single extra dollar.on school snacks and they bring home half full lunchboxes. Heartbreaking
I just say no and that’s that we can’t afford it my kids get on their birthday
Go to the dollar tree and get lunch stuff everything’s 1.25$
All primary and high schools in South Africa don’t provide lunches at school that’s the parents responsibly to provide lunch meals every school day. So this is a luxury maybe on the days they don’t like the food put in a snack in. Bi other wise they luckier the most kids in the word who does no he lunch at school war what there is or wait till you home to eat what you like. It’s a privilege what you guys get at school that the most of the world doesn’t get.
Bread, fruits, veggies, and pb& j are cheap. They’d last to do it all week or longer for under $20.
My 9 year old is the same, even talked me into buying a $25.00 lunch separator box. Smh, she gets lunch at school, I don’t want to be packing lunches…
Idk, just going through the same thing
I understand the fact you can’t afford it but think about it this way. Do you get your nails done or go get coffee or order things offline that you do not need and just want. Well if you answered yes to any of those I say you are selfish and you put yourself first which is ridiculous. Stop buying extra for you and spend a little on your kids lunch.
Be frank. Tell him why it can’t happen. I have this with my kid. Also, as you say, if you do it one hell expect it. But more to the point you’ll actually do it-because you can’t buy two slices of bread for a sandwich, one slice of ham or cheese to go in it…… you’ll end up doing it every day just to use up the pack of ham or cheese or whatever you’re going to put in his lunch. you see where I’m going with this? We shouldn’t burden our kids with our problems BUT sometimes - like in this economic crisis - they need a little educating. Take the war for example….Rationing. It had to happen and kids probably didnt really understand why, so I bet their parents explained it to them as best they could. So I would do the same. It works for me - my kid knows we can’t do the same as everyone else because we can’t afford a lot of things so we tighten our belts where we can. It’s life and life is hard I’m afraid. Be straight with him.
My attitude is different than most. Stop supporting school meal programs. Give the resources to those who need them. I’ve quit sending lunches because the kids have the opposite approach. They want to eat the school provided food. What I sent was just wasted. I can afford to feed my child. I’d rather feed her than let the school do it on whatever budget they have. It makes zero sense that all the kids who could easily bring their own lunch suck up the resources meant for others but since we don’t let kids feel ostracized for being the poor kid who must eat school food it’s open to all. It’s ridiculous. Don’t contribute. Don’t donate. Support a rood bank and tell your kid to eat what they brought from home. Those that can’t afford to feed their children would have the ability to do it if we weren’t pissing away funds helping those who don’t need it but it’s just cooler.
Has nobody heard of leftovers? Or setting aside a little bit from dinner to pack in lunch? Seriously don’t need a shit ton of money to give your kid a packed lunch. My mom made me take leftovers, my kid sometimes would when she was in public school. Doesn’t have to be extravagant
I don’t understand what your priorities are. Are you responsible parents? Do you care about your child health for the rest of his / her life?
I am sorry but you petty money excuses are only an indication that health isn’t a priority for you. School food might be free but is mostly just fat and junk food, nothing you should want you child to eat. You should be proud that your child has enough common sense to prefer home cooked holsom food. Cut down on cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, beauty buys, computer games, sodas, toys because none of these are necessary, and spend you money or nutritious healthy food, to raise your child free of chronic diseases caused by obesity and sedentary life habits.
School lunches are toxic poison nuclear industrial waste. It’s not food! Don’t eat that!
You dont send your kid to school with a lunch??? Poor kid must be so hungry
Samantha Driscoll if the parents work they make enough for food, and if they don’t they get food stamps and supplement income,only if the spend money on unnecessary expenses they wouldn’t have enough for food
Use it as a reward. Be good no bad notes Monday thru Thursday we can bring our own lunch on Friday !
I’m confused, does the school provide free lunches where you live? Where I love you can buy lunch at school and that’s a treat as it’s much more expensive than packing lunch from home.
Can of soup chicken noodle in a thermos, rice and beans, white bread and cheese with tomato, pb&j, mac and cheese with peas are cheap options he can help make. Can you get food stamps for assistance ?
Huh? Do they have free lunch at school?!
You’re the parent, you make the rules. If you’re financially able to do packed lunch x1 day a week then do that and tell him that it will absolutely not be anymore because you can’t afford x5 days a week. Too much giving in for an easy life for so many parents these days. Stand your ground.
I’m from Australia and if u don’t pack lunch well, you don’t eat… our schools do not provide food.
I’m curious how packing a lunch from home is more expensive than school lunch? School lunch in my county this year is $3.50, breakfast is a dollar. I have three kids in school. It is much cheaper for me to buy things in bulk to pack in their lunch boxes than it is to pay for school lunch. And it’s healthier and more satisfying for them. The only thing that was really expensive was buying new lunch boxes for everyone this year and that’s just a one time investment.
I feel ya mama it’s definitely a hard one having your babies ask for something that you’re just not able to do for them at the time. My kiddos have asked me the same thing. I feel lucky that sometimes grandma on bio dad’s side has been able to pack them a nice little lunch at times… maybe once a week, but not even every week at times. I’ve tried from the get go with all things in general to be as honest as I can with mine and really I’ve just straight out told them “I’m sorry my loves, but I just can’t afford that right now”… it hurts me to say it but it’s the truth. But mine don’t really ask for it just because their friends bring lunch, but more because they don’t like something specific that’s being served that day. I agree with some of the other comments that if you’re able to afford it maybe just do once a week like a Friday before the weekend or a Thursday if he’s off on that Friday. I asked for things as a child because that’s what kids do, but I learned and knew from a younger age that we weren’t real well off by any means… I feel like I eventually just stopped asking so my parents didn’t have to feel bad by telling me they couldn’t afford it. Keep your head up mama… the fact that you care enough to ask for advice just tells me you’re doing your best and a great job raising your baby/babies
How did you afford to feed him lunch during the summer?
My daughter wants to take lunch too. We’ve started if it’s a lunch she doesn’t like/won’t/can’t eat then we will pack a lunch, but if there is an option she will/can eat then she is to get lunch at school.
Remember, when taking your lunch to school was poor
I don’t have kids yet but growing up it was rough for my parents financially and I had school lunches. Money didn’t grow on trees to have a packed lunch every was a treat when I did have a packed lunch.
Can someone explain to me how home lunch is more expensive than school lunch? Is the lunch at school free… I don’t understand. Where I’m from home lunch is cheaper than having kids purchase lunch… so plz explain cuz I don’t understand… I live in the Caribbean…
He should be able to bring lunch from home. If my kids showed up to school without food from home child services would be notified.
Thank yourself lucky that the school provides meals cause ours don’t
My kids like to take lunches too. What we’ve decided to do for them is on field trips or special events they can take lunch. Otherwise they do school lunch. When we do send lunch, it’s things like sandwiches, lunchables, or crustables with a fruit or vegetable, meat and cheese stick, occasionally a juice but most of the time water.
I’ve always been honest with my kids regardless of age….if we can’t afford it we can’t afford and they can’t do it or have it. Kids understand more than you think so there’s no reason to beat around the bush.
Maybe you can find a fewer cheap options. PB and J, ramen noodles, Mac n cheese with hotdogs? Once a week maybe?
i don’t understand this at all in Australia we take a packed lunch to school because buying it at school is expensive how expensive can it be to take a sandwich and snacks i don’t get this at all
Let home see lunch menu, give him 1-2 days he chooses to pack his lunch every other week make it be one day. That’s what I do with my kids and they have gotten used to it and love it!
Them school lunches is nasty and they barely have enough time to eat because they are standing in line to get their food. You could pack him sandwiches, chips pickles, apple slices, or even oranges, and some yogurt. School lunches are as expensive as you make it. Let him pick 2 items he wants in his lunch and you do the rest. If you’re already paying for school lunches it gets expensive. It’s close to $3 where I’m from and I have 2 kids in school, ages 13 and 16 that’s in school and let me tell you it adds up
Look at the school meal plan and let him pick 1 day each week that he wants to bring lunch. “What meal do you not like this week? We can pick one day.”
Be firm. Explain it to him…
I let my daughters pack one day a week too, typically they will look at the menu and see which day they “dont like” and pack that day
Same here mama. Find the cheapest fruit and veggies and throw it all in a bento box or something like it. We are in the same boat and we just find the sales or the cheapest fruits and veggies.
Let him take a lunch once a week. Yes kids will try the, give an inch, take a mile things but you are the mom and he can’t do that if you don’t let him. Once a week is better than none
Make the same kind of sandwich every single day like bologna an apple and water… he’ll get over it real quick! Just joking… Friday’s sound like a good plan:grin:
I’d let him pack once a week and then allow him to pack a recess snack each day to go with his lunch. I’d find out why he doesn’t want school lunch. My children love it but if they didn’t I would do what I could to help them enjoy lunch.
A lot kids don’t like school lunch my child never be able eat at school cause she’s highly allergic too dairy soo she always have at home lunch. But I would put what ur child wants first it don’t take much too pack a lunch it don’t coast a lot money. It’s what makes them happy at the end of the day.
Last year the kids got free lunch. I would only pack a lunch on days I knew it was something my kid would not eat (like bbq anything). Not sure if it’s going to be the same case this year yet and school starts at the end of the month.
I would just say you already paid for hot school lunches so he has to eat them or else it would be wasteful, but maybe let him bring his own on Fridays or something, a good start to the weekend. And if he starts expecting that every day just remember you are the adult. Reiterate the other 4 days must be school lunch
Can you get CHIP benefits? You can get nutritious food with the benefits, cereal, milk, pb, bread. Half a sandwich, carrot sticks and store brand pretzels is pretty affordable.
Im going to be the Ahole.
A flat of cup o noodles is less than five bucks. Thats lunch for a month. I am a single parent of three kids one of whom is diaabled. I get zero help from my sons dad or the state. All three of my kids are in school. All three get a packed lunch. You make it work. I dont drink or smoke and we don’t eat fast food. This are luxuries i dont put money toward bc we also eat a mostly organic wole food diet. It’s not that you can’t afford it youre lazy.
You tell him the truth and let him take lunch twice a month period
Maybe even a small lunch. Just like a sambo and some fruit
I agree with Bobbie Springston because the child wants to feel included.
You can afford lunch for 1 child use your imagination unless he’s a picky eater. If he’s a picky eater, it’s his choice to eat what you pack or school lunch. Plus what you pack for him is a lot healthier than he gets at school. Carrots,celery with peanut butter or sandwich, hotdog with generic chips you bag, water to drink, peaches or other canned fruit you put in a cup. The items you buy is only for his lunch not snacks at home.
Have y’all seen the school lunches
Maybe print out your child’s school menu for the month. Let your child choose a few days of the month where he don’t like what school is offering & bring lunches on just those days. Tell him if he wants to bring lunch it can only be on those selected days the rest of the days he will have to eat school lunches. I can’t afford lunch everyday for my kids & that’s what I let mine do. My girls are older but that works well for us.
If that doesn’t work stick with the he has no choice but to eat school lunch. You’re his mom.
“Different families, different rules. This is what we think is best for our family” is what I often say to my little ones.
My daughter went on about this from reception. All kids in UK age 4 to 7 get their cooked lunch free, regardless of financial situation. I do not have time to make it every day and wanted her to be offered a cooked meal at lunch. So said we’d reassess at juniors (hoping she’d forget and then we’d pay for them as no longer free). Now she’s about to start juniors…And she hasn’t bloody forgotten!!!
Uhm… be the parent and say no we can’t afford it. Please stop asking.
I’m so sorry for your financial crisis. It is stressful and hard especially in todays day and age.
The best food is from home and prepped by a child’s parents or grandparents. The energy and love that goes into it is something else.
Children love
1.peanut butter,
2.Peanut butter and jelly
3. cheese or jam.
4. Mac and cheese
5. Fruit
6. Vienas
I put surprise in as well. Two pieces of chocolate from a slab.
You will find ways to make it exciting. These are things that a child cherishes and talks about even when they adults.
Just maybe he doesn’t like the food at school.
Your circumstances will change. Stay positive. Our Dearest father God, will take care of all of us. Nothing lasts forever, good times or bad times.
Our children grow up once. Let’s make a difference. Loads of love and light to you and your family. May your wallet always be full.
Kids don’t understand that concept they just see thier friends do it… an makes them want to I let my daughter bring lunch on days it’s food I know she won’t eat… so I tell her make sure to get the lunch menu from the teacher otherwise she gets school lunch. This also helps me prepare for the month what days she will take a lunch. She’s going into 2nd this year.
Maybe he doesn’t like the lunches they give?
Maybe apply for some assistance.
Is the school/class peanut free? My kids school just had a peanut free table. My kid ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch for years. It’s cheap
Pack a half sandwich a few chips. A apple or orange or box of raisens. A note that says I love you. It doesn’t have to be a store bought prepackaged item. SW bags are cheap. A large bag of chips is less than 2 dollars. White sandwich bread or brown is 1.38 a jar of peanut butter and jelly will last a really long time. Most schools provide a plastic cup to put water in. Way cheaper than cafeteria lunches.
I’m not really sure how you can’t afford it. You don’t feed him lunch during the day when he’s home?
I just don’t get it…PERIOD. !!!;
In australia there are no free lunches if your kid doesn’t bring food they will give them a sandwich then send you a bill.if it keeps happening they will ring welfare on you.
Get a pack of meat. A loaf of bread. 5 apples or a mix of five fruits. Peanut butter. 5 mini bags of chips and Debbie cakes. This would be cheap.
I am very sorry to hear that you can’t give your child lunch because you can’t afford it what do you eat for lunch if nothing than it is shame to the government shame to this land and they call this a Lucky Country???
I’m the only mom reading this and cringing? Giving an inch is normally for expensive activities or sleepovers etc…not a lunch from home… your kid wants to be normal and eat food from home… when did the bare minimum of parenting become giving an extra inch. Rearrange your budget. Your kid didn’t ask to be here. And idc how rude I sound. It’s food for f sakes. Juice boxes for a week is 3$. Pizza buns are maybe $10. Thing of granola bars? 2 for $5. What the f has this world come to.
I go through this with my kids. I get a school lunch calendar and go over it with them. On the days that there is little to nothing they will eat being served I send some snacks from home. I put a pb&j in there and some chips in a reusable container. I don’t buy the prepackaged stuff because it’s expensive that way.
If you literally can’t afford to do that then you just let it be what it is. There’s always some kids that will only get what the school serves. They grow up just fine and learn to appreciate what they have. I was one of those kids. The school cooked better than my mom so I enjoyed the food at school, lol. She was a great mother tho and put 100% in. She just wasn’t a good cook
My kids get sick from school lunches. School food is gross.
If his school lunches anything like the ones from my grands school here in Ky…I see where he’s coming from.but he said because his friends bring theirs. When we went to school and my kids went to same schools we had lunches that were very good. like home cooking.Seems like in the 90s they turned to yuck!!!