My 8 year old complains of heart burn: Advice?

Is it when eating fried foods or eating dairy products? He could have an allergy or an ulcer? Get him to another doctor. The current one is nothing more than a legal pill pusher. These doctors today ain’t worth a damn. They know nothing and spend their doctor time guessing. Not like the doctors when I was growing up who actually sought out a solution to a medical problem and knew what they were doing.

At 5 years old I got very sick with appendicitis. My grandparents came, swooped me up, and took me to the doctor. He knew immediately what was wrong when he palpated the lower right quadrant of my abdomen. I screamed out in pain. Next thing I knew I was in surgery. Had that been today, the doctors would have sent me home with pain pills where I probably would have died.

Take him to a children’s hospital and have test ran on his heart.

Yes I also agree that you should get a referral to a Gastroenterologist.

Definitely consult a GI, I would have them check his gall bladder?

My oldest son now 47 had an inverted valve in his throat. They stretched some how when he was 2 days old. He’s had a lot of trouble with his stomack. I had it to, had my gallbladder removed an haven’t had any trouble since

Eat smaller bites more slowly and follow up w GI.

My child has had acid reflux since he was a baby. He still takes meds like pepcid. He is 12 now.

Reflux or see if it’s a gi issue. Gluten problems maybe. Try a different doctor

Have him eat apples or make him hot apples cider by using Apple Cider Vinegar (organic) w/ honey…no sugar.

I grew up with gerd and also had an ulcer by 11. I’m 40 now and it’s even worse. Stress can be a factor many times. But some naturals remedies are licorice root, peppermint candy, and ginger, and definitely probiotics . I’ll never recommend prescribing meds for kids. It made more problems for me as a child to my intestines and gi tract. Also change his diet and reduce meal sizes from 3 big to 6 small daily. The less he eats at once the less it will hurt and he won’t throw up. Remember his portion sizes are his fist size or less-that’s how big his stomach is. Reduce acid foods and drinks, even juice is super acid. Pure Water is best. And don’t let him eat or drink 2 to 3 hours before bed. Have him sleep on his left side it helps keep the acid down in stomach. I’d even have food allergies tested to see if he has any. And no anti-inflammatory meds like Motrin, excedrin, aleve. It eats the stomach lining which protects against the acid…and pain meds do nothing for it, so by no means never give a child pain meds for gerd. My gastro dr would flip his lid if he ever heard of giving pain meds for stomach issues. And once you find out about his food allergies bread, bananas or real yogurt are great for stomach acid…soaks it right up.

Id be getting a different Dr.

I would have him see a gastroenterologist and also give him tums or pepsid

See a gastrologist and a heart dr.

I get him to gastroenterologist quickly. Someone that will listen.

My daughter has it she’s on a medicine for it

Sounds like reflux to me

Could have stomach blockage

You can give gaviscon before each meal

My youngest was born with stomach issues. He takes a pepcid complete chewable before bed every night. He is 2. Try some tums or something along that line and see if it gives any releife. The Dr gave my son zantac but it quit working after awhile. Thats why we use the pepcid completes.

Pain meds for an 8yo w heartburn?

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Just a suggestion whatever you do don’t let a doctor put them on Omeprazole it kills your kidneys after about 10 years

My daughter had issues too, Drs never paid much attention. As an adult she stopped eating red meat, chicken and occasionally turkey is all she would eat, her stomach problems went away.

Go to different doctor

Have them check for GERD