My 8-year-old treats me badly: Advice?

The 8 year old is the oldest he is showing out for attention u have babies that I’m sure r getting more attention then he his punish him for the disrespect but also sit down with him and ask him y is he doing these things to u then start spending alone time with him to insure him that u r not forgetting about him and it’s not all about his younger siblings everything will be ok :pray::pray:

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There is a Red, Yellow and green system chart that was helpful here with my niece who came to us from a troubled home and was so nasty with her behavior. Tons of scripture on Google about it. Truly is helpful but ot doesn’t work overnight. You have to keep at it. Strip him down to bare minimum necessities and that’s it. Everything else is a luxury. He’ll see “dont bite the hand that feeds ya” really is true

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You are the parent so remind him of that… I would get all the kids together even tho they are little but make sure your eldest is there too and talk to them all explain things… in fact give him jobs to do. … as he is the eldest he is responsible for his actions… if he objects tough tit tums … but he is coming of age in his actions its normal as he struggles from being a little boy to stepping up to the next stage…

Kids get the hint lower yourself to get eye contact and tell them what they did hurt you and ask them to apologize or start fake cry, works…kids need structure, routine and 1 on 1…sounds like you are busy.

No judgement here however he is only 8 yrs old and you have 5 kids younger than him. He probably feels forgotten, like he doesn’t get attention unless he acts badly. Make time for just you and him every week


We have 4 kids. When they act crazy (which they all do sometimes) we record them on our phones and walk away. Once they’ve cooled off, we review the video with them to let them see for themselves how their tantrums look from a bystanders point if view. Then we talk, and talk, and talk. They hate this more than anything. I can bring a kid down quick just by picking up my phone.

Children mimic what they see

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I’m not being rude, judgemental, or saying it’s the same situation but I have an 8yr old step son who is going through a similar stage with his mom. His mom keeps having children with different guys. Bringing different guys in and out of his life along with “step siblings”. Hes resentful of his mom. He doesn’t get the attention he craves or deserves. Children are amazing and I wish I was able to have my own but sometimes the more isn’t the merrier.

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Positive parenting.
Give consequences for bad behaviour and reward good behaviour. Praise praise praise the good.
Also set aside time for just the 2 of you. Might need some alone time with mom.

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Whoop some ass!! Not Beat!! Disipline!!! They grow up to mistreat and kill other people EVEN THEIR PARENTS!!

You have 6 kids. Give him a day without them.


It might just be a cry for attention. Sometimes when they reach that age and they’re able to finally be more responsible and independent around the house, we’re able to leave them to their own devices more often. But hes still just a kid. You have to cut him some slack. Just bc he’s the oldest doesnt mean he needs to be treated older than he is. Make sure you’re not putting too much on him.
You two need to go out for the day, alone. You need to reconnect and try to understand him, but dont expect an 8 yr old to understand you. Hes still a child and needs to be treated as such.

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He’s wanting attention or maybe you’re not listening to him. Talk to him, ask him why he’s acting out, and work out the issue. Kids sometimes feel like they’re not treated properly because they’re small so if adults started talking to them like if they were adults then they probably wouldn’t act out like they do. Just my thought. Good luck mama!

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I have been having having that same trouble with my son who just recently turned 9, so what I usually do is try to sit and talk with him or let him cool down or take a time out for himself and then we can talk anything out

Give him lots of love

Tell his ass and make him go into his room and keep him there until he decides he can treat you with respect. He’s challenging you…as well as trying to get your attention…so once he is done challenging you (like boys do) see what his deal is. And go from there. Also if there is a male in his life maybe have them take him out and show him the ropes of handling his anger.

First stop the hitting and stop this banking my God that’s not going to get you anywhere but him hating you more and him acting out more if it if it’s attention he wants he’ll do anything to get it even if it’s bad attention and obviously you’re giving him bad attention by spanking him he needs you he’s crying for you with his bad behaviour you have got to turn this around by giving him one-on-one attention six beautiful babies sure that’s great for you but obviously not for him take some time out one-on-one go on a mom and son date just the two of you and let him know you’re going to do it too you’ll see him turn around he just needs you he needs you

He hurts you stop doing little things for him. He wants to play on your phone , nope you was mean to me, wants a toy when you go to store nope , wants you to read a story nope don’t read to people who are mean to me. It goes without saying when he is nice he gets those things


I would that spanking would be the last thing to try.

Have you tried rewarding him for his good behavior. I am a mom of 5 children ages 21, 17, 13, 11 and 7. Sometimes taking away things will just make things worse. Try the opposite, reverse physiology, instead of punishing try rewarding him. Also maybe a day where he gets a little more attention on him, being a mom of multiple children myself, I know it can be hard giving everyone their own time. Maybe you can do a movie night, doesn’t even have to be outside the house, or a game night or something he enjoys doing, just you and him.

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I constantly redirect, mentally, physically, emotionally. They fall into allot of changes around 7-8 years. We constantly give small talks about how one should treat a person. Those small talks help. But maybe also figure out is the child stressed, has there been any recent changes? Are they catching it at school as well as home? We’ve made our child do chores, and when she acts up we find stuff to keep her mind occupied. Attitude is learned behavior, try redirecting allot, stay calm. I’m a momma of a baby girl who has ODD so it can be stressful at times. But a part of being a momma is learning as you go, and never give up on the little one’s. They learn from us.

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We have struggled and sometimes still struggle with our son. I went through spanking, yelling, taking things away. I eventually learned that what works best is to pull him into my room and lay on the bed and talk to him and let him talk to me without interruption. Sometimes he’s angry with me and I clarify why I have certain expressions of him. Sometimes we cry together. He has a lot of pressure as the oldest kid and to hold his emotions in because “he’s a boy.” BUT he’s still a kid and he is in a transition stage between a little kid and a big kid. Sometimes he needs direction and open arms to deal with such big emotions.


I had some issues with my oldest too. I asked him how he would feel if I had a boy friend that did ____ ( all the things he was doing) to me or his sister’s. And how he would like it if someone did his girlfriend like that. I also would let my kids skip school one day at the beginning and the end of the school year. I would take just one and have a mother/son day. Or a mother daughter day. They were not aloud to tell the others. I really just wanted to have a day with each of them so I could get some good quality individual time with them. They are all grown. They say those were best days, better than birthdays. I always told them I just wanted to have fun with them and not be distracted by the others. They each thought I loved them the most. They do this with their kids too. And as they got older and i expected more from them I explained that this was to prepair them to be an adult so they could take care of them selves.

I had 4 children and ran a farm once s month I would take 1 child out for a day it was a one on one special time for him and her. To talk and eat and praise how good and loved they were


He is doing it for attention. Set aside special time for him and show him he is just as much loved as his other siblings and explain to him yes he is older and can do more things and his younger siblings need more help from you (mom). But make sure you take time for him.
Believe me I have 3 kids and they are 4 yrs apart and it’s extremely hard but that’s what I did and took time out for all 3 so they all had time with me.

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I have 5 children all of mine are adults now but I do know that with my oldest I did try and have some time just for her and I remember when she was in junior high 6th grade she had to watch the news everyday so I made sure it was her and I and we discussed the news and it was our time to talk and I can tell you it didn’t matter what age she was she always looked out for her younger siblings so just try and give him some one on one time and I’m sure as your children grow up they will really appreciate their oldest brother my younger children call my oldest daughter Big Momma

Mother of 6 WOW !! I would suggest one day a starting with him having a Mom and Me Date = the Dad is responsible for the crew ,supper,baths homework etc.Turn off cell phone > find out what he likes or dislikes about a teacher. Who is friends are ,what is he interested in, if he wants to try and earn extra money around the house, favorite subject does he need help in a subject

You mentioned you have 6 babies the oldest being 8 ?
If I’m understanding you correctly, maybe he just needs one on one time with mom and dad Special time set aside for him


You’re doing everything you can. Just make sure the house rules and schedule are clear. Make sure he’s got lots of energy burning activities to do and also time to bond with you as parents that’s just his (not shared with another kiddo) and positive reinforcement for good behavior too.

Sounds to me like he might be doing this to seek your/the fathers attention with so many other little ones around.

If you have six. He may be wanting more attention from you…anyway he can get. Even if it’s bad. Sit down and talk with him. Maybe he will tell you? Make a change for time with him to see if that makes a change in his attitude?

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I have throwing myself into my work and let his father get him to 18 I did the hard part birth to age 11 mine don’t listen back talks and does whatever he pleases so I figure it’s time for Dad to do his part.

Several different possibilities, but attention for bad behavior is still attention… maybe get medically checked out, make sure enough sleep and vitamins and nothing else going on and see what some special time together can do also. As another thought, if he goes to public school, is he seeing someone else act this way and possibly copying? Is he being bullied?

Complement his positive behaviour and only lightly touch on the negative, children are natural people pleasers and hes currently just looking for any sorce of attention

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To every action there is a reaction, what is it he’s reacting too, mom

Agree with everyone, he needs some special attention! The oldest is easily pushed to the side when there are younger ones in need

More chores, zero tablet, more outside time. :two_hearts:


Keep doing what you are doing. Don’t STOP!!!

Maybe try asking what the issue is instead of reacting with similar behaviors

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Bust that ass simple as that didn’t kill my children and they grew up to be just fine


Put his butt over your knee


What does this have to do with Holidays?

Who’s the adult here ? Whoop that ass