Yes you can “try” giving them baby food. Introduce it at 4 months old. But a lot won’t do well til 6 months old. Honestly a pediatrician pushing it at 3.5 months old is way early. She’s gagging bc she’s not ready. Stop and wait. Try again in a month. If she’s doing the same thing, wait again. For the first year of life her MAIN source of food and calories is formula/breastmilk. It’s ok if she doesn’t take baby food til 6/7 months. I have 4 kiddos. I didn’t even start introducing baby food til 6 months, I did it for about a month. Then started them on the same food we ate, with changes to make it safe for them (avoided choking hazard etc). They were eating solid food like you and me perfectly by 8/9 months. Your baby is fine. Just not ready.
Never heard baby food given so early. Baby cereal yes but no baby food yet
I would just mash whatever I was eating and just leave butter, salt or another seasoning off it. Baby food is disgusting. I tried every single one. Anything I put in any of my kids mouths I tasted. I don’t blame her for gagging I did too.
She’s not ready yet, baby will show signs when she is ready
Omg wtf? Please seek a new fkn doctor!!! No solids till at least 6mo. Please don’t listen to any of the grandmas saying “I started mine at 2mo and they were fine!” Absolutely not. Gross and outdated information!! Your baby won’t sleep longer and it’s not worth saving a couple bucks on formula to stuff them up. Main nutrition needs to be breast milk/formula exclusively to 6mo and after that it’s complimentary, meaning the main nutrition till the year mark still needs to be breast milk or formula.
5months plus is the age you should start wtf doctor tells you that early really ? not right!!!
She’s not ready! She needs to be able to sit upright unaided ideally, helps the movement of food to the stomach and onwards, and at least be able to wove the food from front to back, it’s trickier than you think and takes them a while to figure out, plus if you watch them eat, they swallow twice for each amount no matter how much. It’s a lot of coordination and regardless of what people used to do 100’s of years ago at 3 mo, it’s too early
I didn’t start baby food until 6 months because that’s the recommended age… baby food freezes so you could always freeze it into a popsicle, that’s how I got my son started at 6 months because he was also teething.
Like jar baby food? I’d just give soft whole foods instead… things like Mashed potatoes, gravy, small tender peas, bananas… cook veggies and Mash them yourself and see if that’s better.
It’s been a few years so I had a little one (my daughter is 14) but typically Dr’s start introducing solids such as oatmeal to bottles or small portions of oatmeal. Not supplementing the bottles or breast milk they are already taking, just adding this in to the feeding regiment. I think I started introducing oatmeal for my daughter around 5 months! 3.5 months is very young to try to sustain a solid diet consistently. Best of wishes mama!
She’s 3 1/2. You’re supposed to start at 6 months old. Her digestive system isn’t ready.
Then wait til 6 months to intro food
3 months is far too young. I would definitely question that advice.
You’re joking, right? If ANY doctor suggested you start A 3.5 month on food they should be put in jail immediately. PLEASE STOP TRYING TO FEED THE BABY FOOD UNTIL AFTER 6 MONTHS. You can will cause life altering if not deadly consequences for your child.
I got advised exactly the same thing with my now 14 month he was eating baby porridge at 3 months old and he is completely fine but if your little one isn’t taking to it I would suggest your baby isn’t ready xx
My daughter would never eat baby food. Bought a small food processor and did vegetables from our meal. Sometimes instant potatoes. Good luck
4 months was the earliest standard back when my son was little, now all I hear is 6 months minimum before baby food. I’d give her some time and try again in a few months.
Try real food. Baby food has no taste. They can eat what you eat.
She is not ready then… just wait and try again.
Just keep trying. Try just putting baby rice with a little bit of baby food in it
She may not be quite ready yet and the gagging is actually normal when babies start food. She’s not sure what to do with food yet she’s learning.
She doesn’t need it at 3 months. Especially if she’s gagging. Wait til she’s maybe closer to 5 months . A suggestion isn’t a demand, the Dr can suggest but like you won’t be in trouble for waiting.
Congratulations on your new baby! Can I assume that you have been feeding her very thin cereal already? If not, then start with just that. Rice cereal. Then after a week or so, add some banana baby food to it, making it just slightly thicker. Only put the teensiest amount of food on the spoon. Baby isn’t used to the flavors and/or texture of the food yet. Every two weeks, introduce a new basic food, while continuing the ones that the baby has already accepted. Be patient.
Not all children like it. Both my children were just breast fed until six months then added foods and still breast fed until a year. As long as baby is gaining weight. ( They both hated food until later) I feel some children are not ready. Made all their food too through a grinder.
Your baby is not ready I would say my children didn’t take to food between 6-8 months
3.5 is early. Wait until 4.months minimum
Because she is way too young to be on baby food, find a new pediatrician because that’s absurd.
My son is the same way I thought he hated all baby food turns out he just don’t like the spoons. I put some baby food in a bottle and he loved it after that.
She’s not ready yet, which is normal. 3 months is a little young, my son didn’t start showing interest in food until he was around 6 months. He was also a preemie though so that could have been why.
then stop giving it to her. She’s not ready. my eldest was 4mo when she started eating baby food and loved it. middle we tried at 4mo and was the same. didn’t start til 6mo. youngest didnt want to start eating solid til 8mo. follow baby and not dr
Sounds like she is not ready to start solids quite yet, my son was 4-6 months before he tolerated pureed baby food. At 3 months, they should be getting fornula/breastmilk as their sole source of nutrition. No free water. Always ask their pediatrician when in doubt. God bless
Must babies do. It’s not what their use to
You need a new pediatrician if they’re suggesting cereal or baby food for a 3 1/2 month old.
Baby’s stomachs are not ready for baby food until 5 months at least. I have never had a doc recommend baby food at 3 months! That’s crazy. I would find a new pediatrician.
Wait till 6 mo. Sometimes giving food too soon causes food allergies.
That’s a little young. I started at 4-6mths old. Only start solids when baby starts showing interest.
Have u tried making ur own baby food. Our twins won’t eat it unless it’s mixed up with different fruits n vegetables mixed together. But at 3 in a half months baby may not be ready for food yet.
I would wait until at least 6 months. There’s no need for them to be on solids before then. They get everything they need from milk. You could even wait till 12 months…
She should not be eating baby food yet. Both of my kids and most others started near 6 months
3 1/2 months is too early- just breast milk or formula.
Too early, some babies are ready for easy on the belly foods like bananas at 4 months but usually 6 months sometimes even longer.
I was told 6 months if you want add oatmeal to formula
Wait till she is 6 months old