My baby hates tummy time...advice?

Hello moms, any of y’all’s little ones not hold their head up during tummy time until 3 months or after?? My son is about to be 3 months and HATES tummy time and refuses to pick his head up, he just cries when I try to put him on his stomach. I’m going to bring it up to his pediatrician at his next appt, just wondering if anyone else had dealt with the same.


Tummy time doesn’t have to be on the floor. You can help just by having baby chest to chest with you

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Half my kids didn’t like it either bit they needed to do it so i tried making it fun

It’s pretty common for babies to not like tummy time, it’s quite a workout for them. It doesn’t have to be long amounts of time, and even just laying baby on you while on their belly counts. It can help if you get down on the floor with them so they can still see you, keep them engaged with you so they’re not just focused on being aggravated about being on their belly. Just a couple minutes at a time does the trick. My oldest and 2nd hated tummy time, I found ways to make it more enjoyable. My oldest did all his early tummy time across my legs, 2nd was on my chest. My 4 month old has liked it since birth so it’s been a breeze with him, thankfully.

My son screamed when doing tummy time, we visited a chiropractor and his little back was out

So that’s not unusual really. However there are a couple solutions and things to look for. 1st have your Dr check for lip and tongue ties. Tummy time can be very painful if baby has either. Also, laying baby on your chest while you are leaning back counts as tummy time. As long as baby is working those neck muscles to make them stronger is what counts.

I always try it in short increments! 3-5 minutes to start with is good! You can also look into alternatives, like reclining and putting baby on your chest while awake to help them still gain those muscles. Tummy time is vital to strengthen those muscles so they are able to gain the head control, and the muscles to learn to crawl.