My baby is chunky...what can I do?

This is my third baby but this is my first chunky baby. I’ve never had this problem before so I need some other Mama’s who have had chunky babies help. My little one has rolls in her diaper area and under those rolls is getting super red and raw… (like you see under babies neck rolls) I’ve put diaper rash cream on it, but was wondering if there isn’t anything else I can do to help clear this up and keep it from coming back…


Pure cornstarch works amazingly!

Resinol ointment is amazing for when it’s bad, works so fast! Best thing to do to keep it from coming back is making sure it’s always dry and clean which can be very hard in that area! Cornmeal can be use to keep it dry and help keep it away as well. Honestly it’s a constant battle and you have to be very consistent because the poor chunk rolls can get red and irritated so fast!

Keep them as dry as possible. My first was a super chunky baby and she basically loves in a soft bib because it helped absorb any stray milk or drool and prevented it from getting trapped in her chunky neck lol. If she didn’t have one she would get red, raw, and funky smelling!
A good thing to do as well is to use a baby wipe around the neck and in any folds at each diaper change. But remember to make sure it is 100% dried off after because you don’t want to trap moisture in there!!
Frequent baths helped too.

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Add a little baking soda to her bath, it will help dry it out.

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Every diaper change I used the cold setting on my hair dyer to help dry those areas out. Worked great!


It honestly could be fungal, if it keeps coming back. I would consult with a pediatrician, but get an anti fungal cream with the diaper rash cream and that should clear it up.

Corn starch or powder is the best to keep it dried out I had chunky little one she had rolls on her rolls lol

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It’ll be fungal. Make sure the area is dried well and apply anti fungal cream. Once cleared try to keep it dry and dust with cornflour to keep it dry and prevent another fungal infection

Cornstarch will help with keeping those areas dry.

Keep it dry then use a barrier such as aquaphor

Brown some flour and thank me later!!


We always would use powder to help keep it dry in those folds so it wouldn’t get sore

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Plain Corn starch and if it gets super bad you can even toast the corn starch in the oven till it gets a bit golden and that will work even faster…it’s natural and fragrance free and completely moisture free


Corn starch. It’ll keep it dry. It’s what my pediatrician told us to use and it works great

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Make sure when changing then you wipe the yuck in the creases and sometimes I took a wash rag and kind of dried it. Aquaphor is a great barrier and to help heal cortisone 10 with healing power (the purple one). Just make sure you rub it in good!


Aquaphor then top with cornstarch. I swear by it!


Paw paw cream after u have washed and dried her properly… not saying u haven’t but get the towel right in there… I had a fat baby :smile::smile:

Browned flour always helped keep my baby’s rolls dry.


I had THE chunkiest baby, and we used to cut up flannel or 100% cotton blankets and put it in her rolls at night, we also used corn starch powder in her rolls, keep them clean and dry


Dry it very thoroughly after a shower or bath and then add baby powder as often as you can.
While it’s still red and raw I would keep adding sudocream and then use the powder to keep it away

Coconut oil is good also. It has antibacterial properties

Put flour on a cookie sheet and bake in the oven until dark brown. Stir frequently to evenly brown. Let it cool and put in a ziploc bag. At every diaper change, sprinkle it liberally into all rolls, and keep her clean and dry. This also works for nasty diaper rashes. My daughter was allergic to her formula and the rash turned to bleeding sores. My great aunt fixed the flour for her, and within one day I saw a huge difference! I swear by it now!!

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Chunky baby = healthy baby… Please understand. Put breast milk on all irritations.

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My girls a Chonk too! After changing her diaper and before putting the new one on, I’ll fan her bottom with the new diaper, her bottom and creases, to dry them out a bit before putting the new diaper on. Also, I let her have diaper free time as much as I can, I’ll just lay her on a towel with no diaper to let the creases air dry

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Corn starch
Baking soda in the bath water helps
And put oat meal in foot stocking fill tie off and put oat meal in tub throw away after each bath

You wanna try and keep the moisture down so not just cream use a powder like corn starch just a little goes a long ways

Lightly toast corn starch let cool. completely


If it’s in the neck more then likely it is a yeast infection. I would make sure it stays dry and get with your ped to get some ointment. I have had two very Chunky babies lol.


Pat cornflour on the area that is affected.:blush:

Cornstarch has been used for generation after generation .

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Butt paste will clear it up in a couple of days. Let the bottom air out for awhile. Change diapers often.

Keep the area as dry as possible. I have a very chunky girl as well and she gets all (i hate using this word) but moist in between all her rolls and gets yeast built up and it gets red and sometimes like white and it smells. Doctor suggests i use an antifungal cream, I’ll post a pic in the comments of what i got but it has worked!

We used the red tube of the butt paste. It cleared up everything in like an hour. Dry it well and let it sit for a minute or so before putting diaper.

Cornstarch cornstarch cornstarch lol…my youngest had so many rolls and double buttcheeks as a baby :rofl: and cornstarch was literally the only thing that helped and worked


I would ask your pediatrician. Your pharmacist may also be able to recommend something over the counter.

So my third was my only chunky baby, my culture uses corn starch just like baby powder because it has less chemicals and fragrances. I would clean with a wipe, pat dry with an extra clean and dry one and powder that baby up!


It could be yeast if it’s not clearing up

Adults use antifungal over the counter but I don’t know if it’s safe for a baby .

Corn starch works wonders. My 4 month old is 18 pounds and has rolls for days every where!! Also when changing diapers wipe really good and let the area air dry before putting another diaper on she is always wearing bibs to to prevent her neck get rashy


Corn starch. You can get pure corn starch in a powder shaker.
Also allow your baby to air dry, or be diaper less bit here and there daily. Staying damp, moist, and dark from being covered with a diaper or clothes can become a yeast or fungal infection. You could also try oatmeal baths.

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Coconut oil each diaper change

Brown flour and Vaseline and make sure it’s not yeast

Take the time to really wash and get in the folds during baths, and make sure baby is completely dry after. Allowing baby to have time out of the diaper can help. It’s the trapped moisture that causes problems. Cornstarch helps to keep it from happening, but I found it wasnt great if the rash is already red and sore. I tried Sudocreme and found it to be the best to soothe and clear a rash. I personally started using the sudocreme as prevention and my baby rarely had occurances. It happened much more frequently when I was using cornstarch.

Wash and dry very well the places where it is red and raw and apply aquaphor, repeat every morning and night.

I know this sounds nuts…burnt flour. Literally put some plain white flour in a skillet, high heat, stay with it and stir. (I use a wooden egg spatula) You want a deep caramel color and it’s gonna stink but the smell does go away in a bit. Let it cool, sift and put in a shaker. I went cheap and got the small plastic holiday jar from Dollar Tree and just poked some holes in the lid myself or you could use the pepper flakes shaker, etc. I put it on my son instead of baby powder/corn starch that can clog pores and clumps up. I did check with his doctor first tho. He never had so much as a red spot. It’s been passed down in my family since the old country (my heritage is Hungarian) I don’t understand how it works but it deff works!

Dry between the rolls as much as you can. The pink caldesene powder helps too. Always watch it. Especially under the chin/neck area. Ask your doctor if it looks rough. My own kiddo was prescribed nystatin.

Use corn starch. That’s what I used on mine. It’s great for diaper rash and keeps them dry. It doesn’t get all yucky like other stuff does and easy to clean up. My son was a fat baby.


Corn starch. Baby powder will not help

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Throw away the babywipes !! Buy some soft white washcloths and a bar of gold dial soap. Bathe baby daily, completely dry all areas. Buy plain ole cornstarch sprinkle on all areas. Repeat as necessary.
If prickly red rash is present, consult pediatrician. It could be yeast. I’ve used this method for 35 years. My 6 children and now with my 6 grandchildren.
Ps. Make sure to use Dial gold bar soap.

Sounds yeast or fungal! Try corn starch =)

I would go powder or cornstarch instead of cream. Keep it nice and dry :blush:


One of mine was a chunky baby too. Corn starch helped.


Baby powder to keep it dry. Also if it doesn’t go away it could be a yeast infection. If that’s it the Dr will prescribe a cream or give you tips on over the counter products.

Nothing wrong with a chunker🥰

Cornstarch is your friend.
Had two VERY chunky babies and I used to religiously on their rolls.

Some great tips on here, but having a clean dry cloth for drying the skin is great. No ointment until skin is bone dry. I used receiving blankets to dry skin because they’re soft and pretty absorbent. And check with the dr to see if it needs an antifungal cream. Good luck !


Athletes foot cream, its a fungus and it will clear it right up


Cloth diapers and lots of air out time.

I read this as my baby is chucky :joy::joy:

pat to try, don’t rub, air out as much as you can.

Just keep it clean and dry. Let little one sit on towels occasionally without diaper as allowing plenty of time to air dry helps as well. Also just enough warm water to cover bum add about ⅓-½ box of baking soda, let little one soak for awhile, air dry completely and instead of diaper cream apply milk of magnesia(liquid antacid) to the rash area. I know it sounds weird but the baking soda and the milk of magnesia pulls out the acid causing the irritation and drys/soothes the area whereas a lot of creams can actually lock in the moisture continuing the problem.


I didn’t have a chunky baby, but always used cornstarch in my babies diaper, it helped prevent rashes

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Squirt some breast milk on it during diaper changes.

Go on Amazon and get some Corona, pure lanolin. I used it on my girls and grandkids. My mom used it on us. Great stuff

A yeast rash can be hard to get rid of without a special Creme . Have it checked by Dr.

Bag Balm!!! Works like a charm, takes the redness right away!!

I used corm starch. Just a little on my fingers and rubbed it in her rolls, now 11 yrs later she isn’t big as a minute.

Keep as dry as possible u can use baby powder

cornstarch and keep it dry! i did a mix of several diaper creams and that worked, and also a paste of cornstarch and diaper cream. oatmeal baths work rlly well too followed by the paste.

Powder the rolls. Caldesene powder is great for that.

After every bath rub down with coconut oil and during diaper changes blow the skin to make sure they’re dry before you put the diaper on. Maybe try using a soft washcloth or water wipes and possibly a diaper brand change I love the target brand diapers and the pampers pure wipes or target brand wipes

Everyone is giving you a LOT of GREAT ideas. HOWEVER, this is really something that you should talk to her pediatrician about. If you use the wrong thing, it could make things worse. Good luck.


Burnt flour, as crazy as it sounds it really works, literally burn some flour in a pan on the stovetop until it’s a golden brown, and use that on it, works wonders!

Make sure the creases stay dry.

My baby has rolls on her ankles that get the same way. Dr recommended cortisone 10 every other day during flair ups. It works. Other than that, I use Vaseline after a deep lotioning

Baby powder. Not talc… the corn starch kind.

Clean and dry even if it’s after every diaper change. After baths make sure all them sweet michelin man rolls are dry and then add a light dusting of cornstarch. Not a lot don’t want to make biscuit dough.

First of all I wouldn’t label that a problem. Cubby babies are a thing! Use Aquaphor every day in her rolls to heal the rawness and prevent it. keep them clean.

You need to wipe out those little rolls daily, and keep them dry. Yeast can grow in those folds so if there’s a rash that keeps coming back, check with your doctor to make sure it’s not yeast.

Baby should be chunky lol once they start getting mobile they will lose some of their weight

The ointment a&d not the cream

You will probably find that your baby will grow to be tall, this happened with my granddaughter, she had lots of rills, use a cream that forms a barrier, even white zinc, (like what you use on your nose to block thesun), but it will stain clothing, is marvellous to stop the rashes

If it’s not clearing up with normal diaper cream it could be a yeast infection and she will need an certain cream from a dr for it. Chunky babies are healthy babies there’s nothing wrong with her

Use corn starch each diaper change to dry it out

If you go on www. The olive branch at Sovereign farms, you can order the healing balm. The store is all organic and most of the products including the healing balm, are safe for children and pets. They have other items specific to babies. I have eczema, and I use it for that, and other cuts and scrapes. The woman that started the store ‘s  daughter was two years old and had eczema and prescription and non-prescription products weren’t helping and she invented it. And now she has a store with all kinds of organic products. She has a store in Hanover Pennsylvania and has been open. I think around five years. Check her out she won’t be disappointed. One last thing a very, very small amount of any of her products is all you need. You can also find I don’t know if it’s on Facebook or where it is but you can look up her store and see Products and you can get videos where she talks about different products. I am not affiliated with her just as a customer.

talk to the pediatrician !!!

This has got to be a joke post right? :roll_eyes:. Delete this. Cruel, selfish, snobbish, the list goes on. :roll_eyes: