Need a little advice my daughter is 2 months old and never sleeps more then 2-5 minutes during the day but sleeps great of a night, my son wasn’t like this he didn’t do anything but sleep but my daughter just won’t sleep during the day unless we are out and she’s in the pram I’ve tried to get her to sleep in the pram at home but that doesn’t work I’ve tried her rocker I’ve tried the playmat on the floor I’ve tried everything I can think of she’s always in one of her love to dream sleeping bags she can’t fall asleep if she’s not in it I just don’t know what to do because I’m still trying to unpack the house as we moved in the weekend after she was born and I’ve just been struggling to get it done when she won’t sleep during the day and just cries and cries
My daughter slept great at night she didn’t sleep much during the day. I would just make her doctor aware if you are concerned. My daughter slept from 10 to 6 and after 2 boys that never slept I was kinda scared the doctor said she was fine and I got a blessing. Good luck Momma
My kids rarely took naps during the day.
My daughter was the same way! You can only do so much. If she is sleeping good at night, that’s the best. But as long as she is doing well with everything she just doesn’t need the sleep. My son was a great sleeper. She just didn’t require it! I know it does get tiring, but maybe you need someone to just come and watch her a bit while you get stuff unpacked. It won’t last forever. Just cherish these moments as they grow up way too fast!
Some kids don’t sleep good during the day. My daughter slept all day and was up all night long. My son wouldn’t nap but slept good at night.
I had this same problem with my 2 month old.I started waking her up at night to feed her now she sleeps during the day again
Get a baby carrier, do what you gotta do and thank the heavens above that she sleeps at night! Especially at only 2 months.
If she sleeps at night, don’t understand why you are worried. My daughter didn’t sleep through the night till 3 1/3
You really have nothing to complain about if she’s sleeping at night. She clearly has a great circadian rhythm. If she’s needing you during the day when she’s awake what about getting a sling so she’s still close to you but you have free hands to do whatever you need to get done.
Babywearing was a savior for me.
Contact napping. It’s all my kids have ever known. This current can take a 3 hour nap that way
Try getting a thing meant for helping them sleep. A swing, mamaroo, etc.
Wear a baby carrier and just keep her on you during the day while your getting your stuff done. Aside from that just be grateful she’s sleeping at night cause my daughter didn’t sleep more than a 4 hour stretch until she was like 8 months old
Try running a fan the hhhmmmmmight soothe her…good luck!
I would be happy if she sleeps good at night.
That’s her schedule she sleeps at night. If you want to to try a nap do somethings to exhaust energy
I’d be happy if my kids slept all night as babies.
Try giving baby your shirt that you have worn
Some of the comments to this are not helpful
Let your kids be independent slings contact and all the others are a bad idea. What if you are gone or had to work. Your Nanny would be screwd
I’m sorry did you say she sleeps great at night??? Like when you sleep??? Stop EFFing complaining lmfao
She is hungry. Rice cereal mostly milk. I know doctors don’t believe in feeding babies before 6 months. Try not eating for six months.
Baby wearing… and also try to enlist help because at 8 weeks postpartum you shouldn’t be doing that alone and it’s normal for her to be the way she is