I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant with my second and had my growth scan about a week ago. The baby is still breech. Any other moms have this experience and if so, what happened? Also, tips or trick to try and get him to flip are appreciated!
My 3rd baby was breached, doctor turned his down at 38 weeks and during labour at 39week, he flipped upward making labour very difficult but definitely ask the doctor to turn the head down.
Good luck
My son remained breech and was born yesterday via c-section at 37 weeks
My son remained breech and i ended up having a c section at 39 weeks. He had the cord around his neck 3 times. The doctor basically said he couldn’t flip even if he wanted to because of that. I considered and external version but am so glad I didn’t do it. The doctor had said if i had done that with the cord around his neck 3 times, it would have resulted in a emergency c section. Trust your gut!
My 2nd was the worst breech they can be and cord around her neck. I had her a week early because of that. She’s still stubborn too
One of my kids was frank breech for the longest time, had a c section scheduled and everything but absolutely did not want one. I went to a chiropractor who practiced acupressure/acupuncture and had that done a couple times a week. He did turn around and I didn’t have to have a c-section but can’t say for sure if it was because of that or just naturally happened. But I was willing to try anything. Also heard playing music on your lower belly to get them to turn around.
What type of breech?
I did an external cephalic version to try to flip my son.
Spinning babies method is also a recommended one.
This should be discussed with your medical doctor
Both of mine were breach the week of my due date they both flipped on their own.
My doctor told me even if they manually flipped, the baby could very likely flip back to breech when I was in labor. So c section it was.
I actually got in a pool for a couple hours and he flipped around while in there. I could tell when I got out that he was locked in. I went in to have an external version and didnt need it!
There are several kinds of breach, which one is it. Some can be dangerous for you and baby, especially if the cord gets wrapped around baby’s neck and you go into labor. Ask your doctor for specifics, and which type of breach. You may end up with a c-section.
Omg my daughter was breech and they push on your stomach and move the baby head down and it does not feel goof at all to have that done.
My oldest son stayed breech and sideways my whole pregnancy. They tried to turn him and I tried a chiropractor but he stayed and I had a c-section. If you REALLY don’t want a c-section then try having baby flipped and go to a pregnancy chiropractor who will give you exercises to help turn baby.
Have a practitioner versed in breech
Please be careful especially with the location of the cord! My oldest daughter was frank breech. My daughter had to be born via c-section. But your baby still has 5 weeks to flip. So it could still happen it only takes seconds! But if you happen to go into labor early tell the nurses your baby was breech the last time you were scanned. So you don’t have to sit and endure hours of labor then end up with a c-section. But prepare yourself to be asked by the doctors if you want and try to manually turn your baby! So trust your gut and do what feels right! C-sections are not that bad and if baby is delivered safely it doesn’t matter how! Good luck momma!
I worked at an acupuncture clinic and we had many moms come in when their baby was breech. A few came back for a post partum session and said the first session helped their baby flip.
My daughter was breech until a month before birth and then she flipped on her own
My 2nd was in position and managed to go breech shortly b4 I went into labor… but I was having a c section anyway, just a few weeks sooner than planned
Spinning babies.Com and a yoga ball my son flipped right before the C-section and was able to be induced
I had my 9lb baby flipped with my second (she is 18 now). It’s called an inversion or EVC. I had it done in the hospital with olive oil, an ultrasound, and a doctor & a couple nurses with their hands on my belly, and easily 20 interns/nurses/I don’t know who watching. I delivered vaginally the next day.
I was told to do a handstand in a pool. I said “who is going to plug my nose though?” Ha, luckily he turned on his own
My daughter’s OB got her to sit on a yoga ball and roll her hips. He moved
My daughter was but first and when I was is labor before my epidural a nurse grabbed that rolling table thing and put a pillow on it and had me lay on my side with my leg up on the pillow for 30 minutes and then I rolled over and did the other side also for 30 minutes and she flipped on her own
Just do the C-section. Idky us women are do scared of it. They’re easier & quicker. I had 2 vag births & a C-section. I’d take the C-section over 3 days of excruciating pain. Plus it beats them trying to turn the baby. That’s a horrible procedure itself.