My 3 month old only likes to be fed laying down sideways. I worry that its bad for him. I try every feeding to hold him. I miss that bonding time so badly lol. I want to hold him and feed him and look at him. Any advice? And is feeding laying down sideways okay? I burp him after and he goes to sleep but its so weird!
I’ve fed my last 2 while laying down. My youngest is almost 9 months now and heavy lol. So laying down is easier. Plus I do it in the bedroom where there’s less distractions from older siblings
Laying on their side feeding is actually the best position!!!
He has more control when feeding on the side and probably prefers that? Maybe the milk comes out too much or too quickly for him in different positions.
I feed my son laying on the side (for night time feeds/ early morning) and I can still hold him and he looks at me during. Find ways to make that position special even if it’s just cupping his bottom or a hand on the back. When he falls asleep I scooch down to be closer to him and he holds my face it’s very sweet and special still.
Start tilting him up little by little . Make sure to burp and bicycle kicks
Just make sure baby’s head is propped and you are burping baby regularly. I imagine it is fine because they actually tell you to lay them on their side when breastfeeding, but if their head isn’t propped they’re probably more likely to choke on milk.
I feed my son laying down. Its comfy for him and for me and he likes when I cuddle him while we’re both laying down. And we been doing that way for a while now, sometimes I try to hold him and he ain’t going lol but You’re doing great momma trust me if he is uncomfortable in anyway he will let you know.
It’s not weird it’s probably because your letdown is too much for him any other way. I am nursing right now lying down it’s completely normal.