My baby still wakes up every two hours

My breastfed baby turns 1 next week. He still wakes up every 2 hours on the dot. (Sometimes every hour). He has currently been awake for an hour just staring at me. I don’t know what to do but I’m drowning. He hardly naps either. I just don’t understand how he doesn’t need sleep, and how I can help him. He has not slept well since probably 4 months.

One thing could be his molars.
Also, if he’s hungry he needs more solid foods. Breast/bottle shouldn’t be his main source of food by this age. Start a new schedule. No naps. If he has to nap, no longer than an hour. Before dinner, try and play. Get him tired. Have dinner, bath, book, bed. (Or whatever you do for bed time). Bed and wakeup should be the same times. Some babies sleep better with schedules than various times for both. If after 30 days he still won’t sleep, see his DR. :heavy_heart_exclamation:

I would get an evaluation from his doctor to make sure nothing is causing him to not sleep. That must be frustrating. Hang in there.