My baby uses their bottle to self soothe...advice?

So my 5 month old has a bottle soothing thing since born basically. He wont take a pacifier. We have tried all of them even online ones lol. He wakes up every hour for that bottle sometimes just to soothe and fall back for sleep. There are times hes up every 20mins and i got to put the bottle back in his mouth for that minute. Well! I am EXHAUSTED not sleeping and i am trying to figure out how to get this kid to stop doing this… if i dont put the bottle back he will cryyy and fully wake


Is he actually full tho, mine falls asleep to the bottle, but he’s getting a little bit of puree, bath, and then bottle to bed, but we’re timing out his ounces in between hours so when he takes the bottle he’s having the whole thing and full for bed

Try feeding him some purees to help him get full so he doesn’t keep waking up. He will only eat a little at a time.

Most botl companies have pacifiers, what brand is it? Maybe I can help look

Use the top of the bottle for a pacifier, mine was the exact same way. His pediatrician said some babies use a bottle nipple for a pacifier.


A pacifier maybe. Every baby needs that soothing mechanism

My first never held his bottle on his own my second did almost as soon as we got home lol

Kinda like your babies pack I guess