I know there probably isn’t much I can do but my 1 month old baby wakes up crying in fear at least a couplethrough the day, as if she had a nightmare. She will be sound asleep, then cry so suddenly, like a car alarm… I have to hold her to calm her down. She’s a very calm baby otherwise. We live in a happy home, so it’s not like there is yelling or stress to cause it. Is there anything I can do for her?
I don’t think they’re night terrors, those don’t usually start until 1 or older (not saying it can’t happen, but it’s unlikely). Babies have a startle reflex, she’s probably waking herself that way and it’s scary for a small person that has no control over what their limbs want to do. Just keep doing what you’re doing, I know it’s hard and it interrupts sleep, but she’ll get past it with a little time. Best of luck, mama.
She’s a little too young to be having nightmares and night terrors, it could be somethings hurting her, if you’re breastfeeding it could be a good allergy or sensitivity that’s hurting her stomach or maybe she’s too hot or too cold when she’s sleeping
My daughter use to get night terrors often. We started annotating what she ate or what she was wearing or the temp in the house. We found her trigger to be overheating when she sleeps. She insisted on 3 blankets, 20 stuffed animals and footie pajamas. Once we started using breathable cotton pajamas with limited stuffed animals and 2 blankets, it got considerably better. They say not to try and wake them. Just be calm and reassuring, using soothing tones. Hard not to pick them up and hold them hang in there. Hoping it subsides.
One month olds don’t normally sleep through the night. They still wake up to be fed, changed, cuddled and etc.
Yes I second both my kids have nightmares even now at 4 and 1 if they get too hot!
Give her food and rub her head cheeks and back softly. My baby loved it and still does at 9.
Do you swaddle her? She might need that feeling maybe even a sound machine that mimics a heartbeat or the sound of a womb
1 month old babies still wake up every few hours. Baby is likely waking to be fed and changed. If you aren’t swaddling your baby you might consider getting one of those swaddle wraps to prevent the baby’s arms from the startle reflex waking her up. Some swaddle wraps are super easy to use because they are zipper up or velcro closure so you don’t actually have to fold the baby’s blanket just right in order to wrap them in it.
She’s a literal newborn. She’s crying because she can’t communicate that she wants to be loved on, changed, and fed. She needs care every couple hours and will continue to need that for the next few months at least
Sounds like she may have gas. That’s painful for babies and the screaming and crying are the only ways they have to communicate that. Make sure she’s getting burped every time and they do have drops for gas that may help. It’s ok mama. She’s going to be just fine.
To all of you leaving rude comments remember you were a first time mom at one time so instead of making her feel bad for asking just keep your rude comments to yourselves.
I don’t know your faith but I always say bedtime prayers with my boy.
I’m no expert so don’t quote me… but it could be being caused by the startle reflex
It sounds to me like it’s colic/reflux. I would take note how long after she eats that the screaming starts. If you are feeding formula you can talk to her pediatrician about switching to something else.
It could be whats known as night terrors- long as she doesn’t have any other symptoms such as colic upset stomach etc then I say its good bet its night terrors My kids had VERY BAD COLIC & would wake up screaming lotta times projectile vomit- oh ya great fun that was! Bcuz colic also gives them bad stomach pains & stuff as well hence the screaming
At that age I would guess she is either waking up hungry or with gas pain. If she quickly stops crying when picked up and fed keep doing that. Try patting her back a little befor the feed to see if she does burp or pass gas.
Infants dont dream well…there are stufies that say they do dream they just dont have the memory capacity to remember the dreams but that doesnt sound right to me either. Either way it’s not nightmares. Ot sounds like baby doesn’t like to be left alone. Babies have u to keep them company for the first almost 10 months they live when they come put all they know is u when u are far or they wake alone it can be scary for an infant…give baby a shirt to sleep with of urs maybe that will provide some comfort when ur not able to be next to baby.
Put something in her room that makes noise like a fan
Make sure she gets burped well after she eats, it might be gas bubbles in her stomach.
Silent reflux. Talk with your child’s doctor.
Exactly how do you know it is from fear? Could easily be a recurring pain. Rather than asking Facebook, try the pediatrician.
Are you feeding her enough, burping, and changing her enough.
I would guess gas pains or startle reflex.