My baby wakes up screaming...advice?

Helppp! My almost 7 month old wakes up crying when her paci comes out of her mouth at night. I find myself up AT LEAST 3-4 times a night last night was 5-6. I’m so tired? Do I ignore her? I feel so bad if I do. What have you all done in the past? I already have sleeping issues as it is.

A sleep consultant i follow said on social media said put a bunch of binkies in their bed, or wean them from binkies all together.

My granddaughter had night terrors . They eventually went away. But she screamed like bloody heck!

Maybe hungry are u feeding every 3-4 hours? Also a pacifier shouldn’t even be used anymore at this age . Usually if they are waking at that age it is to eat so u r giving pacifier unsteady so they keep waking because they are hungry

No binky. EVER. Should be eating regular food. Probably hungry


I never used a pacifier with my kids.

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Use a dummy chain/cord so it’s attached to her. Before bed clip it on & get her to find it & put it in her mouth so she learns to find it when she wakes. Practice it multiple times. When she wakes go in & put the dummy in her hand so she has to put it in her own mouth. Eventually she will learn to find it herself.

Feed her more during the day! Actually food 3 meals not just bottles and give her 4 oz of water per day. She’s not eating enough and plus baby might be gassy , give some night time gripe water before bed.

Get rid of it altogether :pensive:… A few upset nights and she be fine…
Ensure plenty of food and bottles while awake… babies do not need dummies.