My best friend is cheating on her husband, what do I do?

You say nothing and its not your business to spread


U want her husband or something? Leave it to them.


Mind your business or lose a friend.Sticking your nose where it don’t belongs never a good idea.A best friend titles you as best friend because she trust you!Break that trust and lose a friend.What means more, your bestie or brownie points with her husband?


Prayer is the only thing that can help your friend. Pray God will open her eyes and guide her heart in the right direction

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Mind ur own damn business lady .

Mind your damn business :bangbang::bangbang:

I wonder if less people would cheat if they knew more people would talk :thinking:


Stay close to your friend.

It’s not your business and don’t get involved. She’s your best friend.

Girl code y’all :woman_facepalming:t2:


If she is your best friend, you do what best friends do. You listen, give your honest opinion and then you leave it alone unless she brings it up.


Not defending her, but also. If I choose q best friend I know she’s my best friend because she will want me to do the right thing. Best friends are not just there to listen and not say anything. I believe the best she can do is to talk to her and tell her she’s wrong, and that she has to make a decision. No body deserves to be cheated on, and I honestly lost a “friend” because she was doing the same thing AND inviting that person to their house as well on parties. So, I don’t see her wrong for seeking for advice. Also, I’m glad I’m not around that person. If my friend didn’t guide me to the right thing then are we really friends. In my opinion no. I know a lot of people think differently but in the end we can only make the decision that we see fit.


Your supposed to be her backup wtf you mean what do you do? You gave her advice and she didn’t take it so now you have to be there to tell her husband she fell asleep on the couch when he calls looking for her. It’s not that hard :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I would truly stay out of it! You’ll be happy in the long run that you did!

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This is not your business


Your friends a hoe, Hubby needs custody if shes gonna be running around screwing everyone.


Stay out of it she is your friend not the husband yes she is wrong yes it is fucked up that people do this but it is her life and she is the only one who truly knows what she is going thru

Mind your business or tell the husband and Marry him yourself :joy: totally kidding.

Mind your business.


You say nothing the husband will figure it out

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It’s not your business at all! Kinda seems like you want her husband? Not saying cheating is ok it’s absolutely not but again not your place!

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Get with the husband she clearly has no problem sharing :rofl:
But uhmm bullsh!t aside tell her shes fuck!ing up tell her she shoild be straight gorward about it because it makes you unconfortable or to just keep you out of her provate life

Idk sound like you want her man :woozy_face:

Said this before STAY OUT OF IT KAREN 
its not your relationship you can tell her how you feel but it’s not your job to tell her husband that’s hers

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Your best friend told you in complete confidence expecting you to keep her secret. If it bothers you that much, tell her how you feel and let her know you can’t be part of something as immoral as this, then put distance between the two of you. But what if the hubby already knows deep down inside but doesn’t want to deal with it, then you go and put it in his face so now he has to deal with it. All his anger, hurt, and negativity will be directed at you, not her!! Plus there’s children involved, so it could really blow up 4 people’s lives and emotionally damage them, and it’s always easier to blame the messenger instead of the person who actually did the dirty deed. It’s a no win situation for the person holding onto this secret, I’m sorry she laid this on you, that was totally unfair to you but, it was probably morally bothering her so she had to tell someone and unfortunately that person was you. Everyone’s saying if it was a man cheating all the woman on here would say tell. But usually, when the man’s cheating, the wife or gf’s friends will see him out and about with another woman, or hear it thru the grapevine, in that situation by all means you have to tell. But this situation is totally different, the woman told her best friend in confidence expecting her loyalty. It’s a shitty situation to be in and again, it’s usually the messenger who ends up getting blamed and attacked. So, you need to really think about all the pros and cons then decide if losing your best friend, being blamed for everything, or being emotionally and verbally attacked is really worth telling the hubby. It’s probably bothering your friend to, that’s why she had to tell you, so maybe you can get thru to her by talking to her and suggesting counseling.

Mind your business thats it and thats all


Lynette your son is getting so big .he. is so cute. Take care

I would tell him. He doesn’t deserve it.

Heck i told my mom my dad was cheating and would do it again.
Cheating is not ok


U shut your mouth and give her advice u have done what your supposed to do .
Does the man know shes married ? And uno tbh friend or not I’d want to know she could give her husband something

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So many women telling her to mind her own business. But, I bet if she were your best friend and knew that your husband was cheating, you would be pissed if she didn’t tell you. “Not her relationship, not her place, right?”
Can’t have it both ways.


This is just my opinion. The wife is so wrong and no it is none of her Girlfriends business, but when her bestfreind told her it made it her business. So yes he needs to know the truth, and let him do with that what he feels he needs to do with the information he’s given. JMO!!


Tell him in front of her, and leave. You don’t need those kind of friends
and anyone who has been cheated on would appreciate your honesty. If you do tell him stay away from him afterwards. Don’t be his crying shoulder. It will look like you want him. If you do thats on you and wrong in my eyes
but not my business. Just know the friendship won’t last if you do tell him. Been there. My friend did this to her baby daddy and she did it a lot. I told him. She hated me, he tried to hmu all the time. Thats not what I wanted. I stopped communication with both even though they were both my friend at the time and she was one of my best friends.


If my best friend was cheating on her husband I sure wouldn’t be making a post cause Idc if she’s wrong she’s my best friend and I’m that loyal friend no matter what!!! Thats what best friends are for

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She’s your friend not him :woman_shrugging:t3:

Just saying if the roles were reversed everyone would be like how dare he do that what trash and yada yada. He has the same feelings and rights as any of us if this was happening to me and i did not know i would want someone to make me aware. And seriously this seems to be more women so ill say it like this its so screwed up that she is going out fucking dude and letting hubby lap up dudes nut outta her. Id be pissed to find out i sucked off some hags pussy from my husband. And all you stay in your lane-ers, seems nice to see someone minding their business till someone gets hurt. If youd say something when someone is mugged its because their os a threat of and innocent person being hurt. Well this man doesn’t know it but he is being hurt. And really you should wait till theyre sitting in the same room and ask her do you want me to tell him or do you want to because this isnt right.

I honestly don’t know how all these commenters saying to stay quiet could sleep at night; keeping this kind of secret for someone when they know how devastating it would be if they were the one in the situation.

It’s never ok to lie to your partner. It’s never ok to cheat on your partner.

She had every chance to talk to her husbsnd directly about how she was feeling so they could start fixing the problem where the marriage didn’t have to be at risk; and she chose differently. Poster is right to expect her to Own up to what’s going on. Especially since she wanted to drag poster into it.

Anyone who would be my best friend would eventually do the right thing.
And they wouldn’t expect me to keep a life altering secret like that forever.


You can’t change anything. She maybe your friend, but the only thing you can offer is a shoulder to cry on when it falls apart.

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She made her bed let her rot in it remember ur HER FRIEND


Not your place to get involved. You will get hurt

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I’d tell her if she continues it , you’ll tell her husband ? If she loved him she wouldn’t be sleeping with someone else sorry :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:


Mind your business it’s not your husband nor your marriage. No reason to get involved.


I mean she told you at that point it became your business because she put you in the middle. This is your best friend and if this is how she’s treating her husband that she claims is a good man than she’s not a very good person. Do what you feel is right, at this point you might have out grown that friendship at a certain point grown folks don’t wanna deal with this kind of drama

mind your own business I learned the hard way the people ended up hating me for knowing their business. Tell her you are my friend but don’t want to know your business!

Your either a friend and have her back or your not a friend and ya dont

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At the end of the day the real losers in this are the kids & it’s about them & what’s best for them she her husband’s & side dish all need to think of that STDs & pregnancy do what u think is best

Some roads must be traveled alone. Say your peace then back off. She better than anyone knows what she is risking!! When not if it goes to hell you can be the friend she is going to need!!

It can be your best friend, but is not your problem. You don’t want to get caught in a trouble like this. It is her life, not yours

Mind your own business

Simple: I would say now she isn’t your best friend
distance yourself from bad company

It’s not your business. Not your story to tell.

Your a good friend and smart. Giving her warning. The ending badly is about her innocent children.


Stay out of it!!! None of your business!!! This is obviously effecting you more than her. Just my opinion but she doesn’t sound like a good friend either. Get out while you can. I think they may refer to that, these days, as social distancing!!! P.s. don’t base your relations with others on her. You will have your own path to follow!!!


Maybe firstly don’t post on Facebook and then just be there for here. Life isn’t always black and white. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors even best friends. Sometimes people have cross roads like this and it will either solve the issue and get it out her system or realise it isn’t working. Don’t mean to sound condescending but seen it from multiple sides. Just be there as someone that she can confide in and will support her no matter what


It’s none of your business
Walk away!
don’t go back until she has resolved her situation one way or other.


You do nothing. It’s none of your business, even though she felt the need to tell you. Leave it alone.


Tell her to let that other man go because in the long run she going to end up raising her 2 kids alone. Her husband going to be with someone else and she going to all alone night after night. Days will be long and lonely . Been there no fun alone at 61. Please not worth it stay with your family and make it work.

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She is just feeling overwhelmed with her own behaviour and emotions. She needed to vent and she obviously thought you could be trusted. A. not to interfere but to be supportive as a friend not advisor. B Certainly NOT to put info on social media. regardless of not putting her name to it. You have put your name to it and people will always going looking to identify them and to make wild guesses to pass on.

None of your business. Stay as far away from this heartbreaking mess as you can. Not your marriage don’t put yourself in the middle of it.

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Definitely stay out of it n tell your “friend “ you do not want to hear any more of her escapades. In the end you will be the bad guy because you knew n said nothing. The side guy w/ move on to bigger n better pastures. The kids are hurting for sure
 she needs to stop being “bored”. (She doesn’t sound like she’s bored”) sounds to me like she’s having a high old time at the expense of hubby n kids 
Hubby n kids sitting at home while she’s out being “not bored”
put all that energy to motivating her husband n kids
would not surprise me if husband doesn’t already know n is trying to hang in there for the kids
she sounds selfish n wants her cake n eat it too
Sooo do nothing n say nothing

N PLEASE !! Her husband IS NOT CONTENT w/ home n work!!! He’s trying to be a good husband n father w/ hopes of this blowing over

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My husband and I were married 32 years and he decided to sneak around without me knowing. Many of my friends knew it. I was totally blind to it all. I was hurt that none of my friends told me. I wish someone would have given me a heads up. I trusted him totally. I have no desire to remarry now or even date. I have learned to still love him but I will never be in love with him again. I’m not sure if I ever will again. It’s been 17 years now and he is a drunk now.

I was cheated on in my first marriage by my ex husband. I started seeing signs myself. I turned into a good detective. Most of the people that knew him, was involved in the affair. None of them knew who I was. But I was the one who caught them in bed together. It wasn’t until I started working at the same place he worked at, (after the divorce) that they ALL found out who I really was. One guy opened up to me one day and told it was his wife that helped her friend, the Cheating girl, to see my ex husband. Actually found out a lot I wish I didn’t know. Very hurtful things. Even though we were divorced, it still hurt.
So, in regards to all of this, YOU need to walk away from your SO CALLED friend and let the Husband see things fir himself. And believe me, he WILL see it. If not, chances are he probably already knows and doesn’t want to admit it to himself and keep things just like they are. He’ll eventually get fed up and leave her and take her kids with him.

The friend isn’t much of a friend. She told you to make herself feel better. She knows she’s screwing up and is going to hurt her husband badly and put you in the middle with her confession.
Dump her and stay away.

If you want the Biblical answer, tell her she is an adulterer, should repent , ask GOD to forgive her and have HIM guide her as whether or not to tell her husband, because the choice is hers, IIt will not be easy, but that’s what a true friend would do.

Open up a Bible if you dont have one get one. and open up the part about adultery she should know better for better or worse doesn’t that mean anything today.

If she really loves him she needs to talk to him and let him know that she is unhappy and see if they can work it out. Not fair to him or her kids give him a chance to be happy

Set boundaries!!! With your friend if it’s too much to see and hear tel her you love her but don’t agree and to please not Discuss it with her. You can remain friends. As far as with the husband
I agree not your marriage. Stay out of it.

For your own sake just stay out of it.Dont end up caught in the middle and being the bad guy which so often happens.

There is nothing for you to do. You already told her how you felt but she is making her own choices. The question you need to ask yourself is -Can you separate how you feel about her cheating from your relationship? If you are going to throw it in her face everytime you see her, it will affect your relationship. Since her behavior is painful to you, you can ask her not to speak to you about the outside man. However, she might feel that you are not being a true friend . Just tell her how this is affecting you and see if you both can work this out . Please do not tell her husband. That would destroy your friendship and might place her in danger. Also, you don’t know if her husband is aware of her cheating and has decided to ignore it.

If you cheat then you have no respect for your partner .

Just leave and see what’s happens with the new fling.

But if it all goes wrong , your problem, your fault.
Don’t try and go back.

Just tell your friend if she continues you cannot be a part of this because your conscience will hurt you and you must set your own boundaries. When she stops or is found out then you’ll be there for her but until then the friendship is on hold.

As much as it sux and u want to say something, I wouldn’t. Only bcuz he most likely won’t believe you and 2 it would ruin your friendship and 3 it most likely wouldn’t stop anything. All you can really do is talk to your friend about it. Doesn’t matter if your single or not. You still know rt from wrong and your friend obviously told you for a reason.

I would sure enough tell’ because the husband don’t deserve that.
I dont care what excuse the wife gives. A marriage is about honesty trust.
I would tell

It’s better if you distance yourself from her and the situation. She put you in a really awkward position

You need to mind your business and let it be that’s not your problem unless you like her husband maybe you feel sorry for him and not hey that’s his problem

Stay out of it and turn the other cheek. You have too much to lose by speaking up. It is not your place to say anything.

Stay out of it and if it continues distance yourself from her because, you’re right, it will end badly not only for her but anyone who is involved!!

Give her the option to either tell him with a deadline or you will tell him. If it was the other way around and you were friends with him and not her, wouldn’t you do the same? I don’t have sympathy for someone who cheats

her life, don’t get in the mix, she will just hurt hubby and her kids, nothing you need to do, but don’t hang out with her and him. not cool.

You don’t love someone and cheat on them ,if she cheats on someone she says she loves how can you ever trust her ?

Stay out of her business. Right or wrong it’s not for you too tell. Are you looking for a husband. You seem a little to eager for her too tell. Whether they split up or not doesn’t mean he’s gonna be your man.

Sounds like your friend is immature and was not ready for a full commitment. She needs to learn self-restraint. Life is not always a party.

Staying out of it sounds like pretty good advice.

Tell your friend to stop confiding in you about her affair as it has nothing to do with you . Telling him will cost you your best friend and as she says she loves her husband and seems to have no intention of leaving him 
no good will come of telling him quite the opposite . My sister in law came to my home heartbroken as her husband was having an affair ,I knew of it and as she had come to me I and was so devastated for her I told her the name of the person her husband was seeing 
they split up for a few weeks and then got back together I am now the trouble maker and totally snubbed by all my in laws . Snubbed by her too 
He is back seeing this woman and many more .

I lost a best friend over this. You got married in the eyes of God
 He gave you only 10 comments to follow. If you are a friend to her husband then tell him. If not just walk away from your friendship with her. Karma will work it’s course. What’s she teaching her children. It’s not love

Would tell her how you feel but make it plain you will always be her friend but you have to step back from this situation

Always let the truth be told
 And lose those people you dont need that in your life. How can she call herself a friend if shes gunna put something like that on you

Mind your business. Be there for her when it all blows up in her face.

Walk away unless you like drama. It’s a situation where there is no winners or losers.:pensive:

It’s not your business to share if she’s cheating or he’s cheating. I know it’s hard. I knew if a friend whose fiancĂ© was cheating on my friend. But I knew if I told her it would affect our friendship. When she found out she later found out I knew, and asked me why I never told her. I asked her would you have left him? She said no, well that’s what I thought. It’s so complicated that you will be the one with your head cut-off. This behavior can lead to domestic violence in the worst kind of way. Please be careful.

find a new friend if she lies to him she lies to everyone in her life but you cant help him she will deny an he will get mad at you

Nothing it not your business and if you interfere you will wind up being the bad guy

If she can betray her husband your friendship isn’t all that you might think

Stay out of it if you get involved it bite you in the ass like you have never been bitten before! Dont look at any other comments just believe me

Quand un homme trompe sa femme tout le monde trouve ça normal.
Ne pas juger
Chacun sa vie.

Shame on her! I would stay clear from that! She will end up alone! And, she will be sorry and probably play the victim!

I think you want her husband
Mind your own business

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Mind your own business, nothing to do with you.


Best not to say any more she knows how you feel leave it you don’t want to be involved ,she’s not your friend anymore sorry

Mind your own house! Stay out of her business!!!

Stay out of it! You would not fix this situation

Stay in your lane , not your relationship

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Stay out of it/ mind ur own business. No one EVER knows what behind closed doors