My best friend is cheating on her husband, what do I do?

That’s between them stay out of it. Let her deal with that after math. If you say something it will blow up in your face. What other people do in there marriage is there business right or wrong.

Ok so I say this girl is ur best friend but ur willing to throw her under the buss​:joy::joy: that’s funny u have no since of girl code hell even best friend code stay out of it and mind ur own business and do her a favor and get out of her life she needs a better best friend then u

If you are mutual friends then I see why it would concern you. But it’s she your friend only I say just mind your business. What she is doing isn’t right but it’s not to you to say or do anything about telling him🤷‍♀️


Stay out of it. Don’t get involved in giving cover stories for her

So one of my best friends since I was 5 started cheating, like reckless with multiple people. Is currently on her 3rd marriage, we are 34 years old. Has cheated on every husband, and finally a few years ago I had to just cut her off. I can’t support the behavior and I don’t believe it’s right plus it made me see who she really was and I didn’t want to be associated with that. :woman_shrugging:t3: #toxic

You sure she’s your bf With a question like this? What do you mean “what do I do” you don’t do anything tf :exploding_head:

I would drop the friend, she has put you into a bad situation and will soon be using you as an alibi… This is not gonna end good get out while you can

You will end up being the bad guy. Just stay away from it. Where there’s smoke there’s fire. No one can change another person’s behavior.


This has to be a wht woman :roll_eyes: mind ur dam bizzzznaaaaasssss


Tell the husband and save his life and time girl


Stay out of it.
It’s not your place to tell anyone anything.
Put your nose back on your body .
Because all you are doing is making it worse for all three of them.
Just tell her that wants she decides to make up her mind , you will be there to support her .
And that’s it nothing else should come out of your mouth.

Nothing! She’s ur bestie not the husband. Besides it’s none of your business. U should just stay out of it.

Let the husband find out on his own, what’s done in the dark eventually comes to light, if you don’t want to listen to it cut her off for a while.

I would turn a blind eye since it’s your girl. If it was the guys they do the same for their friends.


To All the woman saying Mind your bussines what kind of friend are you? Most importantly what kind of WOMAN are you?
Yes its not her bussines but clearly someone needs to say something. If it were a reverse role you all would be playing victim here and condemming the husband for being a man and cheating on a good woman. Just think about if it were you? Would you not want someone to tell you or at least let you know you are doing something wrong? :frowning:

Keep your nose out of other people’s business!! Simple

I’d wanna know if I was being cheated on… so minding your own buisness is letting someone being hurt you know


You mind your business, that’s what. Too many times friendships have been destroyed over situations like this because the other partner has no intentions on leaving even after being cheated on so they then try to blame you for getting involved. Is it worth your friendship?

You mind your business :woman_shrugging::sob:


I think you should stay out of it. You voiced your opinion but that’s it. You might lose your friend if you say something. Speaking from experience

If your cheating just say you are. Seems like someone looking for validation for their fucked up ways. There no way a person thinks it’s ok to share something so personal of a best friend on social media

Sounds like you want her husband :thinking:

Wow yall are scandalous. I wouldn’t tell him but I’d definitely throw hints :joy:


I mean if she ain’t a friend friend or a good friend then snitch on that bitch, but if she’s your homie mind ya own. If you don’t wanna lose her don’t say nothing but if it ain’t no sweat off your back to drop a bitch then fuck it :woman_shrugging:t2: I’ve snitched and ruined lives lmao but in my opinion no one deserves to be cheated on she’s gonna end up ruining her relationship anyways cause she’s about to start acting funny and it’ll all come out

MInd your own business. You single cause you worried about the wrong relationships.


i wouldnt say anything aybe sheslip and accidentally say something by accident.that how peopleget caught.and i woulld stay out of to her with just yuand her and she what she says .maybe she just looking for a sidekick ,but that no way to do it.

Ugly & sad situation. Hard to have any relationship whether it’s a spouse or friend, without honesty & trust. Duplicitous person.

Not your business. And mentioning how you are single and how good of a man he is …Sounds like you want her husband for yourself. He probably will end up working it out with her and they both gonna cut you off for being messy . And I’m just being honest …once you open your mouth, that girl is not gonna be your friend no more & will be ready to fight you. So unless you ready to get your ass beat AND friendless
Just let it be and you focus on why you ain’t got a man

Mind your business. And honestly I would stop talking to her. It seems like you guys have different values anyways. You don’t need people who would put this kind of drama in your life.

You don’t know everything that is going on in there relationship. What she is doing is what she doing which I know you have done did things that you didn’t agree with. You gave her your opinion so it’s either you mind your business and when she comes to you you listen and give her your opinion when she ask or you stop being friends with her cause you are judging her for her decisions. You can’t make decisions for anybody but yourself. Stop going so hard for her husband cause their relationship is theirs just because she tells you things don’t mean that she is telling you everything. Just be a friend no matter if you agree or not.

She should tell him or you will. Or just tell him. It’s very cruel or start seeing her husband behind her back considering you’re single :sweat_smile::rofl::joy: as it’s just as bad.


Ugh how is her sex life any of your business? Why in hell do you even feel like its okay to get involved? Stay in your lane.

See I don’t agree with many of you. It became her business when her friend involved her. Her friend is 1000% in the wrong and is very selfish… Instead of talking with her husband she stepped outside of her marriage… She proved she’s selfish and only cares about her needs and what she wants. That is wrong towards her husband and children… Not only will her husband be crushed but her kids as well… I guess I don’t understand myob. Why? What if it was her husband who was cheating… We ALL know what you guys would say… There is NO REASON WHAT SO EVER THAT GIVES ANYONE THE RIGHT TO CHEAT AND CHEAT WITH CHILDREN!!! If you can’t fix what is wrong then divorce!! I would say the same thing if the husband was the one cheating. Shame on her friend for involving her in her mess!!!

Why would u tell on your best friend ???

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I pray no one get hurt just pray for her and stay out of it

I’d say be loyal to ur friend guys come and go like hoes and who gonna be there after I sense jealousy

It’s not your place to tell her husband. Period. I would remove myself from the situation immediately


Mind your business it don’t effect your life


Just mind your business. She’s your friend. She chooses to continue her behavior even after you’ve expressed concern. She’ll have to deal with the consequences not you. Some ppl want to get caught. Some ppl want their partner to fight for them in the hopes it’ll bring passion back to the relationship. There’s nothing you can do.


mind your business. she told you something in confidence.


You do nothing. What is there for you to even do? She is your bf and the husband is just that, her husband. You don’t know what her husband does behind her back, for all you know they both cheating or they have some freaky kind of agreement. I find it odd your romanticizing the husband talking about how great he is and and making excuses for him being not motivated and he doesn’t deserve this. You don’t know what goes on behind closed doors in their marriage. That seems weird too. Just let the drama unfold on its own. What happens in the dark always comes to the light.


You said your peace MYOB. If you can’t handle seeing the husband/having a friend willing to cheat on someone they claim to love then distance yourself. These things never end well and you don’t want to be the person she tries to blame when the husband discovers the truth.


Being that your best friend made it your business by telling you the secret. I personally would be like “hey if that’s what you plan on doing please leave me out of that, anything else you can talk to me about”

Don’t get involved.You will lose both of them as friends of you do.


U have given yr advice now you need to step back don’t get involved


You mind your business that’s what you do🤷🏽‍♀️


Now if this post was about a man cheating on his wife you’d all blow a gasket


What a shame, by what you’re saying, her husband sounds like a good husband, but she’s ‘bored’. She should be careful wht she wishes for as there will always be a woman that appreciates a stand up kinda guy like her husband sounds is.
You shouldn’t get involved as the truth always comes out, always.

y’all are wrong for saying “don’t say anything” SHE IS CHEATING ON THE MAN SHE SAID VOWS TOO, TELL HIM !!! she made a commitment & can’t keep it.
she’s crushing someone’s soul without them even knowing while he thinks everything is fine, it’s really not.
put yourself in his situation, if you were being cheated on by the love of your life, the mother of your children, wouldn’t you want to know?


As a best friend, you shouldn’t support this kind of behavior or enable it. Tell her to straighten up and accept the life she chose or you’re going to sit back and laugh as it falls apart after you tell her husband. Yes, I’ve had so called friends walk away after I’ve done similar, but it turned out for the better for me because the father got custody of the children while she lost everything because she wouldn’t grow up. It’s a life lesson she’s gonna learn one way or another, and it’s up to her if you’ll be there to support her or not by the choices she makes.

I would tell him you make it someone’s business when you put them in the situation of knowing I also hate cheaters and think they deserve 0 respect so I would tell the husband then end the friendship aswell :woman_shrugging:t3:


Just say you want her husband :woman_shrugging: :unamused:


Why you got to do anything? Absolutely NOTHING you will say will make any difference anyway.


What you should do?? Mind the business that pays you Sis. If you already voice your opinion, then move along. That is NOT your marriage and that is NOT your side d!ck. Leave it alone sis. You said it’s your best friend right? You can not support her choices and continue to be her friend. You already said you told her to let the affair go, so you did your part. Now let her lay in the bed she’s made.


She should butt out and mind her business.

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If someone was cheating on me I’d want to know.

I’ve been in this situation before myself. My best friend was cheating on her fiancé (this was a few years ago). I ended up telling him because it was wrong regardless. I don’t give a damn about being in nobody’s business either :joy:. They ended up splitting up and to this day she blames me for it. Which is fine. Whatever makes her sleep at night. If I could go back and change anything? No. I don’t want to be friends with someone that cheats anyways.
The best advice I can give you though is maybe do it anonymously? Type out a letter or something. Just an idea!

Nah, I’d end that friendship & tell the husband. Why would you want to be friends with someone that can hurt someone they claim to love. Specially someone that they made vows to.


Mind your own love. But I can tell you from experience. If you do get into a relationship, do not run to her for any advice or anything, and you may have to put space between y’all. Negative behavior like that will want to rub off. Just keep that in mind. She probably low key wants to be single like you. She half way there.

Stay out of it, it’s not your problem. There are kids involved and that’s something the cheater needs to consider. I have zero respect for cheaters as I’m sure everyone does. And it sounds like you just might have a little crush on the hubby

Tell her if you don’t wanna tell your husband I will cheating isn’t ok man or women

That’s her business…I’ll be trying to find a man and own problems…god see and he will show her up…

Let it run it’s course. It’s not your place even tho it isn’t fair. I feel bad for this man but you don’t want to be caught in something bad either.

Post a letter through front door… then they can’t know for sure who it came from… if my husband did this to me id want to know

Your friend sounds like a dick. But as her friend I would say to her that she needs to tell her husband and if she doesn’t then tell her you don’t want to hear anymore about the affair. If you really like her as a friend then you need to tell her she is wrong in what she is doing and you don’t agree with it.

Distance yourself, you didn’t hear nun, you didn’t see nun, you don’t know nun. Let her man drama stay with her, you don’t need that mess. That way no one can blame you when dude find out the hard way.

No winner here. Step back and pray for them. Gods got this.

Tbh I’d give her an ultimatum she tells him or you can’t be around him because you won’t keep that from someone


If it’s your best friend got supposed to keep that secret!


If he did it how would she feel… And he just might be bored with her to… Hope he stunnes the bibe and tell her shes the cunt she is and hes found a lovely person to share his life with

Your her best friend, talk to her about it, tell her you don’t agree with what she’s doing without telling her what to do at the same time, but you’ll still be there for her when shit hits the fan (cos it will sooner or later)

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Mind your business, the truth will come to light. Plus didn’t you did say “your” best friend?!


You should just let the cards fall where they may and stay out of it. Voice your thoughts to her and keep her at a distance it can only end in a bad situation and you may end up hurt.

Tell the husband! Yeah, it would make things worse but maybe not. Sometimes, things like this just happen for a reason to either work things out or divorse. Depending on the state he lives in he could be getting her for all kinds of alimony. If my wife was cheating I would want to know. I would kick her butt out of the house. I would take the kids, house, car, etc. And leave her with nothing. Or, I can find out what made her cheat. And see if we can fix it or not? But, usually, not always, “Once a cheater, always a cheater”.

I thought this was a page about nails? I stopped following a while back and jus restarted but what is this? Gossip hour page?


I read the question and didn’t need to read on… i have the answer to “what do i do?” NOTHING!!!
It is her marriage and her business and you are not a part of what is going on in their relationship. Why do people feel they have the right to get involved in other people bs?


Get him told if he was cheating you would already said something, why is any different


Find out who this man is and tell him straight. If he continues to see your best friend behind her husband back you will tell the husband what’s going on.that should work but you don’t have to tell the husband a threatening word is all it takes.

Mind your business, people tell you what they want you to know. Her husband could be an abuser, please don’t make yourself responsible for her fate. Where is your loyalty, to him or her.


Tell she tells her husband or you will I don’t like cheats

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If she’s your best friend and you’ve already told her how you feel, you ride it out. She will make a choice at some point and you need to just be there for her as best friends do because if you tell her husband you will definitely lose your friend

Mind your own! She is a grown woman with her own mind. It’s her life to live, not yours to meddle in!


Not your business, not your place. Be the friend you’ve always been through the good and the bad. If uncomfortable, tell her you don’t want to be a part of “that” relationship because you don’t support it, but you will always support her. Let people be grown.


I’ve had this before and I had to remove myself. From what I’ve seen, she is now divorced and single. It never works out. But for your sake remove your self from the situation x

You do nothing. She confided in you, you expressed that she’s making a bad choice. There’s nothing more you can do. If it makes you that uncomfortable than keep your distance while this is playing out. Eventually she will get caught, her husband may already know/doing his own thing. They could have some type of agreement that she didn’t tell you about. But it’s not your place to blow up her marriage with news that doesn’t even involve you.
To be honest it sounds like you secretly want him the way you’re talking about him

Yup…single & without friends here for good reasons.Honest opinion…tell her to talk to her husband & let them figure it out on their own.Happiness is just a dream covered in clouds.

Mind your business :unamused:


Well let them be… It’s life they have to encounter and also get learned…

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My best friend is cheating on her husband, what do I do?

All you can do is speak your mind, if she doesn’t listen thats on her. I have a friend thats been dating a guy for years and he was with someone for a year before they got together and still is!!! He plays them both like idiots so I finally told her to just not talk to me about anything having to do with that situation, cause I don’t approve and don’t want to hear it anymore. :woman_shrugging: she didn’t know about the other girl until a couple years into it, but still…


Mine too and she has such a great husband :weary:

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Keep quiet, it will backfire on you


Stay out of it, it’s her business, her life.


What you should do is mind your business… Unless asked then plead the 5th and let them resolve… Either way its not good So. .


Mind your business. Find yourself a man, can keep you busy not to worry about life another one…


That’s not a friend you need imo. If she is willing to cheat on her husband & then brag about it, what would she be willing to do behind YOUR back? Also, I would have told the husband.


It’s non of your business hun, let her deal with the consequences there after , after all you did warn her. I know you are feeling sorry for the husband but don’t ever get in the middle of any marriage. As the saying goes" the greatest business in line of business is to mind your own business ".


I’d talk to my friend about all the wrongs she’s committing , But the end result I’m sticking by my friends decision. Therefore I put her business right back on her plate where it belongs.

Ummm you do what any REAL best friend would do! Mind :clap:t4: ya :clap:t4: business :clap:t4: and support her when and if things go sideways. It’s not your marriage or life so why butt in!?! :woman_shrugging:t4:


Stay out off it nothing to do with you not your monkeys not your circus if their choice effects your life then consider giving advice until then say out of it simple as


If you’re her best friend then you should just be her friend. Stay out of it.