My best friend was caught out with my husaband: Advice?

My best friend was caught out with my husband…they said they were out getting me a birthday cake but when they were caught by my sister she said they didn’t have a cake in their cart and she said it felt very suspicious…I am now confused and no longer know what to think…what would you think if you found your man and best friend together? Would you automatically assume they were sneaking around?


Why do they both need to be out getting a cake?? That’s the first question. Is one not capable of getting it themselves?


Doesnt sit right with me personally. Unless its normal for your best friend and husband to do things for you together (which it clearly isnt) it doesnt take 2 people to get a birthday cake. Sure there could be a quick phone call to confirm who is picking it up, etc. but they dont need to go together to pick up a cake.


I would confront them at the same time and if it doesn’t feel right then leave them both behind .


A cake? Lol yeah right. I could see maybe an outfit or jewelry but a cake? Who needs help getting a cake. Something’s going on.


We’re they ordering a cake? Are they planning a surprise party? What other info did your sister provide? Ie. we’re there items to cook a romantic dinner in their grocery cart?

Idk. I’ve got friends but they have NEVER just been hanging with my husband without my knowledge. Maybe texting or speaking to plan something and that’s your SISTER. If she’s got a bad gut feeling, trust her. She would have never brought you something that heavy if she didn’t think it was an issue.


Do you have a reason to not trust your husband an best friend

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It would depend on your history together. My husband has done things with my best friend without me present but we also have trust and it was to do something special for me. If either had been unfaithful in the past, it would be a hard pass

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I trust my husband and best friend. If they said they were getting a cake, they were getting a cake


I would not need help picking out a cake. I’m quite capable of doing that by myself. I have for 55 years

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Can’t say as I don’t know either of them. Could be innocent or suspicious, go with your gut

Umm that’s a negative for me! Get rid of them both

Lol my best friends boyfriend messaged me to come to his work yesterday to come pick up stuff to take to her. She didn’t know until i showed up at her door like heeyy. Then today he paid for my gas lmao.

Do you trust him/her? That’s all that matters.

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Is it your birthday? Something to celebrate? I am just wondering why they are buying a cake.

Seems a bit weird especially if there isn’t something to be celebrating. I will say it’s really hard anymore. I whole heartily trusted the guy I was recently with and he had never gave me a reason not to trust him. A few weeks back very late into the night he and I was in bed and a text (flirty text) came through his phone that literally tore our relationship apart. It was from another female whom was saved into his phone picture in the contact and all. Of course it was an old friend according to him. Something didn’t sit right with me so I questioned him. Havent heard from him in two weeks now.

How is this sitting with you? Is this common that they talk often? Are they normally close? Where was he suppose to be ( as in where did he tell you he was going?)

If not then I would need to be digging because honestly you can’t always trust everybody.

My husband trust me with his best friend. He’s like a brother to me. There was a time when he had 2 best friends and l went to the bar with both of them while he was home. Don’t do something you might regret until you have all the facts.

My bestie and I can always be around each others men without the other but some friends are not your friend.

If you have no proof beyond your sisters word that it looked suspicious forget it but keep your ear to the ground. Your sister didn’t do you any favor and should have taken them at their word.

I would ask where is your birthday cake? If they didn’t get it then yeah they weren’t there for that reason. If they didn’t get it when they had told that to your sister then they got paranoid after about getting caught.

If they wanted to have an affair they wouldn’t be pushing round a shopping cart…


I would think that my husband or best friend is capable of picking out a cake by themselves. I think it’s definitely a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

It absolutely does not need 2 people to go get a cake

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Well, they were out in public not sitting in a restaurant, so that’s a good sign. Why don’t you just ask them together? Definitely read vibes and if it seems off, then you have your answer. the fact you even have to worry means they probably both need to go.

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They had a cart (I’m assuming a grocery store)… were they in a store that sold cakes? If so, maybe they just hadn’t picked it up yet. And even if there were other items in the cart, maybe one of them needed more stuff and decided to kill two birds with one stone, instead of making multiple trips to the store.
There truly could be a logical explanation for this. Just saying.
On the flip side, is there a history or infidelity with your husband? Has your best friend ever lied to you?
If there’s history, then you probably already know the answer. If there’s not, I’d go with the former idea that there’s probably a logical explanation.

Caught? Lmao what are you talking about??

In their cart??? So it wasn’t even like a specialty bakery or shop because they had some big plan - they had to pick out a grocery store cake together for you??? Nope! Now, if they have to come up with some last minute “surprise/plan” for your birthday, hire a really hot :fire: :hot_face: male escort to have on your arm, walking into your “surprise” and boy, bye!

I wouldn’t be worried! My boyfriend and my best friend spent a ton of time, talking and planning for my birthday one year! Everyone said “shouldn’t you be worried, they are talking so much?”

Nope, if I was they wouldn’t be my boyfriend and best friend!

Do you have a reason to worry? Do you trust your man and best friend?

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That isn’t your bestfriend anymore :confused: and you know it. Sorry you have to go through this.

I would confront them then leave him and not be friends with her

Depends on how much you trust your boyfriend and best friend.

If it were mine, then I totally believe they were just getting cake.

I would think nothing of it of my 3 best friends of 35 years were seen in public with my hubs. We are all close. He loves them as much as me. And them him.

Need more information here…but in general seems off to me. This coming from the person whose “best friend” of 20 years was and still is with my now with my Ex-husband. I would be careful

Have the friend and hubby been friends themselves? Have they ever done anything together like this? If not then I’d say huge red flag…

How many people does it take to pick up a cake???

I don’t think your husband and best friend would need to do it together….

If your asking then you know deep down something going on! I’d loose my shit how hard is it to get a cake?! This isn’t like some petty ex trying to start stuff this is your sister!