My boss offered me a promotion and then gave it to someone else...advice?

What would you do if your boss offered you a promotion, then decided to give it to someone else a day later? In my case, the promotion is a bigger classroom and I have definitely earned it.


I would ask why I was offered the job and then ask him why he turned around and give it to someone else that’s not right but to be honest with you that’s how some people do people in this world now these days. If I was you I would go ahead and start looking for another job and then let him realize how much they gonna miss you but let them.


There is nothing you can do, your boss made their decision. Accept it or move on :person_shrugging:


If they offered it to you and you declined there’s no reason to be upset.


If I find I wasn’t appreciated I would start looking for another place to work, get it lined up, then when you give your 2 week, let them know that since they underappreciated you they lost you.


This is a better question for LinkedIn.

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When you get promoted they should of gave you something in writing to make it official. They must of thought you refused it so they offered the next person best person fit for the promo. You can always go talk to your boss and find out why


If you didn’t accept it then it’s theirs to take :woman_shrugging:t2: suck it up and move on

Happened to me 6 months after telling me id be his replacement when he retired he gave the postion to a guyg thats been there 5 yrs less then i have that happens to be the head of human resources nephew and 20yrs younger than me

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I’d stand up to boss and question him right then n there, you were offered first


You can do absolutely NOTHING but looking for another job is you feel unappreciate

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Just because it was offered to you doesn’t mean it is owed or promised to you unless you have a written agreement. I can offer 10 people a job opportunity but it will only come down to one person in the end- the person who shows me they deserve it the most. Furthermore, I can offer my house to 10 people, but it will only go to the highest paying offer, etc. Maybe everyone in the school got offered the bigger classroom and you didn’t earn it the way someone else did :woman_shrugging: That’s part of being an adult.


It was offered to you, it wasn’t yours.


Quietly find a new job and leave them in the dust. Don’t tell anyone.


Maybe that person was offered it to and they went with them instead of you? There really isn’t much you can do. Either be upset and dwell on it or move on.


This is classic poor leadership behavior.
Do not work for poor leaders. Look for another opportunity.


Ask him why?
Personally I wouldn’t just quit because I’d feel bad for the students and a larger room would be ideal but isn’t a necessity

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Nothing. You just didn’t get it. Put your big girl panties on.


If you don’t have it in writing, then it was never yours. Nothing can be done about it. Now you either move on or you accept it.


I would have a conversation with them and ask them why did they give it to someone else after telling me I got it? I want a explanation. Did you tell them you accept it when they told you, or you didn’t say anything?

Always have in writing, if there offer you a promotion what your benefits are and both Signatures. Sorry this happen it really happens alot to folks that has work and deserve this promotion…

I guess it would just depend on if you accepted on the spot or if you needed to think about it. If you accepted the promotion but then it was given to someone else I’d quit

Sounds like it’s time for you to get your union involved if you are a teacher in a school district

Find new employment and don’t tell ‘em or explain.

I don’t necessarily think there’s enough information here because there’s a lot of different factors that could have gone into this.
The best thing you could do would be to either

  1. suck it up and not say anything.
  2. quietly look for another job that will at least match where you are now
  3. politely ask what happened.
    Realistically you don’t know what happened. Your boss also has bosses and it’s entirely possible that your boss’s boss intervened. It’s possible there was a mistake.
    If it wasn’t a definite offer and just a ‘you’re being considered’ type of thing then it’s equally possible that others were being considered as well and you ‘lost’ out over your coworker.

I hear has all your answers! Bigger classrooms and most likely better pay too!

I dont think a bigger classroom is a promotion.your not being paid more. Teachers change rooms all the deffinitly be annoyed though

Happened to me. I work for fast food. After a precious gm stole money n got fired, i was ready to take over the store. Had been there longer than anyone else. They hired someone right off the street who ran the store into the ground. Because they were threatened by me they tried forcing me to transfer. So i quit. Dude decided to just stop showing up, i wasn’t making enough money at my new job so I agreed to come back and take over the store. Took months to get it back on track. Sales are up 13k from this time last year (when he was at the store)


That’s such a shitty thing to do. I would go to HR. Have them document this shitty boss. Hold him accountable. Don’t just let him go around and give false hope. Thats unacceptable, especially coming from a leader. That’s what you can do!

I’d submit a two-weeks notice and then commit suicide.