I just want to know if I’m overreacting or if the feelings I’m having are justified? How would you feel about this? I had a baby about a year ago with my ex. He has a child from his previous relationship. He and his family have posted all about his other child from Birth till now. She’s only a little over a year older than my child, and how happy they are and everything about that said child. My child, on the other hand, has never been mentioned, LIKE NOT A SINGLE THING! By her father or his family, and it’s been almost a year! They have spent time with my daughter and came to love her and all that, But no one ever askes to take her more than just a couple of days a month, even when I have offered to travel. Her dad barely tries to see her or even ask about her at that! I am also the one to always reach out, even after how horrible our relationship ended while I was still pregnant with her. I feel like they are keeping her a secret or are embarrassed by her. I have not asked him for anything regarding her. Just for her to be loved. I just don’t feel like this is normal or the way a parent should be. I have other children, and I don’t treat them any differently. Then when I bring this to his attention because other people ask me about it (which gets me thinking and emotionally upset). I’m drama, mentally unstable, and everything else. Please give me some insight on this!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend and his family don't post about my daughter on social media or seem to care: Thoughts?
Put a picture up and tag her dad and his family in it.
Just cut yourself from them. They dont care for her or you. Dont even bother with them
Stop reaching out. Its their loss. You cant force a relationship. I sure wouldnt want to force my kid to be with someone who doesnt want them.
Its only Facebook. Its the world wide web. Maybe they don’t want her on there. (Idk about the not visiting thing. My kids have lots of grand parent sets as I’m divorced from my older two kids dad… and they only grandma they ever seen the most of before she passed last yr was their dads gfs mom. She treated them like her own because they have a little sister. My other soon to be 2 kids don’t leave ever. No sitters nothing. I’m with that child’s father well soon to be two kids. I’m pregnant with 4th baby) but my boyfriend hates social media. He isn’t on any social media at all. He hates phones. He’s an Xbox player and that’s about it. He doesn’t like me to put him out there with pictures and such. I can talk about him. I mean if your on my list you know his name. But when I talk about him say in a comment I say boyfriend. Hes a private person unless you really know him
Going to have to control those emotions and walk away. Stop putting in the effort. No calls, nothing. Not fair to your child to try to push her on people that could care less. After no contact from you for a while you will see how they really feel… if they reach out to you or not.
Its so easy to say cut them off, and that is the best thing to do, but it still hurts to know that your baby is being treated differently. Then as the baby gets older you have to answer all the hard questions she is going to ask. Just love her extra hard and always reassure her that she is wanted and loved.
Don’t force it you can’t make someone be a parent.
Take what you get, your daughter doesn’t care if she’s on social media being flaunted. If she’s able to go over a couple times a month and stay connected with them just leave it at that (as long as she’s safe). Their bond is only bound to grow as they do.
Trust me. Best thing to do is not reach out. Just see how long it takes them or him to reach out to you. If they want to see her they will reach out to you but if they don’t you will know soon enough. It’s hard because I feel like every child needs both parents but unfortunately sometimes not having one or the other is best especially the older they get. Just remember it’s their loss and your gain, at least you will know where your child is and that they are being taken care of if they are with you.
Its messed up for sure, but you can’t force these people to do better or be more involved. And forcing it will do far more damage than good. All you can do is build her up with whatever family is involved and focus on them.
You can’t force relationships. I know your heart breaks for your child, but bringing it up will only lead to drama and anger.
This whole situation stinks like last week’s garbage all children she treated equally in a relationship if they can’t do that then they’re a problem and they need to be made aware of it just not tell them out right to her face will pack your gear up and get the hell away from them Jimbo
HES AN EX get over it hun keep it moving for your daughter why waste energy.
My ex is the exact same! We have 3 boys together we haven’t been together since our youngest was 6wks old and he now has a whole new life with someone else they have 2 kids together and he has a step child and same thing they don’t post about my kids they just post about themselves my kids are like non existent in their lives! And he has no contact with my kids at all yes he has my number ect but I don’t reach out anymore I simply cbf and my kids deserve better! They have all the love they need from me
Do they feel it’s not their place to post about your daughter without your express permission? Do they think you may object? I don’t post a lot about my kids for their privacy or safety, even though they’re adults.
Stop reaching out its not your job. It’s their loss. And personally if thats how they want to be I wouldn’t want them apart of my kid. Showing favoritism is not okay.
If you’re having to ask them to see her then they don’t really want to and the love isn’t real. You should protect her from the future confusion of having people around her who don’t really want to be there. She deserves better than fake love.
Stop reaching out!! This would be a red flag for me, to be allowing my baby, out if my sight, with them!! If they cant reach out, and there is NO court order, then let them go. Your baby has you, your time, your love, in my eyes, if it were my child, i would devote time to the ones that truly love the child, the hell, with the rest.
Dont waste your energy they arent worth it. Dont reach out it is their loss if they dont get to see your daughter if they reach out let them see her if they dont too bad for them. She will understand when she is older. My daughter understands how it is with family that is like that.
You should never force a dad to be in their child’s life. Just cut your loses and be done with them. Trust me I’ve been there and the sooner you cut ties with them and accept the situation as is and move forward the better off you will be. They are not worth your time and energy
You can’t control how they do things but you can at least try to manage your response and emotions. I know it’s hard and it doesn’t make sense bc in your mind your child is your everything how could he not feel the same. It seems so simple right? Loving our kids isn’t a choice. But to some…unfortunately they choose not to. And it sucks. Just focus your energy and love on your daughter and let the fb part go. I get it. I do. Why that child and not mine? Doesn’t make sense to us who are rational. But it sounds like it’s time to move on and put his family behind you and give your daughter your whole self. That’s all you can do.
Don’t bother with them love her yourself and your own family
Leave it be. Odds are it’s a blessing in disguise. You don’t want your kid around people who aren’t proud to show her off anyways. Calling anyone out isn’t going to get you anywhere so I’d just stop reaching out and live your life with your children.
Dont stress it my daughter is 10 and her father and his family never post or acknowledge her . She is doing just fine . Their loss if they cant be proud of her or want her not your job to chase them to do it
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend and his family don't post about my daughter on social media or seem to care: Thoughts?
Learn to pick your battles. Fighting over social media is so stupid and pointless. I refuse to do it with anybody. Is it really important to be stressed out that they don’t post the pictures of your baby on social media? Honestly. See then they’re going to post something you don’t want then to post and you’re going to be mad about that. So really either way you’re fighting over something stupid. I’d rather people not posting pictures of my daughter on their social media Pages for the simple fact she’s my daughter. The pictures I take is my pictures. Who wants twenty other people posting pictures of their kid all over social media! you know what I’m saying.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend and his family don't post about my daughter on social media or seem to care: Thoughts?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend and his family don't post about my daughter on social media or seem to care: Thoughts?
You love ll toir children the same way so ir really doesn’t matter if anyone else doesn’t escpeially if they really have nothing to do with the child. Save that convo for your friends and if you feel the need settle it out in court so you can move on with your life
If you are getting upset by posts on social media (or lack there of) then stop looking at social media. It’s that simple. Do things that you and your daughter enjoy. Make life easy and free yourself from things that you have no control over.
It’s not your job to ensure anyone has a relationship with your child!!! It’s your job to love that baby and make sure they know what it’s like to have an amazing momma who is doing her best everyday for them!!! That’s your job! Forget anyone who you have to force to be in your child’s life!!! You’re being gaslighted for pointing out the obvious. If other people in your life see it then something is definitely wrong. Your gut wouldn’t steer you wrong when your children are involved. Listen to your gut and cut the dead weight speaking from experience your life will be so much better once you get rid of them all!!!
Sounds like you both need togrow the fuck up . It’s not about you two it’s out the best possible income your child
perhaps they dont want the world to know that he has 2 kids and doesnt live with either, probably everyone knows about the 1st kid so thats why they post about her to big themselves up , x
Why do you care what other people think of your daughter? Ignore them.
You can’t ask someone for their love, time or attention. If your ex doesn’t care, move on.
Love your daughter and focus on your life.
I wouldn’t have them on social media to even find out if they are posting and if it’s bothering you. You do you and let them get on with it
It’s social media… Don’t worry about that. Worry about you and your daughter…
Sounds like there’s a doubt if the child is their grandchild to me or there’s not much of a bond between them
Sounds to me, that he doesn’t want to be a father to your child. No point in forcing someone to be apart of someone’s life and causing the child more hurt by doing so. They may also, not want to be apart of yours and his child life because, you cause drama and this is the way they can separate themselves from you. My oldest nieces father, wanted nothing to do with her and still doesn’t, but a year later he had a daughter with someone he truly loves and wants to be with. Does it make it right, NO, but it’s better for my niece not be around someone who doesn’t love her.
You can force a guy to man up. Of your ex wants nothing to do with her let it be and pick up the pieces. If your BF wants nothing to do with her then you better rethink your relationship. You can’t force anyone to love your children but you sure can show them the door.
Leave it. I used to reach out all the time, then I started noticing that it was always me reaching out. I left it alone, now it’s been about 5 years since my youngest has seen her donor. She’s happy, she’s healthy and she’s very well taken care of without him! Stop focusing on what the other side is or isn’t doing, take that energy and focus it on you and your child.
Why are you forcing a relationship and causing stress and drama for you and your child? Stop. I would think that after a year it’s pretty clear.
Best to just get on with your life and focus on your child, you have control over that, the rest you don’t, not worth worrying about, be happy in your life. Cut yourself free of the drama, you’ll feel a lot better. Your child will know who loves and is there. You for sure…
I don’t post my step sons on social media due to privacy and safety. Too many creeps out there. I grew up in a family that showed favoritism (not by my parents or family on my moms side) I just learned that you can’t control how people feel about you. Once that child grows up and see that they really were not missing out on love from their mom it should all seem irrelevant of what any other family members thinks. I was the child brought in by marriage, they loved me and all but they didn’t see me equally as all the other children in the family if that makes sense. I just didn’t care once I got older my stepdad (who I see as my real father) and my mom were there and that’s all that mattered in the end.
I would take a pic of the life together. Post it n tag them along w other family members.
Sounds like they aren’t embarrassed by her but are embarrassed of you. They may not want to get close to your child because of how you act/react about things. I doubt your daughter cares about social media being she’s an infant. This is a you problem. Fix yourself
You can’t force a bond and doing so might take a bad turn. It sucks when families do that but it might be a blessing… Maybe they are just toxic and your child doesn’t need that and neither do you
Love comes from the heart! Love yourself and your child and keep it moving .
Take yourself out of the equation. This is about your baby. I would prefer no child be posted on social media but this is the world we live in now. Stop caring so much about what they are doing and are not doing. Much more peaceful that way.
Could be because they don’t want comments of your not around her etc. And don’t wanna cause more problems than being told right now.
These aren’t you’re ppl, unfriend, block be done cant make them into something they not
Sounds like there’s underlying issues. And maybe a case of “dad guilt” for his whole family. If y’all separated tomorrow they’d probably start posting about her on social media just to paint a picture for legal proceedings.
My daughter just graduated from high school (a year early too) and her dad has no clue. She hasn’t heard from her dad in over 8 years. If they want to be involved they will be. Plain and simple. Don’t try to force it or push it on anyone. Focus on yourself and the love you have for your little girl.
You just show that baby off. Screw him and his family. Cut ties keep her from being hurt in future.
I wouldn’t be worried about the social media thing because that’s not even something you should be worrying about. However if you’re always the one reaching out, stop reaching out. Just because you’re the mom doesn’t mean it’s your responsibility to make sure there’s a relationship between your child and her dads family (and her dad). You need to send a text to the dad and say “I’ve realized that I am the one always reaching out so you can see your daughter. From now on, you need to be the one to contact me about seeing her. I will not keep you from her and am open to working out a schedule. I’m just exhausted from trying to force a relationship when it seems like no one wants one.” That’s it. Screenshot this message and any replies he sends. Do not delete any contact between you two (keep screenshots). This is so you can show the courts that you tried, but he didn’t, if it comes down to going to court. Again, it’s not on you to force a relationship. You’ve tried, you’ve reached out, but now you need to send a text similar to what I said (a text, don’t call so you have proof) and realize that any relationship from then out will be solely on the father.
who cares about social media?! maybe they don’t post about her out of respect for you. i rarely ever post anything about my kids on social media and do not want others to either.
Why do people really put this much thought and worry into what is posted on social media? It’s social media folks, there’s nothing else to it. I would be more worried about what is going on in real life. How she’s treated and what not. It IS drama to be concerned about other peoples social media accounts. Who cares lol
First child gets all. Move on your are hurting your kid
Maybe leaving Mom to post as you wish for your daughter. Focus on daughter, not internet posting. It’s safer to be less published.
Let it good. She is only a yr old.
I would also feel some type of way
Maybe they don’t want to overstep their boundaries?
This post is confusing. Is your boyfriend and ex the same guy? Or two different guys and neither one of them posts about your daughter ? If he’s the biological dad then who knows but if it’s not the biological dad than maybe him and his family are trying to be respectful
Coming from the point of view of the child that was never recognized by the other family… just leave it be. If they wanna be involved, let them. If they don’t, don’t chase them. As long as your child is loved thats all that matters. If the child asks later on, reach out, the child will know the truth on her own. My mother never spoke ill of my father or his family. Never explained why they weren’t around. I found out on my own. I hold no resentment towards my mother for keeping the information from me. She let me reach out and I was let down. But by not fault of hers. I learned who really loved me and actually wanted me in their life.
Its easy…they dont deserve her at all get you and youre baby out of his and his familys life!!! She does not deserve that in her life
Unrelated to your question, but mama…you can’t make him be a parent - that’s not your responsibility. It sounds like you have enough on your plate already. He will reach out when he wants her.
I know it can be frustrating and hard to deal with because you feel like your child will be hurt as they grow up. I’ve been there with mine. Just love your child. Know you are doing the best you can as a single parent. In the end, you can’t make anyone love your child and it is not your responsibility to try and make them. You got this. You are strong. Your child will know and understand who was there for them when they get older.
Does life really revolve around social media? Who wants thousands of people seeing pics of their kids? If it really bothers you block him, his family, and his friends. That way you won’t be upset about it. You can’t make him or anyone else care about your child. You can’t make anyone be involved in her life. Live your life and do what you have to for your baby. Dont worry about what others aren’t doing for your baby. You’ll be happier and less stressed when you stop thinking about who isn’t in her life and why.
Don’t sit at the table if respect is not being served. Get up, cut your losses and move on. Screw the deadbeat dad and his family. Your child only needs you. Provide a happy life for her, not one where you’re constantly bringing in toxic energy from bad interactions with him/them. Just be happy, the 2 of you.
Is it possible they’re trying to respect you? My MIL doesn’t post often about my girls because she respects me about the fact I get concerned about who sees it. She posts my niece more often because my SIL isn’t as paranoid about it. It doesn’t mean she loves my girls less or my niece more but that she respects me as their mother.
Stop reaching out. You Did your part. It’s up to them to reach out to you. There could be a possibility that a rumor of the baby not being his or maybe he still has a relationship with the first baby’s Mom. You need to stop pushing this. You do your life with your child and when he’s or they are ready then so be it if not then keep a move on.
Quit reaching out. That’s not your job. If he wants to see his daughter let him put forth the effort. If he doesnt well later down the road he will regret it. Time is funny like that. Love that baby nurture that baby and enjoy that babies existence.
As someone pointed out this really isnt about the two of you it’s about that child.
Sometimes it’s best just to stop all efforts and see if its met with effort on the others part. If not…you’re out nothing because you cant force someone to love if they aren’t prepared to.
If they don’t want to have a close relationship with your daughter, then it’s their loss. You can’t force them to care about her. Focus on showing your daughter all the love that you can, And stop caring about them because they don’t seem to be worth it. Focus your energy on positive things, for the sake of your daughter.
If the child’s father doesn’t want to see her or make mention of her, just let it go. It’s his choice and his family’s choice if they want to be a part of the child’s life. Take care of your daughter, show her love and teach her to be a good person, that’s what she needs in her life.
Sounds like they are busy focusing on their other child. I wouldnt take it personal. It also sounds like all the children are still young so i wouldnt worry about it just yet. Theres a fine line between wanting whats best for your child and being overbearing when it comes to coparenting… relax and just give your child all your love. Either the father will contribute more or he will try to distance himself more either way you really have no control of what he and his family do.
I had a similar issue. I have four children my oldest doesn’t know his dad or that side of family. They choose not to be involved. My other kids dad didn’t treat him the same which ended in failed relationship. He is very loved by me and our church family. He is 15 now and is amazing and feels blessed that God put people in his life that helped mold him. I wouldn’t push it but I would express how you feel. If it doesn’t change I would suggest weighing out the worth of the relationship. Do you really want her to have a bond with someone who may not be in her life forever?
Get a lawyer or talk to child services. Make sure that you were getting the support that you need financially from him. Providing your daughter with love and affection can be your job and yours alone. But you do deserve his financial support since he is half of the parenting
I went through this experience when I had my son (not with the family, just with his dad) and it lasted for 4 years until he started dating someone with kids. I wish I could give you some guidance or answers, but it won’t change until he’s ready to change. Just keep showing up and letting your family be the best influence in your daughter’s life. Move on and let him go. Build a life for her without him. She will grow up to be a strong woman because her mom showed her that example.
You should have so much to do being a single parent that you don’t have time to play with your phone. Put it down and play with your baby. We know there is no other adult teaching her, so it’s all up to you. Talk lovingly, sing with her, play with her. The time of childhood is short, but it is extremely important and sets the tone for the child’s whole life.
I wouldnt put so much emphasis on social media. It’s not the real world. While it’s fun and distracting, it’s easy to be pressured to feel like you have share every aspect of your life all the time. Maybe he’s just stepping away from it.
Don’t make family that doesn’t want to be a part of you and your child’s life be a part of it. Your child will know who was there for her and who wasn’t and you won’t even have to explain it she will see it for herself. I get wanting to keep the family all together, but sometimes life doesn’t work that way. Just know she loves you and you are doing the best a Mama can do for her child.
That’s life my husband family posted everything from my husband 2 marriages and the child
from woman he dated . My kids nothing then we were married and my children had kids…we were Papa and grandma to them all Our grandkids were never acknowledged. I was dumb and still staying 32 years… oh I haven’t see or visited with his kin. Be smart run.
actions often speak louder than words. if they’ve never mentioned her, posted about her ect. and your always the one to reach out to them… then they don’t care. and should have no place in her life. stop reaching out to them. stop telling them anything. let them come to you if any of them really care. and stop letting your crazy ex call you mentally unstable and such.
families roll together, post everything you want about your baby, put her pics up and be proud of her yourself, why do you need their validation…here’s something for you she is going to make an incredible mark on this world and then and only then will they want to recognize her, but she’ll know the truth herself about them and her dad. Never speak badly about him to her either…
Give up trying, focus on your child. You will end up a nervous wreck. If they aren’t going to act like proper family then they aren’t proper family. Stop stressing. Stop reaching out, only gets you more upset. Learn to say no, at some point. If they aren’t investing the time they are clearly not interested,.
I have seen this before, Dont bring no more kids into this world. Some grandmother said this, they get attached to one child. And he not married. So they not getting attached to all the kids he bring home. Different mothers. How many is to many. Like my mom and dad told me. You bring a nother child home you got to go. They helped me with the first. The second one I had some help but not like the first time, she is and was always spoiled by them. You should ask him why cause you never said why he does this. His family my not like you cause he dont like you. You never know what he said about you. Are you being funny about your child with them? You my have done something or said something to them.
Social media is fake and toxic. Do not use what is happening on social media to dictate your life. Do what you can to have them involved and don’t worry about posting, and don’t be friends with them!
I used to do exactly what you do. My oldest daughter is from a previous relationship with my very first boyfriend. His mom wasn’t happy when she found out I was having her. She acts like she cares but she doesn’t ever ask about her and after she moved out of state she’s been more worried about her fiance and his family than her own only grandchild. She hasn’t seen her since last summer. She’s supposed to see her this weekend but still haven’t heard anything but you know what? I haven’t reached back out. If they love your child they will reach out as it’s their job as part of your child’s family. Your job is to be that child’s mother, no more. I used to get so stressed when I would try so hard to get all of my daughters family to see her. Focus on your own family, love. Quit stressing about others. I know it’s hard but once you finally just quit caring it’s AMAZING relief.
Sounds like you have the issue. No one should post pics of their kids on social media.
That is NOT a sign of love.
Raise a good sweet kiddo and don’t smother her. Don’t get her hung up on your hangups.
sounds like it’s you they dont like … not the child (maybe he bad mouthed you during the breakup)
Did you really think you were his one & only? You need to make better choices. Now your child will suffer. Was the sex that great…
Just talk to your ex. Ask him, what the hey? Do you want to be a part of your daughters life? Not everything between former partners with children needs to be a secret.
And you do need to ask for something, the father should be responsible and pay you Child Support.
I had the same issue. I just removed them all so I couldn’t see anything of theirs. Instant load lifted x
Tell him your giving him one last chance to be in her life like a parent should and if he doesn’t then block him on everything, put him on child support and move on, not having him in her life is better than inconsistency and toxicity.
i think you should speak to the members involved and let them know how you feel, in a reasonable manner And explain that you’d like them to be members of the family(for your kids sake)
Regarding putting posts online I wouldn’t even see that as an issue no relationship should be measured by what’s online.
When people show you how they feel, believe them.
You’ve got a child to raise as a single parent and you’re concerned about how many posts you see or don’t see on social media? I think you have way bigger issues to deal with that worrying about seeing her on Facebook. Maybe the other kids moms pushed for pictures and posts them. Who’s stopping you from posting pictures yourself and tagging your ex and his relatives in them?
Why would you want your child on social media