Recently my boyfriend and I have been spending a lot of time hanging out with the mother of his child and a friend of his that he’s known since grade school and dated very briefly in high school. We all take our kids to do things together, which is great, but my issue is with his friend. I genuinely like her as a person and enjoy her company; we’ve actually become quite close, but lately, I’ve started to notice that I don’t like the way she acts towards him. She treats him as if he’s her boyfriend instead of mine. I originally thought it was just in my head until my mom and aunt pointed it out to me yesterday, and now I just can’t get past it. She’s constantly leaning into him and touching him, and she’s always making inappropriate comments, like mentioning things she knows he likes in bed, and asking him to do things for her. She’s always pushing her youngest son off onto him, and he’s too polite to say no, so he ends up not being able to pay as much attention to his son or mine. Not to mention, she doesn’t discipline her son at all, so he’s a handful. She makes jokes about how he’s like a father to her kids, but you can tell she actually means it. She literally acts like he’s the father of her children, and they’re together, and I just don’t know what to do about it. I don’t know if she still has a feeling for him, or if she just doesn’t realize she’s doing it because they’ve known each other for so long, but it’s driving me crazy. I briefly mentioned it to him, but we were out with everyone and the kids, so we didn’t get the chance actually to talk about it. He did try to distance himself from her after I said something, but it’s like she gravitates towards him. We can’t just stop hanging out with her because his baby mom is good friends with her, and we try to do a lot of stuff together to make the situation as normal as possible for their son. Since he currently has his mom, his stepdad, his dad, and me in his life, we try to all do stuff together as a big family, but this other friend always gets invited to come along. I just have no idea what to do or how to approach this situation. It can’t keep going on like this because I’m afraid one day I’m just going to snap, and I don’t want to cause a whole big ordeal over this.
Okay now see, I’m crazy. I’d be telling that bitch she best back the fuck up before she got smacked the fuck up.
He needs to address it asap to her or to the baby mama. It is disrespectful to you. Maybe if HE addresses it to his childs mom and HOW IT MAKES HIM FEEL she will no longer invite the friend along or address it. Either way it needs to be done.
personally i cannot give u advice because it would be irresponsible lol what a whack job
She knows what she is doing . Try to limit time with her and ask the mom and stepdad if it can be just the four of you with the kids and without the 5th wheel… I can understand birthday parties etc BUT now that your bf is aware he needs to tell her to back off, and quit being so nice because she is walking all over him and disrespecting you !!
Can you talk to his ex about doing things without her? The friend doesn’t always have to go with you guys. I get that his ex and her are close but that doesn’t mean they have to do everything together. If that doesn’t work maybe just talk to her about it or have your boyfriend tell her to please stop the way she acts with him.
Confront her about it with your husband standing there right next to you. Tell her that you feel what she is saying and doing is inappropriate and have your husband back you up. If he doesn’t back you up and also say it makes him uncomfortable then you know where he stands on the situation as well.
Have him bring it up to his other child’s mother that he wants to start doing things just as a family and even though she’s good friends with everyone, you don’t always want her around because it takes away from the kids that are actually his. Make it about the kids and not necessarily your feelings towards her now. And honestly if she does still get invited and is around, say something to her when you see her touch him like that. If he won’t say something then you saying something will throw her off and she’ll back off (or not)
Be ware , had a friend I started catching funny feelings about and noticing she was to in to my so and caught her messaging him wanting to have sex
Nope. Stop hanging with her.
She definately wants him…and theres got to be a reason shes acting this way if hes not putting her in her place.
Oh my little girl looks like you got yourself into just a little bit of a pickle do not let her take control of you or your boyfriend let your boyfriend know you’re insecure about it and if he cares and loves you he’ll fix it he needs to fix it distance himself a little bit you stay in the sun for a little while longer even when you all are out doing stuff I wish you luck I hope things go well for him look after youLook after your house children I wish you all the luck on keep us informed
Your boyfriend needs to put her in her place…
Idt theres anything wrong with asking his kids mother not to invite the friend… Y’all are getting together to have family time for the kids I don’t see why her friend has to be part of it.
Who gives a shit if that’s his baby mommas best friend. He needs to man up and say she cant be around if shes going to act like that. He just has to make it sound like it’s a problem he has. Because you know females will jump to the "oh she’s jealous " bullshit.
HE needs to shut that behavior down asap
You both need to tell her to back off and he needs to tell her no when she palms her kids off on him and when she asks him to do stuff.
I’m outspoken I’d explain why you felt awkward and go from there in front of everyone that way she can’t say you said something you didn’t
Cut her off just ask them of you and them that’s it dont including her in anymore and have talk to your boyfriend about it to . This sounds isnt good at all
He needs to be the one to be like yoooo back off. If she gets offended that’s her own issue
Talk to HIM about it. It’s HIS job as your boyfriend to correct any issues with the mother of HIS child or HER friend. By him not saying anything, HE’S allowing it.
You are better than me because I would have already snapped or popped her.
Why haven’t you told her to back off yet?
First of all talk to your boyfriend. He needs to put her in place and let her know that she crossed a line. He cannot read minds but it’s his job to let women know he is taken and show that. Also I would tell her that it’s time that she finds herself a boyfriend and isn’t it a little childish that she flirt with yours. Cos that is what she is doing and if she doesn’t stop she cannot hang out with you anymore
I do thinks with my step daughters birth mother sometimes. But it’s better to be your own family. They are separated for a reason…the child will grow to understand that. You don’t HAVE to do EVERYTHING together. And SHE as a friend DO NOT have to go. She isn’t family. So I would say next time “I would like to go without her or we can just do things on our own”
You have the power to control who you surround yourself with. It’s your choice & time is precious. Choose wisely, cutting off people who impact your emotions negatively and only surrounding yourself with people who make you smile will truly change your life
Sounds like ex might be stirring the pot. Which is why she’s always invited. He needs to shut it down. You can contact her without everyone around too. Might cause a big drama thing, might not. You say he’s uncomfortable, but it could be he’s slightly enjoying the attention.
Well thats what happens when u bring a third person into your relationship…for whatever reason u assume you’re doing it be it good or bad.
U allow others to take advantage. Stand your ground and quit the triangle family moments and take his kid on weekends like normal parents do. Not that hard!
Well it sounds like you just need to sit down and have a talk with him. I sounds like he respects your opinion and try to correct the situation so I think more then a near mention, and a actually conversation will fix it. Good luck!
Here is the deal I’m not a very trusting person so I would think that his ex is inviting this friend to cause problems between you and your bf. I would have already spoke up to this person. I would tell him and his ex that if the friend has to be involved we would not be there. I would tell the bf and he could the ex or I would. Don’t let anyone run over you.
I think old habits die hard. It’s really hard to be around someone you were with and not act the same, minus the affection…
Are you sure there’s nothing going on between them? He needs to be the one to push the breaks on her, you just need a good relationship with the baby mama and his son, bot her.
She obviously has no respect for you or your friendship it sounds like she is trying to trigger a reaction from you if i were you i would cut the friendship now and if your boyfriend is serious about your relationship he would be cutting contact with her too
You should not be involved in there lives
He needs to pick his child up and spend time with his child…
Xs are xs for a reason and to me the whole situation sound’s weard…wtf is going on
Oh heck NO!!! And if he isn’t shutting her down there’s a big problem!
That is not ok & she knows exactly what she is doing. He should say something to her, I would not put up with that!!
HE needs to say something to this “friend” and set boundaries.
Some of these stories.
Lost my husband to a woman like that after 5 years she left him for another man you need to tell your husband and her to back the hell off with this shit
You need to tell him to put her in her place and keep her there, if he has a problem with if, send his ass packing. Why does everyone always want to attack the third person? No matter what other person says, your SO can’t and won’t cheat unless they want too, nobody gonna make them, it his friend, tell him to choose.
I guess I view coparenting differently. I wouldn’t feel any need to hang out with these people all the time especially the friend who’s a third wheel and a mooch-If you’re such good friends with her say something. Say something to him too. He needs to be reminding her what’s appropriate too. Don’t make it a joke because every “joke” has a bit of truth in it. If she knew what he wants in bed than she’d still be in his bed. She’s not. Maybe she’s getting her attention whore flirting buzz but she needs to turn her succubus bs way down. Only you can decide how long you can take this and it’s better to say something when your calm instead of in the moment pissed.
Find someone else to hang out with. He is the one who should put a stop to it. If he doesn’t want to take a hike. PS don’t come back
Yes he needs to set boundaries however if it were me, I’d end spending time with them. Spend time with kids but distant yourself from his ex and her friend. You owe them nothing and they shouldn’t interfere with your peace of mind. Your first line said his ex is acting like it’s her boyfriend and then you state his ex gf is too. If they’re both doing it, get rid of both of them. You don’t need it.
You are nicer than me
Mmmm he needs to check her. It isn’t your responsibility to create boundaries with him for other women to follow. Talk to him, and he needs to tell her to stop. If she doesn’t, then that’s when you step in. She’s being highly disrespectful and isn’t even the mother of any of his children, she’s more respectful than her. So screw her feelings.
I have a friend like this, she is super flirty with my husband. I don’t find because really she flirty with every guy. its in her nature. shes a look at me kinda person.
Girl its your own fault your in that position. CALL HER OUT, why would you just continue to watch some slut flirt with your man? And ovbiously your ‘man’ enjoys the attention or he would be a real man and shut that whore down You DONT have to hangout with someone just because they share a child. Thats an excuse. She isnt even the baby momma, she is a friend of the baby momma. Either call her and your man out or get used to it
These people on here ask the dumbest questions… you’re trying to get along with BM for the kids… hanging out… that’s fine… the friend doesn’t need to come… PERIOD
Next time she makes comments about what he may like sexually I’d just slip in and tell her you’ve taught him a few things he enjoys more and give her a little wink. As for comments about him being like a dad to her kids, say the kids you have are enough and you don’t have the want or need for more. Theres a way to get your point across without being a bitch. But I definitely would not be letting this shit go.
Girl u better make sure she knos her place and he better kno better then to be messing around or letting it go on cuz I kno a good man wouldn’t let no other women do that at all if he is allowing it leave him and his ungrateful ass
Doesn’t sound like a big deal at all. Just sounds like she has feelings for him. Talk to him about how you feel, but don’t make it a bigger issue than it is, because it’s not your mans fault someone likes him. Doesn’t seem like anything sketchy is going on in the least
Saying you “can’t just stop hanging out with her” is not true, spending time with the other baby mama is fine since she is respectful but I think if she’s normal she’d understand that it can just be you guys and her friend doesn’t also always have to be involved. Also you need to talk to your boyfriend, first of all if nothing is happening between them he should say something to her himself and tell his ex you guys aren’t going to hang out with her anymore.
You need to talk to baby mama and ask her to please stop inviting this girl out with you guys when you are doing things as a family. There should be no argument there. If she wants to hang out with this chick, cool. But dont bring her along when you guys are out as a family. Period. If she has a problem with it, then I guess you either need to have a talk with this girl or stop hanging out with all of them. Either way, do not trust the girl…shes obviously got issues. Good luck.
Go to her woman to woman and let her know not only do you feel disrespected by her behavior and uncomfortable but if she does nothing to fix it she wont be welcome around you and yours. I get you dont want to make problems but with this situation if you dont nip it in the bud she’ll take that as a green light. My husband is the first to check a woman on my place in his life so I rarely have to but sometimes some girls just need to hear it from the wives.
Something needs to be said, to all parties. He needs to establish her lane and she needs to stay in it. You should also talk with the family so that it is made clear she is not his SO and they need to stop encouraging it. The girl knows what she’s doing and is doing purposely, what u described is basically her saying she has THE permanent spot. Have a serious talk with him and tell him this is a no-no and if it continues you will go-go. Seriously, I wouldn’t put it passed her to try something. Best of luck
Must she come along to these things? How about she drop the child off and pick him up later?
When you have to start playing mental gymnastics it’s a no go. I’d walk. You shouldn’t have to explain anything to him, it’s not your place to confront her at all. Big, red flag. Tap out. You deserve better.
Talk to your boyfriend about talking to baby mama to stop inviting that girl or you both need to sit down with her and lay down personal boundaries with the understanding if she doesn’t adhere she will n t be invited.
I get wanting to hang with the baby mom and kids but the friend is not part of the equation… Bu Bye!!!
Stop hanging out with her. Family functions like birthdays are enough. You don’t have to be friends to co-parent
I ain’t hanging out with no female that slept with my bf. I will be respectful and kind to his bm but thats it. And def won’t be hanging out
Y’all too damn friendly
He needs to say something and stop being a push over.
He needs to say respect my personal space. Your invading it
I once’s asked my boyfriend (now husband) if he was f-ing her too because her roles seemed blurred. He quickly jumped on the “I ain’t your man” line and set her straight.
Reality check! Nuff said!
Honestly, she doesn’t care about your feelings so why put yourself in this situation? It doesn’t matter who talks to her she’s getting the satisfaction of thinking you’re jealous of her.
I think your boyfriend should call her on it and tell her he’s not interested in having a romantic relationship. He needs to tell her to keep her hands off of him and understand that they’re friends only. If he sets up this boundary it takes you out of the equation and she can’t cry jealousy on your part. If she can’t accept this then she needs to understand that he won’t hang with her…
If he doesn’t try to set boundaries it could mean he wants her too. He will literally tell her to stop if he cares about you.
Correction; to my previous statement. As his gf you have the right to confront him about it again, Not her because to her you’re just another girl he’s dating so she lacks respect . Remember what you tolerate is a roadmap of how you want to be treated.
She’s an ex for a reason. If it were me I’d be having a little chat and if things didn’t clear then move to the next level. Especially if the guy puts his foot down and sets clear boundaries otherwise he’d be included in the warning.
Don’t need the drama and it does affect and confuse the kids.
She’s doing it on purpose! Have a word in his and her ear.
Invite her for coffee just the 2 of you and ask her straight up. Let her know that you really want to remain friends but you’re not comfortable with how she “claims” him. Let her know that others notice it too. If she is really not into him like that and didn’t realize how she was acting she’ll back off.
You need to put her in her place. It’s not jealousy it’s a lack of respect for you and your relationship. And if that doesn’t work, ask the boyfriend to put a stop to it. I’d be very uncomfortable with someone acting that way towards my husband…
Maybe u can talk calmly to her point it out and ask her to stop and let her know if it doesn’t stop things are going to change and that won’t be best for the kids. If she doesn’t stop u know that she’s up to no good
My honest opinion…talk to him first and then politely bring it up to her. Some women are flirty without realizing they are making you uncomfortable. It may go well, it may not. Depending on her reaction would tell you alot. But you have to approach the situation with kindness and understanding. If it turns ugly then you definitely know something is up. Men arent as blind as they seem but if your man already knows and has tried then she definitely needs to be told. You dont sound insecure and it seems as though you didnt really think too much of it until family enforced your feelings. When multiple people notice, you may be on to something.
Honestly, make the time to talk to him about it, alone not around everyone else. Then if he agrees, as he should, he should address his ex and her friend, or even just her friend in regards to what’s happening. That he’s not comfortable with it, and to please not do it anymore. Sometimes women can see it as a challenge when you address them. But if he points it out to her and tells her to please stop, it may be enough to stop it.
Sure you can be the bigger person, invite her out, explain the concern? That doesnt mean it will change., it can turn into you being insecure, or perhaps, you are right in your gut instincts about something being wrong and she gets satisfactionin the hopes a wedge is being put between you two? … In order to get her to really hear it, I feel it’s on him. There is no such thing in my book as being to nice in this type of situation. He either respects you and your relationship together, or he doesn’t. It’s very simple. Good luck!!
He should be the one to stop it not you! Try taking pictures of what she is doing… He can’t deny the pictures and he can see the truth for himself!
Better put distance between this one. Don’t kidd yourself any longer. This will only end in tragedy. Set boundaries. Make your boyfriend aware of how you feel. It is great that adults can come together with their blended families and the children know each other.
Find somone else . this woman seems to be purposly trying to come between you . he may be oblivious to it but trust me he prolly isnt broken up with her hanging all over him .there are plenty of fish in the sea . there are other men out there that would treat you with Respect and like a queen. You woul not have to feel like the 5th wheel .
Put the woman in her place, firmly. Dispense with the drama now. She needs to know her place, & only you can show it to her.
Make time to sit quietly, kidless, openly, honestly and discuss it. It seems that time alone will not improve the situation.
C’mmon, she’s going back to how she used to look at her bf, and she isn’t your enemy as such though she needs to know her boundary and you need to ask your boyfriend about that. Again is it a must you all spend time together with the kids, I have a feeling she’s being territorial, and you seem to respond in the same breathe. IMO you need to stop the emotional meet-ups with the ex, but just what I think! Children don’t need more dramas!
I think you and your bf need to talk to his child’s mother and let her know what’s going on and tell her that you all aren’t going to hang out together when she’s with her. Make it clear that you will still hang out with her for his child but not include the friend. It’s good that you all hang out together but it’s not necessary that you include her friends.
Why can’t you just stop hanging out with them? It’s your family. There is no need to consider anyone who has designs on your man.
Definitely making a play for him,using her kid as a excuse. Would quit including her,if she asks tell her why!
Um that friend doesn’t need to be with y’all everywhere. Only the mother of his child. Boundaries need to be set by your boyfriend for this friend and she needs to follow them. Talk to your boyfriend and have him talk to her. Tell him her behavior is making you feel uncomfortable and that there needs to be boundaries set.
Isn’t this page about husbands? Why do these soap operas keep getting in here?!
What happened to marriage? Girlfriend, boyfriend has no strings. He’s open season
Should’ve neva started if she cant see them kidz in the home then shes hit up probably usi g the kidz as a pawn just to see him folks are doing this shit lately its not bout the kidz its bout. Her intrest in him
Be putting her in her a place and depending on his reaction to it, him too.
Stop inviting her out with u. Period
Stop hanging out with her ASAP
Sounds to me like you need to actually snap. Let her know that she is trending dangerous grounds lol.
That’s your man do what you know you should. Period
Someone other than you needs to point it out
it’s all a control thing…
Tell her to step off!!!
Though I applaud you for trying to be friends with her so it makes it easier for the kid in question, point blank I would be that bitch that puts her in her place. What’s mine is MINE. She is trying to take what’s yours. She has no respect for your relationship and that’s a huge red flag. End that shit NOW. Good luck hun
You can def not hang out with her. She is not your bf baby’s father. You do not need to hang out with her. Tell her up front how you’re feeling. If she continues to flirt then cut her off. Your bf doesn’t seem to reciprocate the feelings. Sometimes you just gotta be a bitch to get people to listen.