My boyfriend cat keeps attacking my child...advice?

I need help. It’s been almost a year I’ve been living with my boyfriend and his cat got SO vicious out of no where he started attacking my 2 year old for no reason. Just walks by the cat, and boom. Attacks. Got her face and now she has a scar on her face from him. I feel super bad but we kicked the cat outside and i really want the cat to go to a home with no kids so he’s actually inside. We’ve done everything for the cat. Vet checks, calming spray, calming collar, cat trees, more cat toys, I let my daughter feed him during feed times. Nothings working and I really feel guilty. But he got so close to my daughters eye.


Every animal isn’t meant for a family with kids. Finding the cat a home is best in situations like this. I do not care what anyone says in regards to keeping the cat because “pets are forever”. Sometimes forever has an end.


I’d try to find a new home for the cat probably without kids.

Is the cat fixed? Sometimes that can calm their behavior. Scientific fact despite what Tanya Crici thinks :heart_hands:.

Does it only scratch? Cause you can get those glue on nail covers. Done correctly they last for weeks at a time and do not hurt the cat. But if it bites too, that doesn’t really help.

I’d lean towards rehoming. The cat obviously isn’t happy.


Not saying your daughter is doing anything to the cat but is your daughter not being very nice? I have 6 kids 23-2 and anytime an animal specifically a cat started to be mean for no apparent reason it’s usually because the kid picks on the cat and the cat in turn now doesn’t like the little one. It’s an easy fix really you need to teach your daughter about being nice to the cat and allow the cat some time with out baby around.

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Why can’t the cat just stay in a separate room? While not ideal it’s life won’t be at risk

I have 2 cats that only come inside to eat and get out of the heat. They will cry and cry, climb up my curtains, whatever they can to get back outside. If your boyfriends kitty is content out there maybe just make a safe space for him to get out of the weather and relax :sparkling_heart:

If the cat isn’t fixed I would try that first. Cats calm down alot after getting fixed. Our two boys are the biggest babies now and just wanna love and snuggle and lay in bed with us.

So putting the cat outside isn’t helping? If it’s happier outside, just let it stay outside.


Unpopular opinions but a cat is a cat and a kid is your kid. The cat will be fine but maiming a child isn’t. Better safe than sorry. If you don’t want it outside rehome it.


Keep the cat in a room or rehome

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Do you have the means to make a cat room? You could set it up all nice with all of his favorite things. It could be something that gets better once the kiddo is a bit older.


Seems like you have tried dam near everything he’s gonna have figured out his priorities if he loves you and your daughter the cats gonna have to go if he’s fights about it you have to protect your child

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Try spraying it in the face with some water. Completely harmless and I haven’t met a cat yet that hasn’t learned to make better decisions after being sprayed with water a few times. A new clean spray bottle and some water is all. Good luck!

Considering it’s your boyfriend’s cat there are some things I don’t know so it’s hard to answer. Did you get the place together? was it his first, or was it yours first? And is he ok with getting rid of his cat too. It’s not cold or uncaring but it’s important to be sure because after you get rid of his cat you may start some resentment growing in your relationship if it’s done with out his voice involved. I hope you understand what I mean. Have a blessed day.

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Was your daughter taught how to play with the cat and be gentle ? Has she been pulling its tail or trying to pick it up prior to this happening . Is the cat fixed ? How old is the cat ?

Could just be small kids. I have 2 cats. Now are 13 and 12. My kids are 9, 8 and nearly 6. And my female she did not like them near her until the kids were about 5. She kept out their way but if they got to close she would slap their arm (no claws). I think they were just to sudden with loud noises and what not, I could tell she didn’t like it or she would be asleep and suddenly they are noisy and startle her, she got wary of them. But now they are older she does what she does with everyone else and never leaves them alone, sits on you the second you sit down. Her sweet loving self. She’s just not keen on under 5’s :joy:.

Maybe she pulled his tail or clutched him and hurt him …does seem odd that he just did it outta nowhere …

How old is the cat how long has it lived with your boyfriend alone before ya all moved in …

Ditch the cat or the boyfriend. Hurting your child means that cat is not safe around her. Next swipe could take out her eye. Don’t wait. Rehome the cat or the guy.

Rehome better than outside.

I have an owner surrender dog from the humane society. She came from a home where she was 6 and the children were 1 and 3. I suspect she bit one of them. I’m a widow with grown children. My only grandchild is 12. This dog is a perfect fit for THIS family and we love her to death. Sometimes rehoming is a good thing. I would not hesitate to rehome an animal that is incompatible with a human family member.


You mention what you want, but what is your boyfriend saying?. You mention you live with him and his cat, and I understand where your coming from, but what is he saying about the cat?. If he dosent want to get rid of it I would say maybe find a nee place for you and your daughter to live before she really gets hurt.

He needs a new address and zip code .

Find a new home for kitty. Don’t just put it outside

All pets don’t work with all families. It’s clear there is going to be a serious issue and you can’t rehome the kid so, the best you can do for the cat is find a safe environment where it’ll be loved. Do your best to find a suitable home or rescue.


In case this might be 1 of the issues, cats don’t like their bellies rubbed. They act like they do and want it, but more often than not, they’ll scratch, claw, and bite. This might be a tough 1, but maybe don’t let your child approach the cat, allow the cat to approach your child. And if it flops down and rolls over, don’t engage with it’s belly. They also have caps you can put on the cat’s claws.

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I got a new dog and my cat held it against me for a solid 2 years. It’s the cats home and he was thrown outside? I’d be mad if I was kicked outside in this heat as well. Cats don’t like for their environment to be disrupted or changed in a way they feel threatened. Does the cat have its own space like a cat tree? Have you sought help from a vet? Does the kiddo play rough? Does the cat get space and left alone when attention is unwanted? When cats change their behavior it can also be medical.


What is the boyfriend doing for his animal? What kind of stimulation is bc giving his cat? Bc sure you can buy all the things but he should be interacting with the cat. What did the vet say? Was the bloodwork all normal? Is the cat going deaf or blind? Is it elderly? Is the cat neutered? This needs to be a discussion between you and BF bc if he chooses the cat and not rehoming it then you have a responsibility to the child to keep them safe. Also what flea and tick prevention are you using? With a previous cat she had a reaction to the Hartz brand and it caused her to act aggressive and “crazy”. She also attacked a small child and she lived with my family members and was a happier normal kitty bc they stop giving her any preventative. Also if the cats inside for whatever reason make an area where kiddo does not go. And give the cat space to go up if at all possible.

Also take the time to teach your child about appropriate animal interactions. At their age it’s very possible that the child has started a negative relationship with the cat by hurting it.

Get rid of the boyfriend and the cat will go with him


I am a cat lover but I would not tolerate that with my baby

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Kick the cat out or throw the whole boyfriend & the cat away. IJS

I use Kitty caps on my cat. Note because she’s aggressive but to keep her from scratching my furniture.

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Maybe he has trauma from a child? It could be as little as where he was a kitten to a nasty kid outside on the street that’s hurt him maybe?. Has he been neutered (I think that’s how you spell it.) I am guessing yes with everything you said but I heard that can really settle a male cat if he isn’t.
I am sorry this us happening to your child.
I rang a cat rescue and they took my cat and rehomed her and her kittens accordingly. Maybe try that if you cannot find anywhere or anyone else to help.
Good luck!

Well, 2 yr. olds are generally rough with cats and other pets. Cats don’t generally attack for no reason. The kid must be or had been rough with it to act like that. I wouldn’t remove the cat. I would just keep all time supervised…and have a room to put it if kid or cat is feisty.


I would look at rehoming to a child free household. Most shelters are full. Maybe ask friends or other family members if they can take the cat? Having to keep them separated, is going to be a big pain in the butt.

Maybe your daughter has accidentally hurt or stood on or done something to the cat (without meaning to) and the cat now feels threatened. I have 3 kids, I know how handsy and curious they are with animals. And now being out outside the kitty could be feeling on edge even more so. Absolutely protect your babe ! But it’s not fair to the cat. Maybe contact some rescue or rehoming groups to ensure the kitty finds the perfect new home :heart:

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My son caught a claw to his eye and let me tell you, not fun. Children’s hospital type stuff, excruciating pain. If you don’t have a room to isolate the cat in, I would remove from the home. Pets are great but they don’t come before children.


Find a rescue that will take it.

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I love animals and am all for trying to make things work but this can’t work that cat thinks of your child as prey and wont be stopping and unfortunately your only option is to rehome or humanely euthanize bc that behavior is very unusual

Your child isn’t safe. Cat’s claws could take out an eye, not to mention the mental scarring on your child.

Get rid of the cat, it’s not fair on your child, or the cat

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No hesitation…cat would of been gone…
We have a cat and have had her since 4 weeks old now she’s 13… if she became aggressive she would be gone…sorry not sorry…my kids come first!!
I understand it’s not your cat technically but I would move out if the boyfriend chose the cat over my kid.


You can rehome the cat ….or the child
Kidding :sweat_smile: chill

So much information that would be helpful is missing, how old is the cat? How long was it just your boyfriend and his cat? Did he move in with you or did you move in with him? Do you always monitor when your daughter is around the cat or has she hurt the cat while trying to play with him? Have you tried teaching your daughter to not approach the cat, and let the cat approach her? Have you tried “fishing pole” type cat toys for your daughter to play with the cat, with supervision to make sure she doesn’t hit him? Have you given the cat his own space where your daughter is not allowed like a cat tower in your bedroom? Find videos on cat behavior is he trying to play or is it an attack?

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Kicking it out is really REALLY shitty of you. The cat was there before your child. Rehome the cat…

They have nail clips to keep them from being able to do this. Is your daughter practicing healthy boundaries with cat and not being rough? A cat will do what they have to do to defend themselves and the fact her face was close enough to scratch tells me she is not respecting cats boundaries. And you dont just throw a cat outside who’s lived indoors. You say you tried everything. Have you tried teaching your child right from wrong and to not be rough with cat?


Some animals really don’t like little kids. It’s understandable because little ones can be rough. It could also be jealousy. Hard to tell but it sounds like you guys have done everything you can. And I’m not one that usually supports people getting rid of their pets, I think it’s cruel but it’s also cruel to put your daughter and this cat at risk. Finding kitty a new home might be for the best. Your daughter doesn’t deserve to be scared in her home or attacked and it seems like the cat is not happy.


You need to find a home for the cat, with no children!!


Put bacitracin on the scar (possibly for months) it will help the scarring. Move if you have to to get her away from the cat.

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Sure she hasn’t been rough or out with the cat ? Not bashing ect just thinking why a cat would attack a child for no reason :thinking: cats not possessive, food aggressive? Only time I’ve heard cats lash out for no reason is a nuero medical condition. Have you sought help like a cat behaviourist for insight to what’s caused this ? If you and partner on same page about rehoming I’d op for a no kill or friend or family member


My kids come before anyone and anything. Sorry cats got to go


Cat would have to go I had one attack child so terrible if it hadn’t of taken off i was going to shoot it. For no reason

My cat I have now hated me when she was kitten and I was around 8 months pregnant with my youngest. She would tear me up any chance she got. She’s always loved my oldest (he was 2, almost 3 when we got her). When I got to the last few weeks of my pregnancy with my youngest she suddenly decided to be my best friend and would lay next to me or on my lap up against my belly purring. When we brought the baby home I was very cautious, but she was so careful and curious about him. She’s not his biggest fan, but she’s never hurt either of them. She will scare them when they get on her nerves and act like she’s going to get them, but she just hits them really hard with no claws or moves really fast like she’s going to bite them but doesn’t. She sleeps with my oldest often, she absolutely loves him. Sometimes I catch her snuggled up with my youngest now when he comes back from his dad’s after a weekend.
I thought I was going to have to re-home her because of how aggressive and insane she was as a tiny kitten towards me, but she really turned around. Had she continued that behavior or had shown that behavior towards my kids, I absolutely would have found her a new home immediately. It can become dangerous. I really feel like you have done all you can and the cat would probably live a better life elsewhere without children. My grandma has a cat that absolutely hates kids (and anyone else that isn’t her), he has extreme anxiety. They do make anti anxiety medication for cats that work better than the calming mist & collars. His anxiety from children comes from past bad experiences from children when he was younger and through the years. You could check that out as a last resort, but, again, that’s a choice you would have to make with your husband and what you think would be best.

Mary greay would you be interested in this cat

Cut the nails on the cat but do not declaw (will not be able to survive if outside with no claws)

Your baby is important and so is the cat but boundaries are tough to set with both not understanding :kissing_heart::sob::face_holding_back_tears:


It sounds like jealousy for sure. The best you can do is try and see if anyone else would like a cat. It’s sad that your daughter is going through this. But some animals do not like kids and this cat is one of them.

I am not a big cat fan , but I will never force someone to give up their pet who lived there first … maybe you should move out with the kid …


Kids trump pets, any day!

Gotta re home the cat for your child’s safety it seems you have tried everything and the child has to come 1st

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Is the cat fixed? It could be a territorial thing. We just adopted a kitten that runs out and swipes at us all the time. But my youngest kid is 13 years old so it’s not that big of a deal. I can see how having you tiny one would be bad.

You and your kid have to move out if he won’t get rid of the cat.

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There’s a group to ask licensed trainers these questions Animal Sense: Basic Training And Behavior Problems

is there a chance your kid is hurting the cat & the cat doesn’t like your kid now?


It sounds to me like the child did something to the cat when no one was looking and the cat remembers. If that is not the case - the cat is not happy. You and the kid have invaded this cats home. The cat may never turn around and act like you want it. Find it a new home before it does something else to your kid.


Your child comes first at the end of the day and cats got to go.

If it did that to my kid I’d drown it in a bucket. Get rid of the cat.

Not your cat or home ! Maybe your child is to rough with the cat!!

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Unpopular question since nobody else has even asked it… does your child treat the cat nicely? Does your child chase it? There’s a reason this cat is going after your child and sometimes it’s because parents don’t teach their children to leave animals alone. Make sure your boyfriend actually wants to get rid of the cat because if he doesn’t than you need to leave him cause he’ll end up resenting you and the relationship will crumble. Some animals just don’t like kids and that’s okay but you really need to make sure the boyfriend is okay with giving up the cat and you’re not guilting him into it or like I said he’s going to resent you

The cat did have a home with no children, before yall came along. Keep the baby away, some cats just don’t dig kids. They can learn to live in the same house and leave each other alone.


Call your local SPCA. They should have an animal behaviorist on staff you can talk to.

Get rid of the cat! Your child is more important! Some cats are just Assholes!!!

If you boyfriend hasn’t killed or gotten rid of that cat, he’s no friend, and you should be in the jail. I just can’t imagine the mental issues that poor baby already has burned into it brain. My grandma had fits if a cat came around just because a mad cat ran in off the street and climbed her drapes and she was a few years older…
You are a sick person and seriously shouldn’t have control over any children. Give one or the other away.
I think this list must be a test of society…

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Bet the kid did something to the cat when y’all weren’t looking

Why do you feel bad for protecting your kid? It’s a cat. There’s millions of cats. Let him live outside, it’s not that serious.


Your daughter is more important than a cat! Take it to a no kill shelter


Oh my God , I don’t trust cats. A few years ago my friend ask me to go with her to visit her friend. We got to her house and she was abused by her cat to the point that her leg was swollen and purple. She was supposed to go to her son wedding in another State and she couldn’t go . From that day on I don’t want a cat near me. SORRY.

This is a great question to ask in a cat group. Jackson Galaxy has several helpful books. He also has a lot of tips on his website.

Have you tried claw caps? Little plastic claw covers that prevent scratching

Maybe your boyfriend could get a vicious dog, fighting rooster, and snapping turtle to expose your 2 year old to, your priority is to protect your child over protecting your relationship


Can u reach out to the vet and ask for calming medication I saw u said u tried the spray and collar and sometimes they need actual medication such as fluoxetine or gabapentin. The cat could be afraid of the kid as some cats seem to have some kind of trauma towards kids I wouldn’t put the cat outside seeing as it sounds like it was an indoor cat that is incredibly irresponsible if you do not want medication maybe relinquish ownership to rescue or something

Animals are like humans: not all situations they are put in are meant for them. Some people like no kids, some people want two kids, some people want 10 kids. Animals are the same way. You can’t make them want to like your kid. Forcing an animal into an environment they hate only makes them miserable. The whole pEtS aRe FoReVeR line is shit. Pets have wants and needs too, even if that means not being around lots of people or kids. Don’t force them into a situation and stress them out.

The first thing I would say is to determine if the cat is actually trying to be aggressive.
Ears back, hissing, turning its body sort of sideways to look bigger, flicking it’s tail in a small quick motion.

If the cat is not doing this then it’s entirely possible the cat is trying to play.
In that case cat nail caps would be a really good solution as well as keeping cat toys around the house in various places.
((Edit to add: Don’t just expect the cat to go seek them out but toss them or jingle them.))

Especially if this is a young intact cat
Or possibly get another cat
This you’d need to be careful about but could be a solution if the cat is simply trying to play but getting too rough.
It helped our cat A LOT.

If the cat is showing signs of actual aggression…Then…
You may need to consider that your child may actually be messing with and/or hurting the cat. A lot of times kids don’t mean to but they’ll squeeze too tight or won’t let go when a cat wants to be let go and just generally play rough enough that the cat becomes defensive.
That’s not to excuse the cat attacking your child just for being near but it does mean that possibly giving the cat a good place to escape from your child where they feel secure would help.

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unless the cat was a outside/inside cat, kicking it out was fucked up. rehome it asap

You need to protect your daughter from the cat.

Get rid of the cat or the boyfriend

I feel sorry for all of you and the furbaby…I adore animals and our cats are our babies literally, you literally have tried almost everything and it seems best is to re-home this furbaby into a loving home …no children and most probably no other furbabies either …you need your baby to be safe , at the same time furbaby also deserves too be loved and feel safe …:slightly_smiling_face:

Find a new vet. The cat can be medicated with more than just calming sprays.

The cat has to go my son-in-law had a cat and every time you walk by it it would just slap you she was just mean that’s the only way to describe it cats are like people I guess you can’t have it around your little one it might claw her eyes nice Barn cat for somebody

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Tell your BF to he rid or the cat or move. You need to protect your kids, no question about it.

I wonder if it could be reacting to loud noise my cat doesn’t like load high pitch sounds he is so sweet never hurts anything but if I play a load sound on my phone he gets fussy badly and bites my cheeks not hard just a little bite

Have you ever picked him up by the scruff and told him no? The retarded specialists are like, David has teeth that didn’t grow in proper from an ex prison guard and a bump on the back of his head from being doubled on the seat of a bike, a separated shoulder from rolling a lawn tractor, the list goes on but health locks him in the hole because they locked him up during swarm season killing David’s bees into his baby’s face… So don’t call people retarded people think like they can’t do.

Trim his nails I done this with my cat just in case of scratching kids he did a could times but I had his nails trimmed so it wasn’t an issue

The next day the cat with be missing

how about you and the kid leave??? I mean its your bf house and he had the cat before you. that’s the cat’s home too and you’re asking for the cat to leave. not on my watch if I was your bf I’d keep my cat and tell you that you go. oh and I’d also tell you that we are over. The nerve of you. edit: I can almost guarantee you that your relationship wont last much longer anyway, and the kitty still has several years of life in him so you should start looking for a place to live

Instead of buying more stuff for the cat have u thought of maybe he’s getting less attention since both of u live there? Have u made him accepted buying things does not help he’s just jealous u are invading his home u need to behave not the cat at least that’s probably what he is thinking change ur approach towards him step by step but do correct him when he’s attacking you’re daughter but to throw him out is a bit too far for me

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You’ve done all you can as reasonable pet owners imo. I wouldnt beat yourself up any further. Rehome that cat to a childless household where it’ll be less stressed.

The fact that you are asking is a red flag.

Your daughter might have been rough with it one time and cats always remember

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Sorry to say but sounds like the child did something to the cat. Animals are impulsive yes but they also remember people who treat them poorly. Animals have triggers as well.

We ended up finding a no child home for our cat to go to for the same reason. We tried everything. Fine with older kids, just took a set on my youngest when she was around 2 but got her very very close to the eye. As much as I didn’t want to find another home it was the right choice for both kid and cat. I didn’t want to abandon it at a pound or anything so searched myself for someone who was wanting to adopt an animal privately