So I’ve been feeling down a lot lately. I’ve been working, being a full time mom, and even going to school to finish for my babygirl. Yet my boyfriend really being distant. Like today after work, I literally just pulled up and wasn’t even out the car, and he was at the door talking about “take your daughter because she hasn’t stopped crying since you left.” I looked at my daughter, and she gave me a funny look but didn’t look like she was crying. She is laughing at me and pulling my hair like always to say hi. I walk in, and I looked at the tv and fornite was up, I’m honestly sick of that game because I genuinely don’t get the game. Then he goes on to tell me about yet saying, “ listen, I know you don’t care but look.” Yet I’m trying to talk to him about the baby and blows it off. So I went and gave the baby a bath, and put her to sleep, went to the kitchen to start up on homework, and still bothered by him for not telling me what’s going. About 10 mins later, he comes up while I’m taking a test trying to get me in the mood for sex. I blew him off and told him I ain’t in the mood and that I’m taking a test. He yelled at me, saying I never make time for him. Yet no matter how many times I tell him it’s the other way around, he won’t listen. There are moments I just want his attention, but he gives it to something, especially now that fornite is back up. When I asked him if someone else caught his interest, he got mad and called me stupid to ever think that. But I’m clueless on what to do with him.
Screw that controlling manipulative s*** leave. the only person in this world you need to make time for his your kid.
I wouldn’t trust him around my kid after that comment. That’s just me though.
Cause the thing is…he chose you. And choosing you chooses her. If he just sits on his ass all day…what type of “man” is he?
First of all,your working,school and family are all your priority…But his as well,does he work?
The game addictions are way beyond my understanding!! It’s hard being a person pulled in so many directions. Does he work?
It seems like all men that I know, once fortnite is on you can forget about any communication until they are bored with it
Sounds like you BOTH need to find time for each other. Set aside a date night in.
Maybe try to make 1 night a date night,1-2 hours for just you 2,no work,school,or games,it should be quality time to reconnect,no outside influence.And remember your health and needs count,sounds like you guys really need to talk and listen big time,if you truly want it to work.Good luck
Usually when a guy gets defensive he’s hiding something. When you have time y’all need to sit down and talk about things. Wanting alone time while doing school work isn’t the right time. Explain that. Guys aren’t smart when it comes to subtle hints. Spell it out.
Also to the people who are asking if he works…what happened to it’s okay to be a sahm…it’s cheaper than child care…blah blah blah or does that go out the window when it’s the dad.
SOUNDS LIKE HES AN ASS FOR WANTING TO GET OFF WHEN ITS ONLY CONVENIENT FOR HIM. And for anyone saying she has to make time for him i wanna know what he does all day while she fucking works and goes to school BESIDES caring for her daughter. Its clear hes annoyed with the child, which means baby probably isnt his and he doesnt have time or patience to care for her.
You deserve a better partner who wont expect you to spread yourself out so thin that you dont want sex or attention. Hes a child. Period.
Does he work? Sounds like your doing everything INCLUDING work! Maybe if he got a job and let you finish school you’d both have more time for each other but he also sounds like a jerk so…
Your children are more important. Take care of them, do ur homework, try to get ahead. U need to take care of yourself. If can’t see u have a lot on ur plate. Then, kick him to the curb. He’s selfish
Take a pair of scissors, & cut the game system cord. Problem solved. Bc I’ll put money on it ur daughter ISNT being properly cared for in his care bc hes still a child and thinks video games are still okay to play all day everyday when ur a parent. That’s the problem right there. And he can always buy a new cord…after he gets done crying.
It hard when your busy…my husband (stepdad) and I are going through really hard times right now due to my 15yr old daughter making wrong choices. We have to find each other on weekends or early morning before work. You have to find time somewhere for both of you. Even if ots just for an hr or two.
Yust leave no matter how hard it is u will be happy again and find some one who treuly loves you
I’m a stay at home mom aaaaaand it gets pretty lonely lol. I don’t know what everyone else here is talking about. Yeah when my husband walks through the door I’m like here are the children, I’m losing my mind . And he’s distracting himself playing the video game because you’re busy. My husband is in school so I just get on Facebook or something to distract myself while he’s busy
Try sitting down with him after the baby is in bed and the tv and video game is off. Ask him why he thinks you don’t give him any attention or time and actively listen to him. Don’t defend yourself, just listen. Ask him what attention and time look like to him ( you might think you are giving it but he might need it on a different level and you aren’t meeting that expectation). Then tell him what you need from him to be able to free up more of your time to give to him. Then have that exact conversation with him about you needing time and affection also and how you need it. As far as fortnite goes, he may have an actual problem. The developers of fortnite are being sued right now because they specifically hired people not make the game more addicting. That’s not at all an excuse, just saying that that may be what’s going on there.
Dump the boy and find a man.
Don’t deal with your man not meeting your needs. Sit down and discuss the issue.
If he wants to work on things he will. Point blank.
There comes a time where y’all need to communicate effectively or call it quits
How old is he? Why is he playing video games? Does he not work?
Sounds like you have a little boy
Is your baby his daughter too? If he’s not the father of your child maybe he feels too much responsibility or wasn’t/isn’t ready to be watching your daughter. I only speak from experience. But usually when a man gets defensive like that it’s because he is hiding something or you just need to sit down and really talk about communication and making time got each other.
I’m starting to think half the people on here are a joke, it baffles me at how many of you jump to the conclusion, it’s all him, he’s immature, she should leave, ect. ect., yet you’ve only heard her side, in what court in this country, is someone convicted with out the judge and jury hearing both sides? (She don’t like the game he plays because she don’t understand it? If he’s not neglecting the kids, and he pitches in with things, then what does it matter what he plays? Have you ever showed any interest in what he likes, or is it all about you? It takes two for any relationship, seems like there’s a lot of one sided story’s and miss information on here and one sided judgments based on only half the information. I hope you aren’t sitting on the jury when someone’s life is on the line a
I’ll play devil’s advocate here. It sounds like you both need to sit down and talk. A relationship is a 2 way street. It’s not you not giving him attention and it’s not him not giving you attention. It’s both of you. It doesn’t need to be an argument. Just sit down and have the conversation. No accusations, no yelling, just talking.
BOY BYE !!! You don’t NEED HIM AND HES a damn adult PUT THE FUCKING VIDEO GAME UP!!! I bet if you shot his damn console he would sing a different tune!!! You NEED A MAN NOT A LITTLE BOY!!!
Break the PlayStation!!
Sounds like y’all need a date night
Y’all need a night out. Find someone to babysit and go out together and do what y’all want.
Hire a baby sitter for him, he’s being immature!!
It’s not SOMEONE else who is getting his attention - it’s SOMETHING else - he sounds like he’s addicted to fortnite
when he’s sleeping, take the power cord to the video game and hide it. If he wants to act like a child, then treat him like one. tell him when he starts paying attention to you instead of that pile of computer chips, then he’ll get the power cord back.
Break the game system. Been there done that. Even had the law on my side even though he called them. He will never change. Leave and never look back. Life’s too short to be anything but happy.
How old are you guys? Cuz I’m sorry but this is all over the place
Maybe if he would stop putting so much of his time into a video game and maybe have his daughter bathed for you and ready for bed freeing up time then maybe then you’d feel more like spending time with him.
This relationship sounds toxic
Love him the way you would love you.
Example: I like picnics. I would put the baby down and make a nice picnic on the floor with good food and slow music. Make it for him (but it’s really for you… so even if he blows you off you’re still enjoying yourself.)
Set aside one night a week to make a romantic gesture… lead by example… after a few times if hes not playing along then at least you can love your own company and make choices from there.
I think you both need a vacation without the baby and with each other.
I would start to try to fit in sex but also some couple time as well. Men typically go to video games a lot when they are trying to unwind or escape (my hubby’s words and he’s a gamer.) I know balance is tough but given that your boyfriend helps with your kid so much it seems like you want to invest and keep this relationship going. As far as video games are concerned I’d pretend not to even care about what he plays or how he plays it. Instead break out pkay activities you can do with daughter (which I am sure you already do) and do them infront of or with the boyfriend. His remarks indicate to me he just feels like the help and not part of the family and might not even know how to entertain the kid but is too proud to ask.
Sounds like it both just not on the same page at the moment! U want it he wants it so why not try to talk about it and st a day/ night with out games or study to just be together! Everyone these days is so quick to pass judgement and give up NOT always the best answer.
Wow all these judgemental people!!! We are hearing ONE side of this. I feel like she needs to work on herself too. Its not only him that needs to make time, she does too…
Make some time. He sounds frustrated and in need of your affection. Actually it sounds like you both need closeness. It may seem exhausting but necessary for a healthy relationship.
There needs is a lack of proper communication on both parts. I suggest reading the 5 love languages or at least taking the quiz. It really helps to open up how your partner receives love. We always love people the way we want to be loved instead of how they need to be loved. It takes a conscious effort and it can be difficult but with practice it gets easier. Best of luck
Leave him. Sounds like a freeloader who doesn’t respect you
I can understand not wanting to give in to sex if he’s being a butthole. Ya’ll need to have a very honest & open conversation without getting upset at each other’s feelings. Men’s love language is physical while women’s are emotional. You have a lot going on in your life but you have to make time even if it’s a min hug or a juicy kiss in laundry room.
I’d be telling him to chuck the game system or he’d be paying support. If he is not working the house should be spotless and he can take care of his kid.
If not, no sex or anything. Sorry, men think they can just lay around and play and get sex whenever and you have to show them it doesn’t work that way.
So, he expects you to take an interest in something he knows you don’t care about and then selfishly tries to pull your interest from something that is important to you and that could be a life changer for you all. Look, I am all for spending time with one another but I also believe in each of you having time for your own thing (your schooling / his game) but he needs to be more considerate of your time, especially for school. Let him play his game and you do your schooling and come together later for intimacy. Eventually he will wake up and get his stuff together and want to better himself for the family or you will outgrow him, if you haven’t already, and move on to more appropriate pastures. You have 1 child that you have to take care of, you really don’t need another, especially an adult sized one.
I’m unfollowing this page. Most of the posts are ridiculous.
Your are trying to improve your life and he’s not. You dont need that in your life. Give him an ultimatum, either change or leave. You need to concentrate on whats best for you and your baby not a man who wants to play video games all day and feels all your attention should be on him.
I don’t want to sound like I’m judging but Honestly, sounds like you are not spending time with your husband men n women feels neglected when one or other doesn’t have time for each other let’s be realistic. You said you got there and asked about your baby but did you ever asked him how was his day? After you put your baby to sleep you said you went straight to do your test, do you ever sit for a minute and talk to each other?
There are to many variables in this question. Frankly you 2 need to sit down and talk. And the TV needs to go. Way too much time spent on stupid games and not enough with family.
First look up narcissist and see what you might be dealing with stay on track with school. Listen to the gut feeling Good luck God Bless
In a relationship you have to make time for each other. Plan a date night and just go do something together. Sometimes I feel the same because my husband spends most days outside doing things and he works 2 nights aweek. Then we have a day just for us,and it makes me feel better
Tabatha Gentry help?
So the thing that REALLY BOTHERS ME MOST "TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER "… is this NOT his biological child??? HE is OBVIOUSLY more IMMATURE than the child.Many churches in our area offer couples COUNSELING FOR FREE. Look into mediation.But it sounds like HE’S A USER AND A LOSER!!
Put your kid first. Problem solved.
Well part of being married is fulfilling your husband’s need for sex. Yep you are tired or busy but that’s a big deal to your man. It affects him physically as well as mentally. I find when hubby and I are really having a hard time with life or with each other, sex helps to smooth things out because it allows us to renew our closeness and him to clear his mind. Maybe talking to a church counselor about communication and commitment? Children, especially young children, always bring out the problems however small in a relationship. Part of why a marriage commitment is important before having kids but sometimes thats just not how it works out. It didn’t work out that way for me either but I was very blessed to marry my husband 8 months after the birth of our first son and watch him grow into a brand new man over the last few years. Dont forget, if you dont want your man going somewhere else to fulfill his needs, you need to do that. He’s reaching out how men do. See if you can find some good books that explain how men and women need different things and communicate differently. Love and Respect is a really good book. Best of luck!