If you had asked “Am I being lazy??” I woulda been like girl hold my oatmeal pie (but don’t eat it) and given you an essay on why you definitely aren’t and why you definitely need to boot him to the curb. Tell him to grow up, stop making excuses, put down the video games and get a job!!
Playing video games, he could be doing other things to help you. Grown ups with responsibilities don’t play video games.
A man that doesn’t pay bills should be the slave in the house im sorry nope rules are rules hes lazy and ungrateful and wont work and doesn’t pay anything …no no he be homeless
You cannot change people dont even try this is who he is be done cast him out
5 month old with a boyfriend…sounds like you both need counseling.
If you have to do everything anyway, why do you need him. Time to give him the boot.
Stop doing his laundry and dishes and he will notice what doing nothing would be like
What do you need him for?
This must be a stupid joke
Take him out. You deserve better.
Smh leave him and when he taking care of those kids on his own a few days a week he will learn how much you do. It’s time women started making a point! His LAZY ASS will learn.
Bye Felicia! If you think you would be happier without that in your life, pack him a bag, tell him to fuck off, and that you’ve finally done something! You packed him a bag, so he can get to steppin!
Sounds like a mooch. He can work. So if hes not working he can help around the house especially if he doesn’t help with the children,
Peace out dead beat lazy ass man girl drop him because once hes done with school hes done with you he got what he wanted a hand out …i would set him on fire lol you can do bad all by yourself …ill come help you girl YOU throw his lazy good for nothing lame ass out ill come help you get everything all cleaned up …ungrateful men makes me angry !!! Take advantage of mommies !!! Not today satan !!! Girl get mad and get done
Wait. Does he not work at all?
He can kick rocks permanently if he thinks it’s okay to treat any mother that way.
Tell Peter Pan to fly away!
Hes not working or going to school but two days a week? Oh hell nah boy bye!
He’s a grown man I assume . He’s got two choices stay or go . Up to him you might be better off without him .
He’s the stay at home dad he needs to realize. I’m a stay at home mom… I clean. My husband does dishes and dinner some nights to help out even though he works a 12 hr shifts most days. He needs to grow up.
So I have the same problem but my SO and I work about the same number of hours. But I feel like that means we both need to work together and do house things and things for the kids. I always have to get myself and 2 kids ready to go to work/babysitters. We leave for work at the same time and the biggest argument we have had is when I asked if he could run upstairs and get some clothes for our 4 year old lol
They always want a giant trophy and 2 weeks of praise every time they so much as pick up a f**king sock as if they ever really would!
I would have done kicked his ass the fuck out!!
He one that lazy not you. Hit the road jack
Do you cook and clean? You didnt say you did… So maybe you need to stepnupnin those areas and spit the chores more evenly
He needs a job. I worked part-time 3a-8a & went to school full-time until I graduated. He’s quite capable. It’s called sacrifice. He’s an adult with children… You’re not his mother. Time for him to grow up or get out.
Your not a bitch your an idiot allowing some freeloader to set up camp in your house an try to be the king if the castle…open your eyes girl WTH is wrong with you
Great job! You did 1 of the 20,000 things that needed to be done today, that must have been so exhausting!
Fuck him off, that’s a boy not a man
Kick the ASS to the curb and fast in order to teach your kids how you should be treated
What do you need him for again?!
unfortunately my boyfriend works full time while I stay home with our 4 month old. we cant afford daycare if I went back to work. We have the same issues where I am in school fulltime in addition to taking care of our baby and expected to do the wifely duties of cooking and keeping the place clean. Unfortunately even after many arguments and discussions my boyfriend still doesnt get how I can be at home all day and get “nothing” done. He needs to experience what you do. I dont know if taking a day for yourself and leaving your bf with the kids + a list of stuff to do would work, but I think that’s what I’ll have to do with mine.
He’s only going to school 2 days a week and chooses to stay up all late. Hell no!!! You work FULL TIME!!! Tell him to step up or kick rocks with his bare feet!
Girl it sounds like you know he’s being unreasonable and an asshole so just tell him what you told us. Tell him to quit bitching and be a man. A relationship is 50/50.
Send him and his video games packing.
Not a bitch he’s a wuss… I’d have told him… U moron go… File for support
Girl. Put him on the porch with his shit. Fuck is that …school 2 days and not working but comfortable enough to say you don’t do a damn thing while you pay bills and work full time?!
Sounds like you both need to grow up. You’ve got 5 kids. They can do age appropriate chores and he can certainly up his game!
If I were you, I’d throw out his games and console…or him.
Kick him out. That is a ridiculous way to treat the mother of your children. Super disrespectful. You should have a couple surveillance cameras put around your home. Show him EVERYTHING he does around the house. Call him out on his own shit. I hope your days get better. Much respect from one mama to another.
Tell him to kick rocks.
My kids try to tell me that . So i stopped doing the things i do . They relized i do more then they know . Tell him to kick rocks .
Uhhhh hell nooo, he can leave.
Tell him to leave, you don’t need to be disrespected like that
Tell him get a job or get to work at home straightb the fuck up. At this point whats he doing for u guys honestly…
I would get out two pieces of paper sit down and write out shared responsibilities. Then you two talk about that. You got 5 kids thats 2 full time jobs alone. School is tough but c’mon man.
Throw away the whole man. Your already doing it alone. One less mouth to feed.💁
Yall have to work together but definitely make your point to him. Not right to belittle you
Stand up for yourself damn it! Kick him to the Kurb
Babe, the fact that ur asking this means u know he’s wrong.
U sound like a strong woman!
I love that!
We r powerful women and need no man by our side!!!
Do NOT let him beat u down!!
Sounds like ud be just fine on ur own with ur beautiful babies.
Throw the whole boyfriend out and get a new one
School 2 days of the week is not school full time he can and needs to get a job
I can’t even comment appropriately on this I’m so mad! YOU are the head of that family. Maybe start bossing him and everyone around. Everybody needs to pitch in. He needs to get p/t work.
Sounds like hes being lazy …
Couples should help each other where the other falls short …it sounds like he wants you to do everything and just be taken care of
If his classes are 2-3 days a week, why can’t he work too? I’d throw the video game away and tell him to start paying his share. If you are going to be doing it alone anyway you might as well do it minus the dead weight
Leave his sorry ass.
Tell him to get bent, i work 10 hours, pick up our daughter from daycare when i get off, get her started on homework, and do laundry every day. He ain’t pulling his weight, not even close
You’re literally supporting him and practically being his mom too. Fuck that loser! Leave his dead beat ass if he keeps it up.
Sounds like you’re a sugar mama
First of all he needs to get a job and help with finances, he is perfectly capable. And second off, 5 kids is a lot to handle, if he does the cleaning and cooking while you deal with the kids it sounds like y’all are both doing y’all’s fair share (besides the fact that he doesn’t have a job) but having 5 kids is going to be hard and stressful even with you both putting in 100%
Yeah that’s bullshit. If you’re footing the bill for the household expenses and therefore enabling him to go to school, he can clean. Seems fair.
But real talk, id kick him out
Well that’s just horrible how “lazy” you are and never do anything 🤦 Seriously though I would have a serious talk with him to try to get him to realize who’s really doing everything and who’s pretending to be.
If you’re asking , it’s bc you know he’s wrong. You either need to let him go or continue to be treated like that . Dealing with kids is a job itself , if he can’t understand that then there’s the door
Lil pussy:joy: “2dAySaWeEk”
I mean , he needs to stop complaining , and tbh just think of things as if the roles were switched… because you do all of that , doesn’t mean that you can’t help out around the house either , you live there to after all…I mean I see tons of post from stahm on a daily basis who complains that their husbands do everything you do and they still expect him to come home and do something…I’m sure if you were at home and this post was about him helping out even though he does all of that , plenty of women would be down his throat , talking about he can at least take out the trash, he could at least fold the clothes, he could at least give the kids a bath…it’s team work …not split chores and complain about who does more…cuz truth be told , if he leaves you will be mad af and then saying that he didn’t even think of the kids or how much help you would need…
I mean. It sounds like you both work together pretty well together just need to work on mutual appreciation and communication.
He’s literally an extra expense … dump the dude why do u need him … you got your self handled and there’s men everywhere that will be willing to satisfy you so u have that handled too… do u baby girl . Cuz when he gets his degree and ditches you , all that hard work your putting in is gonna go unseen! Trust me I’ve been through it …
Kick him out it would be easier without him
Get a new boyfriend, sounds like he thinks you’re his mom
I’d kick him out
You go to work and leave all the responsibility on him. That is not a working relationship
Tell him he’d better start putting money on the table for some of this to get hired done, or do it himself.
You didn’t ask for advice to find out if you’re in the wrong. You came here for validation. Explain to him that you actually do a lot, he’s being unreasonable and lazy, and if he doesn’t want to take over cooking, or cleaning at least five of those five days he’s not at school, he can shove off.
Sounds like you have 6 kids
Sounds like your doing it all alone anyway! Give him a 30 day notice to get out.
Leave his ass! Kids do NOT need to see a man treating their mom like this! Obviously you can make it on your own.
Nope. He can ne a sahd sonce he dont do shit and only does school 2days a week
So he stays home with the 5 kids while you work, and he goes to college a couple of days of the week(which, let’s be honest, doesn’t mean he’s only doing school work two days a week either- there’s always tons of work and studying to do outside of school). Sounds like a regular “stay at home mom” situation. I’ve been a stay at home mom for years (along with college student and work at home mom all at the same time too). A lot of that “you don’t help” talk is frustration and tiredness. Yeah you go to work, but if he’s home taking care of 5 kids throughout the week, going to school full time, and also keeping up around the house at least a portion of the time, he isn’t a dead beat. He’s tired and probably kind of lonely.
Why can’t he stay up and play video games? He’s gotta have time to himself some time. Everyone has their thing. I stay up and sew later than I should just because I’m dying for a break without kids climbing on me and asking me for things, or feeling like I have to be up doing something.
Be grateful for each other and be understanding. You both have a lot going on.
Time for some “Grit Ball”
Pack his shit, throw it outside
Hate to say it, but his using you for support. Sounds to me like you have 6 kids. One being his childish ass. You work hard for your family, considering your the only one bringing in income. He should be the one getting bitched at for being lazy! 2 classes a week, and not providing an income to the household. He better step up, and take role as stay at home dad when his not at classes. That or he needs to pack up his shit and go bye bye. He needs to treat you better, or you need to cut off his allowance. Lol
I’ve been stuck with a man just like that for 29 years. Get out now before it’s too late, and you’re stuck like me…
I worked a full time and part time, while i went to college full time also and was a single mother… he just wants everything done without doing anything. I used to put up with this but not anymore! Lol i found my man and he cleans, watches our 5 month old, does anything for me and i do anything for him. We both sacrifice immensely and blended our family so we together have 8. We don’t argue about that shit because we never feel that way towards one another because we do equal work. Sounds like your just on a different wavelength then him and he sounds immature and unable to sacrifice for his family. Sounds bad now but the relationship won’t last unless you both are on the same page. He wants to work you like a dog to live out HIS dream. BUILD YOUR OWN DREAM DONT KILL YOURSELF BUILDING HIS UNREALISTIC DREAM. I used to make posts like this and be so upset but always just dealt with it: not anymore. There really is someone out there who will love you for all you are and sacrifice so you can feel normal. Don’t settle for this I’m begging you. You don’t need to instruct a man or teach him what is expected. Real men know what’s expected and DO IT. He knows what’s expected of him and he doesn’t want to put the work in. Sounds like you guys aren’t building together sounds like he wants to just build himself. He’s too immature for you clearly and what is he adding to anything? He doesn’t even stay home with the kids? Are u serious? Makes your paycheck less because he’s lazy. You only have one life and your kids are only kids once!!! Don’t let them think this behavior is okay because it isn’t babe.
Next time he starts bitching tell him you can’t talk to him when he’s hysterical and go to the bar
Being a mama is a full time job itself let alone you’re working full time too. You go mama, you’re holding the fort down he sounds ungrateful and doesn’t appreciate everything you’re doing for your family
Switch housework for a week. Both of you write a list of all the stuff you do every day and switch. If he has to do all of what you do he might understand a little better
Sounds like a bum mooching off you and your kids
He doesn’t go to school full time of its 2 out of 5 days… I’d send him packing
College full-time with classes only two days a week? Must be nice.
If his ass ain’t working and not paying bills he should be doing the cooking, cleaning, laundry, errands etc.
Shut off the video games, time to grow up some. Yeah watch movies and play games in your down time here and there but sounds like that’s priority.
No thanks, I’d kick him to the curb
I would go on strike. Let him get the kids cared for and the house clean. Then let him see how hard it is to do just a tenth of what you do each day.
Sounds like role reversal…
Y’all need to have a sit down and really talk thru your expectations and try to come to an agreement that works for both of you or this is going to keep coming up.
Tell him if he don’t like how things are then he can pack his shit and leave
My hubs is a full time dad, cooks, cleans and was going to school full time before he graduated. Your boyfriend needs to do better.
Sounds like a dead-beat
Man, I would have already kicked him to the curb! I have five kids as well, and they aren’t even my husbands, they’re from a ex husband and you know what? We both work full time, but around the house it’s 50/50 always! He even puts the kids on the bus. Takes them to preschool etc!!
Seriously. You don’t need that mess.
Needs to be a balance. Going to school 2 days a week still equals 20 or more hours per week to study and take tests, etc. Most of college is studying.
If he really is doing all the house work and doing college then it really is fair of him to ask for your help. Sorry… I completely 100% get it. I work full time and we finally got a balance somewhat. It’s always easy to point a finger. I say, tell him exactly what you need from him. My daughter’s dad does her hair now in the morning before school to help out. He packs her lunch if I don’t get the time. When I was in college 2 days per week there was soooo much stress on me between being a student, wife and mother. It’s hard as hell.
Hell nah kick his ass to the curb …
Why can’t he work part time. My fulltime job allows us to leave n go to school
Its 2020…everyone goes to school. I’d tell him to pay a bill or stfu…your allowing him to be a student he should be grateful
He’s an ass!!! Kick him to the curb
If hes only going to school twice a week, he should be doing a lot more than what you mentioned
Just go to work early and leave him to deal with the kids see if he complains after that