Bottom line–it’s your life, your decision. Stay home with your baby if that’s what you want to do. If you feel you need to go back to work, then do it. If anyone has a problem with this then it’s just that. Their problem.
Im the wrong person to give perspective on this one .everything youre doing is whats expected of my culture ince hes bringing home the bacon its your job to do all the mommy obligation get a job and see how it goes on the domestic front line goodluck .
Go back to work if you want to, why would you let him tell you what to do. Also, if you are going to stay at home, you should do all things in the home.
Put your foot down when he gets home from work you leave him with the baby and go do what you gotta do to get a break. However, I don’t think it’s fair for him to get up every night with the baby. Being a stay at home mom means the house is your job.
If you are doing it 100% why do you need him.maybe for more work?
Go back to work. BUT wait til the baby is sleeping through the night. Trust me you don’t want to be running a kid to daycare, working all day, coming home to cook supper, , tidy home, bathe & put baby to bed…then be up with baby 8 x a night. You’ll burn out & sounds like hubby is not the helping kind.
So … get baby on a good sleeping pattern… It will happen just a little more time. Nap when baby is napping‼️Best advice my mom have me! Make easy dinners. And above all else ENJOY time with your baby before you’re working every day.
Gradually baby will allow you to rest more and that’s when to think of going back to work.
Also talk to hubby. If he doesn’t want to help, so be it. You got this, Momma!! Just don’t be in such a hurry…things will change - not too much longer !
I mean if he wont do it no matter what. Then to keep you sane sleep when the baby sleeps and dont worry about making the house spotless and when he has a problem with it then tell him if he helped so u could get the rest you need to do it then fine… that’s what I do my husband works doesnt help with the baby unless I hand her off and go do something. I honeslty dont mind cuz I get my sleep I dont wait on him.and and foot. You have a baby to care for he can care for himself and since he doesnt wanna help with the baby then he can help with house work
The father of my baby took her when he got home from work while I cooked, kept her for the evening, he would go to bed early and then get up early before work to feed the baby so I can get a 2-3 hours of extra sleep. On the weekend he would get up for feedings and let me go to bed early and he would stay up with her. He need to work it out somehow, baby needs an alert mom, this is not the fifties anymore
My husband worked 12 hour shifts at night and came home in the morning and stayed up with our son while I got some sleep, he’d help clean the house. We shared responsibilities even though I’m a stay at home mom and it will be the same way when we bring our daughter home. We’re a team and help each other out.
My fiancè wks 12 hrs each compress shift
He watches baby 3 hrs on his own till I get off work on his wk days
Then we both share responsibilities on his days of which is is 3-4 days off wk
Maybe because I look extremely exhausted
Or extremely cranky at times…does he help…lol idk
We all get drained. Even when SAHM.
I’m not tho. I work too. He knows that it’s a partnership to care for baby
I guess dont keep the house spotless not cook when ur exhausted
Dont be perfect
Becuz when this baby becomes a toddler…its gonna become more difficult to keep it imaculate and ur going to feel like a failure on top of already overwhelmed
I feel u have all rights to getting out in the workforce and putting ur degree to good use.
Enroll her in daycare and get a job.
Do U
Or u can compromise and stay home for a yr and then go back to work or u can get a part time job now so both r happy.
It shouldnt just be his way.
I would go crazy I was only a SAHM…I want to put my degree to use too. Make my $, goals, retirement plan established.
It’s still his job to be a father.
He’s his FATHER. You have a deadbeat dad living with you… Smfh. And you’re putting up with it.
Take a night off. Leave the baby in the room with him and sleep in another room. And LICK THE FUCKING DOOR so he can’t bring the baby to you when it wakes him up. And don’t back down. Put your foot down. Either he steps up and starts being a father and a partner in the household, or you leave.
But we all know that’s not gonna happen
You’re gonna continue on with your life in deadbeat half assed boy partner
First question that popped into my mind reading all of this was, “How much have the two of you actually communicated about this?”
Hundred of thousands, if not millions, of families are started every year unintentionally. That doesn’t make the baby unwanted. That doesn’t make the family less of a family. But it does put the need for planning and communication on the two new parents. So honestly, how much have you and your boyfriend communicated about the foundation of your home? Did you guys discuss during the pregnancy what was going to happen in terms of finances and home responsibilities, or were you quietly waiting to go back to work without telling him? Is he being an ass and adamantly insisting that the baby is your job and your job only? These are the kinds of situations that destroy young families.
And enough with this “my job” talk. That mindset is complete nonsense and is just another contributor to why families are breaking apart. That house you guys live, those bills you guys pay, that baby you created, you should be saying that these are OUR responsibilities and OUR jobs. How you guys split up who does what is up to you two, but you are suppose to be supplementing him, and he is suppose to be supplementing you. That child depends on you guys. If he (your boyfriend) is failing, you need to remind him to step it up or step it up for him. If you’re failing, he needs to remind you to step it up or step it up for you. It’s a partnership. Not a competition. Not a stand off. Partnership. Get the job done, BOTH of you.
He should be doing way more, you’re his girlfriend not his bitch. I’d put my foot down and get him to start being a parent cus parenting is only going to get harder and he can’t just hand the kid to you and say here you go it’s not the 50s anymore.
Lmao for the women saying shes never gonna get a full nights sleep must have really spoiled those babies when they were born.! And still spoiling them as they get older smh… girl you should try getting baby on a schedule with sleeping it’s not to hard, I had a 3 year old when I had my second child and I did fine. I’m now almost due with my 3rd. If he wants you to stay home I mean, try talking to him and tell him it benefits you guys if you do go back to work if he doesnt like it than tough, see what you can do on your own with a sitter.
If you go back to work, you will be doing it all anyway by the sounds of it, my now ex never helped with anything for our son, I brought everything for him while I was pregnant and working, cot, carseat etc no help from babies dad, went on maternity leave and still brought everything with no help from babies dad, I ended up having to leave him for safety reasons, and have been doing it on my own ever since, you cant force someone to be a father if they dont want to be, he sounds like a drop kick tbh, he should be helping reguardless, you working or not, that’s his kid too.
I’m not going even talk about the issue as many people have addressed it. Do not be a stay at home mom unless you are married. You are not given any legal protection that a wife has. If he breaks up with you without a job you are screwed
You need to step up and take some responsibility for your life and your surroundings.this is a new stage in your guys’s relationship by introducing a baby and the baby will not be a baby for long.however if you continue to allow him getting away with doing very little especially when it comes to your baby it will continue to be like that and if you don’t want to live the rest of your life with somebody like that now was the time to start communicating
I think it’s totally unacceptable. My husband works 12 hours a night. I stay home currently. My baby is 2 months old. And every day when he gets home he feeds and changes the baby. Then he sleeps 8ish hours then when he gets up he takes baby so I can nap a few hours. He will wash bottles and such with him while i nap. Then on his weekends he always let’s me sleep 8 to 10 hours. And he will do any house work I ask him to. But he always take out the trash and diaper pail with out being asked. Yes I do the majority of house work and baby work but its only because I’m the one home more
Week 6 is hard! I forget where I heard it, but I once heard it very appropriately called the “hate your husband week” I’ve called it that ever since. I always advise new parents to schedule a date night during this week if at all possible. Crying peaks at this point and the adrenaline you ran on during the first few weeks has died. My husband has significant hearing loss from his service and I envied his ability to sleep through our daughters crying. So more often than not its me getting up throughout the night. Our son is now 5 weeks and I’m trying to have a healthier perspective this time (although our son is a much better sleeper than our daughter was in the newborn phase so that’s helped). Babies generally start to sleep through the night around the 3rd month or 12 lbs. You’ll get through it momma! It doesn’t last forever. Wait until then to decide on going back to work. I went back to work week 10 with our daughter and am planning on taking the full 16 weeks TN allows with our son.
Tell him to step up or step out. My bf works 10-12 hrs as a journeyman. He builds and can walk up to five plus miles getting material from plant site. He still helps with our son and gets up or just plain stays up if I’m on the verge of a breakdown.
Yeah. I’m going to be honest as a stay at home mom YOU NEED BREAKS!!! It’ll drive you crazy and just because you’ve had a child doesn’t mean that you can’t put yourself first sometimes. Find child care and TELL HIM YOURE GOING BACK TO WORK!!!
Stop cleaning up so much and nap when the baby naps if the house isn’t spotless oh well stop stressing about the cleanliness of the house
You need to be napping with the baby even sometimes during the day
Make him help with the baby and get a job cuz u dont need the stress of him not helping
Victoria Hope so from the age of idk 7 to 18 your suppose to baby your child and let them wake you up still at all hours of the night? Mm no I dont think so. Somewhere your parenting is a little weird if we’re being honest.
Girl go to work if you want. Find an AMAZING nanny so the shit gets done during the day. Though do expect to have to get up with him every night as you have been doing. But please don’t be sitting duck.
When my son was born, my husband was working longer then that and still helped me out and own the weekends. Got up with him throught the night. Put your foot down or it will only continue to get worse. I mean besides his income, you are pretty much raising your child alone. Don’t worry to much tho, alot of men think thats the way it supposed to be, like the olden days, but i strongly believe it isnt. And if you can get someone you trust to baby sit your baby while you work, GO WORK! if thats what you want to do. Also, if he drinks every night, its dangerous for him to just stop, but he does need to get help for that, however he will only truelly quit when he wants to quit for himself
First, it’s not unreasonable for you to ask for help if you need it. However, your baby is 6 weeks old. Unless you are formula feeding, he is only needing/wanting you. Not much you can do about the overnight thing.
Looks like you live with an Indian man
They think that cuddling and picking up baby’s are enough
One some moms on here r saying ur baby spoiled dont listen to them there is no such thing as a spoiled 6 week old. Some babies r jus easier to get on a schedule. My baby had colic and right after that left sleep regression then teething she 8 months and I’m still maybe max getting 4 to 5 hours of sleep and have to listen to every person call her spoiled. 2 he should be helping more even if it every other feeding and ever other diaper
Sounds like you need to have a talk with him. If you want to go back to work to have things split evenly that seems reasonable. For us I stay home and it is expected I do majority if not everything when it comes to our child and house work because that is my only job. However we are both okay with this because this is what we planned on for the first year. Once I go back to work we plan to make things more even with house work and baby. If your not happy with how things are then there definitely needs to be a conversation about it.
The newborn stage is the hardest stage mentally in my opinion. You’re not sleeping like you need to
Be and you’re transitioning from just taking care of yourself, to a little human. Stop worrying about house chores. The house can wait. Your sanity cannot. Sleep when baby sleeps and get a baby wrap and do chores while wearing baby. It’s a win win when you do it that way. It seems like you’re resenting the dad because he’s gone during the day, but lack of sleep makes you so much more irritable. It all stems from that. Take care of yourself.
Get those naps in when you can mama! I know it’s easier said than done but that small burst of energy that you’ll get even after a 45 minute nap will do absolute wonders for your mental health and hopefully help you get some more clarity on the situation you’re facing. The baby won’t remember how clean the house was or how much laundry you folded every day. But what that baby will know is if they have a happy mom or not. Just because you stay at home and aren’t working absolutely does NOT mean you aren’t deserving of a break when he gets home from work. He should know that even though he works full time, being a parent of a newborn means a sacrifice on BOTH parents. Sleep being the biggest sacrifice. Not to mention the sacrifice of playing on your phone, etc. Have you voiced your concerns to him and let him know that what he is doing simply isn’t enough for you? You deserve an equal partnership and your babe deserves a parent that is equally as present when he IS home as you are. Regardless of how many hours he works. That’s not a free pass to just tap out especially if it’s at the expense of your mental health and stability. I’m not a fan of ultimatums but it sounds like you are an educated woman. Maybe it’s time to make him consider what life might look like without you in it. It may seem harsh but it sounds to me like you’re feeling pretty alone and isolated already. Things don’t always work out the way you may have dreamed and that’s okay but you have to do what’s right for you and that sweet baby of yours. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this is on you but you are doing an incredible job!
Motherhood at its finest. I haven’t slept in 4 years. I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old.
If he doesn’t help now, what makes you think he will help if you go to work? Grab cat naps when you can.
Uhhh he should be def stepping up hell no is it just ur responsibility. Yah he’s working but it’s not unreseaonable to get up with a child he helped make. I’d tell em to step it up for sure
Fais le garder et retourne au travail
If you want to go back to work. Do it if he makes a fit, tell what the boundaries are going to be.
You work all day long just like he works all day long. After work things should be shared
Maybe start by asking him to do just one thing every nite and see if that will help.
Welcome to motherhood darling, try doing what I did, I fell pregnant when my eldest was 14 months, 9 months of neausa, back pain all the normal pregnancy stuff with a baby that was teething and got colds and had bad dreams as well as a house to run and my partner worked both day and night shifts, and when my middle was 18 months I fell pregnant again now I had to deal with a very hypo 3 yr old, a clingy 18 month old as well as running a house and throwing up ever hour on the hour 24/7 till the day I gave birth. I haven’t had a full night’s sleep since 2013
8 times a night is too many. Talk to your pediatrician. Might be reflux
Just go to interviews get a new job and let him know your start date if you don’t go back to work it’s only going to get worse and he will never help you
Stay at home moms need breaks
I am one and I’m on the brink of mental breakdown sometimes. I love it but 24/7 doing mommy things trying to be jolly for your bubs just wears me out.
My husband stayed awake almost the whole night for weeks when our son was born. It’s not crazy to want help. Hes the father and should do those things.
Welcome to the real world.
I must be the odd one here… yes the first 4 weeks were very hard but I always kept a clean house. Dishes done every night, bottles cleaned and sanitized, laundry and such. I just went back to work and I STILL have a clean house with no help from dad because he works too and I dont complain at all. He works hard. I see it as setting an example for my daughter even tho at 3 months shes got no clue yet lol.
When my daughter was born an upto 2 months old i got 2-3 hours sleep a day and had to look after my school going son… husband worked from 8am to 9 pm so it had to be all me… i am STHM too… but i never once whined or asked him to help me… did it all on my own…
These were the best years of my life.
Tell him about my life. My wife started disappearing after 2nd kid was born until she was completely gone. Now my ex wife. I have been doing both jobs since then. My youngest turns 5 on Friday. He should be grateful to have u n help u out. Btw, enjoy them 4 hrs of sleep. I wish I could do it all on 4hrs. Would give me more time to do it all.
I’ll start by saying that the first couple months feel like an eternity and like you’ll never make it through, but I can tell you, it will pass. I dont remember a lot from that time, as my fiance was similar and worked a lot. For now, don’t bother with a lot of the house chores. If he has a problem, he can do them, or watch baby long enough for you to. Nap while baby does at least once, maybe twice during the day. Typically they wake every couple hours so if it is truly 8 times a night, that’s something to mention to the pediatrician. With my fiance, when I wanted help, I had to be very specific with what I needed. So when he’s home in the evening, be direct, and ask for him to change diapers, move the laundry, whatever. When they’re this little, they don’t have that same connection moms feel. I breastfed, so feeding and nighttime in general was all on me for obvious resons, but since he had to be up for work, I understood. Sometimes when I was dead tired, he would just bring her to me. As for work, I’d wait a little longer until you’ve established a better routine and baby sleeps through the night, if money permits. I went back when my daughter was about 5 months old. Otherwise you may be burning the candle from both ends, going to work all day, just to stay up all night with baby. As far as weekends go, if he’s off, he should try to help more. I’ve had to put my foot down a few times and have a serious talk. Just make sure you know what you need, and can tell him what you’d like from him, or he might not know how he can help. But for sure if working is important to you, by all means, put your foot down and go back to work. He can’t decide that for you, and if you’d be making more than him, I don’t see why making some extra money would be a problem, maybe he should try staying home . For me I enjoy working (as much as you can enjoy work), because it’s kind of a mental break from home life, and it gives me a sense of my own identity again. The resentment will be real for a while, but lack of sleep really makes it feel 10x worse. Good luck mama, I know you can make it through!
That baby should be sleeping better than that. Things probably won’t change with your man . So you the momma!
Dad’s should help he’s a parent… I hate hearing this. for the kids too. My dad took care of us growing up my husband is pretty good while they were younger… He still helps and takes them places he can be a good dad. Your husband sounds like he doesn’t want you do be independent… Sad.
Being realistic- you are not married. You have no legal rights to benefits, 401k etc. he could just decide dad life is not for him one day and leave, and you will he stuck with no income, no insurance, etc. Go back to work and make sure you are secure!
He works, take care of the kid, shit. Hes doing his part by bringing in the money, do yours and take care of the child
Your decision not his …but who is going to look baby while at work is there a nursery near your home
My hubby works 5 days a week from 10 am to 11 pm.
He still helps me at night. At least to go down get a bottle and then I’ll put him back to bed. But it’s the effort he makes considering he does have to wake up early next morning to get ready and drive hour to work.
Ask yours if he’s willing to help on his days off.
He needs to step up and be a dad. If he lays there and lets him cry, wake him up and tell him it’s his turn to take care of his child. You didn’t make that baby by yourself. If you want to work then work. Schedule interviews and line up child care.
My husband works 12 hour days in the mines and still came home, took over baby watching, helped with cooking and cleaning and got up a couple of times on his work nights to do feeds so that I could get a little extra sleep. Number 2 is due soon and it will be the same this time around. Not every family is the same but this is how we choose to function as a family unit and we are happy with the result.
When I went back to work part time, it was SO much easier working than looking after the baby, but my husband never disagreed with this which is why he helped/helps so much.
Go back to work if you like for one. Secondly my opinion your baby keeps waking up because they don’t have a full belly, try cereal at bed time. Next, sit down with your hubby the child was made by both of you not just you. He needs to step up. If he doesn’t understand skip cooking dinner and doing his laundry maybe that will give him the big picture.
When I had my last son . He woke up at night & ate every 3 hrs…until he was 9 months old. So this happens. It’s part of motherhood & since I didn’t work, why shouldn’t I get up ( well by then I convinced my husband he needed to leave so I can think about the marriage. Oh and today is my 43rd yr being divorce ) So I will say, babies wake up & yes many times during the day & night, So I will tell you, yes you are going to be tired, thankfully you don’t work outside the house, so sleep when you can…even during the day
tell him that you want to work again. I think it’s a pride thing with him, he probably knows you’ll be making more then him and he’s probably set in the old ways where he should be the bread winner. Ask him why he doesn’t want you to have a job. And tell it something you really want. and that it’ll make you happy to work again. If he doesn’t care about your happiness, well, he’s self centered. Yea, he supports you money wise, but you can help money wise if he can help with baby at night. yea it’s tiresome to work reverse shifts, and taking turns watching your child, I have two of them while we did it, that was very tiresome. I do know. heck I still get little sleep being a STHM again. but my job, that I actually did like, changed since the old head manager had to leave, and the new head manager couldn’t keep it up like the old manager.
Good luck, and hold your grounds and tell him how your feeling and what you want.
You will probably end up going back to work and still doing everything u do now without his help. Take naps n sleep when baby sleeps or try to go to bed earlier! You may want his help but I can guarantee you would pick staying home and watching your babies grow up then to be away and work 40 hours a week.
Sit him down n talk to him calmly…tell him what you need…
Dont tell him he has to do this or thst…
Hang in there, it gets better.
Put baby in child care 3 x 1/2 days a week NOW and use the time to sleep. Tell your partner that he must get up and do nights on fri and sat nights. It’s not until he does them that he will get any idea how tired you are. Sleep deprivation is awful and dangerous. You cannot make good decisions about anything when you are sleep deprived. It is no longer safe for you to drive or look after a child - sort that sleep debt as a matter of urgency - get your doctor to put you in hospital if you have to if that’s what it takes.
Miranda Mazzapica. I will never forget an argument Dasha and I had one day… I was home all day with the baby (I’m sure you know who that is). He would come home from working all day and I would hand him the baby. He said I would just like to come home one day - just one day and you not hand me the baby the minute I get in the door. Unfortunately- or fortunately those really were the best days of our life. Being a Mom is a Big Big Job. Those without qualifications need not apply. It’s a thankless, tireless, never ending job. Whether she is 2 weeks - 2 months or 31 years old - you never ever stop worrying or pacing the floor or wondering how she is feeling right now. And - I gladly pass her off to her Dad today and he happily takes her. What a journey.
What’s nice is that you know and I know… thanks🤗
Welcome to motherhood
Why does he want you to stay home? Was this discussed and agreed before baby was born? He should be helping you a lot more than it sounds like he does. Sounds a bit controlling if you cannot have some time to yourself. We all need some time to unwind and recoup especially someone on very little broken sleep.
My hubby was the same way… your time will come. Hang in there
What does this have to do with my favorite holiday
I honestly wish i could go back to the days i did it all for baby. Please just enjoy it while you can its a very very short time and before you know it will be gone forever
It should be equal you both help with it all. Its a partnership
I was literally in the exact same situation. I ended up leaving. You need the help. For your sanity. However if he wants you to stay home because it’ll save money then I get it. But if it’s not making a difference, then go to work if you want too.
BS! He should rather stay home with baby if you find a job and earning even more! If baby is bottlefed anyway, he can just as well look after baby every day, do the cooking, cleaning, washing, ect. And it’s a bonus, cause you earn more money!
Leave. Go back to work. Get your boss self back. A baby does not give him the right to dictate you or to not contribute it’s unhealthy and will result in resentment. Babies are hard. It will get better but you still have a choice. A career. I’d leave. Anyone who comes home, drinks, plays video games instead of taking care of his responsibilities (which includes his child) is no grown up in my eyes. End of story
Oh for f’s sake, sleep when the baby sleeps… nice of him to “ let you shower “( LOL ) what’s stopping you from going to work & paying someone else to raise your newborn ? Many mothers would love to be able to stay home & raise their children. Sounds like you weren’t ready to be a mother & maybe should’ve used birth control
Nooooood you KNOW that NOTHING will change. Imagine 30 years from now how he will “help” if YOU are the one needing assistance during and after illness? This “entitlement” is just disgusting. Running a household is just as (if not more) much work as actually going to work somewhere. My advice would be to THINK very hard on this one because YOU and YOUR health are OBVIOUSLY NOT a factor that he prioritizes in HIS mind. Times have changed. Women are NOT the sole caregivers anymore. If he FORCES you to stop working and it was not by MUTUAL agreement… Well, prepare yourself for some more “subtile changes” that will negatively impact YOU
I think it all goes back to stop giving these boyfriends the benefits of a wife, if he’s not making you his wife
When I was on my 6 week leave with my husband and I’s first. I did everything solely because he had to get up and go to work and I didn’t want him tired. That would cause more stress on him and we had already lost my income temporarily. I also, had two children from a prior relationship that had to be up and to school on time in the mornings. Have you tried napping during the day when the baby is sleeping, take cat naps as often as you can during this time. It does get easier, hang in there. The first year is the roughest and it flies by so fast. And try not to be too hard on dad it doesn’t come as naturally to them. Congratulations on the new little one btw.
Find someone or somewhere for your baby to stay that you are comfortable with and go chase your dream. I agree with Alicia Fassnacht Austin, it sounds like a control issue!
Sleep when baby sleeps and forget bout the house. If he doesn’t like let him clean. BUT it will get better!
He needs a reality check and you need a break! If he refuses to step up, hire a sitter so you can get a break.
You must sit down with that lazy Father and talk to him how you feel,he must help you at lease taking care of both baby maybe a while you can rest your body…it can be a couple of hours so you can refresh your motherhood…its important to both share the responsibility.Baby will grow fast…so enjoy him as much you can,he will stop waking up all night soon…good luck
Sleep when the baby sleeps. Catch up on sleep and then decide what is best for you and your baby. Dont include the boyfriend in the equation. The boyfriend will either step up and be a man or bow out like a coward.
Honestly… maybe he doesn’t know how to help? Have him watch or be involved when you do things?
I hate the new born stage… but it’s true one more month and it’ll be over. Mine is almost 3 months and already so different
I asked because I know someone that happen to after the baby was a year old he decided to leave and she didn’t even have a job money nothing and then he tried to take the baby from her cause of the situation he put her in
Also. Earlier this evening my husband said to me “I’m gonna come downstairs and take the trash out after I PUT (TODDLERS NAME) TO SLEEP”
I breastfeed and every night he puts the toddler to bed while I nurse the baby to sleep. There’s no question he just does it. He picks up the living room he washed and we folded clothes together today.
It should be 50/50.If he didn’t want you to go back to work because he doesn’t want a stranger taking care of His newborn.That I could understand but I wouldn’t let anyone keep Me from being able to support Myself.You will regret it and it will put a strain on Your Relationship.Do you want to be dependant upon him for everything.
Are you married? Why is he telling you not to go back to work and you doing exactly what he says? Why he gets husband privilege and not a husband?
Keyword “boyfriend”.
Ma’am you are the mother don’t expect your boyfriend to do a lot of helping.i have 4 kids married and I was fine,it was not easy
I am a father and I work Monday - Friday leave at 7am and get home at 6 pm my son is 4 now and from day 1 of bringing him home I have always took night shift even though he was breast fed for first year I’d get up and change him or get wife something to eat or drink while she fed him. Still get up when he wakes up at night. I feel he should help a lot more