My boyfriend has been getting angry over small things: Advice?

Get away now it will get worse!

If you are see this you should seriously consider ending the relationship.

7 months isn’t very long… everyone seems great the first 6 months… maybe he’s not the guy you think🤷‍♀️

It’s said, that men go through exactly the same hormone/mood cycle in a day , that women experience in a month. I’m unable to research this as I currently refuse to spend all day with my OT at the minute :joy::weary:. Try gaging his temperament by the hour , is he “Hangry, tired, dehydrated, Deficient “? Then once all bases are looked at , may be a clash of personalities and if his behaviour is nolonger attractive then tell him ! He either sorts it out or you don’t get on anymore, cards on the table :woman_shrugging:

Narcissists do this… get out now!


Well you should probably leave him. Do what’s best for your son. Obviously you can’t help him, because he thinks there’s nothing wrong.

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It sounds like his true self is beginning to emerge - this just may be the beginning of your future - is this what you want in life - Do you think you will be happy - not fair to your child to be measurable because of someones attitude you don’t have to cope with - Your child needs love and in a loving environment in this world today -


Walk away, you dont need that immature stuff in your life.

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seriously get out…my sister dated a guy who was manic and has a personality disorder…just please leave…I cant stress it.enough

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Since his brother said he has a problem and you’re afraid to bring it up without him getting mad and blocking you, I think id run now and run fast. Sounds like a mental disorder , bipolar maybe? ( not condemning) He’s not man enough to talk about it, sorry but I would think twice about this relationship.


If he’s not willing to get help than help yourself and leave.


Because u have a child, u need to walk away. This is really bad red sign. U owe it to your child to have a drama free life.


It’s no change
It’s his true colors coming out
He does have a personality disorder and u r not his mommy or dr. To fix him
He has to want to work on himself
U want a immature boy or a man?

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Run, keep your son far away from that shit.

I swear you’re describing how my ex was. It never got better for me, only scarier and became violent. I left, best decision i ever made. His family knew about his bad behavior too. It just took him awhile to start acting that way around me.

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I have been married to a man like this for 25 years. If he doesn’t think he has a problem he won’t change or seek help. Please get out NOW!!! Do Not waste another second on him. I didn’t have the self-esteem to leave my husband and it affected my children and me. I have regretted everyday. I suffer from depression, have no friends, basically no life. Please don’t let this happen to you.


Is he using drugs. Needs to seek out counseling there is something behind it, he must be showing his true colors

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Think about your child and leave now… people like this do not change and this can turn from something small to something large quickly. Safety is everything when you have a child… leave!

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Move on, it won’t be long till he makes your child feel the same way you do. When I left my toxic partner it was painful but later God brought me my husband who respects me. Don’t stay, things will keep getting more miserable.

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I’ll tell ya right now!! Run for your life and don’t look back!!

Yep it usually takes 6 to 8 months for ones TRUE colors to shine through, dump him and start over or we will see you back here in another 6 months with even Bigger problems.

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Perhaps it’s not just him.

If he won’t deal with the issue then you can’t help. He is either on something or needs a medical physc eval. You and son don’t need this and really should leave for your own safety. If he is in your place then he needs to leave your place. It will get worse. Just tell him you need some time to think about the relationship and he needs to find somewhere to go. If you are at his place start packing things up when he isn’t around so not to make waves. Find someplace to store your things until you can find a place. Will become dangerous for you and your son I fear if you don’t.

Re-read your post. Dating and not living together? Makes it easier to cut this relationship off. Do it please!

he could be getting depressed, I suffered wild aggression swings at the smallest of things and let my anxiety ruin the day for me. I’m now on antidepressants and things are much better as of late! I still have to practice mindfulness but overall I am a much better and happier person now


He needs help. And quite frankly don’t put up with the nonsense.

On average, It usually takes 1-2 years for people to get comfortable in a relationship and start showing their true colors. It’s only been 7 months and it’s already unfolding.
My suggestion would be for you to set your standards and tell him that if he values what y’all have, he needs to address it. If he’s not willing to do that, don’t waste any more of your time.


If u talk about pains and events that you had struggles with he may feel safe to open up. Its a long road sounds like he doesn’t even like some of the demons he is hiding from.

Y’all need to understand. People can put up a fake personality at first. But it only last so long. That’s why you see the change. Once they get comfortable they start showing them true selves! If it’s toxic and they refuse to see it and get help. Then get out fast!

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He will always apologize and tells you he loves you and then he will start again and soon it will escalate and the apologies will stop and he will tell you it’s your fault and then you don’t tell anybody because your embarrassed and ashamed and then you make excuses for him get out now a man who does that is not a man


Usually a sign of some form of mental health issue which can be brought on by some form of substance abuse. Get out and get yourself and son safe before it’s too late. Then you can help if you choose but the most I important thing is to remove yourself and child from danger. If his behaviour is escalating don’t think for one second that he won’t harm you, HE WILL!

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The part where he doesn’t think he has a problem and gets upset if you try to talk about it, is the problem. This is what’s known as a “red flag”. Leave now


He needs to feel valued and have some fun.

You have a son???GET OUT OF THIS RELATIONSHIP !!!Life is to short to waste it on these issues…You and your son deserve better… Good luck


His true colors are coming through now! Get out while yr in early stages. Honestly shouldn’t be like this so soon.:persevere:

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GTFO. People don’t show their true colors right away. I promise you it will not get better. Do you want your son to start treating you the way he treats you? It may get a little better for a little while. Tipicaly it is one step forward with improvement and two steps backward. Be very choosy about who you let close to your kids. Your personal relationships will effect your child to his core. I was a single mother of 3. It is best to keep your personal life away from your kids.

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His true colours are showing. He clearly has some huge issues. Break up.

You can’t change or help a man like that

Sounds like he is bipolar.

You need to leave your boyfriend. He’s only going to continue to get worse if he doesn’t get help. You and your son deserve so much better.


Seems like he may have some disorder. If you are unable to talk things out, seriously leave. You don’t want your kid seeing that and thinking it’s acceptable behavior!

Bipolar disorder. It’s very real, and he needs to address it <3


Anger can also be a sign of depression or anxiety. My guess is that something is bothering him but he can’t find a way to talk about it. Perhaps he is feeling shame over an issue that he feels he can’t share. Money problems? Maybe even substance abuse?
Or it could be that he is truly starting to show his true colours or it is a personality disorder? Borderline Personality Disorder, maybe?

It will only escalate! He will not get help if he thinks he is fine. Get out of that mess.


Read up on narcissism and see if any of sounds like him.

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Im having the same issues w my daughter maybe counseling could help

Bipolar people don’t think they have a problem, get out with your child now !!

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They are always on their best behavior in the beginning …run…


Run!!! You have a child - he must come first - Always!!! This man has problems You Do Not need!!!

Steroids? Stopped any meds abruptly? This is a warning sign. If you can’t find an answer to why it’s time to move on before things get worse or you or son is harmed.

You have a child get out.think about if you care about your child.

Run. What you see is what you get.


Don’t stay it always get worse over time.

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Get out not person for you and your son

Hey Christina MerriamChristina I pray for you sweetheart. Please leave before its its to late for you. My friend was in a relationship just like yours, and I’m telling because she is no longer here!

Be very careful whatever you decide to do.

If it doesnt feel right it isn’t, lifes too short

Sounds like there is another woman

Seasonal affective disorder

Walk away and don’t look back

No amount of lonliness is worth this. Kick him over the curb, and dont look back. GET OUT AND GET AWAY.

Run as fast as you can. It will only get worse

Leave while you still can you don’t need him

He has someone on the side he’s thinking of.

Dude. Get out. Before you get pregnant and feel stuck. Your son is your number 1 priority and trust me when I say this… your kid comes first before trying to figure out someone elses brat!

For sure, or find someone else

Don’t walk girl RUN :running_woman: you and your child :pray:

If you are dealing with someone that is in denial about his mental health issues, refuses treatment and does not want to talk about it you are in for a huge battle if you choose to stay. People with mood disorders or personality disorders that refuse help and lack insight into their triggers or condition are very difficult to maintain a romantic relationship with.

It is not uncommon for that anger to turn into violence. His brother knows him a lot longer than you do and if he is telling your boyfriend has been like that for a long time you are not going to change him.

You have a small child that’s not his child. I would move on. My child’s safety is more important than any guy


Cheating/ mental issues ?

Dump him NOW!!! Your responsibility is to protect and make your child safe and happy. I was married to an abuser with 4 kids and didn’t divorce until 42 yrs later. You will be very very sorry if you keep him. Don’t you love yourself and your child more than a man. REALLY??? WHY DOES A WOMAN ALWAYS HAVE TO HAVE A MAN???