My boyfriend has been looking for a place to live behind my back: Advice?

Dump him and move on.


The relationship sounds like it’s over .


I have so many questions…where did he live before you? How long were yall together before he moved in? Either way sounds like he’s checked out bc I’ve never heard of someone playing house and then all of a sudden wants to live separately, usually it’s just the opposite, yall live together for that amount of time and now yall should be talking marriage. If he doesn’t like the location yall should be actively looking for somewhere else TOGETHER…Just let the boy walk out and once you’ve healed find a MAN.


l Get paid over $111 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $13659 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Let him live his life… you live yours. If you love him and he loves you then it will work itself out. Men bloom later…if it makes him a better version of himself that’s a bonus. If you find you can live without him… adiós. I do agree, this is something he should have realized before moving in… but he didn’t and now you both have choices to make. If you truly love him… there aren’t that many kinds of fish in the sea… don’t be fooled by the saying.


He’s using not experiencing living on his own as a way to move out. I’d personally move on because if he’s been living with you all of this time and he was planning on moving without you knowing (which is what it sounds like) then it’s the beginning of the end of the relationship.


Maybe look for a place that has a granny flat or garage thay can be turned into a man cave or a retreat…maybe try and work with him, if he isn’t willing too budge then maybe he needs you to fulfill his and be single


Let him go. You can’t force him to live in an area he hates, that’s just going to breed more resentment. Let him do his thing.


l Get paid over $111 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $13659 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

I have so many questions so it’s hard to give an honest opinion. What’s your age, his age? Age of his child? Was he in a previous living together relationship?

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You deserve someone who is all in. He isn’t. End it.


I get what he’s saying but at the same time you can’t be in a commuted relationship & take a step back without repercussions. You move forward or you don’t-moving backwards isn’t an option especially if he’s gone behind your back to do so. This man is not all in if he wants to be on his own for a while. I’d say give him 30 days & move on with your life.

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Relationships have a higher survival rate if you live separately :woman_shrugging:t3: a lot of men work away, live away. We need to get over the thought that we have to be with our S/O 24/7


Nah that’d be it for me.


Honey he doesn’t want to be with you. Move on without him.


Get your child support for his kid and let him move on. You don’t ever want to force someone to stay with you if they don’t want to.


So he wants to pay his own way and cook his own meals and do his own laundry and have his own quiet space… he wants to be single.


Let him go…
.if its meant to be he will come back.


Honestly I’d prepare for a break up once he’s officially moved. It sounds like he is.


Move on! He doesn’t want to be in a relationship


He wants out. That’s it. Once out I’m sure he’ll need to experience dating, clubbing, sky diving. You’ve spent three years with him. It’s time to decide how many more you’re going to spend waiting. An occasional escape is one thing, moving out is different. He’s moving on.


That’s definitely not moving forward in a relationship. That’s moving backwards.


Yup pack his crap n make sure he takes his child with him…sounds like he was using you as a temporary fix


… he wants to live on his own. Let him. He can do the single life while he’s at it


Yeah move on let him go. This “want to experience living on my own” is a lousy excuse. My thought is how is he going to live on his own with a child? Is he expecting you to keep the kid with you?


I was in a relationship with this guy back-and-forth for nine years the last time we were together I wanted to be in a relationship with him still because I love him I still love him right to this day unfortunately he has passed away since then but anyhow I wanted to be in a relationship with him but I didn’t wanna live with him anymore because he was too controlling about some things mostly because he was an alcoholic and I just couldn’t take his drinking anymore I’m not saying that this is the case with you and your guy all I’m saying is that I wanted my own place but I still wanted to continue the relationship so that could be his reasoning maybe just things aren’t right and as I said we were together off and on for nine years

Tell him off he fucks then you deserve better !! He wants his own place toodle fucking pip serry xx

He feels trapped. I don’t see a way back from this. He’s planning a life without you. I’d follow suit.


boy bye!!! :v: can’t make him stay and can’t make him love you or want to be with you


Sounds like he isn’t planning to live happily ever after with you…. Putting his name on your property would be a very foolish move.

He is trying to leave the relationship so I would give him a day he needs to move out by, leave before you get left and look desperate :woman_shrugging:t2:


He wants happily ever after just not with you. That’s the cold hard truth. Let me go and you love your happily ever after without him


It sounds like he’s using an excuse to bail on you rather than being honest. If he wants to live on his own so badly, calmly pack all his stuff up, give it to him and wish him the best of luck. After 3y of a relationship and him living with you, surely you’d be forging ahead together…not him wanting to I’ve alone and using the excuse of he’s never experienced it.

As someone else mentioned, he’s using you as a stopping gap and nobody should be treated or treat someone like this!


I feel he is giving you an excuse. If he wanted to build a life with you then he wouldn’t be moving out and he wouldn’t of made plans behind your back. After 3 years NOW he wants to live single? :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


In your post you say, “He doesn’t like where I live” then go on to say, “But we have lived here for 3 years no problems”. He doesn’t like the neighborhood, he’s told you he doesn’t like the neighborhood, that’s a problem, but it’s not a problem to you so you’ve dismissed that problem. That leads me to believe that you’ve dismissed other problems that he’s brought up because you aren’t bothered by them. Maybe you’ve done this subconsciously with no idea you’ve even done it. He’s expressed he’s wanted to live by himself; to get the experience and I am guessing you dismissed that too. If he was the one, even after living together for three years, this shouldn’t effect your relationship. You build each other up, you support them. You don’t tie them down and force them to live the life you’ve built in your head. He just wants to experience it, is he not allowed to experience it? You have to understand a couple things about men. Their feelings are important and what they want matters too.


Let him go good luck paying bills food gas if has a car

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Maybe listen to what he is actually saying. He is clearly feeling very overwhelmed by the entire situation. Maybe he needs some space. Maybe he does just want out. If you can’t handle that space and separation, then you need to walk away from the relationship. Personally, I would give him the space…let him move out and continue working on relationship… if in the next 3 months nothing gets better than the relationship is over anyway.


He’s breaking up with you. Nicely


For those saying that moving out on his own is not moving forward but is moving backwards in the relationship…You’re only partially correct. It is a back step in a relationship but sometimes that back step is necessary to reevaluate one’s own self. What do you want and need from life and a relationship in comparison to what your partners are. This “back step” can be a huge push forward in a relationship as long as communication stays strong.


Maybe he isn’t as serious as you? Maybe he wants his own in case it goes bad and he isn’t screwed in the end. Its his choice. If this doesn’t work for you then move on.

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Do not put his name on anything


Help him pack
Open the door
Your dodging a bullet
Gods has better plans let him lead


He wants his own place so he can cheat and/or break up with you


I don’t blame him . Too many kids and too much responsibility.


Nice, on fb… really…
Run mate

I dunno why would want to put his name on your property. That is a BIG mistake. Let him go. Don’t open the door to him again if he comes crawling back. Look for someone better.


now he can pay bills and child suport


Plz walk away n get used to the idea of raising your kids alone, atleadt 4 a while. He’s not committed at all. Sad asf​:sob::sob::sob::sob:


Plz stop getting pregnant!!! It’s too much fir almost any man!


He still won’t be on his own he has 1 child to take with him then he has responsibility of a single dad to deal with. I’d let him try, if he is as good as you say but don’t help yo much he wants to move out he needs to learn what it’s like in the real world


Tell him to go a head an move out so you can move on


Maybe he is tired of struggling and wants to see if he can provide more for his kid on his own? He may not want to be blunt in fear of making you feel like youre his burden because then if he is wrong, he youll be long gone

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Underhanded. Don’t trust him.


Girl let him go. He can pay child support and his own bills living in his own place alone.

He’s looking to leave. Don’t drag it on

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he wants to leave so let him leave - but u will know what to do - like u can than go after from him child support- and besides he sounds like to me he really wasn’t in this realationship for the long haul anyway! so honey just let him go -yes at the beginning it will hurt , but your heart will understand one day soon - as for the kids -slowly tell them what has happened and i am sure they will understand too! your best is honey to just let him go !

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This is a red flag he sounds like to me he’s trying to move on

I would be pissed as well. Sounds like he’s trying to leave, so let him go!!! He probably thinks that the grass is greener on the other side. He’ll see how that’s not the case. Get rid of him and don’t let him come back.